
What Happend

*Katie cocks her head and looks at Jason confustion still in her eyes. What was he saying? A hit and run. Maybe he thought it was a hit and run when he new it wasent. Katie thinks for a long moment closing her eyes and trying to think back. Something was there she was sure of it but it was lost in a fog. Katie shakes her head a bit but stops as a pain serges through it.*

"No, I remember..."

*Katie still holds her head she tryed to look through the fog but it only make her head hurt more.*

"...Yesterday I had therpy its going really good too. Hit and run...no thats not what it was...I was forced off the road and than someone pulled me to the side of the road. I...I wasent hit there, I think it was an angel though because she looked like my mom....I...."

*Katie head starts to throp as the thick fog grows. A few tears roll down her face it hurt it hurt alot. She had been asleep for a few days Jason had said, in a coma how was that possable. Kaite can feel herself rock alittle bit as she holds her head.*

"J...whats happend...I..what you said cant be true. I remember we spend the night together watching movies and...the kiss we shaired. I remember it was yesterday."

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