

Laura hangs up the phone and lets out a contented sigh. But why was Nate getting off work so early tomorrow?

She shakes her head and shrugs to herself. It was late... she was getting tired. Henry jumps up into her lap and gives her hand a nudge with his head.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm coming." Laura grins and strokes her cat's head.

Henry bounds off again, to trot down the hall. Reaching Katie's door, he pushes a paw against it until it opens just enough for him to squeeze in. Blinking in the dim light, he walks a few feet before jumping up onto Katie's bed as if checking to make sure she was tucked in before he headed back to Laura.

Luke lets Misty work, and finally he withdraws to rest his elbows on his knees, putting his face in his hands. He shakes his head at Misty's question.

"I can't think of anything out of the ordinary," he finally answers. "A lot of people come and go at the ranch... Angel hasn't gone anywhere but town every once in a while, and church on Sundays."

Jeff takes a couple steps to lay a hand on Luke's shoulder, giving him a firm pat. No words could really suffice at a time like this. What could he say?

"I don't know what to do either." Rick sighs. "All three of us are doctors, and we can't diagnose this, so it's got to be something foreign, or synthetic, or something... it's too far out of the ordinary to be a common disease that any of us could have recognized. I think you're right..."

He nods at Misty. "Carson's the last resort. I doubt he knows anything, but it's worth a try."

Jeff quirks an eyebrow, now having heard that name twice. "Who's Carson?"

"He's the guy that used to work for the Agency. Katie or Jason might have mentioned him. He was brought down a while back then changed sides. And, he's also Misty's boyfriend."

"Ohh yeah." Jeff nods. "I remember now."

"Yeah. Well..." Rick sets his hands on his hips. "Misty, you and I will stay the night here to monitor Angel's condition. Luke and Jeff... feel free to make yourself comfortable. There's a cot in here, and some blankets and... if you need anything else, ask."

The night is too long. The infirmary is kept at a steady vigil, Angel's vitals being constantly checked by both Rick and Misty. Her conditions remained about the same as she drifted in and out of a hazy consciousness. No better, no worse. But the ticking clock was the worst enemy. Every minute that passed as a minute lost in this battle, whose foe could not be seen or understood.

Susanne wanders into TJY, one of the first to arrive in the morning. Flipping on the lights, she keeps her eyes down as she puts her keys back in her purse while walking to her office.

Pushing the door open, she turns that light on as well, ready to toss her purse to the side and move to her desk. But the startling form in her chair made her shriek and she takes a step backward, putting a hand to her mouth.

Gunner's eyes fly open, his feet sliding off the desk as he quickly rights himself, springing to his feet. "Whoa, whoa, settle down!"

"What are you doing here?" Susanne demands, a glare in her eyes. "Who do you think you..."

Suddenly, her voice trails off and her eyes widen. "Brent Franklin. What in heaven's name are you doing here, let alone in my office?!"

"Well hi to you too." Gunner comes around the desk and spreads his arm, cocking his head. "Is that all I get?"

Susanne laughs sheepishly and moves to give him a hug. Backing off, she gives his scraggly beard a tug. "And what on earth have you done to yourself? You should be shot for coming in here like this, and scaring a poor old woman to death."

"Old woman?!" Gunner grins, a glint in his eye. "You? Oh, please."

Susanne gives his arm a whack. "What are you doing here?"

"Sleeping. Well... I was until you woke me up. Your chair was found to be the most comfortable."

Susanne rolls her eyes. "But what are you doing back here? I didn't think you were ever coming back."

"Neither did I. It's been about two years - glad you even knew who I was."

"As if anybody could forget you." Susanne smirks. "I usually know when the boss calls somebody back in though."

"Medical emergency," Gunner explains. "Angel Trahern from the Texas gang is down in the infirmary. Her husband and one of the others wanted to come, so I brought them."

"So who's watching the ranch?"

"Oh, one of the guys volunteered there. But I'll probably have to head back right away, leaving my post without permission and all. 'Course I'll have to ask the big boss. How's he doing anyway?"


"No, Jason."

"Jason?" Susanne shakes her head. "You didn't hear about yesterday morning?"

Gunner throws up his arms. "I never hear anything. What happened now?"

"Reese is back in charge."

"Really?" Gunner thinks a moment, then smiles. "Good. He shoulda been in charge all along anyway."

