
It's open

“Jason, she’s got a head start. Hey, Katie, no fair!” Kyle jogs after her.

Jason shakes his head, rolling his eyes and runs after them, not daring to look at the nurse lest he receive another glare.

Once outside, Kyle takes over, helping Katie into the passenger side of the truck, and putting her wheelchair in the back. “All set!”

Jason swings his leg over his bike and fastens his helmet under his chin. “Good. Lead the way, champ.”

Kyle hops in behind the steering wheel and starts the engine. He throws a grin at Katie. “Hi, by the way.” He looks over his shoulder to back out of the parking space and heads out, making sure Jason is behind them.

On the road, it takes a few minutes to get out of town, then he heads for a back road, taking it for several miles until a small acreage comes into view. It’s a cute little house with a long gravel drive, single barn, and fenced in pastures with tall grass, signaling that no farm animals are present.

“Well, here we are!” Kyle announces. “This is Mike’s place, and…it looks like he’s out back firing up the grill already.”

Mike looks up from lighting the grill in the yard behind the house, and gives a wave. Jennifer is seated in her wheelchair at the picnic table, and Phil is just coming out of the house.

Kyle parks and comes around to Katie’s side, helping her out and back into her chair, while Jason cuts the motor of his cycle.

“Hey, Katie!” Mike hollers at them. “Y’all made it!”

Con furrows his brow, barely awake. Was that a knock at the door? Hearing it again, he knows it. But who would it be? Jason would just let himself in. Nobody else ever came by. The door was unlocked though. Hoping his instincts are correct that it’s a friend and not foe, Con musters up enough strength to call out. “It’s open!” He lifts himself up on an elbow to see into the other room, but sinks back down again as the little motion makes him dizzy. His shirt is soaked with sweat from his rampant fever, and he just hopes that whoever is here doesn’t need anything from him.

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