

Keeping the tags in her had a whole new emotions starts to feel Jess up on the inside that was kind of hard to explain. Though some might think it wasnt a big deal but to Jess and Axel, they had made a promise and a commitment to each other. Another step on there adventure.

Returning the kiss to Axel with feeling Jess keeps a tight hold to Axel's tags in her hand. Letting the emotions flow over and through her as for a moment they felt untouchable. As Axel pulls away a smile forms on Jess face as she looks up into Axel eyes. The silence was always welcomed, they could talk with out even saying a word.

Finally pulling away Jess takes the tags and puts the chair around her need and than tucks them under her shirt. Only a little bit of the chain could be seen to show Jess had something around her neck.

"I'll keep them close my heart, the one you stole from me."

Jess beams as she looks up at Axel. Knowing the night was growing late and taking the key from Axel Jess gives a small giggle as she gets into the driver side.

"You know it dosnt always have to be a guy who is the Knght. Its my turn this time and next time you can have the credit."

Sitting on the top of her hood Alice stairs off into the starlit sky. Everyone alse as far as she new was sleeping, now now was her quiet time her time to think and reflect the time for her smile to fade. Its not that her smile was fake, it was in fact very much real but now there was time to sit and think.

Looking out into the star lit sky Alice's memories take her back to when a tall slender man was sitting next to her in the lawn. His one arm tucked behind his head while his other arm was wrapped around Alice. The moonlight sending rays of light to bounce off his dirty blond hair that was ties back in a neat poney tail only a few strands of hair has escaped. His big brown eyes looking deep into Alice untill he looks back at the sky a smile on his lips.

"You think someday they will name a star after me? After a become a rock star and all?"

Rolling on to her back but not to far as to roll out of the strong mans arm Alice looks up at the stars.

"You dont have to be a rock star to have a star named after you Seth. You already are a star to me and shine brighter than any in the sky. But maybe one day if your lucky I'll find the perfect on and name it after you."

"Ohhh Alice...what would my world be like with out you?"

"Dull and boring Seth, I mean who else would you want taking band picture but me. I make it fun."

Feeling something push between herself and Seth Alice looks down to see a big black lab inching his way up between the two. Giving a chuckel Alice scratches the dog behind his ears.

"You are just like your daddy, you have to be the center of attachen huh Samson?"

Acknowledging that he was being talked to Samson lets out a back as Seth pulls Alice closer and press his lips to her letting it linger before pulling away.

"I love you Alice."

A small tear rolls down Alice's as a smile forms on her lips again. That was one of her most cherished memories that she would never forget, and not many people new about that part of her life.

Searching the sky Alice scans the stars as if looking for something, than stoping her gaze lands on the brightest star there that held a redish glow. The one she had been looking for that could only be seen 4 times a year as the season changed.

Reaching out as if to touch the star Alice smile as she whispers.

"I love you too Seth."


Axel's typical faint smile reappears as he takes the bookmark. He gives a little nod - Jess was so thoughtful. "Thank you." One day she would need a bookmark too. He didn't know when or how, but someday, he would be able to share more of his life with her than he had already. And when he did, he knew God would work through him. Jess had been broken in more ways than one. Axel was helping her heal. But only God could fully restore her.

Slipping the bookmark into his shirt pocket, he then opens up Jess' palm. He lets the dogtags fall into her hand, then curls her fingers over them. "Keep this for me," he says quietly.

Slowly leaning in, Axel gives Jess' lips a tender but lingering kiss. Then drawing back, he lets his eyes stare into her own for a moment. He didn't mind the silence. He rather liked it, when words really couldn't do justice.

But like all moments, it had to end. Axel straightens and reaches into his jeans pocket to pull out his keys, and hands them to Jess. "I don't want to drive with just one hand," he admits. His right hand didn't hurt at the moment, after she'd worked on it, but it was completely numb. "Guess I'll have to wait for another evening to be the knight in shining armor."

Ryder's eyes fly open as he hears the front door. Sitting up on the couch, he squints in the dark. Hearing Henry's meow, he knows that it's just Laura, and he flops back down again.

Laura grins, just seeing Ryder's head disappear again. Wandering up behind the couch, she looks down at him, grinning. "Sorry I woke you up."

"No worries. You saved me from the fate of a big ol' croc anyway."


"Mm-hmm." Ryder's eyes are closed again, but as he hears Laura move away, he opens them once more. "Laura?"

She returns. "Yeah?"

"How's things?"

She smiles, knowing good and well what he meant. "They're good. Real good."

"Gonna marry the poor guy?"

She laughs and shakes her head. "No... not yet."

"Sounds like there's some chance left though."

"I think so." Laura reaches down to shove Ryder's head further into his pillow. "If it were anyone else I was having this conversation with, I would have put them in their place by now."

Ryder grins, looking up at her. "Yeah, but no matter how much I pry into your personal affairs, you just can't bear to hurt this innocent face."

"Oh please." Laura scoffs teasingly and turns back around again. "When you get up in the morning be careful - your head might not fit through the doorway anymore."

My Promise

Looking out at the night sky Jess watches the stars twinkle. How pretty the night was yet the heart were full of pain.

Listing and walking with Axel Jess is silent as she reaches out for Axel's hand that had just become second nature to her now and start rubbing it softly knowing it would help.

Continuing to listen to Axel Jess gives small nods here and there to let Axel know she was still listing to him and hearing every word he said. Jess respected the how much Axel still respected his brother and his loyalty even though he has seemed that his brother himself turned his back on Axel. It ment so much about him in just that simple fact.

Finally stoping the rubbing on Axel's hand Jess looks up at him. At his comment about finding out the truth.

"I'll help you as much as I can with finding out the truth, maybe that place Jason and Katie work for can come in handy with that."

Searching Axel's eyes Jess own portray her feelings. She's just gotten Axel and this feeling she liked so much, she wasnt going to let it go so soon.

Gently reaching up Jess runs her fingers over the lettering on the dogs tags. These held so much meaning to Axel and it ment to world to him.

Letting go of his name for a moment Jess reaches into her pocket and pulls out a bookmark. On it was a sea and what looked like a raging storm, but up in the top there was a rainbow peeking through the clouds and the colors were so amazing. Holding it out to Axel Jess smiles.

"I'd got this for you while we were at one of the gas stations. I know you read the bible and I though maybe you would like to use it to hold your place."

Jess gives another smile as the moonlight glisens around Jess and Axel, lighting up his face nicly so Jess could see it. His deep blue eyes that had always given Jess hope, than showed the deeper side to Axel.

"If you get run out of town, I'll follow, if the give you bounds, I'll break them. This is my promise to you that I wont turn my back on you no matter what happens. I think you might be stuck with me. You wont have to deal with this alone ever again."

Jess smile grows as she ment what she said. No matter what they had to go through Axel would no longer be alone. Friend, girlfriend he would always have someone by his side.