
off and away

*As Wyatt makes his way to leave Katie stops him.* "Hey Wy. I'd....." *Katie thinks for a moment wondering if it was even apropret to ask.* "I was wondering if tomarrow morning I could still go to church with you? I'd like it if I could." *Kaite trys to smile her best. After Wyatt leave Katies heart is heavy. Knowing Jason wasent in the room to keep her safe made it hard to sleep. Katie dident like hospetals. Everything that had happend with Wyatt lingered in Katie mind too. Maybe writing an email would help. Grabing her laptop she opens it up and writes.*

Dear Jason,
I know you havent been gone long but it feels like ages. I couldent sleep tonight just being in the hospetal alone is really geting to me. So I though I would drop ya a line and see how you were. Guess what I got to meet Jetstream. They came here looking for you. They are a funny bunch of guys. You should of heard them. It was great. Oh ya Kyle came back with his sister Jen to cuz he saw my pic and wanted me to draw more. Also his sister is in a wheelchair and she was talking to me about how she walked 10 steps the other day. It was really nice to hear someone alse who is in the same boat talk. Tomarrow the guys and Jen want me to go to the lake with them. I'm gonna go it will be nice to get out. Oh ya...Kyle thinks you work for the FBI if only he new how close to the truth he was. Well other than the bank nothing alse happy has happend. Wyatt broke up with my today. Now I know you and your gonna think it was your fault but it wasent. He just thought it was best. So I have been trying to deal with that. He wants to stay friends though.Well I better get going J. Talk to ya soon I hope!

Your Best Friend,
Katie P.

*Shuting off her laptop Katie turns on the tv and finally falls asleep.*

*By the time the guys show up, Katie is refreshed and ready for a nice day out. As they enter and play around Katie cant help but laugh in delight. The sun on a rainy day thats what they were. Throwing a wink at Kyle Katie looks at his brother and smiles.* "He can call me anything as long as its nice." *As Katie makes her way to the door she looks back giving a small sad sigh she just now noticed her Rose Jason had given her is dieing. She hoped he would be back soon with another. Trying to shake the sad feeling out of her mind katie decieds today she was going to try not to worry about that stuff. Not Jason, Not Wyatt. It was her day to be happy, and even though her heart was hurt and heavy, it wasent going to stop her from having fun.* "Ok Ok lets get this show on the road." *Katie throws alittle albow at Kyle as she spin her finger in the air and points out the door.* "OFF AND AWAY!"


“What’s wrong?” Jen looks over to her brother’s unusually pensive expression.

“Aw, nothing.” Kyle watches traffic as he drives.

“I know you too well for that answer,” Jen reminds.

Kyle grins. “Touché. Guess I was just thinking about Katie.”

“Oh?” Jen raises a suspicious eyebrow.

Kyle chuckles, unwilling to banter with that one. “Naw, something happened this afternoon between visits.”

“What do you mean?”

“I know know…but she was different.”

Jen furrows her brow. “You sure your perception isn’t off?”

Kyle replays the look in Katie’s eye. She’d been crying. Something had upset her. Not that being in a hospital was easy, but it had been something specific. “I’m sure.” He shrugs. “Not that it’s any of my business though.”

Jen reaches over to pat his arm. Her brother’s sensitivity could be a blessing or a curse. “Well, she seems really nice. I think we might just have made a new friend.”

Jason picks at his supper, barely eating. His mom smiles at him from across the table, and he returns the expression, though he doesn’t feel like it. He looks around the room at all the other people. It felt just like it had the day after Katie had left for TJY months ago. Empty. Only this time he’d been the one to create that emptiness.

While everyone else is still eating, Jason excuses himself. The evening is cool and quiet, and he takes his time ambling past the bunk houses and down the familiar path to the hideout. He was missing Katie something awful. He felt miserable when replaying Wyatt’s words to him to back off…he had told him to back off from his best friend…not much could have been harder.

Jason reaches the small cabin and lets himself in, sinking down on a cot. Had he really done anything to make Wyatt so worried? Maybe Jason hadn’t been so smart with some of his decisions. He was just so comfortable with Katie that maybe he’d let better judgment slip, whether anything had really happened or not.

