

*As Misty becomes only inches from Carson face her eyes never moving from his her heart starts to race faster and beat louded. Misty was sure Carson himself could hear it.

Feeling Carson's lips on her the sweet tast of his kiss. As she feels Carson hand on the back of her head and his other around her shoulder strongly holding her, she brings her own hands to Carson's chest gribing his shirt as she draws herself closer enjoying the moment As she feels the fire inside her grow.

As Carson draws away the fire is once again visable in Misty's eyes. Dancing in circles its sassy dance. Misty follows Carson's eyes as he looks at his wrists. Siting up Misty lets out a sigh as the sassy smile dosent leave her face, or her eyes.*

"What I made you do? Dident I tell you not to move your arms around?"

*Misty cant help but chuckle alittle as she applys a soft pressure to Carson's wrists to stop the bleeding and re wrap them. Misty's hands shook alittle her heart still racing from Carson's kiss.*

*Nate shoots Jason and Reese a look as they talk about Aaron and some test a new nothing about. More questions fill him might about what was going on but Nate holds his toung noding to Reese.*

"Ok Boss I got ya."

*Nate stands and nod to Jason heading out of the office and making his way across the floor to the infermary. As he is about to knock on the door his tummy quivers for some reson feeling a bit sick. Nate turns to Jason.*

"Go ahead in I'll be right there I need to head to the little boys room. I think I am coming down with something."

Should know better

Carson’s eyes narrow just a little, a cocky spark flashing through them for just a brief moment.

His hand moves around to the back of Misty’s head, pulling her down until his eyes are barely inches from hers, their steel-like stare proving life still exists, even if momentarily disregarded or forgotten. He hadn’t succeeded in taking his life, and someone had shown him that perhaps there really was something worth sticking around for.

“You should know better than to talk to a mentally unstable person like that. You might get more than you bargained for.”

He draws Misty closer with a rough hand, until his lips envelop hers, his other hand moving to put her shoulder in a strong hold. He keeps her there for several moments, allowing his impulsive move to be the thanks he can’t verbalize.

Finally though, he lets her go, releasing his grip to resume his stare into her eyes. He searches them for the fire he knows is there.

Pain though, causes his eyes shift to his wrist where blood has seeped through the bandage. A slight grimace replaces what had resembled a grin. “Aw now…see what you made me do?”

Jason rolls his eyes at Nate and stands with him. “Brains, my foot. I’m sheer genius.” He grins and heads into the hall. “Lets go see if Reese is here and talk this thing over.”

…Reese swivels in his chair, looking over and Nate and Jason, who were seated across from him on the other side of his desk. He contemplates what he’s just been told, unsure of this whole thing himself.

“There’s a lot of questions here guys…” He shakes his head slowly. “First off, I’m not sure we can trust that Carson has been telling us the truth about anything. And second off, how can I be comfortable allowing my niece to be put in that position?” He sighs deeply.

“I know she’s taking care of Carson now, and that’s fine, I understand that. But after what happened…after he came on to her, and apparently she has no problem with that…” His eyes widen a little, still bewildered by it. “…I’m just not sure they should be left alone together.”

“Well from what I’ve been told about Misty,” Jason intervenes, “she may be forward, but she’s not indecent, if that’s what you’re getting at. And so far, Carson has had ample opportunity to try something and…well, as far as we know, nothing has happened, if that’s also what you’re getting at.”

He shrugs. “I know it sounds bizarre, but even though I don’t trust Carson as far as I can throw him, I’m not too bothered by letting Misty have a go at it. He responds to her, whether it’s because there’s a spark there, or just because she’s an attractive woman. Either way, I think she can get him to talk.”

Reese takes a few moments to think. “But how do we know he’s telling the truth?”

“I got one way of finding out if things get that far.”


“Yeah.” Jason nods. “Remember Aaron?”

“Mm.” Reese recalls that incident. “Yes, and that test was conclusive.”

“If we let Misty talk to him, and we still think he’s lying, we’ll go ahead with that.” Jason glances to Nate. “It’s something we did a few years back to a new team member. You’ll have to trust us on this one though – it’s kept under wraps as much as possible for effectiveness.”

