
Lurking in the shadows

Smiling as she saw Reese enter Angelica straightens. Standing when he comes over to the table she gives him a nice hug. Today she was fashened in something not often seen but when she was home she just felt more comfortable dressing like this. A pear of jeans and a brown hoodie. Putting her arm around Reese she smiles pointing to her grandmother and than her mother.

"Mike this is Mi abuela Anabela and Mi madre Isabela! Abuela, Madre...this is Señor Mike!"

The woman that was introduced as Angelica's grandmother smiles up at Reese her eyes still full of life for such an old age. Though her english was bad she trys her best to speak clearly for Reese.

"Cirtinly is as handsome you described Angelica."

Gently tapping her mother arm Angelic's mom is almost as shock as Angelica is.

"Mamá dont embarass her."

Shaking her head Angelica sits with Reese and the conversations is kept light. Ordering there food storys start to be told through Angelica's mother and grandmother that make her cheeks turn red more than once and though once a while Angelica has to translate something to Reese the time is well enjoyed and when it is finally over all as sad to part.

....Giving a shake of her head Katie looks at Jen about to say something but it pulled into Jason's lap with a shill laugh.

"Yeah I bet you are huh?"

The day had been long and this moment, this time had been well intisapated. Katie was happy to be out of work and with the bands. Thought she didnt know Cryptic very well she had enjoyed them already and new they were good people.

I like Cryptic so far they seem pretty nice J. I am happy I get to shair this time with you.

Wrapping her arms around Jason's neck she squeezes just a little bit tighter. To anyone looking they would just think it was a hug out of no where. But to the one who could hear her new it was something more. Slowly slidding over his lap Katie stands and streches.

"Alright well I better let you eat and I am gonna go sacure everything making sure all it ready and good."

Dont want any monsters lurking in the shadows only on stage.

Katie tease as she walks away.

Hearing the voice Jess continues to follow them as she makes her way through the back. She wasnt sure if this was the right way but she figured its where all the cars were so she might as well. Being a bit on edge in a place she didnt know she takes note to the saroundings and where the exits are. It just made her feel more comfortable.

Getting to a solid steel door Jess cracks it open and peeks inside. Seeing some people she new she steps in a little farther figureing the was the right place.

Catching Rocky's eye and than Axel's Jess gives a wave as she walks over.

"I guess this is the right place. I wasnt sure what door to come in so I just came through the back is that ok?"

Exiting TJY and hitting the cold air Misty takes in a deep breath. Though it was starting to get colder out she didnt mind that much. She liked the cooler weather more anyways. Looking around Misty spots Scott and gives a smile as she see the camra in his hand. It was nice to seem him outside and doing something. Slowly Misty walks over to him and speaks in a soft voice.

"Hey You. I am headin out now. I left some left over pizza in the frige if you want any and Dalton is going to be sticking around for a while still if you need anything. Other than that you have my cell number and can feel free to call me anytime on."

Giving a smile Misty gives Scott's arm a gentil pat as she turns and heads to her car.


Reese finally finds a parking space outside the small cafe and makes quick work of exiting to head to the door. He was late. He hated being late for anything. But he'd gotten lost on the way over here, been turned completely around twice, and stopped for directions half an hour ago.

Getting inside, his gaze sweeps the tables, looking for the one face he knew. It wasn't hard. He spotted Angelica in the corner near the window, and immediately he knew who she'd brought with her. It would be nice to meet her mother and grandmother.

Approaching slowly, he feels just a tad bit awkward, but covers it up well. Today his dress was a contrast to the night before, simply a pair of jeans and a casual shirt untucked. Arriving at the table, he offers Angelica a smile. "Good morning, Angelica."

He looks between her mother and grandmother, a glint in his eye that hadn't been there for years... a charm that most of the world never saw. "And... these must be your sisters?"

Scott jumps a little as Misty enters the infirmary, having been in his own little world. At her question, he just shrugs. He didn't know how he was. He was tired and nauseas. It didn't bring much reason for enthusiasm.

Watching with a bit of confusion, he doesn't get what Misty is doing until she finally explains. And as she does, a faint smile quirks the corner of Scott's mouth.

"Thanks, Misty. That... that means a lot." He gives a little nod. Maybe he was miserable, but he recognized the efforts of those around him to make him feel better. It didn't necessarily help his spirits all that much, but it didn't matter... he still appreciated the thoughts.

Once Misty is back to work, Scott reaches over to the small table to grab the camera Katie had brought for him this morning. His hand also picks up the pair of glasses Rick had found. He hadn't known why one of his old pairs had been in the supply cabinet, but it wasn't worth questioning. At least now his good eye would be under less strain. Not to mention, he wanted to see what he was doing when fooling with the camera.

Jason gives a little grin as he picks up a stress ball to squeeze.

