

Slowly moving around the room when Ryder returned Thirteen was saying in everything she saw in the room. Some of the stuff she understood and new what it was, some she just guess, and other stuff she had no idea what it was for.

Hearing the door again Thirteen looks up a bit nervous at first her expression changes when she see Ryder. Though her eyes where still a tiny bit dull.

Slowly walking twords Ryder as he tells her to follow Thirteen cant help the sigh of releaf she lets out when hearing she wouldnt have to talk to Reese anymore.

"Just you and me."

She just repeats what Ryder said liking the ring it had. She wasnt sure why but on the inside it made her smile just a little.

Stopping outside the bathroom and taking the items from Ryder she just looks down at the for a moment.

Something in her eyes seem to light, very small but it was there non the less. A small spark, a twinkle like someone had just gave her a million dollars. Thirteen couldnt remember when the last time she had new clothing, even if they were hand me downs.

Giving a nod Thirteen slips into the bathroom and closes the door behind her.

The water goes on, and than after almost an hour the water once again goes off. Than a few more moments go by and finally the door opens again.

The shirt hug losly around Thirteen but it still seemed to fit in the right place and the jeans provided where long but seemed to hug the right spots non the less. The sent of the soap and shampoo bellow out of the bathroom as Thirteen steps out as her hair hung wetly around her face and shoulders looking more red than when it was dry or maybe it was just because the dust and dirt were no longer presente.

There was something new about her now, through the dirt, and grime was a woman.

Sseeing Ryder as she left the room, for the first time, she gave him a small smile her voice soft.

"Thank you."

Thirteen was still scaired, she was unsure, and felt clueless, but her shower had felt so good, and Ryders kindness help give her a little hope.

Mama, take this badge off of me
I don't need it anymore.
It's gettin' dark, too dark to see
I feel I'm knockin' on heaven's door.

Looking into Katie's room Nate slowly enters seeing Jason's sleeping form by Katie. He didnt want to wake him, but he wanted to give a silent prayer for his friend and just let her know he was there.

Knock, knock, knockin' on heaven's door
Knock, knock, knockin' on heaven's door
Knock, knock, knockin' on heaven's door
Knock, knock, knockin' on heaven's door

Moving over to the other side of the bed Nate moves quietly. Taking Katie's hand him his own. There was so much on his mind and his heart hurt for more than one reason.

He was told once before sometimes even if a person was in a coman they could still hear, and maybe even talking to Katie while she was a sleep would help her.

Mama, put my guns in the ground
I can't shoot them anymore.
That long black cloud is comin' down
I feel like I'm knockin' on heaven's door.

"Oh Katie, dont stay away to long. Laura needs you, and I need you to look out for her now. I love her so much Katie it hurts but I just dont know what else to do. It's so hard sometimes ya know, and the office just isnt the same. We miss you, come back to us huh?"

Knock, knock, knockin' on heaven's door
Knock, knock, knockin' on heaven's door
Knock, knock, knockin' on heaven's door
Knock, knock, knockin' on heaven's door

Exiting the hospetil Nate jingles his keys in his hand as he whipes the remaining tears from his eyes. Things were so messed up right now. There was so much pain, would there ever be a moment of peace for thoese who deserved it, even though who didnt see it. Would he ever have peace or was it always going to be like this for himself?

Looking up from her paper work as she walked past Reese office Angelica couldnt help but peek in saprised to still see him in the office.

Stoping and taking a few steps back she gives a small tap on the door giving him a small smile as she entered.

"You looked so deep in thought I hated to bother you, but you also looked like you could use a break from your own thoughts."

Sitting down in one of the chairs in front of Reese desk Angelice leans forward onto the front of the desk and throws Reese a smile.

Many people would think there relationship was strange or not even a relationship at all with what little time they spent with eachother outside of work. How ever for Reese and Angelica it seemed to work quite well.

"I was thinking Mike, maybe some popcorn and a movie would be a nice break for us both."

A bit of love

Though her voice was quiet, there was a braveness there. Ryder saw it and only wished things were different. He knew what it was like in the Agency... but even he had had high clearance, along with his brother. Being treated like a dog... that was something else altogether, and it was so very wrong. He didn't want Thirteen to just be carted off to jail like some of the others had been. She didn't deserve that. But how could they prove she was innocent?

