
Personal Leave

*Nate looks at Jason at the mention of the computer chips noding. Nate new that the gang in texas had them. Well all but one, but did the Agency know they had they out.*

"What makes Medridge think they cant win? They have come a long way, and now they have us to back them up. There has to be a way."

*As Carson continues to talk revealing what he had to do with Jason Nate can feel his friend stands. Taking Jason by the arm he speaks.*

"Easy Hotshot, keep that head level."

*As Nate intakes all the informations he had found out about his mind races. No one in Texas was safe right now. They had the repper knocking at there door and they dident know about it. Was it better off that way?*

"Jason as soon are we are done here I want you to Call Austin and let him know about Jim's wife ok."

*Nate turns back to Carson, uneasy in his next question. He wasent sure if it would set Jason off or not but he needed to ask.*

"Carson what do you know about a young girl named Katie Pent? She has her own hard life, her mother and baby brother mistersly became sick when she was still young. And than about a month or two again she was in a horrable car accident. It's a mericle she survived, no one understand who it happend. But he is alive still, but her was hurt pritty bad. What do you know about that?"

*Nate keeps an eye on Jason as he talks to Carson knowing this could be a stick question to be asking.*

"OH ya I have another question or two as well and than that will be enough for today. What made you change your mind about Killing Jamie? She was right there and you let her live. And than Misty you dident hurt her eather. Surly you have been around the block or two with some wemon, but something tells me you treated those two very differntly."

*Jamile smiles at Con as he looks at her. She has spend the last hour studying him. She could tell he was falling in a hole despretly trying to hold on but not being able to. It pained Jamie's heart to see the man she loved hurt so much.*

"I think I'll come with you if you dont mind. And if you could swing by TJY and drop me off I would apreshate it. You dont have to come in with me, I wont be long I just need to ask Reese for a personal leave. I was thinking of Heading to texas at the end of the week or the start of the next. I need to clear my head and shake these jitters. I cant do that here in the city with all the noise. Also I made a promise to Sam that I would go and tell her story. I cant break that. I wont be gone long though Con, I'll come back to you I promise."


Carson taps his cigarette on the ashtray, processing Nate's line of questioning. "Yeah, I know about Texas. Never was assigned to it, but they almost sent me in a couple times. Right after we'd had Jim and he bailed on us, they were gonna send me in to get him back, but we realized the surveillance going on, and backed off."

He leans back in his chair. "I know of Dr. Medridge. Never met the bloke, but came close once when I'd killed someone I wasn't supposed to and they were gonna take me to him to decide if I should live or not. I managed to squirm out of that one. The guy's a lunatic though. I think he's truly got something wrong with his head, the way he deals with people. He sees everyone as lab rats to play with...he likes seeing how much they can take. He even has his own goons that pick on people that have nothing to do with the Agency, just to play."

Carson pauses, smoking and thinking. "The Agency started out to make money. I know you know about the adoption racket. When Medridge got involved years ago, he and his elite group had come up with some plans...something they stored on various computer chips. Medridge decided to take advantage of the adoption racket and dispersed the chips into kids with willing parents, or kids who hadn't been adopted yet, so they wouldn't fall into the wrong hands." He scoffs. "Parents who approved worked within the Agency, but were clueless about all of the illegal activity. They thought they were doing something good - they were convinced it was a good cause. There were exceptions to the case when plans changed, or when others were used as carriers for chips. But all in all, Medridge got his secret tucked nicely away. About a year after his activities were in motion, his elite group of scientists and doctors suddenly had a tragic 'accident' on a ship off the coast. Everyone died. Funny, Medridge didn't show up at their funerals."

Carson bends forward to rest his elbows on the table, his eyes cold and hard, relaying the information without displaying emotion. "The Agency has tracked the gang in Texas mainly because of those computer chips. They've been haunted because of Medridge. He wanted to keep an eye on his cargo, but wanted to have fun at the same time. So he had people kidnapped, loved ones killed - the whole kit and kaboodle. He liked seeing reactions...he liked torturing people."

He lifts his eyes for a moment to look at Jason and Nate. He had felt that torture. He had felt the pain that Medridge liked to inflict. "So basically, yeah... it's just for the heck of it. Medridge keeps track of his precious cargo and has fun at the same time. If anyone looked like they would stumble onto the truth, he'd turn up the heat."

Jason holds up his hand to pause Carson. "Why was it dormant for so long? Why did things crop up again just recently?"

Carson shrugs. "The gang was dispersed...it wasn't as much fun. Medridge got sick too and was in the hospital for a long time, taken off duty and out of the picture for quite a while. During that time, the Agency just continued to run its underground rackets, stealing, illegal import and export, that sort of thing. Once Medridge returned, it was another story. On top of that, the ringleader, what's his name...Mick, started stirring things up when he started investigating with that chick Melanie. It was a long time before the Agency realized that the chips had been discovered, but obviously, they panicked, sending Jim in, and all that."

"Why has no one ever discovered the Agency? We go to police and they laugh in our faces."

