

Looking up as Mick enters the barn Dan gives a smile and a nod to him before getting back to work. He liked when Mick worked with him, they didnt talk much and Dan might be a little nervous around Mick but it was only because he look up to his older boss and wanted to do good by him.

"Other than getting a flat tire, no not really. Well we had an ice cube fight half way through the night started by Jason, and...Jade and I beat the other pretty bad the last game. I dont know if you consider that exciting or not, but it was really fun."

Using the pitchfork to continue to much out one of the stalls Dan keeps to his work. He had alot to do this morning and thought he wouldnt let on to it, or let it slow him down he was a little on the tired side. Continuing to work Dan smiles and gives a little shake of his head as well.

"I got introduced to the pizza box last night too. I never saw people cause such a comotion at the dinner table before as that group, but I caught on fast and it was fun too."

Stopping and look at Mick again he couldnt help the small feeling of guilt that washed over him again. He new crap happend, and he wasnt his fault but he had felt bad breaking his promise anyways.

"Sorry again Jade wasnt home on time. I know you said crap happend and all but well..I am sorry anyways."

Continuing to work Dan says nothing more about it. He was done now with saying he was sorry and it was time to move on.

"I noticed Bolt was limping when I took him out this morning. I put him back in his pen untill I talked to you. I didnt want him to injure himself anymore. He leg looked swollen, I think he got into something but I am not sure what."

Bending down Hope helps Gunner with the mess, She new she didn't have to, but she wanted too. Thought she really didnt say much more Hope new that today had been good no matter how Gunner felt about it, she felt good and new he had started the process.

"Well, I am going to go see the Dr and talk with him for a little bit. I'll be back before I go."

Standing Hope gives Gunner a smile before placing some of the papers on the night stand. Turning to exit the room Hope stops to look back in, and than disappears down the hall.


Jade shuts her cell phone, staring into space as she sits on her bed. Her mother's voice rang in her ears... she had kept the call quiet after answering it, but now she was torn in two directions.

"Don't tell your father... I don't want him upset or worrying... Ben doesn't want him to interfere..."

Jade bites her lip. How could she not tell her Dad? Wasn't it his right? And right now, she could use a little comfort herself. But she wanted to respect her mom... it could be bad if her dad went in guns blazing... sure, he had past experience but... her mom didn't seem to think it was a good idea. And maybe it wasn't as bad as they thought anyway... Dylan could just be pulling a stupid stunt again. They weren't sure that he'd been kidnapped or anything.

Jade finally slides off the bed and stuffs her phone in her pocket. Mick had called her five minutes ago for breakfast, and she didn't want him thinking anything was wrong.

Hurrying into the hall, she walks down to the kitchen where the little family sat. Once or twice a week they ate by themselves, away from the dining hall, to just have quality time, especially with BJ. Mick had told Jade she was more than welcome to eat at either place, but she'd taken him up on eating with them. She'd see the others later.

Mick glances up as Jade joins them and smiles. "Morning."

She pastes on a smile. "Good morning." Her grin widens at BJ. "Hey you. Did you leave any breakfast for me?"

Mick chuckles and passes her the plate of waffles. "I dare say if you'd been here three minutes later, this kid woulda polished the table clean." He winks at BJ and ruffle his hair. "But that's good. With all the energy you burn during the day, it's good to have a healthy breakfast."

Jade quietly takes one of the waffles, her appetite long gone. But she couldn't lead on that anything was wrong.

After a minute or two of silence though, Mick was too quick to pick up on Jade's quiet mood. It was strange. He gives a questioning glance to Rosetta before addressing his daughter again. "Have fun last night?"

"Mm-hmm..." Jade nods as she takes a bite of food.

Mick quirks an eyebrow. "Well don't sound too excited."

Jade tries to laugh. "No, it was fun. We all had a good time."

"Everything alright?"

"Yeah, yeah." Jade tries to smile again, though it was hard - she knew her dad was smarter than that.

Mick doesn't probe any further, but something seemed odd. Something wasn't right. Did it have to do with last night? He wondered.

Half an hour later, Mick was in the barn, continuing chores from where he'd left off before breakfast. Joining Dan for the rest of the feeding, it's not unusual that they work side-by-side with some of the others to get the job done.

Mick cuts open a bale of hay, putting the knife back in his pocket. "So, Jade said you guys had fun last night... anything exciting?"

Gunner resists, but finally lifts his eyes to look at Hope. She was so tender... so sincere. "I... I don't know what kind of a life I deserve," he returns quietly.

Taking his sleeve to swipe at his eyes, he moves up onto the bed to sit, slouching, but calm. For now, the waterworks were turned off and he was settling down again.

He sniffs and stares at the floor before daring to look at Hope again. After blowing up, letting go, and being comforted, now he just wanted a few minutes alone. He knew that later he would see Bree again, but for now... the door had closed a little again, waiting for another time to be opened. "I'm... I'm okay now." Though he knew he didn't have to be ashamed or embarrassed, he was. He wasn't used to showing these raw emotions like this, and his face is warm to prove it.

He looks to the mess he'd made of the table, books and papers. Slowly, he sinks back to the floor to start picking it up. He knew Hope wanted to see the doctor too.