

Jason can't help a grin at Katie's excitement over her legs. At least that had made her happy.

He's about to say more when suddenly he's taken completely off guard by Katie's kiss and hug. It takes all the restraint he has not to jerk away, the heat rising to his face. He allows her to kiss him, but only returns it slightly, not wanting to evoke passion, but not wanting to shock her either.

As she hugs him, he puts his arms around her lightly, still trying to recover. He knew his face was red, and he tries to suppress his rampant emotions.

Forcing a chuckle, he nods. "Yeah, you get to go home soon." He bites his lip as she makes reference to Con. A whole lifetime had passed and she didn't have a clue.

Sliding off the bed and standing up, he gives her hand a squeeze. "You just sit tight here a minute while I go tell someone you're awake, alright?" He winks at her then turns and exits the room.

Scott, Con, Laura and Nate are all in the hall, and stand up as they see Jason, Con questioning the look on Jason's face. "What is it? What's wrong?"

"She's awake."

Sighs of relief come. "Thank God." Con nods. "How is she feeling?"


Scott aims for the door, but Jason stops him. "Scott..." He looks between Scott and the others for a moment. "She seems to think she's still here from her car accident."

Scott's eyes widen. "What?"

"Yeah...she...she doesn't remember anything since then."

Laura raises her eyebrows and glances at Nate, then back to Jason.

Scott isn't sure how to react. What did that mean? The impact hits him hard and he feels his stomach tighten. "You mean she..." He swallows hard. "Us..."

Jason feels extremely bad for Scott, knowing how hard this must be. "No...I don't think she remembers."

Now Scott hesitates, not knowing if he should go see her or not. How was he supposed to act now? He didn't know what to say, what to do... Part of him figured maybe it was better, if that were true. If Katie didn't remember, they wouldn't have to talk about it. But not only was that not a very nice thought, it evoked a new, deeper pain to think that she didn't remember all that they had shared.

He looks to Nate a moment, his hurt and confusion reflecting in his eyes. Finally though he walks forward on pure instinct, going ahead and entering the room. He wanted to see for himself...he wanted to make sure Katie was physically fine, whether this was difficult for him or not. He still loved her and wanted to assure himself she was okay.

Slipping into the room, he approaches Katie's bed cautiously, searching her face, her eyes, for any signs of recognition. When she'd been in the hospital the last time, they'd simply been coworkers. "Hey, Katie...how ya feeling?"

Jason leans back against the wall, and closes his eyes for a moment, trying to regroup.

Con looks at him with concern. "You okay?"

"No, I'm not okay." Jason looks at him with annoyance, keeping his voice quiet. "Do you realize what I said? Katie thinks we're still dating."

Con's eyes widen. "Ohhh. That has to be...awkward."

Jason can feel the heat in his face again. "Tell me about it."

Con has a hard time not laughing as he reads his friend's face. "She kissed you, didn't she?"

Jason smirks at him, not appreciating the conversation, let alone in front of Laura and Nate too. "It's not funny."

"Just a little?"

"Con!" Jason's voice is a hoarse whisper. "I'm an engaged man! No, it's not funny!"

"Alright, alright." Con controls himself. "I'm sorry. Keep your shirt on. I know this can't be easy...surely she'll come around and start to remember. Just give her time."

"Yeah, well now that's what I'm afraid of. How would you like to wake up and think all then, then remember everything has all been turned upside down?" Jason sighs. "She thinks you're still at TJY too."

Con's face drops a little. "Really..."

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