He sighs, and shakes his head at himself, easing back to lie down. Maybe he really did feel something more than friendship for Katie…but perhaps Austin was right…maybe he simply needed to learn more control. If he let it go too far, he could ruin what he and Katie already had, and he knew he didn’t want to do that. And besides…was he really ready for a relationship anyway? A doubt lingered. He barely had himself figured out…how could he commit to more than friendship? He enjoyed what he and Katie shared… Austin’s words come back to him. Why change it? With so much going on, and with so much he was still trying to straighten out about himself…was it right to allow deeper feelings to take over?

Jason rolls over and sinks his head into a pillow. Yes…he had to admit to himself…he loved Katie. She meant more to him than any friend ever had. But…why complicate things? Now was not the time for a deeper relationship – of that, he was growing more certain. Maybe it would never be right for him and Katie. Perhaps the love they shared was meant to be a strengthening bond for their friendship, and not a romantic element. Yes…Jason thought he could live with that perspective. He should probably take Austin’s advice and be more careful about some situations in order to maintain appropriateness…but he could do that. He wouldn’t have to pull away from Katie just to be more careful. After all, being more careful was in turn showing more respect for their friendship, not harming it. And if he could settle on this perspective, how long could that friendship last? Surely it would remain strong.

These thoughts began to settle Jason’s spirit. He was closer to an answer…he was one step closer to coming to a conclusion he could comfortably understand and live with. But one problem remained… he’d been told to back off.

The pain lingered. He couldn’t go back now…not when Wyatt didn’t want him around. Not when there was that tension. If Jason went back, he would just be throwing Katie back into the middle. Even if Jason embraced the decision to be good friends and only friends, Wyatt would still consider him in the way, and a threat. Jason couldn’t do that to Katie…he’d left for her…he’d left in an attempt to stop that awful tension and suffering. As much as he desperately wanted to go back and be close to his friend again, how could he, when he knew it would make things more difficult for her?

No…as hard as it was…he’d made the right choice. Katie would be happy with Wyatt, and the two of them would be happier without Jason in the mix. And if him staying away was what could help make that happen, then that’s what he would do.

Wyatt comes to Katie’s room that night, bearing supper, along with popcorn for later, and a movie. Settling himself down in a chair next to Katie’s bed, he makes a strong effort to make her relax and laugh, trying his hardest to disperse any tension. He is glad, in a way, to hear about the band, happy that maybe Katie will be able to get out and do other things…the two of them might have lost something, but his true desire was for her to be happy.

It’s close to midnight, when the movie is finally over, and Wyatt bids Katie goodnight. He tells her that tomorrow night he’ll be back, to hear about her day, and to tell her about church.

“Make way for the lady’s escort!”

“Kyle, keep it down.”


“You’ll get us thrown out!”

“Never!” Kyle swaggers down the hospital hall in front of Phil and Mike, one hand behind his back. He sees the nurse at her station, staring over her glasses at him with annoyance. He smiles from ear to ear, and approaches her desk without much subtlety. “Hey, good looking!”

The nurse rolls her eyes. “If you’re here to chat, go away. If you need something, state it plainly.”

“Actually, it’s neither.” Kyle produces a small bouquet of flowers from behind his back.

“And…” The nurse frowns. “You expect me to deliver these for you?”

“I’m the one delivering them.” Kyle holds them out to her. “For putting up with one of the most obnoxious visitors, I owe you thanks.”

The nurse is so taken aback that she can only accept the flowers lamely, her cheeks growing red.

Kyle winks at her. He starts to say something more, when Mike grabs his shirt sleeve. “Come on, smooth talker, before you embarrass yourself.”

Kyle stumbles backwards as he’s pulled, and spins around to give a little jump, wrapping an arm around Mike’s neck in a light choke hold. “I got him, I got him!” He uses his foot to open Katie’s door, dragging Mike in with him. “Quick, take a picture! I’ve captured the abominable…” He’s cut off as Mike squirms loose to reverse the scenario, pinning Kyle’s arms behind his back. He’s barely held him for a second when Kyle gives. “Alright, alright, alright!” He smirks at his friend. “Show off.”

Mike grins and leans an elbow casually on Kyle’s shoulder to look at Katie. “Good afternoon, sunshine.”

