

Jason can't help a grin at Katie's excitement over her legs. At least that had made her happy.

He's about to say more when suddenly he's taken completely off guard by Katie's kiss and hug. It takes all the restraint he has not to jerk away, the heat rising to his face. He allows her to kiss him, but only returns it slightly, not wanting to evoke passion, but not wanting to shock her either.

As she hugs him, he puts his arms around her lightly, still trying to recover. He knew his face was red, and he tries to suppress his rampant emotions.

Forcing a chuckle, he nods. "Yeah, you get to go home soon." He bites his lip as she makes reference to Con. A whole lifetime had passed and she didn't have a clue.

Sliding off the bed and standing up, he gives her hand a squeeze. "You just sit tight here a minute while I go tell someone you're awake, alright?" He winks at her then turns and exits the room.

Scott, Con, Laura and Nate are all in the hall, and stand up as they see Jason, Con questioning the look on Jason's face. "What is it? What's wrong?"

"She's awake."

Sighs of relief come. "Thank God." Con nods. "How is she feeling?"


Scott aims for the door, but Jason stops him. "Scott..." He looks between Scott and the others for a moment. "She seems to think she's still here from her car accident."

Scott's eyes widen. "What?"

"Yeah...she...she doesn't remember anything since then."

Laura raises her eyebrows and glances at Nate, then back to Jason.

Scott isn't sure how to react. What did that mean? The impact hits him hard and he feels his stomach tighten. "You mean she..." He swallows hard. "Us..."

Jason feels extremely bad for Scott, knowing how hard this must be. "No...I don't think she remembers."

Now Scott hesitates, not knowing if he should go see her or not. How was he supposed to act now? He didn't know what to say, what to do... Part of him figured maybe it was better, if that were true. If Katie didn't remember, they wouldn't have to talk about it. But not only was that not a very nice thought, it evoked a new, deeper pain to think that she didn't remember all that they had shared.

He looks to Nate a moment, his hurt and confusion reflecting in his eyes. Finally though he walks forward on pure instinct, going ahead and entering the room. He wanted to see for himself...he wanted to make sure Katie was physically fine, whether this was difficult for him or not. He still loved her and wanted to assure himself she was okay.

Slipping into the room, he approaches Katie's bed cautiously, searching her face, her eyes, for any signs of recognition. When she'd been in the hospital the last time, they'd simply been coworkers. "Hey, Katie...how ya feeling?"

Jason leans back against the wall, and closes his eyes for a moment, trying to regroup.

Con looks at him with concern. "You okay?"

"No, I'm not okay." Jason looks at him with annoyance, keeping his voice quiet. "Do you realize what I said? Katie thinks we're still dating."

Con's eyes widen. "Ohhh. That has to be...awkward."

Jason can feel the heat in his face again. "Tell me about it."

Con has a hard time not laughing as he reads his friend's face. "She kissed you, didn't she?"

Jason smirks at him, not appreciating the conversation, let alone in front of Laura and Nate too. "It's not funny."

"Just a little?"

"Con!" Jason's voice is a hoarse whisper. "I'm an engaged man! No, it's not funny!"

"Alright, alright." Con controls himself. "I'm sorry. Keep your shirt on. I know this can't be easy...surely she'll come around and start to remember. Just give her time."

"Yeah, well now that's what I'm afraid of. How would you like to wake up and think all then, then remember everything has all been turned upside down?" Jason sighs. "She thinks you're still at TJY too."

Con's face drops a little. "Really..."

Lost at work

*Katie leans into Jason for a moment. Soaking up his comfort the comfort that always made her feel better. Jason's comfort was nice but Katie still felt lost and it still was foggy.

As Jason mentions her legs she pulls the blankets back and wiggles her toes a little. A smile cross her face as she looks back at Jason. Than she moves her leg more.*

"I can move my legs. That means...I can walk again. I can really walk J."

*Katie turns to Jason and throws her arms around him and gives him a kiss before wrapping her arms around Jason for a hug.*

"I'm not sure what happend or why I cant remember this hit and run but....my legs work now. They really work. So do I get to go home soon? Since I've recovered from the car crash? Other than this broken arm that is. I bet Laura will be exstatic to see me home again and Con. Poor Con I bet he's been lost at work without me huh?"