Carson raises an eyebrow, grinning slightly. "Whoever heard of such a thing? So big? So controlling? Not only would the authorities feel stupid for missing such a thing, but they'd probably let it slide just so a war didn't start. The Agency is the biggest underground racket there is. And yes, there are bad cops in on it too, out for the money." He finishes his cigarette and puts it out. "The gang in Texas has been picked on, just because that's where it started. Their behavior and reactions are the most interesting. Medridge likes to see them fight back...he likes seeing how far they'll go...if the Texas gang started a war, Medridge would be delighted to see the action because one, he's sadistic, and two, he knows they couldn't win."

"What about the rest of us?" Jason intervenes again. "What about when I got taken? Or like Nate asked, about Con and Jamie? We're not part of the Texas gang."

"So? You got involved with them and Medridge saw fresh blood. Don't think Medridge didn't know your history, Jason. He knew kidnapping you would drive you up a wall, and scare the others too." Something strange flickers in Carson's eyes as he speaks of this topic and looks at Jason.

Jason looks at him with suspicion. "What did you have to do with that?"

"You don't want to know."

Jason's jaw tightens. "Yes, I do."

"Alright..." Carson hesitates, but finally shrugs, remaining casual. "You were so out of it, you couldn't have identified anyone if you'd been paid to. But you might have recognized me a couple days ago if I'd had a sledgehammer in my hand."

Jason's eyes widen, a new surge of anger coursing through his veins, and he stands up, ready for another fight. "You..."

Carson scoots his chair back so he's out of Jason's immediate reach, and holds up his hands. "Got a bone to pick with me, do it later. I was doing my job. Right now I'm trying to give you what you need to take the Agency down. You got a personal grudge against me, fine, I don't care. But you get back at me now, the information dies with me."

Jason's eyes burn with hatred for what he'd been through after being taken in Texas. The beatings, the interrogation, the damages to his knee. He'd imagined finding the men who did it one day, and what revenge he would have. And now Carson was just feet away, and he couldn't touch him. He looks to Nate, desperately trying to control his temper, and finally hooks his thumbs in his beltloops to pace the floor, unable to sit back down until he's cooled off. He switches gears in an attempt to temporarily cease his anger towards the one person who could help them. "What about Con and Jamie?"

Relieved he wasn't going to be attacked, Carson readily replies. "The Agency didn't know about TJY. But when you came back here to Nevada, then Con followed, it was obvious there was something we were missing. You'd already been picked on, so Medridge figured Con was a nice target. What would it be like to play with a tank. You probably thought his dosage of poison was an accident." Carson shakes his head. "It was meant to almost kill him but not quite. Not only just to play with him, but to send a warning about any investigations going on. When he came to, it had already been discovered that he and Jamie had a thing going on, so Medridge thought it would be fun to get at Con through that avenue. So they took her." He pauses, shaking his head. "I wasn't part of the kidnapping - they just called me in later to see if I could get her to talk. And not even I could do that."

He gives a little scoff. "The Agency isn't scared of TJY because it doesn't know about it. Oh, we've known there was something, but you guys have done just about as good a job as the Agency itself, staying underground. By now, they might know more, but for the moment, details of your activities are safe...at least that's the last I knew."

Carson pauses again, searching Nate and Jason's faces once more. "Medridge knows the computer chips were discovered though, and he wants them back. He doesn't go in guns blazing because he doesn't want the authorities involved, and personally, I think he's scared. He also doesn't want anything destroyed. So he's just picking away...slowly...trying to figure out the best plan of attack. ...He's not going to wait forever though. I've heard talk of something big, but I don't know what."

He shifts his weight a little, resuming a lean back in his chair. "I know some names of bad cops to avoid. I know where some eyes of the Agency are located. I know their tracking moves for about the next month. I know who they're keeping a closer eye on than others. I know they're hunting for Jim's wife and girl and think they might have a location."

Con glances out the front window at Jamie's sighing deeply. It was after lunch...Laura had been gone since earlier that morning...nothing significant had happened....which was a good thing, but it had left too much time for Con's mind to be at work. He just couldn't shake this depressive state he was sinking into, though he was desperately fighting it for the sake of those around him.

"Hey, Jamie...thought I'd go back to my place and check on things...pick up my mail...you want to stay here or come along?"

More questions

*Nate gives a nod as Carson finally understanding what he was doing. It made sence now. As Nate searches Carson face. Leting out a sigh Nate is ready to get the informations he wanted.*

"So you know about the people in texas? and Dr. Medridge I am guessing? We know why he has been doing this but what does the Agency have agenst these people? Money, just for the heck of it? Whats the big picture? What really goes on at The Agency. Why did you take Jamie? and Why was the Agency after Con? Is the Agency that scaired of TJY?"

*Nate shoots a glance at Jason his eyes asking if Jason had any other question he might like to ask.*


Carson can't help the slight grin that quirks the corner of his mouth as Misty leaves the room. He sinks down in the chair again, going for yet another smoke. He leans back casually. "Alright. What do you want to know?"

Jason can't help his perplexed stare. Where was the Carson that had given them so much trouble earlier? What was going on?

