

Rocky hesitates just a moment, then relents and takes off his jacket, hanging it up. Ambling to the living room, he looks around at some of Jess' things, getting to know her personality through her decor.

Hearing Jess' offer of something to drink, he hollers back to her. "Um... just water. I've had enough caffeine to keep me up for three nights."

Wandering to the shelf of movies as directed, he runs his fingers along the titles, looking for something to watch, and trying to get an idea of what Jess' tastes are. Landing on a comedy, he pulls it out, a grin forming. "After this harry evening, I think we could use a good laugh," he comments wryly.

While Jess is still in the kitchen, Rocky takes the initiative to figure out the DVD player and pop in the disc. Moving back, he eases down at one end of the couch, looking around for the remote and finally finding it. Picking it up, he looks at the buttons for a moment, figuring out how to get everything running.

His ears perk up to the sound of Jess moving around in the kitchen. "Okay... there's nothing like the sound of a rustling bag of chips," he comments loudly. "How'd you know I have a weakness for things salty and crunchy?"

A grin spreads on his lips as he waits for her to join him.

Austin watches Angel as she speaks, a strange tension evident on his face. He wasn't upset with her... not even close. He could never be upset with her.

At her mention of him not being in contact with her, his eyes finally drop, guilt creeping up on him again. She had been his friend for a long time... a whole world of events had passed between them. It was hard to believe how much they'd lived through. And yet, he'd pulled away... again.

Standing up, Austin paces for a moment, seeming unsettled. Turning around at Angel's coughing, a look of genuine worry crosses his face until she's quieted down again. Folding his arms across his chest, he looks down at her, taking deep breath and letting it out slowly.

"Well, I don't know what you've heard," he finally responds quietly. "But I'm doing my best. I know feelings have been hurt, and toes have gotten stepped on. But sometimes that's the only way to do things, and to run a place like the Elite efficiently. Maybe no one else sees where I'm coming from - but they're gonna have to trust me. As for seeing what I do..."

He gives a little shrug. "I took over for Carter. I keep things going here. Not a whole lot to see."

Phil steps into the dark apartment, hearing music coming from the living room. After tossing his keys on the table, he enters, finding the stereo going, and Kyle sacked out, face down on the couch. Sighing, he goes to him, sitting on an empty cushion. "Kyle?" Not getting a response, he picks up the stereo remote to turn it off. "Kyle?" He gives his brothers leg a light whack. "Come on. I want to talk to you."

Kyle had known as soon as Phil had walked in the door, but had hoped that he wouldn't have to talk to him. It was inevitable though.

Pushing himself up, he swings his legs over and sits up a bit wearily, his eyes remaining down. "What?"

Phil takes a moment. "Look... I'm sorry I reacted the way I did earlier. I don't want to let this go - us being at odds."

Kyle shrugs lamely. "It was all my fault. I shouldn't have kept the whole thing a secret. I just... I didn't want anybody's feelings to get hurt, or make a big deal out of the whole thing." He gives a short, dry laugh. "Though I did all of that anyway."

Phil grins a little. "I guess I can see your reasoning... now that I've thought it through. We were all just... surprised. Proud though."

Kyle turns to look at his brother for a moment. "And Jason?"

"He... had a bad spell. Mike had to take him and Katie to see Rick. Last I heard they were okay though."

"It was my fault."

"No it wasn't." Phil looks at him sternly. "I want to know more, Kyle. I didn't know you could sing like that, and I feel bad if you thought all this time you had to hide that talent. But for now... I just want to call a truce. We'll talk things through and if you don't want anything to change, so be it. If we do change things, then maybe it's time JetStream did something different, I don't know. And we'll talk to Jason too. I'm sure he'll be fine."

Kyle manages half a smile. "Sorry about all this."

"Me too. But... now it's time to move on, alright? I don't like fighting."

"Neither do I."

"You did sound good." Phil smiles. "Logan will be jealous."

Kyle chuckles. "Maybe."