More than one reason to call in to work one day.

His emotions convey the teasing he felt.

Maybe I'll have to call in too. A ride to the lake sounds awfully good.

Tossing his ball aside, he sighs and swivels his chair back around to stare at his computer screen.

I'm looking forward to tonight too. Figure on getting out of here a bit early and heading to Mike's to pack up. You can be lucky and get a full day in here then meet us at the community building if you want.

Seeing an email that would put him to work a few hours, Jason decides it's best probably to quit talking, even if no one could hear it.

More later, Hero. The tyrant has me under his thumb.

The day moves on, following the pattern of the sun. Clouds passed by, keeping a shadow overlaying the ground, but high above, the sun revealed the passing of time.

"Mike, throw me that box."

"Jen, you got that tote?"

"Where's my extra picks?"

"Where is Kyle?!" Phil straightens from the enclosed bed of his pickup. "It's three o'clock and I haven't seen hide nor hair of him since early this morning!"

Jen looks up at her brother gently. "He'll be here. When was the last time he let us down, hmm?"

As if in answer, Phil's cell phone rings. "Yeah, hello? Rocky... yeah, okay... thanks." He flips his phone shut again. "Kyle just left Rocky's." He sighs. "He'll be here in a few minutes."

Jason leans against his own truck, waiting and watching.

Ready to meet us, Hero? It's a little tense over here. Probably best you're not here, unless you wanted to get in the middle of a squabble. Kyle's on his way though, so we'll be at the building on time.

"Jen, you got what you need?"

Jen looks back at Mike. "Yeah. I don't need much since we're sharing systems with Cryptic. Axel said he'd help me get everything set."


Fifteen minutes later, Kyle's truck pulls into the driveway. He hops out, throwing his arms in the air. "Yo, wassup?! What's taking y'all so long??"

"Us?!" Jen smirks at him. "We were about ready to leave without you."

"Would have if we hadn't needed your truck," Phil complains.

Kyle throws him an enthusiastic thumbs up and sprints to the porch, spinning inside with a flourish.

Jen giggles and shakes her head. "Hurry up, Kyle!" she shouts. "I feel the love running out, out here."

Kyle reappears with a box of cords, throwing himself against the side of the house with a dramatic moan. "Oh, there is no love remaining for a wandering soul such as I."

Phil rolls his eyes. "Alright, Shakespeare. Come on."

Kyle grins and skips down the steps. "Forgiveness is sweet."

Jason shakes his head and laughs. "You dipped into the sugar barrel or what?"

"No!" Kyle gets into his truck and pulls out a bottle of Mountain Dew. "But it's my closest friend!"

"Uh-huh." Jen grins. "You're gonna be bouncing off the stage."

"Just keeping the crowd on their toes..."

"...Yeehaw!" Kyle's energy pulsates through the large room where the stage was.

"Kyle, my man!" Joel greets him with enthusiasm. A high-five swings them into setting up.

With everyone from JetStream and Cryptic, it made for a small crowd, but the atmosphere was light and fun. Behind the closed doors at one end of the room, the charity fair was taking place, with people who had already been there all day.

Rocky is just bent over opening a box, and when he straightens, Axel is next to him. Jumping, Rocky almost smacks him. "Axel! How many times have I told you not to do that to me! Where did you come from?!"

Axel gives him a wry grin. "A deaf man coulda heard me coming. What's your problem?"

Rocky's eyes narrow and he hands Axel an armful of equipment. "Here. Make yourself useful."

Within ten minutes, the two bands are working together to set things up so it would be an easy switch later on. With all the instruments and Cryptic's larger sound system, it would look to some like it was going to be a huge show. Rocky and Kyle work out the positioning of their keyboards, Phil and Taylor's bass guitars wind up in completely different spots, and Mike and Joel end up agreeing that it would be better to just share a set of drums, while Jason and Max try out each other's guitars for the fun of it. Axel works quietly at the sound table, showing Jen how things were set up, but because of the technical differences, Jen doesn't mind agreeing to simply sit on the side, letting Axel run most of the sound for the evening. He didn't mind, and would simply take direction from Jen on some of JetStream's songs, then perform the routine for Cryptic. It was agreed that in between shows, JetStream would simply take their own instruments or other equipment off the stage, leaving Cryptic already set to go for the rest of the evening.

It was going to be an odd night, but a fun one. Everyone getting along and being friends helped immensely, creating a crazy but often funny atmosphere.

"Help me, help me!" Kyle's shrieks got the desired attention as he is being 'choked' by an extension cord.

"The wires have taken over again!" Max shouts. "Quick! Somebody get the duct tape!" Getting beaned in the head with a roll, he whirls around to smirk at Taylor, who was standing near the sound table. "A better aim would be nice." The laughter continues amongst the group.

"Phil, is that what you're wearing?" Jen hollers.