Carson sees his confusion. "Look. I had to find out for sure if you guys were legit. If you were willing to kill me or let me rot, or if you were willing to give up one of your own to me just to get answers, you'd be no different than the Agency. I asked for Jamie to see if you'd do it, and you didn't. I asked for Misty, and you ended up not even giving me that, even though you knew I might not talk. You haven't killed me yet, even though you wanted to." He takes another puff. "The Agency woulda sold out their own to get what they want. I'm glad to see you won't. I said I'd help and I will. You have my word."


*A softer smile show on Misty’s face replacing the sassy one that way normaly there.*

“Your welcome Carson.”

*As Nate enters the room he looks to Carson than Jason than Misty. Rolling his eyes he nods to Carson.*


*Than he throws Misty a look.*


*Misty pushes off the wall and heads for the door her Sassy smile returning. She nods at Carson as she slips out the door.*

“Pst…little ya right..See ya later..”

*Nates eyes follow Misty as she leaves making sure this time she does. Turning back to Carson he eyes him for a moment. Still trying to understand Carson and what he was going.*

“So Carson, Misty said you were ready to talk. Out with it! Or do we have to go through the questions with you again?"


Carson paces the floor as Misty talks, a strange mixture of nervousness and irritation on his face, his body language implying that his mind is working overtime.

He glances at Misty as he call ends, searching her face that's lit by the small glow. "Thank you."

Jason's eyes widen. "She what?" He groans and gets up from the table. "What next?!"

Both are quick to get back to the room, where Jason flips on the light and unlocks the door to enter.

Carson squints in the sudden bright light, immediately raising his hands out to the sides to prove he's not gonna try anything. He looks at Nate coolly. "You better get a handle on this little girl here before her fearlessness really gets her into trouble."

More trouble

*Misty shakes her head at Carson now the soft glow from the cell screen she can make out his face.*

"Well this place isent like the Agency. I havent been here long but I do know my Uncil. He's to caring to let anyone here get hurt on purpis.*

*Misty takes a few steps away from Carson and diel Nate's number on her cell.*

*As Nate phone vibrates her pull it off his belt loop. Looking at the number he dosent reconize it but answers it anyways.*

Nate: "Hello?"

Misty: "Nate, its Misty. Carson is ready to talk now."

Nate: "What, how do you know....."

Misty: "Well when you locked him in you locked me in too."

*Nate stands throwing his trash away.*

"Your more trouble than you are worth. Your gonna get yourself hurt one of these day."

*Misty rolls her eyes.*

"Ya ya ya thats what everyone says I have yet to see it. Just get in here before he changed his mind again."

*Misty hangs up the phone put keeps it fliped open so the light illumantes the room. Walking over to the closest wall Misty leans her back aganst is proping her foot up on the wall behind her as well.*

*Nate looks at Jason and shakes his head.*

"That girl, she is locked in the room with Carson. She must had snuck in when we were looking. She said Carson wants to talk now. Come on lets go and get this over with."

Call them

Carson's jaw tightens. "Look, I wouldn't have led them on if I didn't think I had to. Do you think I'd want to jump from somehwhere like the Agency just to end up in a place just as bad?"

Seeing her cell phone, he immediately lets Misty go. "Why didn't you say you had a phone?! Tell them to get their hind ends back in here!"


*Misty scoffs as Carson still holds on to her.*

"You dont want to be in here all day. Carson YOUR the one that braught this one yourself with not telling them what they wanted to know and playing mind games with them. If I wasent here you would be stuck anyways and than what would you do?"

*Misty thinks for a moment before talking again.*

"Anyways if I scream they will think your TRYING to hurt me, and your not so your probley gonna get you but kicked for nothing. But...."

*Misty removes one of her hands from Carson's arm and reaches into her pants pocket pulling something out. In a moment the room is illumanated in a soft glow from a cell phone screen.*

"If you let me go I can call Nate and tell him you want to talk now."

You know

Carson winces as his leg buckles under the force of Misty's kick. "Dang it, Misty!" His hold loosens, though he doesn't let go. "I'm not willing to sit in here all day! You know I don't want to hurt you, so just scream for pete's sake so they come back!"


*As Carson pulls Misty from under the table and puts her in the headlock her hands once again go to his arms. Her tone of voice not changing at all.*

"And you think this is going to make me scream? Even if you do squeeze I wont scream. You cant put fear into the fearless. How about a change of pace, why dont you scream."

*In one swift movment Misty kicks her foot out behind her making it connect with Carson's shin.*


Jason thinks for a moment, then shrugs. "Yeah. You're probably right." He sits down and digs into his sandwich, not having realized how late the morning had gotten.

Carson rolls his eyes, though Misty can't see him. "Sometimes it's better to feel out the other side before surrendering." Bouncing his leg nervously, he finally makes up his mind. Having heard Misty scoot on the floor, he knows where she is. Getting up from his chair, in one movement, he goes to one knee on the floor, reaching under the table and pulling Misty out. Not giving her enough time to react, he pins an arm behind her back, putting her in a locked choke hold. "Now scream or I'm gonna squeeze tighter," he hisses. "I'm not going to sit in here all day waiting for those dopes to get back."


