
Just tired

Leo is slouched just a bit in his chair - sitting too straight hurt too much at this point. "I don't wanna get in your guys' way..." Though he really didn't want to go home yet.

He glances at Eli, whom he barely knew, then back to Ryan. "You can take me home if you want... or something." It sounded lame, and he knew it. "I mean... I got a couple phone calls to make and... I don't wanna mess up your schedule or anything."

Gunner winds up grinning, and he shrugs at Bree. "If you wanna come over later, you can. There's access to the roof at my apartment and it's not a bad spot to go stargazng." This he knew.

He ventures a sip of his float, only then realizing his hunger once again. But instead of ordering more food, he glances back to Bree. "The nightmares will stop... won't they?"

Trent keeps himself from complaining about Angel's care - after all, he was the one that had come here. Sitting down in a chair, he keeps his hand on the table, so she could do whatever she needed to with it.

"Oh, a little," he comments in response to her question. "Tired... frustrated... you name it, I guess." He shrugs. "Just tired of life. Maybe I need to get out of here, I don't know."


Giving a smile as she see Leo come into the kitchen she new he had to be sore all over but she gave him credit for at least trying to movie.

"Your part of the family too, so we wanted to wait for everyone to be here."

Enjoying the meal Eli had always been the good cook in there family taking after there dad. Ryan did ok, but she'd rather race and eat something out of a can. Looking up at her brother as he mentions the other guys and asking about Leo it felt good to know they cared about him that much and showed him he did have friends.

"No work today for me. My wrist is hurting pretty bad this morning and I'd rather not push my luck over doing it. Tomorrow I will be working though."

Taking a few more bites of her food and cleaning her plate off Ryan falls a little silent just enjoying the meal. But once it was done Ryan takes her plate, and the others putting it into the sink.

"I was thinking maybe we all could go out and do something but I know your still feeling sore Leo, so maybe we can stay in and play cards or something? Eli cheats though so watch out!"

Taking a sip of her float Bree new Gunner would have some bad days, some restless nights that would be normal for a little bit before he got use to everything. Bree couldnt help but feel bad for him.

"Well, maybe tonight we can take some time to look at that stars! Maybe that would help you sleep!"

Maybe if she kept Gunner company it would help a little. Not that she was baby sitting him but just simply keeping him company.

"I'd like to meet Cat anyways."

Looking up at Trent Angel gives him a half smile and a you should know better look.

"Like you think I am gonna let you get away that easy? Fat chance, your gonna sit here and let me look it over the right way."

Going over to the counter and cleaning her hands Angel gets the few items she would need. Seeing the cut it wouldnt need stiches but some cause and salution.

"Everything ok today Trent? You look...tired maybe!"

Million pieces

Eli grins and shakes his head. "Nope, I think I got it covered. Just make sure you have an appetite, and we should be good." He stirs the scrambled eggs on the stove, checking the bacon too.

"Glad Leo's up this morning. Part of me wondered if he'd even be able to get up at all. The other guys implied he was kind of a klutz around the shop, but he's a tough one to be doing as well as he is."

It takes a while for Leo to get his shower taken and put clean clothes on. It didn't matter which way he moved, or what muscles he was using - it all hurt. Finally done, he walks slowly back down the hall to the kitchen. He sees Eli and Ryan have breakfast on the table already, and he apologizes. "Sorry... you guys didn't have to wait."

Eli looks up and studies him for a moment. "We did, and don't be sorry. How ya feeling?"

"Um... a little better after my shower... I think." He still held his side as he eased down into a chair. "I need to call Darrel."

"Already talked to Miles," Eli informs. "He called to see how you were, and he said he'd tell Darrel you wouldn't be in for a day or two. The other guys were asking about you too."

Leo manages a little smile. It felt good to have friends like his. He glances to Ryan. "Aren't you working today?"

Gunner barely notices when the floats arrive at the table, and he gives a nod, his eyes stuck in a far away stare. "Yeah... yeah." He rubs his face and tries to be more alert. "Every time I closed my eyes last night, it was a nightmare," he admits. "So I guess my brain decided it just wasn't going to try and sleep at all." He tires to shrug it off as if it didn't bother him much. "Cat kept me company."

Trent winces as Angel looks his hand over. "Broken coffee mug. One minute it was in my hand, the next it was on the floor in a million pieces and I had this nasty cut."