It's true

Jason’s eyes grow wide as Katie speaks, the reality of what was happening, hitting him hard. She didn’t remember. She truly thought that she was still in the hospital from her car accident.

Her reference to spending the night together and their kiss brings a strange sensation to his heart. It couldn’t be… had her mind lost so much? Had her mind really pinpointed an exact date to start over, or was it remembering a span of time that confused events?

Either way, the tone in her voice said that she was telling the truth about what she remembered.

Jason is stunned and not sure how to react, but as he sees her tears, he can’t help but offer comfort.

Sliding from his chair to her bed, he sits beside her and puts and arm around her. “Hey, hey, it’s okay, take it easy, hmm?” He reaches over and tucks her hair behind her ear. “Just relax.”

He holds her for a moment, feeling at a total loss. Perhaps is he talked her through it a little, she would start to remember. Perhaps it was the effects of the drugs just lingering.

“What I said was true…it’s been quite a while since you were here.” He moves her a little so he can tilt his head and see her face. Giving her a smile, he wipes her tears with his hand. “You went through therapy and you got out of the hospital, and you can walk fine now.” He gives a little nod to her legs. “Check it out.”

What Happend

*Katie cocks her head and looks at Jason confustion still in her eyes. What was he saying? A hit and run. Maybe he thought it was a hit and run when he new it wasent. Katie thinks for a long moment closing her eyes and trying to think back. Something was there she was sure of it but it was lost in a fog. Katie shakes her head a bit but stops as a pain serges through it.*

"No, I remember..."

*Katie still holds her head she tryed to look through the fog but it only make her head hurt more.*

"...Yesterday I had therpy its going really good too. Hit and run...no thats not what it was...I was forced off the road and than someone pulled me to the side of the road. I...I wasent hit there, I think it was an angel though because she looked like my mom....I...."

*Katie head starts to throp as the thick fog grows. A few tears roll down her face it hurt it hurt alot. She had been asleep for a few days Jason had said, in a coma how was that possable. Kaite can feel herself rock alittle bit as she holds her head.*

"J...whats happend...I..what you said cant be true. I remember we spend the night together watching movies and...the kiss we shaired. I remember it was yesterday."

Do you remember?

Jason is ready to get up and go tell the others that Katie is finally awake, but suddenly he gets the strange feeling that he should talk just a little bit more first.

He furrows his brow slightly. Therapy? What was Katie talking about? Was it just the painkillers that were confusing her? Was she even lucid?

He forces another smile. "You're welcome." Feeling her hand on his arm sends another red flag up in the back of his mind. Why, he wasn't sure. But her touch felt different... Something warned him to proceed with caution.

"Um...Katie... you...haven't had therapy in...quite a while." He leans forward a little, not wanting it to startle her if she really was lucid and not remembering what she should. "You've been in a coma the last couple days from a hit and run. Do you remember?"

Means alot

*Katie looks down at her arm again for a moment. She was a bit confused she couldn't remember breaking her arm but obviously she had. Looking back up at Jason and reaches her good hand out and rests it on Jason's arm.*

"I feel like I have been sleeping for days but it can't be that long I remember going to therapy yesterday when you went to band practice. Whatever those painkillers are they have me on sure are clouding my mind a bit."

*Katie leans her head back on the pillow and lets out a sigh.*

"Thanks for staying with me J. Its means a lot."


Jason is startled from his drowsy state as he hears Katie's voice, and a wave of relief sweeps over him. "Katie..."

Sitting up straighter, he leans forward, resting an elbow on her bed. He doesn't even know how to express his relief. They all had been scared. But seeing her awake now was what they had all wanted, hoped for, others had prayed for.

He offers her a crooked grin as reassurance to her question. "Seems you got a nasty break in a couple places, but the doctor said you'd be okay in no time."

He pauses, searching Katie's eyes. "How are you feeling?"


And so the next to days I made my way through the darkness. Letting the light and the voices of friend lead the way. Till finally that light was with in reach and the voices more clear. Than feeling the warmth on my face I step out into the light.

*Slowly Katie opens her eyes. Where was she? She could not remember. Squinting She trys to let her eyes adjust to the dimly lit room. Finally seeing the masheans and the smell of the room she remembered. It felt like she had been in a never ending dream but surly she was only been sleeping a day because she remembered going to therpy yesterday.