*As Carson holds Misty can feel her own cheeks begin to burn slightly. As Carson lets her go she can tell he is a bit embarrassed. That was a new emotion to sense in Carson and she guess it didn’t happen often. Deciding to not draw attention to it Misty squats down to the ground again and states.*

“See point proven about moving undetective.”

*Misty slides herself back under the table sitting on her butt this time and crossing her legs Indian style. For a moment she doesn’t say anything but than replies.*

“Why? I have no reason to scream. Why don’t you just tell them what they want to know and have this whole thing over with?”

*As Nate finishes off his sandwich he looks up at Jason thinking for a moment. Last he new Misty was outside the door waiting for them but since they came back in and out again he hasn’t see her.*

“I am guessing she went back to Rick’s to finish up her work?”


Carson sighs deeply, his breath echoing in the small room. It was stuffy in here. He moves forward in the dark, feeling for his chair that had been knocked over. Moving too far to one side though, he runs into Misty instead. Feeling her teeter, he instinctively reaches out to grab her, winding up holding her around the waist. Though unable to see clearly without light, he knows good and well now where she is and how he's holding her. For the first time in his life, he can feel heat coming up the back of his neck. The feeling confuses and almost scares him, and he lets go of Misty quickly, taking a step back. "Sorry." He feels to the other side, his foot running into the downed chair. Leaning down, he picks it up and manages to sit back down, crossing is arms across his chest. "Why don't you just scream bloody murder so they come back and we can get this whole thing over with?"

Jason decides Nate is right. "Yeah, I didn't grab any breakfast this morning." As he gets himself something to eat, he stops before sitting back down. "Nate...where's Misty?"

I told you

*Nate shakes his head as he makes his way for the breakroom leting out a sigh.*

"I dont get him eather Hotshot. One minute he's got this far off look in his eyes and the next they have there color back, alive. I just dont get him. I need to regroup myself i almost lost it in there Jason. I havent been that angry in a long time."

*As Nate enters the breakroom he pours himself a cup of coffee and grabs something from the Vending Mashean. Siting down he bits into the sandwaitch.*

"You better get something to eat yourself. Your looking a bit pale.*

*Misty shifts alittle as her legs fall asleep moving from under the cramped table but staying low to the ground so if she needs to dash back under the table she can.*

"I told you I wasent leaving you, Let alone there be any place for me to go. Nate always kicked my in the face for heavens sake. I doubt I could of crawled from under the table and to the door without them noticing now could I have?! Its not like there is alot of room in here to move around undetectied."

*Finally Misty stands all the way up and streches out her body being cramped up.*


Jason tenses as Nate moves behind him, realizing that this situation really is getting out of control. It was obvious that Nate needed to cool down, and Jason couldn't blame him - it would probably be good for him to step out as well before anything else went wrong.

He nods to Nate. "I'm right behind you. Leave this scum to think a while." He follows Nate to the door, and shuts it hard, locking it behind him and hitting the lightswitch that is outside the room. Taking a deep breath, he shakes his head. "This is ridiculous. I just can't read him at all. It's like he's got a split personality."

Carson squints as the light goes out. The room is pitch dark. He remains standing and for a moment holds his breath to listen. He can just make out slight movement and breathing. "Decided to stick around, eh, Sassy?" A flat laugh is forced out. "Now if Nate knew that, you do know he'd kill me. If I were you, I'd stay under that table 'cause when he gets back, I may not be the only thing he's after."

Lock the Door

*Nate shakes his head he eyes still on fire as he stands across the room his arms crossed shaking is head.*

"No Carson I'm not. I'm not willing to let any other people die. Carson what are you geting out of this now? The sick pleasure of seeing us run around in circles? You tell us the information we need to know we will offer protection, maybe even some of the best bodyguards we have to offer. You wont be hurt by the Agency. I've alowed you to talk to Misty like you asked, and than you dident want to, than you did again. Why dont we just stop the games, and get what we want. No one alse is geting hurt except you if you cross me."

*Nate backs up behind Jason He was geting angry losing his temper. He wasnted to kill Carson with his bare hands right now. He needed a time out. He nods to Jason and than nods to the door*

"I need to step out for a moment to get some coffee. If you wanna come along Jason lock the door behind you. Let him sit in here and think long and hard. This room is worse than the cell Carson. Not even a light from the door, its smaller, stuffyer. Maybe if you sit in here you'll rethink not talking."

*Misty stays quietly under the table listoning to what goes on. Her brain trying to pick apart what Carson was doing. She tryed to read his voice, and actions. but was coming up empty handed.*


Carson is taken so off guard that he doesn't even have time to react between falling onto the floor and being picked up by Nate. He winces as he's slammed up against the wall, his hands automatically going for Nate's arms, though the wind had been knocked out of him, and he can't fight much.

Jason is on his feet as Nate goes for Carson. He doesn't interfere though - Nate was doing what he'd wanted to do from the beginning.

As Carson is let go, he doubles over, trying to catch his breath. A scoffing laugh makes its way to the surface. He straightens up and looks at Nate shaking his head slightly, his eyes suddenly alive. "I shoulda known that was coming. Took you long enough."