“Her name’s Kate.”

“Katie,” Phil emphasizes.

Kyle’s love to annoy his brother prevents him from admitting he hadn’t really forgotten. “Ain’t he a genius?”

Phil rolls his eyes, giving Kyle’s arm a slap.

“Ah!” Kyle grimaces. “Easy on the hit, dude.” He looks down at Katie. “So…you ready to go to the lake or what? Jen's out in the truck waiting on us.”

And you thought

*Katie cant help but laugh as Kyle takes her hand pleading.* "Ok so maybe I wont call her...but thats my blackmail now." *Katie grabs a peace of paper and a pen joting down the stuff she will need and hands the paper to Kyle along with her phone number. Before Kyle can even say anything Katie laughs.* "YES I gave you my number. So if you want to go on a date you can call me." *Katie cant help but burst out laught finally catching her breath.* "I'm just joking...its so if you have any questions you can call me." *Katie looks to Jen mischife playing in her eyes.*"And you though he would scair me away huh?" *Smiling Katie nods.* "One-thirty sounds good. I'll make sure I am ready." *After Kyle and Jen leave Katie calls in a nurse to help her out of bed and into her wheelchair. After geting ready and looking halfway presentable Katie turns on the tv and waits for Wyatt to show up.*

Please don't!

Kyle's eyes widen as Katie mentions the nurse. "No!" He slides to his knees beside her bed, grabbing her hand to dramatically plead with her. "Please don't call the nurse! I promise I'll behave!"

Mortified, Jen reaches down to slap his shoulder. "Kyle, get up off the floor, you nerd, before you embarrass yourself."

He turns his head to her. "I got over being embarrassed a long time ago." He hops back up off the floor, enthusiastic about the picture. "Great! Tell me what you need and I can bring it tomorrow - no need to rush it. And...we got church in the morning, so what say we swing by here about...one o'clock?"

"Make it one-thirty," Jen intervenes. "You're giving that lesson to Taylor, remember?"

"Oh yeah." Kyle gives Jen a teasing hug from the side, looking at Katie. "This is my walking day planner. Isn't she cute?" He laughs. "Okay. One-thirty. Be prepared for an afternoon of fun fun fun!" He grins at her description of Wes and Clint. "Wow...there really are other crazy people out here." He looks up, throwing his hands in he air. "I'm not alone! I knew it!"

"Calm yourself," Jen chides. "You're gonna get that nurse in here all on your own if you keep it up."

Kyle slaps a hand over his mouth in horror, but his eyes laugh as he looks at Katie. Forcing himself to be serious, he gives a little wave. "Alright, so we'll see you tomorrow then.


*KAtie keeps her smile held. Jen was Kyle's twin. Now that she looked closer she could see the resembalance. They were so funny. Going back and forth bickering. But seeing the twinkles showed they loved and respected eachother.* "Its very nice to meet you." *As Katie listens to Jen's story about what happend to her a bit of comfort comes over her. It was horrable what happend to Jen but it was nice to hear someone alses story who could relate to her own. Though Jen was so much differnt from her brother they were still the same. Katie hoped they would both show up more and could become friends. Something she despritly needed more of. Now that Jason was only it only left maybe a handful of people. Jason, how she missed Jason. He hadent been gone for love but he was the bright spot to her day. As she thinks, her bring trys to tell her Jason left for a good reson and he would be back. How Katie wanted to believe that but she was scaired that he wouldent return. Trying to pushing that feeling away Katie sighs. "ok Jason. I'm trying to understand." She thinks. Zoning back in Katie remembers there are other peple in the room with her. Her cheeks turns a soft red.* "Sorry about that I got lost in thought for a moment." *As Katie listens to Jen and Kyle bicker ove her pic she cant help but giggle. How funny they sounded.* "Ok guys no cat fight in my room or I will be forced to call the nurse." *Katie quirks a grin.* "And about the pic one I dont need to be payed but if you bring me the items I need I can redo it and have it done by tomarrow when you pick me up." *Kaite smiles.* "So in other words, yes I will come tomarrow. I think it sounds like fun and I always like to help. I have a knack for helping those in need I guess you could say." *Katie looks to Jen and smiles.* "Dont worry I dont get scaired to easly. Back in Texas at my Aunts ranch alot crazyer things happen. You should see Wes he's a mess, and Clint, he likes to fight chairs. Ya see...its pritty crazy." *For the first time since Katie came to Navada she feels alittle bit home sick.*


