

Giving a smile as she see Leo come into the kitchen she new he had to be sore all over but she gave him credit for at least trying to movie.

"Your part of the family too, so we wanted to wait for everyone to be here."

Enjoying the meal Eli had always been the good cook in there family taking after there dad. Ryan did ok, but she'd rather race and eat something out of a can. Looking up at her brother as he mentions the other guys and asking about Leo it felt good to know they cared about him that much and showed him he did have friends.

"No work today for me. My wrist is hurting pretty bad this morning and I'd rather not push my luck over doing it. Tomorrow I will be working though."

Taking a few more bites of her food and cleaning her plate off Ryan falls a little silent just enjoying the meal. But once it was done Ryan takes her plate, and the others putting it into the sink.

"I was thinking maybe we all could go out and do something but I know your still feeling sore Leo, so maybe we can stay in and play cards or something? Eli cheats though so watch out!"

Taking a sip of her float Bree new Gunner would have some bad days, some restless nights that would be normal for a little bit before he got use to everything. Bree couldnt help but feel bad for him.

"Well, maybe tonight we can take some time to look at that stars! Maybe that would help you sleep!"

Maybe if she kept Gunner company it would help a little. Not that she was baby sitting him but just simply keeping him company.

"I'd like to meet Cat anyways."

Looking up at Trent Angel gives him a half smile and a you should know better look.

"Like you think I am gonna let you get away that easy? Fat chance, your gonna sit here and let me look it over the right way."

Going over to the counter and cleaning her hands Angel gets the few items she would need. Seeing the cut it wouldnt need stiches but some cause and salution.

"Everything ok today Trent? You look...tired maybe!"

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