
Lost at work

*Katie leans into Jason for a moment. Soaking up his comfort the comfort that always made her feel better. Jason's comfort was nice but Katie still felt lost and it still was foggy.

As Jason mentions her legs she pulls the blankets back and wiggles her toes a little. A smile cross her face as she looks back at Jason. Than she moves her leg more.*

"I can move my legs. That means...I can walk again. I can really walk J."

*Katie turns to Jason and throws her arms around him and gives him a kiss before wrapping her arms around Jason for a hug.*

"I'm not sure what happend or why I cant remember this hit and run but....my legs work now. They really work. So do I get to go home soon? Since I've recovered from the car crash? Other than this broken arm that is. I bet Laura will be exstatic to see me home again and Con. Poor Con I bet he's been lost at work without me huh?"

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