"Agreed." Susanne moves to sit down at her desk and turn her computer on. "So is this a new fashion statement or what?"

Gunner runs a hand through his hair, then strokes his beard. "What? You don't like it?"

Susanne scrunches up her nose. "If I liked it, would I have screamed when I saw you?"

Gunner laughs. "Oh, but it's so much fun watching everyone's faces!"

"Well we'd like to see your face sometime too," Susanne chides. "Do you have anything for breakfast?"

"Thought you'd never ask."

Carson wanders onto the main floor of TJY, glancing around at the empty cubicles. He wasn't used to being here this early. But Rick's voicemail on his phone had given him the impression that he needed to be here as soon as possible. He hadn't hesitated in asking Dani to drop him off here on her way to work.

Getting to the infirmary, he knocks, then enters quietly. He sees Rick and Misty, then three other people that looked familiar, but he knew he'd never met. "Hey guys... what's up?"

Rick gives him a nod. "Carson. Thanks for coming. This is Luke and Jeff... and Angel."

Carson nods and shakes hands with the two men who looked as though they'd been up all night. "Hi." He looks to Misty with question. "What's going on? Why did you need me?"


Even though Laura cant see him Nate gives a nod as the joy can be hurd in his voice. "Ok tomorrow morning at work we can talk about a time. I talked with Reese about getting out a little bit early so I should be around till about 2. Love ya babe and talk to you tomorrow."

Hanging up the phone Nate leans back on the couch, than glances at his sister who was asleep next to him. How life has changed in the last few years and how blessed Nate was to be where he is now. The road had been long but it was worth it. It would be interesting to see what was to happen in the future. How life would turn out and what would happened next.

Drawing closer to Angel Misty studys her taking a few of her own items from her bag. Starting to draw blood she looks up at Luke and than back at Angel.
"Well I was working on my latest project with nerve damage research. She never really told me why but she took an interest in it and wanted to help me out. Other than helping me I didn't know she was sick. She asked to look at some of my other research and I said now problem. Maybe she was looking for a cure without telling anyone I don't know."

Continue to check Angel over Misty isn't to sure what more she can do. She would check the blood sample and probably spend most her night checking over the tests she had done. Turning to Rick she shakes her head and looks to Luke than Jeff, than back to Rick.

"She's not looking good Rick. I'll do all I can but I don't know if thats going to be enough. Has Angel had any contact with the Agency as of late? Gunner was always watching the cameras so no one could of slipped into the ranch at anytime? Or has Angel been outside the country recently? Any information you can give me will help in what I am trying to look for. The only other thing I could possibly think of doing is calling Carson and seeing if maybe he knows the symptoms or anything."

Some things never...

Laura's smile broadens. "Aw, you remembered." She sinks down a little further in the couch, pulling a blanket up over her feet.

A giggle escapes. "You know I can't say no to you. I can try, but it never works very well...." She pauses, a sly tone coming to her voice. "Not after you figured out how to get me to go out with you anyway."

Still smiling, she glances over to the calendar on the wall. "Tomorrow is great. I'll see you at work so we can work out the best time."

Luke stays in the chair, resting an arm against the bed, trying to keep himself going. He was exhausted, but Angel was more important than his rest right now. Still holding her hand, his other moves to stroke her hair, a silent prayer running through his mind.

Jeff stands back quietly, unsure what his role in all this was right now. It was obvious that Gunner knew who to call, and apparently the physician was on his way. Jeff glances over to see Scott leaning back against the wall, quietly watching.

"How ya doing, Scott? Good to see you again."

Scott looks over to him quickly, having been blind to Jeff's position in the room, and not realizing he was still there. "Yeah..." he gives a little nod. "I'm... I'm doing okay."

Jeff offers a smile the best he can. He'd heard all about what had happened with Scott, but seeing him for himself... it was a whole new feeling. He didn't know what to say.

Scott knows good and well what Jeff must be thinking. He had the same look on his face as anyone else who saw Scott for the first time after the incident. They all reacted the same, even though they didn't mean to. "There's a couple more chairs over there," Scott offers quietly. "Or... or there's a spare bed in the next room if you're tired."

Jeff shakes his head. "We just stole your bed, buddy. You should take the other room."

