

Nate stands at the desk his eyes bloodshot from lack of sleep. Seeing everything on the computer and seeing Katie just there moving in and out of cautiousness. What did the Agency want with all of this, why were they doing this.

Turning his head as Jason comes out Phinox stands. He new he didnt get alone with him and he wasnt sure what Jason would do. Holding his hands up Phinox looks to Jason.

"I know you dont trust me and thats fine, but lets find Katie and than after words you can do whatever you want with me."

Watching Jason walk away Phinox couldnt help but feel bad for him. He didnt blame him for hating him or even trusting him for that matter. He was the enamy.

The silence was thick as everyone tention is running high. No one really trusting there company but the silence was short lived. The suddin loud Jetstream music, and Jason's voice comes over Katie's cell phone.

Phinox movies closer to the phone and glances over Carson's shoulder as a figure apears infront of the camra where Katie was.

"Thats Rod the one I talked to on the phone. He's the one running the show."

Looking to Carson, than Nate than back to the computer screen.

Nate gives a jump standing quickly. Moving to look at the camra his anger burns. Picking up the phone and answering it he is silent for a moment taking in a deep breath.

"This is Nate."

The gruff voice comes over the other end calm, cool, but a mercaless edge to it.

"Your the leader of this whole show on trying to find Katie?"

Nate's eyes move from Carson and than the camra again. Something was wrong and he didnt like it.

"Yes, what do you people want?"

The voice booms over the phone the volume turned up so the others could hear to, also as he pushes the speeker button for Jason and Reese being able to hear as well.

"We want Derek Stevenson and Jay Pent."

Nate stiffens at the request. Names he hadnt hurd come up in a while.

"No way, there is no way we could give them both to you."

"Than for every moment that goes by your friend here will get another battle wound. For every moment that you refuse she will pay and you will watch as she withers away to nothing, as she crys out in pain and it will be your fault. Sooner or later eather you break or she dies."

Setting the phone down Rod moves to a table that was to the left. Taking out a small bottle he holds it up for a moment. Picking up the phone again he questions.

"Have you even seen what happens to skin when acid hit it? Or how it smells?"

Setting the phone down again Rod moves over to Katie. Reaching out Rod holds the dropper over Katie.

As the acid hits Katie's skin by her neck and her jawbone it sizzles and smokes.

Katie's screams where loud and sharp showing just how much pain she was in. Moving naturley trying to get away from the pain she was feeling. Tears roll from her eyes and down her face. The salt from her tears hitting the acid eaten spot on her face only making it hurt more.

Looking over his shoulder Rod calls to Gage.

"Come here and hold her head to the side. Don't let her move or this could turn out far worse."

Turning back to Katie Rod drops a few more drops a little higher this time. The acid spread into half dollar size taking on no real shape.

The flesh being eaten away as the blood rolled down Katie neck was a sigh that could make anyone sick to there stomach.

Though it hurt so bad and tears rolled from Katie's eyes no plee was hurd, and no begs came from her lips.

Once finished Rod takes the bottle and puts it back in the drawer ordering Gage to let Katie go.

Picking the phone back up a wicked smile forms on his face.

"That was the first time you denyed what we wanted, for her sake I would rethink the offer."

Nate's anger boiled as his knuckles started to turn white from his fists being clenches. Wanting to say something back Nate dosent have time before the phone is hung up.

Not even skipping a beat Nate picks up the phone and dial's Sapphire's line. His voice was gruff but not with her. He was angry, he was hurting and he just saw someone cuse unbearbale harm to his good friend.

"Sapphire, take Katie's phone number and run a scan of the last call to it. Find out where the number is from satalight location, anything I want it and I want it 5 sec ago."

The pain was so great that finally she couldnt stand it any longer. Lowing her head from the pain her tears continued to come. It hurt so bad she didnt know what to think.

Phinox stomach churned as he watched and listen to what was going on before them. He new they would torcher Katie but he didnt know it was going to be this bad. Something didnt seem right though this wasnt part of the plan he remembered.

"This isnt right, Rod's gone off the deepend. Next time I talk to him I have go to see if I can set up a meeting and get him to stop this."

In need

TJY seemes quiet. The hallways are clear… work is being done at desks and in quiet offices. But tension runs high. They were still on the hunt… Still on the search. Desperation grew. All cases had been put on hold except this one. Time was running out. And the only leads were those no one knew if they could trust. But the day was starting again, desks were filling up, and decisions to move forward had to be made.

Rick heads to the second interrogation room with breakfast for Scott, juggling the small try in one hand, and keys in the other. It didn't feel right coming here to find Scott... of all people to have been put in here...

Not surprised to see Dalton nearby, he gives him a nod, then fiddles with the keys, finding the right one to unlock the door. The light was off. “Scott?” He inches inside before reaching for the light switch. Glancing to the right, the blanket and pillow that had been provided were empty. “Scott?”

