
off and away

*As Wyatt makes his way to leave Katie stops him.* "Hey Wy. I'd....." *Katie thinks for a moment wondering if it was even apropret to ask.* "I was wondering if tomarrow morning I could still go to church with you? I'd like it if I could." *Kaite trys to smile her best. After Wyatt leave Katies heart is heavy. Knowing Jason wasent in the room to keep her safe made it hard to sleep. Katie dident like hospetals. Everything that had happend with Wyatt lingered in Katie mind too. Maybe writing an email would help. Grabing her laptop she opens it up and writes.*

Dear Jason,
I know you havent been gone long but it feels like ages. I couldent sleep tonight just being in the hospetal alone is really geting to me. So I though I would drop ya a line and see how you were. Guess what I got to meet Jetstream. They came here looking for you. They are a funny bunch of guys. You should of heard them. It was great. Oh ya Kyle came back with his sister Jen to cuz he saw my pic and wanted me to draw more. Also his sister is in a wheelchair and she was talking to me about how she walked 10 steps the other day. It was really nice to hear someone alse who is in the same boat talk. Tomarrow the guys and Jen want me to go to the lake with them. I'm gonna go it will be nice to get out. Oh ya...Kyle thinks you work for the FBI if only he new how close to the truth he was. Well other than the bank nothing alse happy has happend. Wyatt broke up with my today. Now I know you and your gonna think it was your fault but it wasent. He just thought it was best. So I have been trying to deal with that. He wants to stay friends though.Well I better get going J. Talk to ya soon I hope!

Your Best Friend,
Katie P.

*Shuting off her laptop Katie turns on the tv and finally falls asleep.*

*By the time the guys show up, Katie is refreshed and ready for a nice day out. As they enter and play around Katie cant help but laugh in delight. The sun on a rainy day thats what they were. Throwing a wink at Kyle Katie looks at his brother and smiles.* "He can call me anything as long as its nice." *As Katie makes her way to the door she looks back giving a small sad sigh she just now noticed her Rose Jason had given her is dieing. She hoped he would be back soon with another. Trying to shake the sad feeling out of her mind katie decieds today she was going to try not to worry about that stuff. Not Jason, Not Wyatt. It was her day to be happy, and even though her heart was hurt and heavy, it wasent going to stop her from having fun.* "Ok Ok lets get this show on the road." *Katie throws alittle albow at Kyle as she spin her finger in the air and points out the door.* "OFF AND AWAY!"

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