

Ryan wants to say more but she doesn't know where to start. Never had she felt anything quite like this. It felt like anything inside was being ripped apart and it was her fault.

She had fallen for Leo, maybe she would of even said she was in love, but now she had hurt him and tore him down. Now, it hurt more than anything she felt and a new sensation was coming to her eyes burning them. Something no one ever seen, the wet sensation she had never felt before though she new they were tears as the pain inside of her continued.

Looking away for a moment and blinking Ryan looks back to Leo again.

"And never had the heart felt a pain like this before, and never would it want to feel this pain once again for it was my own blind eyes that carved this open wound."

The words from her lips seemed to flow with a deep meaning again something that was not normal but spoken from the heart.

"I'm sorry Leo, It was cruel, and wrong and I was the fool. Getting to spend time with you showed me a side of you no one else gets to see. I DID fall for you, and the more time I spent with you, the more I cared, but your right I don't deserve you because you are better than me. I'm...sorry."

Feeling the water fill her eyes more Ryan turns and makes her way to the door. Quickly glancing at the others in the room Ryan turns her head down once again and leaves the grudge. Making her way to the side of the building Ryan finds a bench and sinks down on it putting her head in her hands just sitting there for a moment as the pain inside of her indured. She'd been so foolish. And lost one of the best things she had going for her in life.She just had to collect her thoughts for a moment before getting back to work.

I hope

"You? Fallen for me?" Leo shakes his head and grabs a nearby tool. "I don't know what to believe anymore. All I know is a couple guys are short ten bucks because you and I have been on a few dates. I always wondered why you finally gave in to my nagging, and now I know why. There was no way on this green earth that you would have gone out with me in the first place... until you had something to prove."

He looks up again, fire flashing in his eyes. "I know I can be stupid sometimes... and I know I goof off and I screw up a lot of things. This is the only job I could ever keep for more than six months, and I know most people just take me for an idiot. But not a fool... Never have I been set up like this, just to be made a fool out of. Whatever your point was, Ryan... whether it was to make me look stupid, to earn a buck or just prove some stupid point, you did it quite well."

Leo's fingers tighten around his tool. "I don't care what happened in the meantime... the fact is, that this whole thing started because of a bet. And I'm the fool. Congratulations... I hope the next guy knows better than I did."

Kind of Woman

Bristling herself a little and seeing the look on Leo's face Ryan's heart thumps hard. For a moment she knows what Leo is talking about.


But hearing Leo continue Ryan cant help as she almost turns to stone as his comment hits her and her eyes narrow.

"Whoa, Whoa wait a second...I dont know what or who told you anything like that but I wasn't betting on me coming back to your room, to do anything of that nature with you. I'm far from that kind of woman."

Shaking her head and folding her arms across her chest Ryan continues to look at Leo not moving.

"I...dont know what you think or what anyone told you Leo, but...I HAVE fallen for you. My time spend with you has been enjoyable. Do you really think that was all a lie Leo?"


Leo bristles. Instead of turning to Ryan to try and steal a kiss to the cheek like he normally did, he doesn't even look at her.

"I um... I don't think I'll be joining you for this race... or any from now on, for that matter."

He tries fumbling with a part in the engine, but finally gives up, shooting Ryan a look full of hurt. He'd run into some of her racing buddies that morning, and it hadn't been pleasant. "I've been humiliated enough, thanks. So if your next move was to see how long it took me to invite you back to my place so you could win an additional ten bucks... I guess you lose."

He leans on the open engine, shifting his gaze back to his task again, his teeth clenched tightly.


Hope gives a nod to Reese knowing his concern. She had a few more idea's about Gunner and maybe some ways to help him but for now she would keep it on a down low. Sometimes things were just better that way.

"It's not a problem Reese. Thats part of my job now. I'll write up my report and have on your best by tomorrow afternoon. If anything else comes up I will let u know."

Hope turns and leaves Reese office making her way back to the interrogation room. Sitting down at the small table that was named her desk for now Hope lets out a small sigh as she starts to write her report a little before she left.

"Shhhhh...save your strength now ok."

Katie's eyes filled with more tears as she looked down at her father. She new the time was coming and it hurt so bad. She wanted Jeff to keep his strength so he could hold on a while longer.

"Don't you worry about me, I am gonna be fine."

Leaning down again Katie leans her head on the pillow next to Jeff Katie brings her feet on to the bed just snuggling next to him. Leaning her arm around him gentily.

"I'm going to miss you Dad, dont give up to soon."

Grabbing the wrench Ryan walks over Ron and hands it to him. Giving a point to the engine he was working on Ryan give a small chuckle.

"Try tighting that bolt and replacing that cap. There is a small crack in it thats going to let air in so it doesn't have a right seal."

Turning around to go back to her own car Ryan spots Leo and a big smile spreads across. But not even receiving a hi from Leo Ryan cocks her head confused for a moment. It wasn't like Leo to say anything.

Walking over to the car Leo was working on Ryan whips her hands on her rag before tucking it back into her pocket and leaning against the car.

"Hey there. There is a big race tonight so I get to see you at the end of the finish line right?"

Odd Behavior

Reese sighs deeply but nods."I was afraid of that. But it was worth a try. I appreciate what you did do... maybe something clicked inside that thick skull of his." He shakes his head a little. "I'm glad you're keeping an eye on him. I've always been a little worried about him - that's one of the reasons I kept him out in Texas for so long... he claimed the time alone made him crazy and maybe it did... but at least he wasn't back here chasing a fantasy mystery. Anyway..."

He takes a deep breath. "Thanks for letting me know what happened. He's still on suspension... hopefully he'll get over this."

Though his eyes were closed, a small smile creases Jeff's lips. "I think I like it too," he whispers. "I love you so much, Katie..." His hand finds one of hers to hold. It was strange... for so long, his had been the warm strength... now it was Katie's health and youth that made her hand the warm, strong one against Jeff's cool skin.

"I'm... I'm sorry I didn't.... tell you sooner." He has to take a breath, the effort of speaking almost too much now, making him cough. "I just.... it was better and... and you had a... a family."

He licks his dry lips as he tries to think of the right words. His cluttered mind wasn't making it easy. "But... but I'm glad you know now so... I could.... so I could... call you my... daughter."

Making the effort to open his eyes, his glossy stare looks up at Katie, love and pride shining through. "When I'm gone... keep your light strong... okay?"

A quirky grin surfaces at just the corner of his mouth. "Somebody has to tell the... campfire stories."

"Oh come on!" Jed grumbles over the engine he was working on. "This big piece of... Where is Leo anyway?"

"Wasn't scheduled 'til this afternoon," Ron mumbles from under another car. "Hey, Ryan, pass me that wrench, would you?"

Miles clangs around in a corner, looking for a tool. "Anybody want to hang out tonight?"

The activity in the shop was enough to let Leo in the side door without being noticed. Instead of barging into the conversation or making an entrance as usual, he simply clocks in, then gets started on the car at the far end. His eyes stay lowered, and he doesn't even greet Ryan.