He hadn't been paying attention is what had happened. He'd been upset by what Katie had told him, and had not watched what he was doing. One slip and he'd created a mess. He only hoped now that Angel didn't see the rampant emotions in his eyes. The only problem was that he knew even after all these years, she could still read him well.

"Just wrap it up, I'll be fine."

Old Friends

Feeling Rick's hand on her shoulder Misty looks up at him and smile. Her eyes sparked with the excitement and thrill of researching, and finding the answer.

"I'm to excited about this whole thing to sleep Rick. I love doing this kind of stuff."

Looking down at her papers again Misty writes something down quick as she thinks about it. Though once finished writing her lets out a sigh and looks to Rick again.

"Oh, you win this time I guess I will take a nap down the hall. I wont be gone long though if you need me. Thanks Rick."

Standing and making her way down the hall Misty enters the small bedroom laying down on the bed. As soon as her head hits the pillow Misty is out hope she would wake soon, work a little more and than go to lunch with Carson.

Standing with Leo Ryan slings his one arm over her shoulder. Taking small steps she didnt move to fast.

"Come on let me her you, but I only go as far as the bathroom doorway. Your on your own from there."

Once getting Leo to the bathroom door and giving him another kiss Ryan lets him be and heads to the kitchen to meet her brother and see what he was up to. Coming up alone side of him it almost remanded her of the years pass so long ago.

"It brings back good memories having you here. Anything I can do to help?"

Seeing Gunner come in Bree can't help the smile on her face as the waitress that had been there the day before rolled her eyes and braught over the two floats she had already on stand by.

"Glad you could make it Vamp. He's my vampire you know!"

Bree nods to that waitress as her face emotionless. Turning back to look at Gunner Bree raises her eyebrow as Gunner Bree could see how tired he was, she felt a little tired herself but not as bad as Gunner.

"Rough night?"

Looking up at the sound of the door opening Angel comes face to face with Trent. Just standing there for a long moment, finally her mouth turns into a smile. Though Trent was staying at the ranch it wasnt often Angel saw him as he kept to himself.

Finally letting her eyes fall a little to his hand Angel moves around the table quickly taking his hand in her own.

"Trent what happened?"

Unwrapping Trent's hand Angel looks at the deep cut and cant help but cringe a little herself. Hoping it was once cleaned he would be lucky and wouldnt need stiches.


Rick turns from his work at the counter and quirks an eyebrow at Misty's talking. Setting aside what he was doing, he ambles over to her, setting a hand on her shoulder. "It will take twice as long to solve a problem when your brain is half asleep," he whispers.

"Mmm..." Leo thinks, trying to clear his mind of the night's fog. "I think a hot shower would do some good... if I can actually get up and walk."

Trying to ignore the pain, he manages to sit up, though puts a hand to his ribs. He would hate to see how his face looked in the mirror. Without looking, he knew he had two shiners, more bruises on his cheeks, and he knew his lip must still be a bit swollen.

"Set of clothes in the bathroom!" Eli calls from the kitchen.

Leo manages a little grin. "Can't say no to that..." Standing up, he's a bit unsteady. He'd thought he was sore lying down. Standing up was murder. "...unless I can't even make it that far."

Gunner crumples up another piece of paper and throws it towards the wastebasket, but misses. Grunting, he ignores it, and turns back to the files strewn all over his desk. He looks at the clock as his stomach growls. He hadn't had any breakfast, and it was about lunchtime now.

Knocking his elbow into a stack of papers, it goes flying by accident. Growling, he puts his face in his hands, trying to regroup his brain. It didn't work though. Sighing, he looks up again, only to spot his phone that he'd misplaced when he'd arrived earlier. Picking it up, he realizes he has a message...

...Entering the little diner, Gunner glances around at the few customers. He hadn't bothered calling Bree back, and he wondered if she would even still be there. She was - he spotted her at the table where he'd first seen her.

Sliding in the booth across from her, he hoped he didn't look as weary as he felt, but something told him he looked terrible. "Hi... sorry I'm late. Had a bit of... cleaning to do."

Trent rinses his hand in the sink, but the blood doesn't want to stop. He'd cut his palm more deeply than he'd thought. Growling, he wraps a towel around it, knocking over the useless box of bandaids. Heading back out of the bunkhouse, he goes for the infirmary, remembering he hadn't seen Angel at breakfast, and knowing she was probably working.