Slowly turning her head she see Jason and smiles. That was the face she never tired of, the one she always wanted to see.

Slowly Katie goes to reach her arm out but feels pain course threw it. Sucking in a deep painful breath. Looking down she see her arm is in a sling and becomes confused. What one earth? When had her arm been broken. Slowly she finally speaks.*

"J? What...what happend to my arm?"


Something close to a short, dry chuckle comes out at Nate's last statement, though Scott doesn't really find a whole lot of humor in it.

He shakes his head, his gaze dropping back to the floor. "I know she loves me...that's what makes it harder. If she would have told me that she didn't love me anymore, at least I could deal with that rejection...there would be a logical reason for us to part. But knowing she still loves me...and I still lover her...and knowing that we can't be together...it's pure torture. I saw that look in her eye, Nate.... Even though she still loves me, there's nothing I could do to bring her back. She made up her mind, and when Katie makes up her mind, that's that."

Scott fidgets with a loose thread on his jeans. "No...she didn't leave me for Jason per say...but he's the reason." He swallows hard, tears of frustration filling his eyes. "I should have known better. I knew that they were inseparable. I shouldn't have stolen her like I did...I should have just let things be." He takes an angry swipe at his eyes before the tears can fall, but the motion just makes his eyes redder. "And I should have taken that job in Arizona."

Standing abruptly, he heads down the hall. "I'm going back home for a while. Call my cell if something changes."

Jason remains with Katie, leaving only to talk to others or get something to drink and stay awake. Camryn comes to offer a shoulder, and though feeling a little bit awkward, she plays her part the best she can, leaving when she has to go to work.

Con arrives later in the morning and stays for a while, talking with Jason, and talking to Katie for a few minutes too. Seeing no changes and knowing she's stable, he opts to go to work later in the day, asking for updates if anything does change.

As the hours pass, the worry sets in of when Katie will awake. No one knew...no one could tell. Scott comes and goes, not speaking much to any of the others, and avoiding any talk of what everyone seemed to know by now. The news of the breakup had spread like wildfire.

The band comes in during the evening to say hi and see Katie, cracking jokes and making Jason smile even when he didn't feel like it. It was strange...it felt so odd to be here again with everyone...it felt as if they were back to when Katie was here before. Only things were so different now.

The next two days go by slowly. Jason leaves only to take care of Trooper, returning again to sit by Katie's bed, if only to hope that his presence would somehow speed up her recovery. Camryn continues to come see him, bringing him meals and giving him some company, though she leaves again for work and for sleep. Others from TJY come, bringing flowers and talking with others, all worried and praying.

Jason's eyes are closed as a light sleep has taken over. He can hear voices in the hall. He thinks it's Con...Nate...maybe Scott, but Scott had been avoiding interaction the last couple days. Maybe he heard Laura too. HIs mind was weary, his body exhausted, even though he had hardly done anything but remain here. He didn't know if it was his own doing or if Katie's condition was simply draining his energy slowly.

Leaning back in the chair, he doesn't let himself sleep too deeply, his ears hearing the ever constant beeping of machines, alert to any movement Katie might make. It's late evening. Hard to believe another day has passed.

Hero Lost in Time

*Nate looks at Scott. He'd been where he was. He'd been hurt before and lost the one he loved the most. It never felt good.*

"Well first off your not a geek and a nerd if Katie hurd you say that weather you two were together or not she would slap you."

*Nate stops for a moment and continues.*

"Next, if she left you I dont think it was for Jason. She loved you Scott Johnson more than anything. If I know Katie at all she probley thought he was hurting you and thats why she let go. I would never second guess her love for you or think she left for someone alse. That dosent sound like the Katie that always talked so highly of you. I think she did it in a way for you."

*Nate lets out another sigh. This whole thing was a mess and though he dident know what was on Katie's mind he had seen the smile on her face and the laughter in her voice when she was around Scott. How could anyone say she dident love him.*

"I know your not ok Scott, and I dont blame you. Hang in there buddy, and though it hurts know that God has his plans. Your a good guy Scott with a big heart. In time it will heal. Trust me I know. I remember when I lost my fiance. It hurt real bad for a long time even though it was my fault. I cryed so much it wasent funny."