Ryder gives her a crooked smile and brushes her cheek with his hand. "You just do the best you can, okay? Sit tight for a minute, I'll be right back." He knew he kept doing that, but he didn't want her in on the conversation he was going for.

Exiting the infirmary, he almost runs into Reese. But instead of talking her, he nods down the hall a ways. Once a fair earshot away from the infirmary, he stops and turns to his boss. "Look, I know you're just trying to protect what you got, but give me a chance with the girl, will ya?"

Reese crosses his arms, the rebuke flashing in his eyes. "We have a system here, Ryder. You've been part of the Elite for a while now, but you were far away and on your own most of the time. Around here, I can pull rank whenever I want, and under no circumstances are you allowed to just barge into something I'm doing, especially an interrogation!"

"What were you gonna do?" Ryder lashes out. "Let her bleed to death?"

"Her wounds weren't fatal and she did it to herself." Reese shakes his head. "I might have been able to use you to get to her but you had to come in and save the day, didn't you? Now she'll trust me even less."

"She doesn't trust anybody."

"Except you. Why?"

"I don't know." Ryder shrugs, just as bewildered. "Maybe because I care."

"I care too."

"And you show it by interrogating her? You can't deal with her that way. It has to be slow."

"So why are you qualified for psychology all of a sudden?"

Ryder rolls his eyes. "I didn't say I was. But look at her... she's not pretending. She's hurt and scared. All she needs is a bit of love."

"Love?" Reese's eyebrows shoot up. "This is not a dating service, Ryder! This is-"

"I didn't mean it that way, and you know it!" Ryder throws up his arms. "If my hunch is right, Thirteen has never been shown any kind of love at all. If we want to show her we're different, we're gonna have to prove it."

Reese sits back for a moment, just thinking. He hated to admit that Ryder had just struck a chord. Perhaps Ryder was not an active Christian, but he certainly had just reminded Reese of what being a Christian was all about. His temper begins to cool. "Okay."

"Okay, what?"

"Okay, we'll do things differently. I'll let her be your project." Reese purses his lips, thinking. "I'll give you a few weeks with her, maximum. If we get nothing, or it's proven that this has all been an act, she gets turned over to the police. Now... where is she going to stay?"

"She's already grown accustomed to the spare room if we can just keep using it."

"Will you lock the door?"

"I didn't want to."

"Then you'll have to spend your nights here, too."

Ryder quirks an eyebrow. He starts to argue, but then thinks of it again. He thinks of Laura. Maybe it would be better if he stayed here anyway.

Reese continues. "I'm making you completely responsible for her, Ryder. She makes trouble, or gets into trouble, then it's your neck that's on the line. Do you understand this?"

"Yes." Ryder nods. He knew this was a bit risk, but he couldn't just feed Thirteen to the wolves. Somehow in that van on their way back from getting Katie, something had happened. He and Thirteen had connected, and he couldn't just forget about that now. She needed help. And if he was it, so be it.

"Fine. I expect you to report to me every day." Before the discussion can continue, Reese spins on his heel and walks the other way, heading back to his office.

Ryder lets out a long sigh. Well... this is what he wanted, right? Thinking a moment, he heads for the main floor, passing by the infirmary. If this was the way it was going to be, then he had one more thing to do first.

It's fifteen minutes before he finally shows back up in the infirmary again. He'd trusted Thirteen would still be there, and she was, right where he'd left her. He wondered if he told her to stand on one foot, holding a glass of water for an hour, if she'd do it just because he'd told her to.

He offers her a warm smile and cocks his head for her to follow her. "Come on. You're not going to have to talk to Reese anymore. Just me, okay? But first..."

He leads the way a couple doors down to the women's bathroom, and holds out to her what he'd had in his arms. Susanne had helped him out with this one. There was a clean set of clothes that might be just a little big for Thirteen, but they would do. Undergarments, a t-shirt, jeans and even socks. On top of the clothes was some soap and some women's shampoo and conditioner. Susanne had even found a comb and a toothbrush with paste.

"Here. You can use the shower... there's clean towels in there, and take your time. There's no hurry."

