

Jason laughs a little and lets down his guard enough to play with BJ for a little while, following the little boy’s lead for once.
After a few minutes, he stops, and reaches over to rough up BJ’s hair. “Your buddies over there are gonna miss you if you don’t get back to them.”

Wyatt just holds Katie for a long while, rocking her gently and letting her cry. “Shhh…”
After a while, he pulls her away and smiles at her. “Come on…lets get you back to you room before I get into trouble for having you out too long. Then I’m gonna go pick something up at work, and I’ll be back before you know it to keep your company for supper, alright?”

Con almost argues with Mable about paying for the meal, but he relents, not wanting to offend them. “Thanks, Mable. Take care. I’ll be back soon, I’m sure.”
He follows Jamie out the car and this time pulls away from the restaurant without pulling any pranks.
“You got some good parents, Jamie…I know they tease you something awful about you and me, but I’d come here any day just for their company.”
Once at the hospital, Con leads the way to Katie’s room, but finds it empty. He leaves the food with a note from both him and Jamie, wishing her well and hoping she’s had a good day. He’ll call later.
Leaving, he starts back to TJY.

Wyatt gets Katie settled back in her bed in her room, ensuring she’s okay before he exits. He leaves her door open in case she needs anything from the nurses, and heads out.
Only once he’s back in his car does a single tear roll down his face, though it’s quickly swiped away by his hand before he starts his jeep and drives away.

“…And Hotwheels Jen is coming up from the rear. She’s passing on the inside. She’s fourth, third!”
Kyle’s voice can be heard echoing down the hospital hall from the elevator, along with female laughter.
“The crowd is going nuts! She’s neck and neck with Hillbilly Phil!”

The nurse looks up, mortified as Kyle comes shooting down the hallway, pushing Jen in her wheelchair and breakneck speed. “Young man!!!”

Kyle’s eyes widen, but instead of paying head, he throws the nurse a wide grin and a wave as he passes. “Can’t stop now, she’s on the home stretch!”

“Young man, stop this instant!”

Kyle ignores the persistent reprimand, but suddenly puts on his brakes, sliding past Katie’s open door. “Whooooaa!”

Jen tries to catch her breath from her laughter. “Kyle, you jerk, you’re gonna get us thrown out of here!”

Kyle backs up a step, peeking into Katie’s room. “Yo, Katie. Long time no see. Mind if we drop by?”

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