Jason furrows his brow in confusion at Carson's behavior. "What's so funny, Carson? You want more?"

Carson's eyes narrow. "You two got a lot of nerve. You've kept me locked up, I haven't even had a shower or clean clothes, you've been pushing me around, threatening me and coming close to knocking my block off." He pauses, his voice remaining even and cool. "But you're not willing to kill me, or give up one of your own, no matter how much you want that information, are you?"

Jason looks at Nate, confused. What was Carson getting at? It almost appeared that he was glad Nate had pounced on him. What was going on here? What was Carson's real motive?


*As Carson rocks back and forth in his chair Nate takes his foot from understand the table just missing Katie and pushes it aganst Carson chair sending him backwords. Almot jumping over the table Nate wraps his hand around Carson's neck lifting him off the ground and slams him aganst the wall.*

"Like I said before I hear even a distraugh sigh I'll break your neck in. DONT mess with me Carson cuz I am on the edge of knocking you a good one myself."

*Nate's eyes flash with fire showing he is geting ticked off. It wasent often Nate got upset but when he did it wasent good. Leting go of Carson Nate back up still stairing at him in the eye.*

*Misty gives alittle jump as Nate's foot and leg fly past her. Hey eyes widen alittle as he picks Carson off the floor and slams him aganst the wall. Nate seems so calm everytime she saw him, and now that he was angry it was differnt and Misty dident like it. Continuing to sit under the table helplessly.*

How far?

Jason returns Nate's glance, unsure about this whole thing. He didn't like the look in Carson's eyes, but if Nate was confident that Misty would be fine, then what could he say? He finally shrugs, looking back at Carson. "We've been awfully generous, Carson. We could have made it a lot worse for you the last few days, but we didn't. I'd say you better start talking. You've got what you asked for first, so come on...work with us here."

Carson rocks back on the back legs of his chair, studying the two men. He knows Misty is in the room, but never leads on that she is. He makes eye contact with Nate. "You seem to be leading this little charade, so tell me...If I ask to be alone with Misty again, will you let me? If tell you not to come in, but I'm in here for over an hour with her, will you break the bargain? If she screams, will you break the deal and risk me staying close mouthed, or will you come in?" His gaze flings the challenge at Nate. "How far will you go, mate? What will you allow me to do with that pretty little thing? You know if I don't get what I want that I won't talk and you're out your precious information."

The Last Thing

*Nate remains strong trying to let Carson words roll off him. Keeping his head high.*

"Every life has value to me, but she is the one who shows no fear to you, who sneeks off in the middle of the night to be with you. I'd say she can hold her own just fine. Misty's the last thing you'll get from me till we start geting answers Carson. What do you think Jason?"

*Nate gives Jasons a side long glance.

As Misty sits under the table listoning she looks down at her hands they were shaking. She wasent scaired, or frightend but along the lines of confused. She dident know Nate very well and was confused to his intentions. What was going to happen next. Misty's mind reels as she sits on the cold hard concret floor.*


For but a moment, Carson is almost surprised, but doesn’t let it show. His demeanor remains cold like ice. “Misty, huh…well…that’s not all I asked for, but it might do.” A cocky grin is intentionally brought to the surface. “I figured you’d bend eventually. Giving me one of your own…just like that…you know what I’m capable of, but you must want what I got pretty bad. Of course…Misty’s the new one around here isn’t she. She must not be of that much value to you."

The most you can have

*Misty looks into Carson's eyes. They seemed so empty, so cold, from the night before. It was like Carson made himself out of stone to block everything out. Misty's warm hand finds Carson's for a bref moment.*

" I’m not leaving you. There is another way to end this and you know it."

*Nate puts his hand on Jason's shoulder.*

"I know you worryed Jason. I dont blame you. We just have to be pashent. If it comes down to it Misty can relay the messages to us as well."

*Nate turns to head back into the inatagation room with Jason.

Hearing Jason and Nate making there way back Misty withdraws her hand from Caron's and slids herself under the table out of sight.

Nate sits down across from Carson his eyes narrowing just a bit.*

"Sorry Carson but you arnt gonna see Jamie and the agency isent going to go one of my men..."

*Nate next statment comes out a bit harshed than intended for anyone who dosent know him.*

"...The most you can have is Misty. "

*As Misty receves Nate's words something that resembles thunder claps inside her Carson's words replaysing in her mind “How’s it feel to be fed to the wolves?” .*

Your call

Carson’s jaw is tight, and he doesn’t move as Misty approaches. He puts out the cigarette, letting her question linger for a moment. “What happens is up to those two blokes out there. They’re the ones who have to make up their minds how they want to play this. All they gotta do is give me what I want, and I’ll hold up my end of the bargain. But I ain’t doing it for free.”

Jason begins to settle down a bit, realizing that Nate really does have the best intentions at heart. “You’re right… I’m sorry I flew off the handle. I just don’t understand why all of a sudden Carson’s being so belligerent. Maybe you’re right about Misty…maybe I was wrong that she shouldn’t be involved. But I still don’t think she should be alone with him. We need to hear Carson’s answers too.” He shrugs. “It’s your call.”