Jason watches BJ run back to his friends, and watches him for several more minutes. He sighs deeply and leans his head back against the barn wall, with no gumption to get up. Reaching into his back pocket, he pulls out his wallet and runs his fingers along the words on the back. "Friendship is what binds us." It was the truth...Jason had been stupid multiple times, but somehow Katie had stuck with him, their friendship seeing them through. He needed her...and recently he'd seen that she'd needed him too. They were close...they had an unexplainable bond. Was that just the way it was supposed to be?
Jason thinks back over his conversation with Austin. Why change anything now? Why worry about the future? Jason knew he had feelings for Katie somewhere...but was it the right time to let them out? He closes his eyes for a moment, purposely letting his emotions run completely wild. Please understand why I left, Katie...I'll be back when I figure things out...I promise...

Kyle throws Katie a smirk. "Hey now, I can remember things when I want. It's just more fun not to sometimes." He grins. "You're right about that nurse though...but I think she'll end up giving herself a nervous breakdown as much of a sourpuss she is."

"Kyle!" Jen chides.

"What?" Kyle gives the look of innocence. "Just pointing out the obvious."

He lifts a silly eyebrow at Katie's reference to her appearance. "Well, if it makes you feel any better, you look like pretty crap."

"Kyle!" Jen puts a hand over her eyes for a moment, shaking her head, but laughs at Katie's comment. "You're right. They never think about us, do they?"

Kyle pushes Jen closer to Katie's bed. For just a moment, he pauses as he notices Katie's bloodshot eyes. He cocks his head a little with a look of question, but moves on instead. "Katie, I'd like to introduce you to my little sister, Jen."

Jen rolls her eyes. "He's born five minutes before me and thinks that gives him the right to call me his 'little' sister." A grin forms. "Nice to meet you, Katie. Kyle was just telling me how he and the guys stopped by earlier. I hope they didn't cause too much trouble."

"Never!" Kyle mockingly defends with shock. "We were pure gentlemen."

"Uh-huh." Jen shakes her head, then looks back to Katie. "Well, if it makes you feel any better, I can't shake hands too well right now myself. But we're working on that."

"Jen was a gymnast," Kyle explains. "About two years ago a faulty high beam gave way."

"Put a whole new meaning to the word 'tumble,'" Jen states ruefully. "I ended up in the hospital with the prognosis that I'd never walk again."

"Yeah, but guess what?" Pride shines in Kyle's eyes. "She walked ten steps just yesterday."

Jen can't help an almost-shy smile. "I'll never be a gymnast again, but just to walk...." She cocks her head at Katie. "You're not alone. I know how it feels. The one thing I didn't have when I was in that hospital bed though, was someone who understood, and I think that was the toughest part for me." She shrugs. "If you ever wanna talk or anything, just let me know."

"Now about that picture," Kyle interrupts, going for Katie's drawing again. "I know you're extremely busy right now..." He gives her a sidelong glance with a quirky grin. "...but if you could make another one of these with just a bit bolder colors, and then put our name at the top, sorta arched like..." He gestures on the paper. "That would be awesome. And of course, we'd pay you for your time."

Jen looks at him with question. "What's it for, Kyle?"

"Promo poster."

"What about the one you made?"

"What one?"

"The one you spent all last Saturday making."

"Oh that one." Kyle continues to study Katie's drawing. "I didn't like it."

Jen raises her eyebrows. "You said you loved it."

"I lied."


Kyle throws his sister a warning glance, contrasting the spark in his eye. "This, on the other hand... is a work of art." He holds it up to the light and grins at Katie. "Oh, and by the way, the guys and I wondered if you'd like to go for an outing tomorrow afternoon to the lakeside beach."

"Kyle, you're gonna scare the poor girl," Jen exclaims. She looks at Katie with apology. "My brother can be a little forward sometimes. He doesn't realize that the three of them could scare anybody away just by walking into a room together."