Jason jumps as his phone vibrates in his pocket. Lifting his head from beside Katie, he lets go of her hand and leans back in the chair, fishing for his phone. He answers it sleepily. "Yeah?"

"Jason? It's Wyatt."

"Oh... hi. What's up?"

Wyatt could tell he'd woken his friend and he felt badly, but Jason had said he could be on call if needed. "First, how's things there?"


Wyatt didn't need to ask more. He knew Jason was already getting tired of saying that, even after one day. "Okay. Well, listen, we got Trooper over here at the office and-"

Jason groans. "I forgot he was there. I thought I had him at home. My neighbor usually feeds him when I'm gone."

"It's okay. He's here and he's being taken care of by Ryder mostly."

"If he's trouble, take him to my place and throw him in the backyard."

"No, actually he's wanted here. The girl we brought back... she's pretty messed up. I guess Dad gave Ryder the go-ahead to work with her. Ryder doesn't want to lock her up, so he's planning on having Trooper keep an eye on her. I guess Trooper already got bored once and took up babysitting on his own, but Ryder wants to know if there's anything else he should do."

"Oh." Jason tries to clear his mind. "Um. He should be fine. Couple years ago I had him out and we wound up with an innocent bystander alongside the team. Trooper kept an eye on them and kept them out of the crossfire 'til we were safe."

"Yeah, I remember that. Does he have a command for that?"

"Just have Ryder tell him to 'watch.' I think he listens to Ryder okay, doesn't he?"

"He doesn't listen to anybody but you," Wyatt scoffs. "But Ryder seems to be able to talk to him alright, so I'll tell him. Anything else?"

"I don't think so. You say the girl's messed up?"

"Yeah, real scared. Doesn't know much. Pretty lost at the moment."

Jason nods. "I bet Trooper senses that, especially if he already took her on once. If he doesn't have anything to do, he goes looking for something and he must have found her. He doesn't like it when I'm not around to put him to work."

"So we've all noticed." Wyatt chuckles wryly. He was just glad Trooper wouldn't have to go home with him this time. "Okay, well that's all I wanted. I'll tell Ryder."

Hanging up, Wyatt sighs. One task down, one more to go. At least his mind was keeping busy instead of worrying about Katie. Though he did want to make sure he got off at a decent time tonight... he and Aerith had plans for dinner.

After telling Ryder what Jason had said, Wyatt grabs his keys and heads out.

Another picture is removed from the wall. Another is placed in a box. Smiles and fun times are wrapped in plastic, placed carefully on top of one another. A tear rolls down Laura's face, but she ignores it. She takes down another photo from the wall in the living room that had been covered in pictures for years.

"What are you doing?"

Laura's head whips around. She'd heard the front door, but had thought it was Ryder. Seeing Wyatt was a surprise. "Taking down pictures," she answers numbly. "What are you doing here?"

"Cardboard." Wyatt holds up a piece. "Ryder's spending the night at TJY so he wanted to make sure the windows over here got covered for the night."

"Oh." Laura turns back to her work. She'd wanted to apologize to Ryder for accidentally leading him on, but looked like it would have to wait.

Wyatt stands by awkwardly for a moment. He'd heard through the grapevine about the little spat earlier in the day, but wasn't sure if he should say anything or not. He opts to just get to work on the windows, but Laura's strange actions cause him to stop. "Why... are you taking the pictures down?"

"Because." Laura runs her fingers over a photo of her and Con and Jason. "All these... they're all over. None of it exists anymore."

Wyatt wanders closer. "I don't get it."

Laura sighs as she rubs her thumb across Jason's smile. "It's an old life, Wyatt... maybe it's one I spend too much time living in." Turning around, she adds another picture to the box. Pausing, she looks up at Wyatt, her eyes red and tired. "How can I be so blind?"

"Um... about what?"

"Oh, never mind."

"No, it's okay." Wyatt sets aside thoughts of the windows for now. "What are you talking about?"

"Like you haven't heard."

"Oh." Wyatt shrugs. "Well... "

"It was my fault." Laura takes down another photo, looking at the picnic scene. Another tear escapes. "Ryder was just so nice and sweet and... I didn't mean anything... but I guess... I guess he liked me and I didn't see it and then I made Nate mad and now..." She takes a deep breath, feeling silly for venting to Wyatt. She places the photo in her box. "Sorry. Don't mind me."

