

Standing up Bree takes in a deep breath filling her lungs with oxygen before looking over at Gunner and being able to giggle a little that lets all the air out. Giving a playful roll of her eyes she looks back to JT and nods.

"Yeah I can bring Gunner home. I dont go that way anyways so it works out."

Raising an eyebrow to her Uncle Bree knows she said it backwards and it made no sense but she didnt much care. She was a little tired but far from ready to sleep. Givng JT a kiss and saying her goodbye to him she leaves with Gunner. Getting into the car and pulling out of the driveway she turns to look at Gunner for a moment.

"Ok, direct me to your house oh great navigator."

Leaning back totally comfortable except for the throbbing in her wrist Ryan felt pertty good for being a woman who just got out of the hospital. Turning her head again to look down at Leo he looked at peace and totally comfortable where he was right now. Feeling his tightened grip on her hand A smile forms on Ryan's face, the words that Leo spoke matched and Ryan could feel her heart tump in her chest.

"I'd like that very much so Leo. You have no idea how much I've missed you."

Bringing her hand to the side of his face Ryan just maps his cheeks bones and his jawbone her touch light. This time she had it right, this time it was by her own free will that Leo and herself would make it through.

Leaning down though it was uncomfortable Ryan brings her lips to Leo again. Not being alone she let the kiss linger only pulling away for a moment to switch her head the other way again, than continue the kiss, the seal, the answer to Leo's question.

Giving a smile to Jade and a small squeeze to her arm Dan nods. They had almost kissed back there, and not saying he didnt want to but it was probley best he didnt, not right now anyways.

"Bright and early if your going to help me with the horses again."

Making sure Jade got inside safly Dan makes his way back to his own bunk. Stopping before he got inside he took a deep breath of air and looks up at the stars for a long moment. Finally entering the building and getting at least a few hours of sleep.

Sitting outside Reese office at the small table to the right of Susanne's desk Thirteen hums a little toon as she doodles one the paper. Today she was going to try and stay home today by herself but an episode of people screaming outside the house in the street had changed her mind on that one.

So now content with her hums from just toons her had heard on the TV or in the car Thirteen waits and continues to doodle. Flowers, suns, but what look like to be her best work on the paper were the drawings of eyes.

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