*As Jason and Nate are chating with there back turned Misty looks in at Carson he looked so sad for the moment. Sliping into the room Misty goes around to the side of the table Carson is at and bends down so that Jason and Nate cant see her.*

"Carson whats going on? Talk to me? What's going to happen?"

*For the first time a glint of fear can be seem in Misty's eyes. Not for herself but for Carson. Soon it is replaces with her normal look and glowing eyes.*

*Nate shakes his head at Jason.*

"We can turn him into the cops Jason. He's the key we will need. We've never been this close before."

*Nate brings a hand to his head trying to think of the next step. What is Carson was right and all they needed was someone to be handed to the Agency.*

"We arnt sending anyone to the Agency eather. This isent Carson's play area. We set the rules. We have a key for him and thats Misty. That girl does something to him Jason. I cant put my finger on it, but if you looks closly you can see it too. His eyes gain a bit of light when she is around him. Its like she is the light among his shadows. I say we play with that and see if we cant come up with something to work with."


Con stiffens at the mention of Carson, but can’t respond as Nate continues to talk, then abruptly ends the call. Closing his phone, Con forces his brief anger to subside. He had no intentions of no taking care of Jamie right now…Nate didn’t have to tell him to do that much. As far as Carson went….Con would just have to trust Nate’s judgment.

Jason rolls his eyes. “Carson just informed me that the Agency wants a trade. Unless we send over one of our own, we’re not going to get anything, and the Agency could put pressure on us.” Concern flashes in Jason’s eyes. “I don’t know what to do. We can’t send anyone over…they’d do worse than kill anybody, just for spite. Not to mention, it doesn’t guarantee Carson’s even going to talk after that. I vote we turn him into the cops. Let him go to prison. We can figure out the Agency without his help.”

With the door open, Carson glances out into the hall to see Misty. He shakes her head at her, his face grim.

Dont worry

*Nate lets out a long sigh, the last time someone hid something from Con it ended bad Maybe if he just told him.*

"Carson asked to see Jamie Con or he wont tell us anything we need to know. DONT get upset though, I decieded this isent his field to play ball in. He's not geting her, he's not talking to her. He cant have her Con, you have nothing to worry about."

*Nate looks over and see Jason poke his head out of the room.*

"I have to go Jason needs me. I'll keep you updated if you want Con. Take care of Jamie and worry about her. I'll take care of this here."

*Nate hangs up the phone and goes over to Jason.*

"I dident ask her Hotshot. I couldent. Not now, I couldent put her through anymore pain. "

*Nate looks past Jason at Carson than back to Jason.*

"So, whats going on now?"

Out of hand

Con quirks an eyebrow. He and Nate were friends, but he normally didn’t call just to chat. “Jaime’s alright…well…she will be. Not such a great night for her though.” He sighs a little. “I’m fine…and Laura too. I think she’s coming in to work here in a few minutes…” Question lingers in his tone. “Anything going on I need to know about?”

Jason pokes his head out of the room to catch Nate’s eye. “We gotta talk,” he whispers hoarsely. “This is getting out of hand.”


*As Con answers phone a dew moment pass before Nate says anything. Last night at Jamie's house he saw the way Con looks at Jamie the love and he saw the look in Jamie's eyes still a bit of fear. The scar on her face and that small spart was still not visable again. He couldent put Jamie though anymore, no matter how much they wanted to take the Agency down.*

"Hey Con...I was wondering how Jamie was today? Any better? And how are you and Laura?"


Carson lifts an eyebrow at Misty as she exits, wondering about her all over again. Her attitude…the way she carried herself…her words…
This would be interesting.

Jason rolls his eyes as he sidles past Nate to go back into the room. “It should be Reese’s decision,” he grumbles. “I can’t believe you’re gonna ask her.”

He goes back to Carson, sitting down in the chair and studying him for several moments. “What’s your game, Carson? Why don’t you just quit playing around?”

Carson cocks his head. “Why don’t you just give me what I want?”

“Maybe you’re asking too much.”

“Maybe. But how far are you willing to go?”

Jason sighs in irritation. “You keep asking that. Why?”

“Because I want to know.” Carson lights up another cigarette.

“Well you might be getting your way with Jamie,” Jason scoffs. “Nate’s calling now to see if she’ll come.”

For once, Carson’s eyes betray him as surprise flickers for a split second. “He’s actually asking her?”

Jason sees the surprise and his confusion intensifies. “Why not? After all, we’re not going to force her to come see the brute that hurt her. If she wants to do that, fine. But if she says no, you’re not getting your way.”

Carson takes his time with his smoke, thinking. “The Agency wants a trade. I stay and they won’t kill anyone if they get one of yours.”

Jason isn’t sure he heard correctly. “What?”

“You heard me.” Carson stares him in the eye. “You want me? You want what I know? The Agency wants pay for it, and they’ll get it one way or another. If TJY relents and sends one of theirs over, no one will get killed.”