Knocking before entering, he looks for her, still holding his hand in the towel and feeling stupid.


Giving a smerk to Jeff Katie tilts her head a little as her eyes spark for a moment.

"One second let me get him on the line here."

Pulling her emotions together Katie pushs them to the one who could understand them the most.

Good Morning You, My dad told me to tell you before I left to keep an eye one me.

Katie gave a little laugh as she looks back down at her dad giving a big grin. Being able to talk like this was handy sometimes and helped easy missing him.

And thought the last few moments of being in Texas rolled on and Katie didnt want to leave she new she had to. Her stay had been long enough and now it was time to go home. Giving her last goodbyes to everyone Katie loads her stuff into her car and makes her long drive home.

Grabbing her bag, and a bottle of water from the fridge Bree grumbles under her breath. Last night she hadnt been the least bit tired and only wanted to look at the stars no matter how she layed in bed the sleep just wouldnt come. Finally though at about 4am she had found the rest she needed only to wake 4 hours last, super late for her first day back at the Hospital.

Locking her door behind her and getting into her car Bree pulls out her cell holding it to hear ear as she waited for an answer on the other end. But being met with an answering masheen was better than nothing.

"Hey Vamp, running late...like normal. Though maybe you wanted to join me for some icrcream less floats at lunch time. Well if you do meet me at the spot, you know the one. Hope to see you there."

Feeling Leo's hand slip into her Ryan opens her eyes and looks down at him. She'd been awake for the last hour but hadnt said a word nore moved just watching Leo as he slept. He had looked so peaceful it would of felt wrong to wake him. Giving a small smile Ryan gives his hand a little squeeze letting him know she was awake.

"Good Morning sleepy head."

Leaning down Ryan gives Leo a soft kiss before pullsing away. She new he probley felt worse today than yesterday.

"Do you need me to get you anything? I am gonna head into the kitchen and see what trouble my brother is getting into."

Sitting at her desk Misty looks over some files. She hadnt been to bed that night as she worked int the office not letting herself sleep. It would be another day or so till she got the tests she needed back on Axel's blood but in the mean time doing more research was never a bad thing.

"Ok, so if we stimulate the nerve to think its moving again."

Misty talked to no on in particular just to herself walking through the steps to see how they sounded.

Getting rid of the past

"Yeah.... okay." Gunner manages a wry grin as he rubs the back of his head before shutting the car door. Walking in front of the headlights, he waves to Bree, though he can't see her past the glare. Turning, he heads inside and up the flight of stairs to his apartment, greeted at the door by Cat.

Leo's eyes are only partway open, but a smile comes to his face. Had he been more alert, he probably would have laughed. "Okay... I won't kick you off... I'm too comfortable... too..." His voice drifts off, and his grip on Ryan's hand loosens just a little. His body was too exhausted to try staying awake any longer.

Ryder smirks as he slings an arm around Thirteen's shoulders to head out of TJY. "Yeah... yeah, everything is fine. We're not a secret anymore - it was the croc Reese was mad about."
Rolling his eyes, he leads the way outside and to the car. "Mom and Pop's it is. I think Carson will have it open for another hour or so."

Trent's eyes snap up to Katie, growing wide as he realized just what she was saying. He didn't argue with her, but just stared as if speechless. Blinking as she walks away, his grip on his coffee mug increases. He didn't want this to happen... he didn't want Katie to tell Jasmine anything. No. He'd made up his mind. He loved Katie, but as the second ticked by, his frustration grew.
Standing suddenly, his chair is knocked over with a clatter. Ignoring help from anybody, he picks up the chair and takes his mug to the kitchen, throwing out the remainder of his coffee.

Jeff returns Katie's hug lovingly, looking up at her with a small smile. "Yeah... yeah I'll see you soon and we'll talk more. Don't worry about that."

Holding her hand for a moment, Jeff nods. "I'm happy you know now too... very happy."
He pulls her down for one last hug before finally letting her go. "Safe trip. Tell Jason I said to keep an eye on you." He winks, knowing that no one had to tell that to Jason.

Their exchange is suddenly broken up as the sound of breaking dishware comes from the kitchen. Everyone looks, and Becky, who is closest, disappears into the kitchen. The next sound is her voice.

