

*As Carson holds Misty can feel her own cheeks begin to burn slightly. As Carson lets her go she can tell he is a bit embarrassed. That was a new emotion to sense in Carson and she guess it didn’t happen often. Deciding to not draw attention to it Misty squats down to the ground again and states.*

“See point proven about moving undetective.”

*Misty slides herself back under the table sitting on her butt this time and crossing her legs Indian style. For a moment she doesn’t say anything but than replies.*

“Why? I have no reason to scream. Why don’t you just tell them what they want to know and have this whole thing over with?”

*As Nate finishes off his sandwich he looks up at Jason thinking for a moment. Last he new Misty was outside the door waiting for them but since they came back in and out again he hasn’t see her.*

“I am guessing she went back to Rick’s to finish up her work?”

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