
Odd Behavior

Reese sighs deeply but nods."I was afraid of that. But it was worth a try. I appreciate what you did do... maybe something clicked inside that thick skull of his." He shakes his head a little. "I'm glad you're keeping an eye on him. I've always been a little worried about him - that's one of the reasons I kept him out in Texas for so long... he claimed the time alone made him crazy and maybe it did... but at least he wasn't back here chasing a fantasy mystery. Anyway..."

He takes a deep breath. "Thanks for letting me know what happened. He's still on suspension... hopefully he'll get over this."

Though his eyes were closed, a small smile creases Jeff's lips. "I think I like it too," he whispers. "I love you so much, Katie..." His hand finds one of hers to hold. It was strange... for so long, his had been the warm strength... now it was Katie's health and youth that made her hand the warm, strong one against Jeff's cool skin.

"I'm... I'm sorry I didn't.... tell you sooner." He has to take a breath, the effort of speaking almost too much now, making him cough. "I just.... it was better and... and you had a... a family."

He licks his dry lips as he tries to think of the right words. His cluttered mind wasn't making it easy. "But... but I'm glad you know now so... I could.... so I could... call you my... daughter."

Making the effort to open his eyes, his glossy stare looks up at Katie, love and pride shining through. "When I'm gone... keep your light strong... okay?"

A quirky grin surfaces at just the corner of his mouth. "Somebody has to tell the... campfire stories."

"Oh come on!" Jed grumbles over the engine he was working on. "This big piece of... Where is Leo anyway?"

"Wasn't scheduled 'til this afternoon," Ron mumbles from under another car. "Hey, Ryan, pass me that wrench, would you?"

Miles clangs around in a corner, looking for a tool. "Anybody want to hang out tonight?"

The activity in the shop was enough to let Leo in the side door without being noticed. Instead of barging into the conversation or making an entrance as usual, he simply clocks in, then gets started on the car at the far end. His eyes stay lowered, and he doesn't even greet Ryan.

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