It takes a couple minutes of thinking until Scott relents. He'd probably just get in the way in here anyway. He looks over to the bed one more time, worried about Angel. He didn't know her all that well, but he liked her... she'd always been so kind. And he didn't know Luke all that well either but it was obvious that he cared for his wife.

Finally, Scott sidles past Gunner and Jeff to go into the guest room instead. Sinking down on the bed, he waits. For what, he wasn't sure. He wasn't quite as tired now. So he just sits in the quite dark.

Gunner lifts an eyebrow as Scott leaves the room. That certainly wasn't the Scott he used to know. A low whistle escapes.

Jeff looks at him quickly. "Yeah... ditto."

Gunner purses his lips and sighs a little. "Guess I didn't realize just how bad it was."

"Me neither."

"Well..." Gunner sets his hands on his hips. "Rick is on his way. Shouldn't take him more than a couple minutes."

He's right. Rick is quick to arrive to TJY, jogging down to the infirmary. Seeing Gunner, he skids to a halt, blinking before he realizes who it is. "Good grief... what happened to you?"

Gunner grins. "How come everybody keeps giving me a hard time?" He glances over to a mirror. "What's up with the surprise anyway?"

Rick rolls his eyes. "Good to see you again."

Gunner's smile is genuine. "Yeah. Feels good to be here."

Rick moves quickly to the bed, giving Angel a once-over before introducing himself to the two men he didn't know.

Luke acknowledges him. "I'm Luke... Angel's husband."

"And I'm Jeff," Jeff adds. "Katie's uncle."

"Ah yes." Rick nods, recognizing the names. "Well I'm glad you brought Angel in. Misty's on her way to help me out too. I have a feeling she might know more than I do."

"Misty?" Luke questions.

"Medical assistant."

Once Misty does arrive, Rick lets her check Angel over too. "I can't pinpoint it," he comments with concern. "But her body is starting to shut down. These guys brought her in from the hotel."

Luke looks up at Misty, the worry coursing through his eyes. "She only told me this morning... I came as soon as I could. Have you been helping her?"

While the others talk and explain again who Luke and Jeff were and how they came to be here, Gunner wanders from the infirmary. Taking a casual glance down the hall, he wanders to the break room. Looking at the pop machine, he fishes in his pockets for change, but comes up empty.

Approaching the machine from the side, he places one hand near the top, and with the other, he runs it along the side. Down about halfway, he stops and feels for the right spot. Giving a firm whack to the panel, a few quiet noises come from inside the machine, then suddenly a clunk, and a can of Pepsi is deposited.

Gunner grins and picks up the can. "Some things never change." Opening the soda and taking a swig, he wanders back out into the hall and heads for the main floor to take a look around.

Dream World

Hearing Laura's voice makes the grin on Nate's face grow even though she cant see it. His berves and worry seem to almost disappear now as her soft words are like music to his hears.

"Hey Babe. Well to tomarrow is out anniversary and I wanted to take you out to dinner at the nice fancy Italian restraint. The choice is yours but I wont take no for an answer I wanna do something nice for you so please say yes!"

Nate waits and listens hope that Laura's answer really was yes.

As Luke picks her up Angel slowly puts her arms around his neck. Though she dosnt hold on with much force she trys the best she can in her weak state. Resting her head on his shoulder she is quiet just listing to the rythem of Luke's heart and his breathing she try to stay at contious as she can.

Once getting to TJY and inside the infermary Angel turns her head to look at Scott and give a small smile. Feeling the pillow and the blanket over her, along with Luke's hand still in her Angel falls into a strange uncountiousness as her exsaution takes over once again. Though unable to reply at the moment she can head and comprehend everything that was going on around her along with willing it as well. It was almost like a dearm but this was very much real.

Hanging up her phone Misty heads back to her bedroom and changes into a par of jeans and throws a hoodie over her tanktop. She wasnt sure what was going on but Rick had made it sound like an emergncy and if it had to do with Angel she would hurry even faster.

Heading out the door and getting into her car Misty wasts no time in getting to TJY. Quickly making her way across the floor and into the infermary. Looking around the room Misty can only guess who Luke was seeing him holding Angel's hand. As for Gunner and Jeff she had no idea but they must be friends if they had gotten this far. Not knowing what was going on Misty could only wait for Rick but takes a step closer to Angel glancing at Luke than back to Angel she takes in how she looks, and the marking taking not to anything that was not natrule.

"What happend?"