He sets the breakfast down on the table, then suddenly spots the young agent in the far corner. Scott was still curled up on his side, motionless. A chill runs down Rick’s spine and he moves closer. “Scott?” he asks again. Not receiving a response, he kneels next to Scott to tilt up his face. “Good land,” he breathes. Scott's blind eye was almost swollen shut an his lip still had a steady stream of blood flowing from it. The bruises were deep. He was curled up tightly, as if trying to protect himself from any more harm. “Scott… can you hear me?”

Scott swallows hard and manages a nod without opening his eyes. He hurt all over.

“What happened? Who did this?”

Scott only shakes his head, unwilling to talk.

Rick stands quickly and goes to the open door. His face was pale. “Dalton? I need you in here on the double. You've got to help me get Scott to the infirmary.”

Carson watches every single move Phinox makes.... his eyes, his breathing, his body language. Carson knew what it was like. He knew how the agency worked and how agents were trained to react in situation like this. He knew the tell-tale signs of an agent who was lying to save their hide... and Phinox didn't have them. But that didn't mean he would trust him completely.

Slowly, Carson withdraws his handgun, putting it back in its holster. Contemplating a moment, he turns to Nate. "I need to get back to my job of watching. You're leading this group though - it's up to you what we're going to let Phinox do."

Just then, Jason comes around the corner. He stops in his tracks, his eyes widening, then immediately turning to a glare. "You." He stalks towards Phinox, ready to take out his anger on the one man he knew was a traitor.

Carson is quicker though, and steps in between, holding Jason to the side. "Let it go, Jase."

"But he..."

"I said, let it go." Carson gives him a look of warning. "He's here for Katie this time. He's going to help us."

Jason continues to glare, now confused. He turns to Phinox with a look that could kill, before responding to Carson. "Who is he really?"

"Spanish secret service just like he said, but he's been in the Agency a few years."

"And you trust him?"

"Do you trust me?"

"That's different."


Jason relaxes enough that Carson doesn't have to hold him, bu he's still not happy. "Katie's life is on the line... and you're going to trust someone from the Agency. Oh that makes a whole lot of sense."

"We're not going to walk into a trap," Carson states flatly. "But what other leads do we have right now?"

Jason is silent. They had none. The last several hours had turned up absoultely nothing. Looking to Nate, he turns to leave. "Tell me what I'm supposed to do, once you figure it out." Spinning on his heel, he stalks back towards his office.


Turning back to the computer again Nate sinks down into the chair once more stairing at the screen and Katie bound to the poll. His heart acked.

"Oh Katie."

Still listing with one ear Nate continues to watch the screen trying to think of some kind of plan. He felt like a fish out of water that was running out of time.

"Because I am one of them Carson. I guess no matter how you look at it, I guess I have turned into one of them no matter how I tryed to tell myself it was only to servive. I betrayed myself, my country, and all the good I once new."

Phinox now new it was true, he new that what he had done was wrong. Though if given the chanse to go back he probley wouldnt change anything he new he had been wrong anyways.

"If you dont even want to trust me again thats fine Carson, but trust me now with this for Katie's sake..."

Going through everything he new about the case he told them about how the Agecny new about Katie and Jason abliltys and thats why they choose them next. It had started with Austraila when they found out, to Jason taking a formula for a cure, and now came to this.

The Agency wanted something out of this though he wasnt sure what it was Katie to had to pay the dear price. And though things would not get anymore easy he would do his best in finding out what he could.

"I don't know where they are keeping her but I do have some ideas. If you can give me a map I can show you. I'll be able to find out where she is as well because the day after tomarrow I am to report to a meeting area where the infomation I have collected. They are going to take me to where they have Katie. You can follow but a bug on me anything and find out where she is."

Phinox new they probley wouldnt go for the idea but its all he could do. He didnt know anymore but he did have alot of helpful information to offer.

"It's all I have guys and though you know think its probley a good idea, its really all we have. You have got to let me go when I need too."


Carson hates listening to the phone call. He hates hearing the other voice. He hates hearing plans to hurt Katie.

As the call ends, he works his jaw muscles, not sure what to do now. The call seemed clean... Phinox seemed to be telling the truth at least on that end of things. But how were they supposed to know that it wasn't all a setup?

"I don't like it, Phinox," he growls. "You've proven you're one of them, and that's about it."

Hearing the question of the next step, he throws Nate a withering look. "It's torture, Nate... use your imagination."

Turning back to Phinox, he releases his hand, but doesn't put his gun back. "Alright. We're not going anywhere until you tell us everything you know about this. You convince us you can actually help, we won't throw you in the holding cell. One wrong move and you get locked up - if you're really on our side and want to help, then you know getting locked up wouldn't do anybody any good."

His eyes narrow to slits. "Where are they holding her?"

While time is quickly passing at one end of TJY, at the other, it couldn't be moving slower. But who would know? Nothing can be heard through soundproof walls. No one can be seen, when movements only seem to be imagined shadows. They come and they go. Fifty-seven minutes is all it takes.