Wyatt feels a bit lame, not knowing what he could say. "I guess if it will make you feel any better, I don't think Ryder was head over heels for you. I mean... who doesn't like you? I bet even though he knew you were Nate's, he just couldn't help being a little too nice to ya, know what I mean?"

Laura can't help a soft chuckle at Wyatt's honesty. "I just hope I didn't hurt his feelings."

"Nah." Wyatt waves her off, trying to make her feel better. "I'm sure it didn't feel great, but it wasn't like you broke his heart or anything." At least that seemed to be the case, according to his observations of Ryder's behavior during the day. He figured Ryder was the type to just forget it and move on.

"Yeah..." Laura takes a hammer to pull a nail out of the wall. Maybe Ryder was okay... but Nate wasn't.

Wyatt stands for a moment, then turns back towards the front of the house. "I'll cover your windows and leave you at it."

"Mm-hmm." Laura stares at her half-full box. She wonders if she is the only one who is miserable. Was Nate as unhappy as she was? Was he at home, upset like she was, or had this been the break he'd been looking for, and was finally feeling free of her?

Gage sits on the floor, curled up tightly in the corner, his arms wrapped around his knees. He’d been shaking for the last four hours straight, and his body aches. His was drenched in sweat and cold. He felt as though he would either throw up or pass out, which wouldn’t be too bad… at least if he was unconscious, he wouldn’t be aware of what his body was going through. One shot… one shot would cure him… just one shot. His mind wouldn’t focus on anything else.

Alec paced his cell. He was more than stir crazy and it was getting worse. His cell seemed to be closing in on him. All he wanted was out. He’d heard bits and pieces about the case with Katie, so he knew everybody had been busy and distracted, but he was being ignored and he didn’t like it. Hal still fed him, but that was the extent of his outside contact. Not having a clock was driving him doubly crazy.

Reese sits in his office, pouring over paperwork until he has to take a break. Leaning back in his chair, he taps his pencil on his desk, too stressed to go home yet. Gage. Alec. Thirteen. What were they supposed to do with people like them? Scott. Jamie. Katie. Why did their agents continue to be picked off and tortured? And what was to become of them? It felt like they needed something more… something was missing. Reese felt like the Elite was lacking… but what was it?


Letting Ryder clean her up Thirteen winces every now and than. It hurt her wrists so bad and she wanted to pull away but she new that Ryder was just trying to help.

Listening to Ryder talk about how the people from her home hurt those here Thirteen did know that was true. She didnt know these peoples names, or who they really where but she had over hurd others talking and new it was all to true. Thirteen didnt want to see anyone else hurt, least of all those who had helped her.

Quiet for a long moment one might think she didnt hear Ryder's question or just didnt want to answer. She keeps her head down as she watches him wrap her wrists. But finally in a small voice she reply.

"I...I can try to answer your questions but I dont know much."

Looking up at Ryder she trys to give a small smile. She wanted to help what she could since her friend had been kind to her. Though she didnt know how much help she would be with her fear holding her back and her lack of knowlage, but she would try.


Ryder found it hard to believe that Reese would threaten her like that, but maybe he'd just used it as a tactic. Deep down, Ryder knew that Reese was just doing his job.... that Ryder wouldn't do any differently if he was in his shoes. The Elite needed to be protected, and an Agency threat was very dangerous, no matter how naive the agent might seem to be.

Filling a small basin with warm water he adds some disinfectant. Then he returns to the table and makes Thirteen sit sideways. Taking her hands gently, he places them in the water, several inches deep to cover her wrists. The blood makes the water murky, and Ryder knew that it probably stung. He keeps his hands on hers though, ensuring they stayed in the water. His fingers run over the cuts softly, cleaning them.

He didn't say much. He was trying to figure out what would happen next. He felt so badly for Thirteen... he knew that she couldn't be treated like this... it would only make things worse.

Taking her hands out of the water, he wraps a towel around them and takes the basin away, returning with some more disinfectant and some bandages. "Okay... here we go."

Ryder takes one wrist at a time, wiping it dry, applying the disinfectant, then wrapping it like a pro. Within a few minutes, the task is done.