Kyle stops his antics for a moment. "I got my green tee in the truck."

"Good. Jase?" Jen looks to Jason up on stage.

Jason turns from just setting his acoustic guitar on its stand. "Yeah?"

"You bring a pair of fitted jeans?"

Jason looks down at his comfy carpenter jeans. "No baggy allowed tonight, huh?"

Jen gives him a knowing look. "You know what I like to see you in."

"Yeah, yeah... tight denim. What is it with you women?"

Jen giggles. "Hey, if I'm gonna be the mother of you guys, I'm at least allowed to tell you what looks best on stage."

"You saying I don't know how to dress myself?"


Jason laughs. "Don't worry. I got a change of clothes out in the truck."

"Good. And while I'm being your mother, have you had anything to eat today?"

Jason thinks for a moment. "Um..."

"If you have to think about it, the answer is no." Jen leans down to a small cooler.

Jason has to move fast to catch both the wrapped turkey sandwich and the juice box.

Jen turns her attention to Katie. "Make sure that guy of yours eats, will you? We don't need him collapsing on stage."

Jason flops into a folding chair, reaching out to grab Katie around the waist and pull her down onto his knee as he unwrapps his sandwich with the other hand. "I'm just making sure that you make sure I eat," he explains, giving her a teasing bounce.

Axel works quietly by himself, plugging in cords and testing the equipment at the sound table. Though staying in his own little world most of the time, every once in a while, he'd throw in his own remarks or teases to the others, usually when no one thought he was listening.

"Everything set?" Taylor leans over the chair beside him, her face getting close to him as she takes a peek at the sound board.

Axel gives her a sidelong glance that serves as a warning.

"Sorry, sorry!" She straightens up and moves around the table. "Your zone, I know. Anything I can do?"

"Nope. I think we're good." Axel's gaze roams once again to the doors in the back. He didn't know when Jess was planning on showing up, but he wanted to be sure that she didn't have to pay to get in. Hopefully she'd enter from the back where everyone's trucks were parked.

Scott leans back against the outside of the building, a chilly wind brushing over his bare arms. He didn't care though. It was a feeling he'd gone too long without. The wind held a bitterness. But it was as bitterness that that fed freedom. His camera clicks.

TJY had been quiet today, and late afternoon, Scott had finally gotten up enough nerve and enough energy to venture outside. He didn't like being alone, and wished Domino were here at least, but... as long as he stuck close, it wasn't as bad as he'd thought it would be. Every little sound made him jump and want to run back inside, but he tried to stay distracted with his intent instead.

He looks up, and his camera clicks again. It had been nice to see Angel today. Though not particularly liking it that she had to see him like this, seeing a familiar face from Texas had been a nice surprise. Rick had brought her into the infirmary, and all that Scott could gather was that she was here to see Misty, though he wasn't sure exactly for what. Now that the concert would be soon, Misty would probably be leaving. Scott did want to listen to the concert at least, so he knew he would be going back inside in just a couple minutes. He'd been tempted to stop in and see of Dalton needed any help today, but hadn't felt quite up to it. No... taking a few pictures was all he'd to today.

¡Brille cuando su digno de él!

As nothing is else is said about what Misty had said she just sits back with Carson as the movies is played once again. Was he thinking about what she said or was it going to go ignored she wasn't sure. But something told her this would not be the last time this conversation would be brought up and for now she should just enjoy the peace she had.

Snuggling into the couch with Carson Misty leans her head on his chest. Time...was something that waited for no one. Even moment much be enjoyed while it could be.

Quietly Marge sits with David as she keeps her eyes focused on the table. She wanted to say more but what could she say. Was this her open changes maybe to get to know him better but where would she start. Knowing her own place Marge says nothing letting the silence rule grabbing a glance every once and a while at David.

As Reese took Angelica in his arms for she could feel her walls wanting to form but for the first time they wernt as thick as other times. Placing her hand in Reese shoulder and the other stays wrapped in the warmth of his fingers.

Dancing slowly the smile on Angelica's face grows. She felt content, happy. This, was worth waiting for. As the music continues to play Angelica finally rests her head on Reese's shoulder as she becomes absorbed in the moment.

Opening her eyes slowly Angel stairs into the dark and for a moment she has to try and remember where she is. Sitting up in the bed she trys to let her eyes adjust to the dark lighting. Straining she looks around the room. Everything felt differnt this was not home. Trying her best to remember finally it comes to her she was in Nevada. Pulling the covers back on the bed she flips the light on and looks at her watch. It was now 11pm. She had wanted to go over to TJY but now it was to laught.

Letting a sigh escape her lips she stands and makes her way over to the small table where she had papers lined up. Taking a pen she jots down on a peace a paper about how tired she had been along with becoming more disorened. Along with many other symptons she had been having as of late. What was wrong with her? Why could she not figure it out. Normaly she wouldnt be worryed but the symptons had been growing worse rapedly.

