

“What’s wrong?” Jen looks over to her brother’s unusually pensive expression.

“Aw, nothing.” Kyle watches traffic as he drives.

“I know you too well for that answer,” Jen reminds.

Kyle grins. “Touché. Guess I was just thinking about Katie.”

“Oh?” Jen raises a suspicious eyebrow.

Kyle chuckles, unwilling to banter with that one. “Naw, something happened this afternoon between visits.”

“What do you mean?”

“I know know…but she was different.”

Jen furrows her brow. “You sure your perception isn’t off?”

Kyle replays the look in Katie’s eye. She’d been crying. Something had upset her. Not that being in a hospital was easy, but it had been something specific. “I’m sure.” He shrugs. “Not that it’s any of my business though.”

Jen reaches over to pat his arm. Her brother’s sensitivity could be a blessing or a curse. “Well, she seems really nice. I think we might just have made a new friend.”

Jason picks at his supper, barely eating. His mom smiles at him from across the table, and he returns the expression, though he doesn’t feel like it. He looks around the room at all the other people. It felt just like it had the day after Katie had left for TJY months ago. Empty. Only this time he’d been the one to create that emptiness.

While everyone else is still eating, Jason excuses himself. The evening is cool and quiet, and he takes his time ambling past the bunk houses and down the familiar path to the hideout. He was missing Katie something awful. He felt miserable when replaying Wyatt’s words to him to back off…he had told him to back off from his best friend…not much could have been harder.

Jason reaches the small cabin and lets himself in, sinking down on a cot. Had he really done anything to make Wyatt so worried? Maybe Jason hadn’t been so smart with some of his decisions. He was just so comfortable with Katie that maybe he’d let better judgment slip, whether anything had really happened or not.

He sighs, and shakes his head at himself, easing back to lie down. Maybe he really did feel something more than friendship for Katie…but perhaps Austin was right…maybe he simply needed to learn more control. If he let it go too far, he could ruin what he and Katie already had, and he knew he didn’t want to do that. And besides…was he really ready for a relationship anyway? A doubt lingered. He barely had himself figured out…how could he commit to more than friendship? He enjoyed what he and Katie shared… Austin’s words come back to him. Why change it? With so much going on, and with so much he was still trying to straighten out about himself…was it right to allow deeper feelings to take over?

Jason rolls over and sinks his head into a pillow. Yes…he had to admit to himself…he loved Katie. She meant more to him than any friend ever had. But…why complicate things? Now was not the time for a deeper relationship – of that, he was growing more certain. Maybe it would never be right for him and Katie. Perhaps the love they shared was meant to be a strengthening bond for their friendship, and not a romantic element. Yes…Jason thought he could live with that perspective. He should probably take Austin’s advice and be more careful about some situations in order to maintain appropriateness…but he could do that. He wouldn’t have to pull away from Katie just to be more careful. After all, being more careful was in turn showing more respect for their friendship, not harming it. And if he could settle on this perspective, how long could that friendship last? Surely it would remain strong.

These thoughts began to settle Jason’s spirit. He was closer to an answer…he was one step closer to coming to a conclusion he could comfortably understand and live with. But one problem remained… he’d been told to back off.

The pain lingered. He couldn’t go back now…not when Wyatt didn’t want him around. Not when there was that tension. If Jason went back, he would just be throwing Katie back into the middle. Even if Jason embraced the decision to be good friends and only friends, Wyatt would still consider him in the way, and a threat. Jason couldn’t do that to Katie…he’d left for her…he’d left in an attempt to stop that awful tension and suffering. As much as he desperately wanted to go back and be close to his friend again, how could he, when he knew it would make things more difficult for her?

No…as hard as it was…he’d made the right choice. Katie would be happy with Wyatt, and the two of them would be happier without Jason in the mix. And if him staying away was what could help make that happen, then that’s what he would do.

Wyatt comes to Katie’s room that night, bearing supper, along with popcorn for later, and a movie. Settling himself down in a chair next to Katie’s bed, he makes a strong effort to make her relax and laugh, trying his hardest to disperse any tension. He is glad, in a way, to hear about the band, happy that maybe Katie will be able to get out and do other things…the two of them might have lost something, but his true desire was for her to be happy.

It’s close to midnight, when the movie is finally over, and Wyatt bids Katie goodnight. He tells her that tomorrow night he’ll be back, to hear about her day, and to tell her about church.

“Make way for the lady’s escort!”

“Kyle, keep it down.”


“You’ll get us thrown out!”

“Never!” Kyle swaggers down the hospital hall in front of Phil and Mike, one hand behind his back. He sees the nurse at her station, staring over her glasses at him with annoyance. He smiles from ear to ear, and approaches her desk without much subtlety. “Hey, good looking!”

The nurse rolls her eyes. “If you’re here to chat, go away. If you need something, state it plainly.”

“Actually, it’s neither.” Kyle produces a small bouquet of flowers from behind his back.

“And…” The nurse frowns. “You expect me to deliver these for you?”

“I’m the one delivering them.” Kyle holds them out to her. “For putting up with one of the most obnoxious visitors, I owe you thanks.”

The nurse is so taken aback that she can only accept the flowers lamely, her cheeks growing red.

Kyle winks at her. He starts to say something more, when Mike grabs his shirt sleeve. “Come on, smooth talker, before you embarrass yourself.”

Kyle stumbles backwards as he’s pulled, and spins around to give a little jump, wrapping an arm around Mike’s neck in a light choke hold. “I got him, I got him!” He uses his foot to open Katie’s door, dragging Mike in with him. “Quick, take a picture! I’ve captured the abominable…” He’s cut off as Mike squirms loose to reverse the scenario, pinning Kyle’s arms behind his back. He’s barely held him for a second when Kyle gives. “Alright, alright, alright!” He smirks at his friend. “Show off.”

Mike grins and leans an elbow casually on Kyle’s shoulder to look at Katie. “Good afternoon, sunshine.”

“Her name’s Kate.”

“Katie,” Phil emphasizes.

Kyle’s love to annoy his brother prevents him from admitting he hadn’t really forgotten. “Ain’t he a genius?”

Phil rolls his eyes, giving Kyle’s arm a slap.

“Ah!” Kyle grimaces. “Easy on the hit, dude.” He looks down at Katie. “So…you ready to go to the lake or what? Jen's out in the truck waiting on us.”

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