"Let me help. No, look, you're bleeding, just let me-"

"I'm fine!" Trent storms out of the kitchen, holding one hand that was bleeding. Without looking at anyone else, he heads for the back door, letting it slam shut behind him after he exits.

Becky looks out of the kitchen, her eyes a little wide before she goes back to clean up the pieces of the broken coffee mug.

Reese heads down the side of the main floor, getting an early start to the day. He was surprised to have seen Gunner's car here that early as well, having thought the man would at least take a couple more days off work. But as he nears the small cubicle, he's met with flying papers. "Gunner, what..." His voice trails off.

Gunner was on the floor in front of his filing cabinet, sifting through files. Every few pages, he'd pull one out, look at it, then toss it over his shoulder as scrap. Some papers had pictures with them. He takes a whole file and tosses it too, into the growing pile in the doorway to his cubicle.

Reese stares at the mess. "What on earth are you doing?!"

Gunner doesn't pause to look up. "Cleaning."

"I... see that. But what... are you cleaning? And why are you here so early?"

"Couldn't sleep. And..." Gunner tosses aside another bulging file, sending papers everywhere. "I'm doing exactly what you've wanted me to do all along."

Confused, Reese bends down to pick up a couple of the papers to see what they were. It only takes him a few moments to realize that they had information that Gunner had followed on his quest to find his parents' murderer. "You're getting rid of... everything?"

"Yep." Another handful of papers fly.

Reese looks to Gunner's computer, where there was a status bar, indicating it was halfway through deleting a load of data files. It surprised him... he knew the search was over, but this seemed a little extreme. "You could... use a garbage can, you know."

"Hey, I just came from a mental hospital, remember?" Gunner still hasn't looked up at him, continuing to search through files and pulling out every single shred of evidence he had followed the last handful of years. "Be glad I'm not running up and down the hall, screaming like a madman."

Reese cocks his head, a little concerned with the strange behavior. "Gunner, are you alright?"

"Fine, Reese... just fine. I did my time. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm trying to clean." Hearing Reese finally walk away, Gunner pauses his work. Dark circles were under his eyes, indicating he had had a sleepless night - and it was true. He had slept no more than ten minutes throughout the night.

Reese wanders back to his office, turning once more to see another handful of papers fly up from the cubicle. He wondered if this was something Hope should know about, or if it was perfectly fine.

The sound of rattling in the kitchen, and the smell of bacon reaches into the living room. Leo stirs a little and finally opens his eyes, trying to get his bearings. Where on earth was he?

Starting to roll over, he stops - his whole body felt like one giant bruise. A groan slips out and he decides not to try moving again. It hurt too much. Only then does he realize that his head isn't resting on a normal pillow. Turning his face, he looks up to see Ryan - he'd been using her lap as a pillow all night, and she hadn't moved. He felt a mixture of guilt and gratefulness.

Still so tired, his bruised eyes fall shut once more, though his hand does find Ryan's again to hold.

I am

Seeing Gunner lean closer to her, and feeling his breath on she skin Bree feels like she froze. Keeping her eyes locked with his Bree could feel her heart starting to beat so loud in her chest, and in her ears she was sure Gunner had to hear it too.

Once Gunner pulls away though leaving her without a kiss Bree turns her head to looking out the front windshield. She wasnt sure if she was disapointed she didnt get the kiss or not.

Though not moving her head Bree look out of the couner of her eye and see's Gunner bump his head. Trying her best not to give a little chuckle to light the mood she tightens her lips before finally she thinks she has enough composure.

"Good Night Gunner. I'll see you again soon. Don't stalk the night without me."

Continuing the kiss Ryan cant feel a small smile form on her face but not letting it go to much that it breaks the kiss. It seemed like time stood still, Ryan liked the sweet way Leo tasted and the warmth that washed over her when she was close to him. To have him back was a good feeling.

Finally breaking from the kiss Ryan just looks down at Leo again. A smile on her lips.

"I guess I should probley let you get some sleep huh? If you dont mind I think this will be my spot for the night just on this little causation, I am to comfortable to move."

Ryan cant help the small laugh as she purses her lips.

"I'd say you can sleep in my best but if my brother woke up and found you this...He might try to kill you. So your stuck on the couch here with me."

