

Carson can't help the slight grin that quirks the corner of his mouth as Misty leaves the room. He sinks down in the chair again, going for yet another smoke. He leans back casually. "Alright. What do you want to know?"

Jason can't help his perplexed stare. Where was the Carson that had given them so much trouble earlier? What was going on?

Carson sees his confusion. "Look. I had to find out for sure if you guys were legit. If you were willing to kill me or let me rot, or if you were willing to give up one of your own to me just to get answers, you'd be no different than the Agency. I asked for Jamie to see if you'd do it, and you didn't. I asked for Misty, and you ended up not even giving me that, even though you knew I might not talk. You haven't killed me yet, even though you wanted to." He takes another puff. "The Agency woulda sold out their own to get what they want. I'm glad to see you won't. I said I'd help and I will. You have my word."

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