Jason shakes his head, everything turned all around. “You just asked to see Jamie.”

Carson shrugs. “I don’t care anymore.”

“What are you doing?!” Jason just cannot understand the way Carson keeps changing his mind. “Do you want us to put you back in that cell to rot, or what?”

Carson doesn’t answer the question. “How far is your alliance willing to go, kid? I’m not talking until the Agency can have one of your men in my place.”

Con finishes putting the coffee on, and reaches for his ringing phone. Seeing it’s Nate, he quirks an eyebrow. “Yeah, hi Nate. What’s up?”

Con's phone

*As Misty puts her hand on the door her turns and looks at Carson.*

"No one ever said they were my friends Carson."

*Leaving the room Misty gives the message to Nate and Jason. Standing to the side again in case they need her.*

*Nate looks at Jason and shakes his head. He new Jason was right but he also new it was not his desition.*

"Your right Jason thats is something I CANT even allow. But its not my desition to make Its Jamies."

*Nate pulls out his cell phone and dials Con's number not knowing what Jamies is and waits as it rings.*

"Go in there and sit with him, try to get him to tell you something. I'll be right in. and Hotshot, dont kill him yet ok."


Carson’s jaw muscles tighten and relax in turn as he receives Misty’s words without a flinch. “Sometimes little sheilas just don’t know when to shut up, do they?” As she goes to the door, he shakes his head. “You just better hope your friends make the right decision, Sassy. Or this whole thing will turn out much differently than they want it to.”

Jason looks up as the door opens. That was fast. “What happened?”

Hearing Carson’s request, Jason’s blood boils all over again. “What on earth is he doing?! He can’t be serious. If he even thinks for a moment that we’d ever let him within a foot of Jamie, he’s more stupid than I thought. There’s no way we’re going to put Jamie through that. Not only would Reese have a cow, but Con would probably kill more than one person around here.” He looks to Nate again, angrily. “But I guess I don’t have much say in this do I?”


*Misty's eyes never move from Carson, fear still not visable though inside her heart races. Was it a good race or a bad one she dident know. The words slip from her toung as though it was made of ice.*

"And you think your threts bother me Carson? Do what you want to me but I doubt I would udder more than a whimper that they probley wouldent even be able to hear out there. You dident scair me when I first met you and you still dont scair me now."

*Misty stands slowly heading for the door standing tall her back to Carson.*


Carson’s eyes narrow slightly, the wheels in his mind almost visible. “You’re making assumptions. I said to go tell them I want to see Jamie. If that doesn’t get them back in here, your scream will.”

Over Con's dead body

*Misty lets out a chuckle.*

"I dont get scaired easly I guess."

*Misty stratens stiffly at the mention of Jamie. She had been filled in a bit by Rick on who Jamie was and what Carson had to do with her. Masty's mind plays back the look on Jamie's face as she saw Caron in Ricks room and the way Con acted soon after.*

"Carson, they might of left me in there but there is no way they will Jamie in here not after what you did to her. Let alone let her in here by herself with you. Nor would she even accept to do it or would Con let you with in an inche of her. I am sorry Carson but thats just something I cant even do for you."

Second request

Jason crosses his arms and leans back against the hall, still scowling. “I don’t like it that Reese doesn’t know about this. For the record, I was not in agreement with letting Misty in there.” He looks away, knowing Nate is right about his temper, and trying to keep it under control.

Carson doesn’t move, but continues to look at Misty with intrigue. “You’ve had no fear from the beginning. You’re different, Misty, I’ll give you that. Even if I wasn’t a despicable creature, most would be scared off simply being in the same room with a guy who’s been four days without showering, shaving or changing clothes.” A wry grin slips before he can cover it up again.

He glances to the door. “Go tell them I want Jamie.”

Your right

*As Jason confronts Nate he just stairs back at him crossing his arms and leaning aganst the wall.*

"Your right Jason he probley wouldent, but I have delt with people like Carson before. If we resist than he wont give us anything. Misty is differnt though. She does something to Carson I can see it in his eyes. He's not going to hurt Misty. Just relax Hotshot, anger and violance is not always the answer to geting the questions and see what happens. Trust me my young friend."

*Misty eyes Carson as the door to the intaragation room is closed. A sassy smile playing on Mistys mouth. Leaning crossed armed on the table twords Carson Misty looks him in the eyes.*

"Your right I dont mind at all And I dont feel as though I am being fed to anything."

*Misty quickly looks around the room and than back at Carson meeting his eyes again.*

"Nore do I see any wolves around. So what is it your doing Carson? Why did you ask me here?"


Jason can’t believe Nate. “What?!” He holds his glare, but goes to the door anyway. “This is a mistake,” he grumbles.

Once in the hall, he confronts Nate. “How could you just leave her in there like that?! He’s a maniac! How many people has he killed? How many woman..” he bites his tongue from getting too detailed. “I have half a mind to march into Reese’s office and tell him what’s going on. You know good and well he wouldn’t approve of this.”