Kyle grimaces. "Hey now." He shrugs, trying to explain himself to Katie. "See after that happened with Jen, JetStream started a little fund we call the sunshine project...we can't get everywhere, but we don't like to pass up an opportunity to help lift somebody's spirits." Again he sees the emotion being suppressed behind Katie's eyes. "I know you hardly know us, but if you want to call Jason, I know he'd vouch for us, and we'll bring Jen along too."

"Of course," Jen adds quickly with sarcasm. "I wouldn't let you three go wandering off by yourselves. You might get lost like you did in Colorado last year."

"I can't help it that the map was upside down!"

Hi, I'm Katie

*BJ smiles up at Jason showing his teeth and scrunching his face up.* "Otay. Spanks for pwaying with me." *BJ jumps up forgeting to take his one actionfigure from Jason and runs back over to his friends yelling.* "ME IS BACK!!!" * BJ laughs and shreeks as one of his friend tackles him to the ground.*

*Jamie smiles at Con.* "Ya they are great." *Heading to the hospetal and not seeing Katie makes Jamies and Con's viset short. Once back at TJY before Jamie and Con go there own way Jamie gives Con's arm a squeeze.* "Thank Con. I've really enjoyed our lunches." *Smiling Jamie heads back to her desk to finish up for the day."

*Once back in her room Katie trys to smile her best to reasure Wyatt she will be ok. Though her heart is once again heavy. As Wyatt lets Katie know he will be back she nods.* "I'd like that. Maybe on you way you could pick up a movie we could watch?" *One Wyatt had gone Katie falls asleep for a short while.*

*After a few hours Katie with a start. She had a nightmare about what had happend today breaking up with Wyatt. It was a hard thing even if they both agreed it was best. Wyatt was one of the best guys she had ever dated and it was hard to let go, though she new it was for the best. The tears start to come back to Katie's eyes. Hearing a familure voice and the laughter she dident know. Listing she trys to pin point who it is. Hearing the fun that is going outside her room she laughs alittle. She new who it was. Kyle. Funny Kyle, but the laughing of the woman was unfamilure to her. Whiping her tears away though her eyes are still alittle bloodshot Katie nods.* "Hey Kyle. Its amazing write this day on the calander you remembered my name." *Kaite throws Kyle a playful wink.* "Ya sure you can come in. I could use some company right about now. Somehow I have a feeling maybe its good that nurse works in a hospetal your gonna give her a heart attack and she is already here to get care." *Katie laughs and smiles at the woman with Kyle.* "Hi, I'm Katie. I'd get up to come over and shakes your hand but i fear I cant." *Though Katie is feeling a bit depressed about the avents earlyer today with Wyatt she trys to hold her smile.* "Kyle if you guys are gonna keep coming to see me, I am gonna have to have notice so I can at least get dressed and not look like crap. Maybe even be up out of this bed too." *Katie looks to Jen again and whispers.* "I tell ya men never think of these things that can bother Wemon do they?" *No matter how Katie trys she cant hold a straght face and cracks a grin liting out a small laugh.*


Jason laughs a little and lets down his guard enough to play with BJ for a little while, following the little boy’s lead for once.
After a few minutes, he stops, and reaches over to rough up BJ’s hair. “Your buddies over there are gonna miss you if you don’t get back to them.”

Wyatt just holds Katie for a long while, rocking her gently and letting her cry. “Shhh…”
After a while, he pulls her away and smiles at her. “Come on…lets get you back to you room before I get into trouble for having you out too long. Then I’m gonna go pick something up at work, and I’ll be back before you know it to keep your company for supper, alright?”

Con almost argues with Mable about paying for the meal, but he relents, not wanting to offend them. “Thanks, Mable. Take care. I’ll be back soon, I’m sure.”
He follows Jamie out the car and this time pulls away from the restaurant without pulling any pranks.
“You got some good parents, Jamie…I know they tease you something awful about you and me, but I’d come here any day just for their company.”
Once at the hospital, Con leads the way to Katie’s room, but finds it empty. He leaves the food with a note from both him and Jamie, wishing her well and hoping she’s had a good day. He’ll call later.
Leaving, he starts back to TJY.