He stands in front of thirteen and folds his arms, sighing deeply. "He didn't mean for you to get hurt." Though he was upset with Reese, it would do no good to turn Thirteen against him any more than she already was. "He's just trying to protect the people here. See... where you come from.... they hurt the people here. And Reese doesn't want that to happen. So he wants to get all the information he can to make sure no one here gets hurt."

Ryder knew that Thirteen would understand. Though she was confused and sheltered, she was not stupid in the least. Ryder saw a spark in the depths of her eyes, and something inside of him wanted to find the key to unlock that fire. Something told him that if she were just allowed to learn in a warm and friendly atmosphere, that she'd take off like a rocket and in no time would be caught up to other people.

He shakes his head a little. What was he thinking? Another sigh surfaces. He reaches out and tucks a strand of hair behind her ear so he could see her face better. "There's a lot of questions that need answer, Thirteen. If I ask them, will you try to answer them?"

No one realized that Reese was standing outside the the door, around the corner where he couldn't be seen. He hadn't meant to harm the girl at all. And he was still very upset with Ryder for interfering. But if he could get Thirteen to talk, then he couldn't complain about that aspect, even if he didn't approve of the methods.


Feeling her friends arms around her Thirteen sinks into him feeling the safty of his braud fram around her and his arms keeping anyone at bay. Staying sheltered in Ryder's arms Thirteen follows him contently and calm though her wrists now hurt.

Entering the next room Thirteen looks around keeping as alert as she can. Sitting down quietly she now there was nothing to fear now. Giving a nod to the question of helping her with the cuts Thirteen just watches him.

Sitting quiet finally in a small soft voice she talks. "I was scaired and he kept asking questions and I didnt know the answers."

Thirteen looks down at her wrists and than back to Ryder."I just wanted to go back to the room where it was safe. But he wouldnt left me. When he grabbed me I got even more scaired because thats what they did to me at home. I was always traded off and I never new what would happen to me next. I ...was just scared."

The tears started to pool in Thirteens eyes again remembering everything and how made that man was saying he had her friends. "He also said he had two of my friends. I was scaired he was going to hurt you and the dog. I am sorry I got you into trouble.


Ryder can’t help the lurch in his stomach, seeing Thirteen’s desperation.

Reese tries to interfere her movements, but he’s not quite fast enough. Ryder steps forward to cover the rest of the distance between himself and Thirteen. Reaching out to her, he pulls her close, wrapping his strong arms around her, and pressing her head to his chest. He glares at Reese.

Reese throws up his arms in disgust. Any leverage he had with Thirteen was now gone. She had what she wanted. He didn’t want her to be hurt, but at least he’d tried to use it to their advantage, but Ryder had to show up and mess around. “Ryder, when you-“

“Save it,” Ryder snaps. “I told you she couldn’t be handled like the others.”

“I don’t care! She’s still Agency and we still have rules around here. Now she either stays and talks or-”

“She’s getting help,” Ryder retorts. He turns, keeping a sheltering arm around Thirteen, while his other hand reaches down to press her wrists together in order to put pressure on at least parts of her wounds.

Reese slams his hand down on the table. “You take her out of here, Ryder and you’ll have me to contend with.”

“I already do.” Ignoring Reese, Ryder walks out the door and into the hall, keeping Thirteen tucked into his side. Others pass in the hall and throw him strange looks, but he ignores them, and heads to the infirmary.

Kicking open the door, he finds both Rick and Misty gone. Going to the table, he lets Thirteen go and coaxes her to sit down. “Come on,” he directs quietly. “It’s okay now. Can I help you with those cuts?”

Please help me

As Reese continues to talk Thirteen stays silent. Keeping her eyes downs the tears still shine in her eyes but her face becomes hard to Reese. As the cuffs are taken off Thirteen brings to her hands into her lap. The blood still running from them staining her clothing.

Seeing the blood makes Thirteen start to tremble as the fear of the blood goes through her. Hearing the knock at the door make her jump as she looks up so many memories run through her again, but as the door opens and she see Ryder her eyes fill with tears again.

Standing from the table once more Thirteen takes a few steps towords him but sways from the loss of blood that was now on her clothing.

In a weak voice she reaches out to Ryder she just wanted her friend. "Please help me.." The fear is clean in her eyes as she wobbles a little.