

"Uh..." Gunner gets his bearings, and points to the right. "Turn here, then head up to Maple street. I'm at the Olive Apartment complex."

It doesn't take very long at all until they made it into the parking lot in front of Gunner's building. He looks up to the second floor at the dark window. He was so glad to be rid of Northside... so very glad. But there was something in him that wondered if he'd make it through the night alone.

Unbuckling his seatbelt, he looks over to Bree. "Thanks for the ride.... and... for the nice evening." Locking eyes with her, it felt like forever. What was on his mind? What was the look in his gaze that held him to her own? "...and... for everything else lately too."

His voice was quite and grateful as he leaned towards her just a little, his eyes still locked with hers. He then searched her face and seemed once again to pause, time just ticking by. He could feel color coming to his cheeks, and he really wasn't sure why. He had a whole new realm of feelings here that he wasn't sure yet how to sort out. Being this close to Bree... so close to her lips... But he had no idea what he was doing.

Straightening quickly, he opens the car door and steps out into the cool air. He moved too quickly though, hitting his head on the door on his way out.

He withholds a groan. "Goodnight, Bree."

Leo is close to sleep, being put at ease by Ryan. But before he can drift off, he feels her lips on his once more. Surprised for the second time, his eyes open, but he doesn't resist. Ryan's kiss was so warm... so sweet. He returns it gradually, building with passion as he moves a hand up to cradle her head. Just as glad that they were alone, he doesn't care how long they're there. He's just finally feeling good to have Ryan back.

Breaking for a moment, he whispers to her. "I think I do know how much you've missed me."

He brings her head closer again, this time the kiss instigated by him, lasting no shorter than the first.

Ryder exits Reese's office, a bit bewildered, but not yet knowing how to process everything. He wasn't upset - just on edge.

Finding Thirteen, he looks over he shoulder at her doodles. "Well, little artist, you ready to get back home?"

The night at the ranch slowly moves on, summoning the morning once again. Things were different as the early sun shone down though.

The dining hall is noisy with laughter and chatter. The only ones not there are Rosetta, Mick and BJ. No one else even knew Mick was back yet, but the little family was having their own breakfast this morning to have some quality time before Mick was too involved with the search.

Jeff sits in his usual spot near the window, seeming extra tired this morning, but wanting to be there since he knew Katie was probably going to leave today. Trent was nearby, alone, like most morning, absorbed in his cup of coffee, rather than the conversations around him. Jade had gotten up early to help with chores, and now had claimed a spot next to Dan for the morning meal.

Even though it seemed everyone was there, the door opens slowly, going unnoticed by most. Scott scans the room a little hesitantly. It had been hard, traveling alone to get here, and now with a group of people, some anxieties were returning.

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