Folding her hand Angel says a silent prayer.

God please let me find out whats wrong. I know I am in your hands but right now I am not ready. You have a time and reason for everything but please let me be able to find out whats wrong. I've got so much to look forward to right now. Luke, my grandchild...I beg that it is in your will for me to get better and if not than I pray you help me find peace and give me the strangth to tell my family.

Opening the small laptop Angel had braught with her she barrowed from Rosetta she starts to search for a few differnt things. Tomarrow she would go to TJY like she had planed today.

Night goes on and for some the night was welcomed today as the happyness lingered and for other the night was cursed as it was a reminder that something was wrong as they sat alone. But alone by there own doing. But no matter the mood morning was finally calling with arms that said a new day started and would hold a new wonder.

Pouring a cup of coffee for herself Angelica sits in the kitchen waiting for her mother and grandmother to finish getting ready before they headed to breakfest. A smile was still on her face from the night before as she sips her coffee and reads the paper. How happy she was and felt. Today Reese would get to meet her family and that was somthing that made her excited in itself. She almost felt like a kid again.

"You are shining like an Ángel you know that Mi Angélica."

A small woman smiles as she enters the kitchen. She looked to be about 75 if not older. Her hair was a soft white done up in a bun on the top of her head. A few soft wrinkles showed the age on the woman's face.

Looking up from the paper quick Angelica had been lost in her own world. Smiling at her grandmother. Standing her moves over to her and gives her a soft kiss on the cheek and a hug.

"Abuela nothing pass your eyes does it?"

"Ahh...these eyes have seen mucho but to see my nieta shine like this not even the blindest of men could miss it."

"She is right you know Angelica you are shinning brighter today."

Turning Angelica gives a smile to her mother as she enters the room. Turning from her grandmother Angelica walks over and gives her mother a hug. Standing next to her one could tell they were mother and daughter. Angelica just looks a bit younger.

"¡Brille cuando su digno de él! Shine when its worth it is was I was always told."

Smiling her mother hands Angelica and her grandmother there jackets.

"As long as your happy mi hija than shine like there is ningún mañana."

Gathering up the last of there things the three ladys head out of the house and make there way to the restront. The car is filled with chatter as Angelica tells her mother and grandmother about Reese and everything that they do back in Nevada. The car is filled with laughter and joy as the three ladys make it to there destination.

Sitting at her desk Katie shifts just a little bit feeling Jason's emotions building and the bit of discomfort it braught from him blacking them. Though she new why he was doing it, it still felt strange like always.

I'm hanging, I'm hanging. I think when you do letting it all out I am gonna have to call off I know that for sure.

Katie lets out a short emotions that resembled a laugh.

Just hope Austin wont put up a big stink about it. On a happyer note though I cant wait for the consert tonight. Nothing is better than watching you guys play and protecting you all than getting to listen and protect Cryptic as well.

Things had been going pretty smooth since Katie had been back. Though the tention had been high in the whole office and it just wasnt the same with without Reese, but Katie did her best to hold her head high dispight everything. The small things braught her comfort now and tonights consert was one of them. She loved playing the roll as bodyguard.

Entering the infermary Misty holds a small item under her arm. A small smile on her face. Looking around the room Misty's eyes fall on Scott who had taken his place once again on the small bed. She had hurd earlyer this morning from Rick that most likly Scott would not be going to the Jetstream consert. She also new he did like hearing them and it killed her to think he would miss it. Wracking her brain all morning had caused her to be late but it was well worth it even if she got in trouble. Slowly making her way over to the bed Misty gives a wave to Scott.

"Hey Scott. How are you this morning?"

Giving him a moment to reply Misty just cant help but keep her own excitment in and longer. Placing the item on the counter a raido is revealed. Pluging it in Misty turns it on for a moment and to a certin station before turning it off and looking at Scott once again to explain.

"I figured you might not be up to going to the consert so I though Maybe I could bring the consert to you through the raido so you can still listen. I found out what station they were going to brawdcast it on and now all you have to do it turn it on."

Having the cab drop her off outside of TJY Angel pays for her ride and walks twords the buildings door. Pausing for a moment she hesatates to go inside. She wanted to see her friend she had made again and she'd like to see Austin again but for some reson Angel felt a bit scaired at the same time too not to metion she had a killed headack this morning.

Feeling silly and knowing she was Angel gives a shake of her head and reachs out for the door. Heaving a heavy sigh she opens the door and enters. Going down the long hallway and coming to the elevator Angel takes it down to the bottom floor where she remembered Katie explaining once where everything went on.

Steping out of the elevator Angel scans the floor looking for anyone she new. From this point on she wasnt sure where to go or where anything was.