
Personal Leave

*Nate looks at Jason at the mention of the computer chips noding. Nate new that the gang in texas had them. Well all but one, but did the Agency know they had they out.*

"What makes Medridge think they cant win? They have come a long way, and now they have us to back them up. There has to be a way."

*As Carson continues to talk revealing what he had to do with Jason Nate can feel his friend stands. Taking Jason by the arm he speaks.*

"Easy Hotshot, keep that head level."

*As Nate intakes all the informations he had found out about his mind races. No one in Texas was safe right now. They had the repper knocking at there door and they dident know about it. Was it better off that way?*

"Jason as soon are we are done here I want you to Call Austin and let him know about Jim's wife ok."

*Nate turns back to Carson, uneasy in his next question. He wasent sure if it would set Jason off or not but he needed to ask.*

"Carson what do you know about a young girl named Katie Pent? She has her own hard life, her mother and baby brother mistersly became sick when she was still young. And than about a month or two again she was in a horrable car accident. It's a mericle she survived, no one understand who it happend. But he is alive still, but her was hurt pritty bad. What do you know about that?"

*Nate keeps an eye on Jason as he talks to Carson knowing this could be a stick question to be asking.*

"OH ya I have another question or two as well and than that will be enough for today. What made you change your mind about Killing Jamie? She was right there and you let her live. And than Misty you dident hurt her eather. Surly you have been around the block or two with some wemon, but something tells me you treated those two very differntly."

*Jamile smiles at Con as he looks at her. She has spend the last hour studying him. She could tell he was falling in a hole despretly trying to hold on but not being able to. It pained Jamie's heart to see the man she loved hurt so much.*

"I think I'll come with you if you dont mind. And if you could swing by TJY and drop me off I would apreshate it. You dont have to come in with me, I wont be long I just need to ask Reese for a personal leave. I was thinking of Heading to texas at the end of the week or the start of the next. I need to clear my head and shake these jitters. I cant do that here in the city with all the noise. Also I made a promise to Sam that I would go and tell her story. I cant break that. I wont be gone long though Con, I'll come back to you I promise."

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