

*Katie cant help but shreak as the boys go running down the hall. Stairing wide eyes at Kyle as he slams into the door frame.*

" I'll go with you as long as you done slam me into any doors please. Not that I would feel it is you did."

*Katie cant help but laugh again her eyes starting to sparkle. Her windows were open and she could feel the breeze. it felt wonderful.*

"As long as I can get out of here I'll go anywhere with you guys."

*Grabing her backpack Katie puts it in her lap and than grabs on to her wheels.*

"I'll race you both."

*Katie pushes past both boy and heads down the hallway ignoring the nurses warnings.*

*As Jamie looks at her watch she relizes she hasent had anything for lunch. Still a bit worryed about Con she decieds to head over to his place now and just come back and work later tonight. Heading out of the TJY Jamie grabs the soup that she had for lunch and the extra cough drops making her way over to comes. As Jamies heads there she isent even thinking about what happend the day befor she is just worryed about Con. In no time at all Jamie makes to to his house and knocks on the door.*

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