*Nate gives Scott a side long glance.*

"You tell anyone that I'll kill you."

*A small smile forms on Nate's lips.*

And through the darkness a voice was hurd and so I followed the sound.
I closer I got the more light I saw but it felt so far away.
I walked on and on as the memories slowly passed by, but they seemed to do so in reverse.
As though the most recent were whiped away like something horrable had happend my mind was trying to block out and so the timeline was set back.
As if I had hit the reset button.
My feet still moving twords the sound,
I new I had to move on.
What would the world be like with out its Hero's?
Even if the hero was lost in time.


Scott is resting his elbows on his knees and staring at the floor as Nate sits down next to him. He doesn’t bother to look up, unsure whether he appreciates his presence or not.

“If I say yes, I’m lying. If I say no, everyone will just want to help and they can’t. So what should I say?”

He swallows hard and finally straightens to lean his head back against the wall, closing his eyes. The whole evening was just playing itself over and over again in his mind, making him relive the pain in every moment.

Though he knows the statement may not be totally true, it comes out anyway. “My fiancĂ© left me for a man who doesn’t even love her. How am I supposed to be after that?” He grits his teeth, wishing that he would quit feeling like crying. He felt like a baby.

“I guess guys like me are doomed to always live for dreams that will never be realized. It’s the curse of geeks and nerds.”

Scott’s tired, his eyes hurt, and he just wants to run away from everything, but he can’t. “And now this happens and I can’t even respond the way I want to. ‘Cause when she wakes up, nothing will have changed, and me being here will just make things worse.”

He finally turns his head to look at Nate with his reddened eyes. “Now, you tell me if I’m okay or not.”

Laura enters the room quietly and comes up beside the bed, looking down on Katie with a bit of sadness, and a prayer on her mind. She looks to Jason and lays a hand on his shoulder. She knew that he and Katie were only friends, but they were close friends, and it was obvious that this was hard on him.

“Hey, Hotshot, you alright?”

Jason nods. “Yeah…I’m okay. Just isn’t too fun.”

Laura offers a small smile. “I know. She’ll be okay though. She’s too strong not to pull through this.” She cocks her head. “Anything I can do?”

“Actually…” Jason quirks an eyebrow. “You wouldn’t mind calling Camryn, would you?”

Laura is a little surprised, then realizes why he’s asking. “Don’t want to tell her about this yourself, huh?”

“I’m just not sure she understands.”

“I bet she understands more than you think, but yes, I’ll call her for you.” Laura returns to Katie one more time to give her hand a pat. “Come back to us, Katie…” Sighing, she turns and goes back out into the hall to make the phone call.

Jason sits quietly, enveloped by the silence in the room. The others were content to leave Katie be…why wasn’t he? Despite knowing that his relationship with Katie was now built strictly on friendship, he couldn’t deny that their connection made it impossible to ignore each other. He simply couldn’t leave her. He was her life source and she his, whether they liked it or not. And being close to each other strengthened them both, mentally and physically, even if it couldn’t be explained.

His mind drifts to Scott. What had all that been about? Why had Katie broken their engagement? Jason could think of only one reason, and he dreaded finding it out. If it was because of him, he wasn’t sure he would deal with that too well. His connection with Katie could disrupt things sometimes, but surely it could be worked around…couldn’t it? Jason didn’t even want to think about him and Camryn right now. He could only hope that this would not affect things.

As the time passes, soon a mellow voice drifts into the hall, the sweet tone soothing…comforting.

"Don’t fear the night, baby.
Dream now, to my lullaby.
Settle that deep soul of yours,
You’re safe here tonight.

Hush now, sleep now,
Don’t be afraid.
You’re safe now, You’re here now,
Let your dreams take flight.

Don’t let those shadows scare you,
I’m here by your side.
Happiness awaits you,
Close your eyes.

Hush now, sleep now,
Don’t be afraid.
You’re safe now, You’re here now,
Let your dreams take flight.

Hush now, sleep now,
Don’t be afraid.
You’re safe now, You’re here now,
Let your dreams take flight.

Mmm…hush now…
Oh sleep now…