

Carson is taken so off guard that he doesn't even have time to react between falling onto the floor and being picked up by Nate. He winces as he's slammed up against the wall, his hands automatically going for Nate's arms, though the wind had been knocked out of him, and he can't fight much.

Jason is on his feet as Nate goes for Carson. He doesn't interfere though - Nate was doing what he'd wanted to do from the beginning.

As Carson is let go, he doubles over, trying to catch his breath. A scoffing laugh makes its way to the surface. He straightens up and looks at Nate shaking his head slightly, his eyes suddenly alive. "I shoulda known that was coming. Took you long enough."

Jason furrows his brow in confusion at Carson's behavior. "What's so funny, Carson? You want more?"

Carson's eyes narrow. "You two got a lot of nerve. You've kept me locked up, I haven't even had a shower or clean clothes, you've been pushing me around, threatening me and coming close to knocking my block off." He pauses, his voice remaining even and cool. "But you're not willing to kill me, or give up one of your own, no matter how much you want that information, are you?"

Jason looks at Nate, confused. What was Carson getting at? It almost appeared that he was glad Nate had pounced on him. What was going on here? What was Carson's real motive?

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