
Phone call

Letting out a sigh and shaking his head Phinox looks to Nate and than Carson again.

"Alright, let me get the number from the phone."

Reaching into his jacket pocket he takes out his phone and flips it open going through the numbers. Finally coming to the one he was marked A number.

Dialing it quickly Phinox waits for what seemed like hours starting to think no one would even answer he finally hears a voice on the other end.


Keeping his voice calm and cool Phinox makes no flaws in acting like anything was wrong. Moving the phone away from his ear so the others could hear the call on the other end.

"Hey Rod hows everything going?"

"Phinox? You know what I wanna hear."

"Agent three-twenty-five, reporting in twenty-one ten hours after infiltration."

"Clearance accepted. Why are you calling from a number we dont know? What are you trying to pull Agent?"

"Come on Rod give me a break you know I wouldnt have called from a number you didnt know without a good reason. Sacurity here is tight and they have officers all over the place, I couldnt exacly get away to call from my own phone so I am using one in the office that I have been working in."

The lies roll off Phinox's toung like it was nothing. He'd done it so many times before it was so easy to do it now without even blinking.

"You know if Steve new about this he wouldnt be happy."

"Steve can kiss where the sun dont shine because if he has a problem I can take this to Mindrige himself and he'll see it my way. He's not in charge of this operation anyways you are."

"Ya whatever, I dont know what you think your tough stuff you better watch it. How is everything there anyways? Everyone squirming in there seats yet?"

"Yeah you should see them. Mindrige sure did know what he was doing when he said to snatch the Katie."

"Yeah well they havnt seen anything yet. Tomarrow will be the next step. I'll call them on the girl's cell early in the morning. That way it will give us the next step in her capture."

For a moment at Rod's words Phinox cringes as a wave of regret and sadness pass in his eyes. He new what would happend next he only had wished they would of waited another day so maybe they would have another day to find Katie.

"Are you sure you want to start it tomarrow? So soon?"

"I got the ok from Mindridge to go tomarrow. They still dont know your Agency do they?"

Looking at Nate and than Carson again Phinox shakes his head though Rod couldnt see him.

"No they have no idea. They are so blinded by whats going on with Katie they cant see whats right under there noise."

"I new we could count on you for this one. Call again tomarrow when you can, from you own phone this time."

Hearing the click on the other end Phinox know Rod had hung up. Looking up at Carson he holds the phone out to him.

"There, for now she is safe from death."

Though Nate wanted to consintrate on Phinox he found it hard continuing to watch the computer screen. Turning back to Phinox again I though goes through his mind.

"What did he mean by the next step in her capture? If they so much as lay an finger on Kaite so help me..."

Phinox looks to Nate the sad look in his eye once more before it was gone. He hated the thought of what would happend, and he hated having to say it. Giving a nod to Carson he reply.

"As him he knows."

Nate looks to Carson with question.

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