Wyatt gets Katie settled back in her bed in her room, ensuring she’s okay before he exits. He leaves her door open in case she needs anything from the nurses, and heads out.
Only once he’s back in his car does a single tear roll down his face, though it’s quickly swiped away by his hand before he starts his jeep and drives away.

“…And Hotwheels Jen is coming up from the rear. She’s passing on the inside. She’s fourth, third!”
Kyle’s voice can be heard echoing down the hospital hall from the elevator, along with female laughter.
“The crowd is going nuts! She’s neck and neck with Hillbilly Phil!”

The nurse looks up, mortified as Kyle comes shooting down the hallway, pushing Jen in her wheelchair and breakneck speed. “Young man!!!”

Kyle’s eyes widen, but instead of paying head, he throws the nurse a wide grin and a wave as he passes. “Can’t stop now, she’s on the home stretch!”

“Young man, stop this instant!”

Kyle ignores the persistent reprimand, but suddenly puts on his brakes, sliding past Katie’s open door. “Whooooaa!”

Jen tries to catch her breath from her laughter. “Kyle, you jerk, you’re gonna get us thrown out of here!”

Kyle backs up a step, peeking into Katie’s room. “Yo, Katie. Long time no see. Mind if we drop by?”

On the house

*BJ smiles.* "Thats Spiterman." *With his other hand he holds a figer to his mouth.* "shhhhh...he is in discise." *BJ dances the other actionfigure on Jason's let.* "And dis is his bestest friend. But they arnt talking wright now. Tuz Spiterman dosent know if he should wreally be spiterman. So he dosent want to hurt his friend. Sos now I am twiying to get them to tawl again and me dont know how." *BJ leans his head on Jason shoulder as his legs are still folded moving the action figure on Jason's leg.* "Do what me do see..."

*Katie cant help but nuzzle her face into Wyatt shoulder. She never notices his smell before it was a sweet smell. She liked it. How she wished she had open her heart to Wyatt more. Now it was to late. Sniffing Katie says.* "I'll never tell you to leave Wyatt." *Curse her own fears holding her back, and curse ever loving someone who may never love her back. Katie cant help but Hug Wyatt tighter just enjoying being able to be this close to him for the last time.*

*Jamie giggles and gets up with Con.* "Thanks Mom. Thank Dad is was great as always."

*Herb nods from the kitchen.* "Glad you liked Con. Let Hero know we are thinking of her."

*Mable smiles again.* "Its on the house today Con. Keep your money. Let Katie know we are praying. Maybe one of these days we will come up and see her." *Mable gives Jamies hand a squeeze.* "It was good to see ya again Hun. Take care ok." *Mable lets go and smiles at Con.* " You to Mister. Have a good day you too."

Herb: MABLE....stop being all mushy on them.

*Mable sighs and heads into the kitchen.*


Jason is startled by BJ’s approach and isn’t quite sure how to act around the young boy. Seeing BJ mimicking his position, he can’t help but grin a little.
As he’s given an action figure, his eyebrows raise. Now what? “Um, hi.” He studies the child for a moment, feeling more awkward than he should. “So…you’re BJ…” He takes the action figure and holds him up. “But I don’t recognize this guy.”

Wyatt’s heart breaks all over again as he sees Katie’s tears. Even though this was the right thing to do, it didn’t lessen the sting.
As she reaches for a hug, he instinctively reaches down, lifting her out of her chair and placing her on his lap so he can hold her. “It’s okay, Katie…it’s not your fault, alright?” He wipes away some of her tears. “And don’t you worry. I’m still your friend, no matter what, and I’m not going anywhere. I’m here to stay unless you tell me to leave.” He holds in his emotions in order to give her a reassuring smile. “You’re just too great of a woman, you know that?” He chuckles and gives her a brief but tight hug. “You’re gonna make it, Katie…you’re gonna make it.”

Con can’t help his laugh at Mable. “Well I’M certainly not starving,” he calls to her. “If I keep coming here, I’m gonna have to do twice the workouts I’m doing now!”
He finishes his soda pop and sighs with content. “Alright, well…I guess that’s that.” He looks at Jamie. “You ready?”
Standing, he goes to the counter to pay, and hollers back to the kitchen. “Great, pizza, Herb. Thanks.”