Once alone, Carson quirks an eyebrow. He looks at the closed door, then back to Misty. “Well, well…this is interesting isn’t it? For some reason, I don’t think you mind this one bit.” His eyes flash with a sly amusement before turning dull again. “How’s it feel to be fed to the wolves?”

Break his Neck

*Misty smiles at Carson as she enters the room siting down across from Carson. What was he doing. Turning in the chair Misty looks from Jason to Con.*

"He wont hurt him that much I know. Give him what he wants so you can get what you want and we can be on our way."

*Nate studys Carson for a long moment and than to Misty. She had spend most of the night in Carson's and he hadent hurt her. Why would he now when everyone was around. Nate looks at Jason and nods.*

"Come on Hotshot we will stand outside. Carson wont hurt her...."

*Nate looks to Carson a bit of anger showing in his eyes.*

"...Cuz if he does I will break his neck myself. If you need help or anything Misty just scream."

*Nate stratens and nods Jason to the door.*

Another request

Carson almost scoffs at Nate’s comment of peace, but withholds it, just waiting for Jason to return.

Jason leads Misty to the interrogation room and opens the door for her, letting her in first, then entering himself. He remains standing and crosses his arms, scowling at Carson. “Alright. You’ve got what you want. Now it’s our turn.”

Carson looks up, giving Misty a once over, not allowing his eyes to reveal anything of his intentions. He fixes his focus back to Jason and Nate. “Not quite. “Misty can stay and ask me all the questions she wants, but you’re not getting answers from me while you two are still in the room.”

Jason’s eyes widen. This was unbelievable. “Carson, you really take the cake, you know that? Why on earth would you even think we’d leave this woman alone with you in here?”

Carson takes the last puff of his smoke and puts it out in the ash tray, taking his time. “There’s no camera in here…no microphones…you walk away, you know nothing what goes on in here. But you want answers…how badly do you want them? What are you willing to do?”

The challenge in his voice ticks Jason off. “No,” he states flatly. “Reese would never approve, and neither do I. This is ridiculous and you know it.”

Carson shrugs. “Suit yourself.” He leans back in his chair and crosses his arms casually. “So are you taking me back to my cell now or later?”

“You said you’d help us out!” Jason raises his voice.

“Give the man a round of applause,” Carson mocks. “He can quote the man he tried to kill.”

“Look.” Jason takes a step forward, glaring down at Carson. “I have no problem with sticking you back in that cell. Just remember that if we don’t get what we want, you’re getting turned into the law. Got that?”

“Oh, I had that a long time ago.” Carson shrugs again. “Really doesn’t matter to me. Though I’d hate to be sitting behind bars knowing that you never got what you really wanted. What a pity.”

Jason grits his teeth and rests his hands on his hips. He swivels his stare to Nate. “You’re not leaving Misty alone in here. This guy’s a lunatic.”


*Jamie smiles up at Con.*

"How about some coffee and Toast? I can come down and fix you and Laura something if you like? I dont wanna be a part pooper up here. You both have been kind to me its teh least I can do."

*The day at Jamie's starts and all is well.*

*Nate looks down at Carson. What giving Carson what he wanted the best thing. It was hard to read Carson. He changes so much, when Misty was around, when Misty wanted, when he had been alone for a while, or if he has interacted with many. Nate searches Carsons eyes.*

"I'll do what I have to, to let these innocent people finally reast. To let the dead at your hands have peace."

*Misty looks up from her paper word and shrugs.*

"Ya I dont see why not. I dont know what Nate could possable want with me though."

*Standing Misty stratens her hunter green tank top and brushes off her jeans.. As she pass the mirror she runs her finger through her long hair and just keeps it down floating around her shoulder. Finally she heads out the door with Jason heading for the room with Nate and Carson.*


Con gives Jamie an encouraging smile, but doesn’t answer her about him going to Texas. He loved the people there, and cared about BJ, but he wasn’t so sure he wanted to go back there yet. He’d been there for TJY…Austin was still there… If he went back, he’d probably be asked to stay, and that wasn’t something he was willing to do right now.

“Maybe,” he finally replies evasively. He gives Jamie another squeeze, then rises from the bed. “What say I go down and start some breakfast? What would you like? Bacon and eggs? Pancakes? Waffles? Or would you prefer me simply getting out the cereal?” He offers a grin. “Or maybe just plain coffee.”

Jason wants to resist Nate’s request. He doesn’t think giving Carson what he wants is a good idea, especially involving Misty. But he can’t argue. When on the same case as Nate, Nate was in charge and Jason had no choice. He hesitates a moment, then does as he’s told, exiting the room and heading for Rick’s.

Carson watches Jason leave, a slight smile on the corner of his mouth, his eyes ever shifting…studying. He takes the water and downs half of it, then goes for a cigarette, lighting up and enjoying it for several minutes, letting Nate’s words be the last until he finally responds. “I’ve been too many times on the other side of the table, mate. Don’t think I don’t know how this goes.” He looks up, purposely catching Nate’s eye. “It’s a two way street. How bad do you want to know what I know?”

Jason wastes no time in going to Ricks, entering the open door. Seeing Misty, he gestures to her. “Nate wants you in the interrogation room… now. Would you mind?”