
My Promise

Looking out at the night sky Jess watches the stars twinkle. How pretty the night was yet the heart were full of pain.

Listing and walking with Axel Jess is silent as she reaches out for Axel's hand that had just become second nature to her now and start rubbing it softly knowing it would help.

Continuing to listen to Axel Jess gives small nods here and there to let Axel know she was still listing to him and hearing every word he said. Jess respected the how much Axel still respected his brother and his loyalty even though he has seemed that his brother himself turned his back on Axel. It ment so much about him in just that simple fact.

Finally stoping the rubbing on Axel's hand Jess looks up at him. At his comment about finding out the truth.

"I'll help you as much as I can with finding out the truth, maybe that place Jason and Katie work for can come in handy with that."

Searching Axel's eyes Jess own portray her feelings. She's just gotten Axel and this feeling she liked so much, she wasnt going to let it go so soon.

Gently reaching up Jess runs her fingers over the lettering on the dogs tags. These held so much meaning to Axel and it ment to world to him.

Letting go of his name for a moment Jess reaches into her pocket and pulls out a bookmark. On it was a sea and what looked like a raging storm, but up in the top there was a rainbow peeking through the clouds and the colors were so amazing. Holding it out to Axel Jess smiles.

"I'd got this for you while we were at one of the gas stations. I know you read the bible and I though maybe you would like to use it to hold your place."

Jess gives another smile as the moonlight glisens around Jess and Axel, lighting up his face nicly so Jess could see it. His deep blue eyes that had always given Jess hope, than showed the deeper side to Axel.

"If you get run out of town, I'll follow, if the give you bounds, I'll break them. This is my promise to you that I wont turn my back on you no matter what happens. I think you might be stuck with me. You wont have to deal with this alone ever again."

Jess smile grows as she ment what she said. No matter what they had to go through Axel would no longer be alone. Friend, girlfriend he would always have someone by his side.

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