Looking up at Ryder Thirteen gives a small smile. She had been worried about Ryder's meeting with Reese today not liking the sounds of the messages on the answering masheen.

"Yeah, I'm ready. Can we stop at Mom and Pop's for something to eat?"

Following Ryder outside Thirteen is quiet for a moment before getting into the car with Ryder.

"So...everything went ok with Reese? I didnt hear any shouting."

Day to Afternoon to Night to Day once again to follow the same pattern, the same loop, time would never change.

Entering the dinning hal Katie does a quick scan only getting through half the faces till she found the one she wanted. Going over to Trent and slidding in next to him Katie is quiet for a moment before finally talking.

"I'm going to help her find you Uncle Trent."

Kaite looks up into her uncles eyes, she loved him, and she new it killed him inside to keep himself from his daughter no matter how good he though it was.

"I made a promise I wouldnt tell her it was you out right, but I can still lead her here. Its not right she doesn't know."

Glancing over at her other father Katie gives a smile. She new it was hard, even if her situation was a little differnt it still was hard, and the feelings she had would only be half of the ones Thirteen did.

"I dont know when it will be. Today, tomorrow, a year from now. I just wanted you prepare you. I love you Uncle Trent."

Giving her Uncle a hug goodbye Katie new she would see him again soon. Standing again and making her way over to her dad Katie smiles at Jeff. She felt like she was going to miss him the most.

"I just wanted to say goodbye before I left. See you again closer to christmas?"

Reaching down to give her dad a hug Katie just holds him for long moment.

"And we will talk on the phone alot. Thank you Dad, I am happy I know now."


"Uh..." Gunner gets his bearings, and points to the right. "Turn here, then head up to Maple street. I'm at the Olive Apartment complex."

It doesn't take very long at all until they made it into the parking lot in front of Gunner's building. He looks up to the second floor at the dark window. He was so glad to be rid of Northside... so very glad. But there was something in him that wondered if he'd make it through the night alone.

Unbuckling his seatbelt, he looks over to Bree. "Thanks for the ride.... and... for the nice evening." Locking eyes with her, it felt like forever. What was on his mind? What was the look in his gaze that held him to her own? "...and... for everything else lately too."

His voice was quite and grateful as he leaned towards her just a little, his eyes still locked with hers. He then searched her face and seemed once again to pause, time just ticking by. He could feel color coming to his cheeks, and he really wasn't sure why. He had a whole new realm of feelings here that he wasn't sure yet how to sort out. Being this close to Bree... so close to her lips... But he had no idea what he was doing.

Straightening quickly, he opens the car door and steps out into the cool air. He moved too quickly though, hitting his head on the door on his way out.

He withholds a groan. "Goodnight, Bree."

Leo is close to sleep, being put at ease by Ryan. But before he can drift off, he feels her lips on his once more. Surprised for the second time, his eyes open, but he doesn't resist. Ryan's kiss was so warm... so sweet. He returns it gradually, building with passion as he moves a hand up to cradle her head. Just as glad that they were alone, he doesn't care how long they're there. He's just finally feeling good to have Ryan back.

Breaking for a moment, he whispers to her. "I think I do know how much you've missed me."

He brings her head closer again, this time the kiss instigated by him, lasting no shorter than the first.

Ryder exits Reese's office, a bit bewildered, but not yet knowing how to process everything. He wasn't upset - just on edge.

Finding Thirteen, he looks over he shoulder at her doodles. "Well, little artist, you ready to get back home?"

The night at the ranch slowly moves on, summoning the morning once again. Things were different as the early sun shone down though.

The dining hall is noisy with laughter and chatter. The only ones not there are Rosetta, Mick and BJ. No one else even knew Mick was back yet, but the little family was having their own breakfast this morning to have some quality time before Mick was too involved with the search.

Jeff sits in his usual spot near the window, seeming extra tired this morning, but wanting to be there since he knew Katie was probably going to leave today. Trent was nearby, alone, like most morning, absorbed in his cup of coffee, rather than the conversations around him. Jade had gotten up early to help with chores, and now had claimed a spot next to Dan for the morning meal.

Even though it seemed everyone was there, the door opens slowly, going unnoticed by most. Scott scans the room a little hesitantly. It had been hard, traveling alone to get here, and now with a group of people, some anxieties were returning.