For no one...

Entering her apartment the warmth his her and she smiles. It was nice knowing she had a home to come to and now have to worry if it was going to be infact warmer here than outside. Taking her jacket off Jess hangs it on the coat rack the way by the door and slips her shoes off.

It was strange to fell so comfortable with having Rocky in the house. The last guys she was even remotly comfortable having in her house was Carson but something about Rocky was just differnt.

Turning to Rocky before she heads into the kitchen she smiles and gives a nod.

"You can hang your jacket up there if you want, and the living room is right through there. You can make yourself comfortable."

Heading into the kitchen she pulls a bag of chips out of the cupboard and than goes to the fridge. Glancing in it her eyes scan over the few items there along with a few bottles of beer. Knowing better than to even offer one to Rocky Jess just skips over that option. Calling into the other room she inquires.

"I have Pepsi, Mountain Dew, water and I wouldnt trust the milk. Also the movies are to the left of you if you would like to pick one out."

Sitting down on the couch Angel makes herself comfortable. This had been the first time she had been in Austin's house. Looking around the room at the differnt things he had collected over the years she holds a smile on her face till her eyes come back to Austin.

"Ah, Luke is probley missing me something tarrable right now, but he's a good guy. I am sure if he could of he would of come too. Though I have to addmit a nice change in scene is nice."

Feeling the suddin awkwardness Angel find it odd for a moment. She had never felt this before and it makes her wonder. Austin and her had been best of friends for ages and after all this time one would think there would be no awkwardness.

At Austin's comment about this being more than a social call it hits a cord with Angel and her smile drops for a moment. A suddin twinge hit her. Austin almost seemed upset and she had to addmit it hurt a little to think that.

"I am a scout for no one Austin and I have to say I am a bit hurt to think that you would think that. After all this time I would think you new me better than that."

As fast as the smile went Angel puts it back on though it seemed a little harder now.

"I came to see how my long time friend was doing. I was worryed because after everything I was hearing it didnt seem like the man I once new. I just wanted to make sure you were ok. Not to mention once you left Texas again you failed to keep in touch and that made me worryed as well."

In all truth she was worryed. Angel didnt mean to be nosey, or pry but she was worryed about Austin and as his friend she wanted to make sure he was ok. Things like this had happend before and if it was happening again where The Agency was getting themselfs under peoples nail Angel wanted to know and help all she could.

Going into a coughing fit Angel is silent for a moment, the echos of coughing was the only thing hurt. Finally finished it almost hurt to talk but she pushed on anyways.

"Besides you always got to see what I did for work. I wanted to see what you did now too."

Not sure

Axel gives Jess a little grin at the mention of the rainbow, then bids her goodnight, along with Rocky. Watching them leave, he keeps an eye out until both vehicles are gone.

Carson pauses with his broom to quirk an eyebrow. "Rainbow?"

Axel shakes his head with a bit of humor. "Long story." He glances around the restaurant. "I know you said you could handle this on your own, but... let me help?"

Carson thinks for a moment and finally nods. "Alright. You can go in the back room and see if you can find some plastic and duct tape. We gotta get this window covered up."

Rocky follows Jess outside and chuckles at her mention of not driving too fast. Getting into his own car, he's more than ready to keep up, and follows her to her apartment.

Not turning the engine off, he's ready to pull away from the parking lot, but he stops as Jess approaches. Rolling the window down and receiving her request, he just looks her in the eye for several minutes. His own gaze has a gentle strength about it... strong with courage, yet mild and caring. He knew her intentions were pure.

"Sure," he finally agrees quietly. "There's no need for me to rush on home."

Shutting off the engine, he pulls out his keys and exits his car to follow Jess into her apartment. Entering behind her, he lets her turn on the lights, just scanning the room to take in the surroundings as he closes the door lightly.

Putting his keys in his jacket pocket, he wanders forward a little, not sure if Jess really intended for him to settle in for a while or just wait until she felt comfortable on her own again.