
Lurking in the shadows

Smiling as she saw Reese enter Angelica straightens. Standing when he comes over to the table she gives him a nice hug. Today she was fashened in something not often seen but when she was home she just felt more comfortable dressing like this. A pear of jeans and a brown hoodie. Putting her arm around Reese she smiles pointing to her grandmother and than her mother.

"Mike this is Mi abuela Anabela and Mi madre Isabela! Abuela, Madre...this is Señor Mike!"

The woman that was introduced as Angelica's grandmother smiles up at Reese her eyes still full of life for such an old age. Though her english was bad she trys her best to speak clearly for Reese.

"Cirtinly is as handsome you described Angelica."

Gently tapping her mother arm Angelic's mom is almost as shock as Angelica is.

"Mamá dont embarass her."

Shaking her head Angelica sits with Reese and the conversations is kept light. Ordering there food storys start to be told through Angelica's mother and grandmother that make her cheeks turn red more than once and though once a while Angelica has to translate something to Reese the time is well enjoyed and when it is finally over all as sad to part.

....Giving a shake of her head Katie looks at Jen about to say something but it pulled into Jason's lap with a shill laugh.

"Yeah I bet you are huh?"

The day had been long and this moment, this time had been well intisapated. Katie was happy to be out of work and with the bands. Thought she didnt know Cryptic very well she had enjoyed them already and new they were good people.

I like Cryptic so far they seem pretty nice J. I am happy I get to shair this time with you.

Wrapping her arms around Jason's neck she squeezes just a little bit tighter. To anyone looking they would just think it was a hug out of no where. But to the one who could hear her new it was something more. Slowly slidding over his lap Katie stands and streches.

"Alright well I better let you eat and I am gonna go sacure everything making sure all it ready and good."

Dont want any monsters lurking in the shadows only on stage.

Katie tease as she walks away.

Hearing the voice Jess continues to follow them as she makes her way through the back. She wasnt sure if this was the right way but she figured its where all the cars were so she might as well. Being a bit on edge in a place she didnt know she takes note to the saroundings and where the exits are. It just made her feel more comfortable.

Getting to a solid steel door Jess cracks it open and peeks inside. Seeing some people she new she steps in a little farther figureing the was the right place.

Catching Rocky's eye and than Axel's Jess gives a wave as she walks over.

"I guess this is the right place. I wasnt sure what door to come in so I just came through the back is that ok?"

Exiting TJY and hitting the cold air Misty takes in a deep breath. Though it was starting to get colder out she didnt mind that much. She liked the cooler weather more anyways. Looking around Misty spots Scott and gives a smile as she see the camra in his hand. It was nice to seem him outside and doing something. Slowly Misty walks over to him and speaks in a soft voice.

"Hey You. I am headin out now. I left some left over pizza in the frige if you want any and Dalton is going to be sticking around for a while still if you need anything. Other than that you have my cell number and can feel free to call me anytime on."

Giving a smile Misty gives Scott's arm a gentil pat as she turns and heads to her car.

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