Scott lies in the corner of the interrogation room, curled up tightly on his side. Blood ran from the deep split in his lip, and the bruises on his face were quickly darkening. He moves but winces, his ribcage cracked and so sore. He would call out if he thought it would do any good, but he knew that no one could hear him.

A silent tear drips onto the floor. He lets his eyes fall shut, trying to block the pain... trying to block the anguish.

Phone call

Letting out a sigh and shaking his head Phinox looks to Nate and than Carson again.

"Alright, let me get the number from the phone."

Reaching into his jacket pocket he takes out his phone and flips it open going through the numbers. Finally coming to the one he was marked A number.

Dialing it quickly Phinox waits for what seemed like hours starting to think no one would even answer he finally hears a voice on the other end.


Keeping his voice calm and cool Phinox makes no flaws in acting like anything was wrong. Moving the phone away from his ear so the others could hear the call on the other end.

"Hey Rod hows everything going?"

"Phinox? You know what I wanna hear."

"Agent three-twenty-five, reporting in twenty-one ten hours after infiltration."

"Clearance accepted. Why are you calling from a number we dont know? What are you trying to pull Agent?"

"Come on Rod give me a break you know I wouldnt have called from a number you didnt know without a good reason. Sacurity here is tight and they have officers all over the place, I couldnt exacly get away to call from my own phone so I am using one in the office that I have been working in."

The lies roll off Phinox's toung like it was nothing. He'd done it so many times before it was so easy to do it now without even blinking.

"You know if Steve new about this he wouldnt be happy."

"Steve can kiss where the sun dont shine because if he has a problem I can take this to Mindrige himself and he'll see it my way. He's not in charge of this operation anyways you are."

"Ya whatever, I dont know what you think your tough stuff you better watch it. How is everything there anyways? Everyone squirming in there seats yet?"

"Yeah you should see them. Mindrige sure did know what he was doing when he said to snatch the Katie."

"Yeah well they havnt seen anything yet. Tomarrow will be the next step. I'll call them on the girl's cell early in the morning. That way it will give us the next step in her capture."

For a moment at Rod's words Phinox cringes as a wave of regret and sadness pass in his eyes. He new what would happend next he only had wished they would of waited another day so maybe they would have another day to find Katie.

"Are you sure you want to start it tomarrow? So soon?"

"I got the ok from Mindridge to go tomarrow. They still dont know your Agency do they?"

Looking at Nate and than Carson again Phinox shakes his head though Rod couldnt see him.

"No they have no idea. They are so blinded by whats going on with Katie they cant see whats right under there noise."

"I new we could count on you for this one. Call again tomarrow when you can, from you own phone this time."

Hearing the click on the other end Phinox know Rod had hung up. Looking up at Carson he holds the phone out to him.

"There, for now she is safe from death."

Though Nate wanted to consintrate on Phinox he found it hard continuing to watch the computer screen. Turning back to Phinox again I though goes through his mind.

"What did he mean by the next step in her capture? If they so much as lay an finger on Kaite so help me..."

Phinox looks to Nate the sad look in his eye once more before it was gone. He hated the thought of what would happend, and he hated having to say it. Giving a nod to Carson he reply.

"As him he knows."

Nate looks to Carson with question.

Too afraid

Carson's eyes narrow, the pressure on Phinox's hand not letting up. His eyes glance back to Nate, then towards Reese's office. He really didn't want to involve anyone else right now. He had to keep the upper hand.

Looking back down to Phinox, he shakes his head. He would call his bluff on this one. He knew Katie's life was at stake, but if Phinox really was telling the truth, then forcing his hand might make it clear one way or the other.

"No. You use our phone. If you're really supposed to be feeding them information, then you should be able to come up with some excuse as to why you didn't use your own phone."

Carson reaches down and hits an extension number. "The line is clear of our own traces. Whoever you call should be able to see that. Now dial. Or you won't get a chance to call at all and Katie's death will be on your hands."

Scott just nods lamely and watches Dalton leave the interrogation room. Once alone, it was so quiet again... so still. He looks to the mirror to the side, knowing that beyond that was the other interrogation room, empty. But he stares at himself. Who was he? Was he really a traitor? Dalton didn't seem to think so. But if he wasn't, then why did he have Agency information? He wanted to remember so badly, while at the same time, he was too afraid to.

It's a short while later, that Hal's voice comes over the intercom. "Dalton, please report to garage bay three. Dalton... garage bay three."

Hanging up the phone, Hal goes back to the lower level garage door, still trying to get it unstuck. He'd unlocked it with the keypad numerous times, but he still couldn't get it open. He hadn't wanted to bother too many people - he knew that upstairs everyone was working hard at trying to find Katie. But Rick had suggested getting Dalton's help to try and force the door open if the mechanism had jammed.