Reese leans forward to rest his elbows on his desk. “Alright, here’s the deal. Let Misty take care of him until he can function again. It shouldn’t take long. He goes back in his cell after we’ve gone though it to take out anything he can hurt himself, or anyone else on. We’re also going to install a surveillance camera in there. Misty will be allowed to talk to him… if it’s anger that holds him back, we’ll know he’s not on our side. If it’s fear, she’ll be able to settle him down so he’ll talk. If we can simply get him to that point, then he shouldn’t have a problem talking to you two anymore. Make sense?” He pauses looking between Nate and Jason. “For now, he stays in the building. No outings until we’re sure where he stands. You two can take a quick jaunt down there now to see if anything has changed, and keep checking on him just to make sure things with him and Misty stay on an even and decent keel.”


*As Carson wraps his arms around Misty the smile on her face widens as a few of her own tears fall. The light inside her was starting to glow brighter chasing away many shadows. Carson's touch, cockyness, and rough edge struck life into Misty's heart. It was a much differnt feeling from what she was use to.

As Carson draws away from Misty she stairs back at him gazing deep into his blue eyes where a new twinkle rested, the slight smile on his face gave comfort of its own to Misty. Carson would be ok and she would be with him everystep of the way to help.

As Carson's hand cradles Misty's face she leans her head into it more, feeling the warmth of Carson's touch. It sent a chill down Misty's spin causing her to quiver ever so slightly as a sassy grin forms on her face.*

"I can deal with the consequences as long as your gental but not to gental. On top of that, I dont plain on walking away. I'm to involved now. You jump I jump."


Carson grits his teeth against the burning in his eyes, and though Misty turns his face, he refuses to meet her gaze.

Her arms wrap around him in a comforting hold – one he’s not sure he’s experienced before. His head on her shoulder, a tear finally falls, signaling a war coming to an end.

His hands find their way around Misty as well, realizing the warmth and reassurance she offers. She had a sassy edge and a spitfire disposition. But right now…he was seeing her as someone completely different…someone who demanded respect and gentleness in return.

Carson had had women in his arms before…more than he’d care to admit. But it hadn’t been like this…he’d never received comfort…care…mercy…Misty’s kindness gave him a warmth no one else ever had. She evoked a feeling he’d never felt…it was almost scary, but too comforting to fear completely.

Pulling away, Carson sinks further into his pillow, pushing Misty back enough to see her face. His few tears released were enough to subside his emotions for now, and he moves his hand to cradle her face, the bandage on his wrist, reminding him of his reality. His reddened eyes search her own, a smile so faint it could go undetected, playing with his mouth. “Where I come from, a sheila like you isn’t allowed to just walk away after treating a man like this – there are consequences you know.”


*Gently Misty leans on the bed and brings her hand to Carson's face. For a moment just resting in there. Misty put pressure in her fingers gently and slowly as to not hurt Carson turning his his head to look her in the eyes. A few tears well in her own eyes.*

"Its ok to cry Carson. I wont tell anyone. That will be another one of our secrets."

*Misty holds her smile as her heart races. Her emotions running free. She couldent hold them back from Carson, why she dident know but she couldent.

Taking her hand from Carson's face she put her arm around him and than her other one over his other shoulder drawing him close to her giving him a gental hug.*

*Nate leans back and thinks for a long moment. Continplating what Jason has said and sujested.*

"You right Hotshot. There is something in his eyes when he sees her. It dosent reflect hurt, or anger. It reflects hope and yurning. Misty, she has the payshents for Carson. And shows no fear to him knowing he wouldent hurt her. She fighte his fire with her own. and she seems happy around him. I think your right Hotshot, I think we should talke to Reese. Maybe we can rig something for her so if she really needs help she can push a button or something to call for us. "

*Nate thinks for a long moment idea's and thoughts playing through his mind.*

"Misty seems like a pritty smart and strange person who knows what to do in a sticky situation. I think if she truly was in danger she would know how to get out. Maybe we can give her self defence class or something too."

*Nate stands from his chair and streches.*

"Is Reese in? Maybe we can throw the idea by him and go from there. If anyone can teach Misty how to defend herself if you Jason."

*Reese shoots his friend a sly glance and gives him a playful elbow.*

"I new you were the brains of this oparatin.*

I don't know

Carson’s thoughts come to a screeching halt as Misty approaches, laying a hand on his. He obeys her, stopping his fidgeting, and looks up at her with a baffled expression.

What Misty says is so simple…the words unadorned and clear. Yet they hold the impact of a bullet, cutting straight through to Carson’s heart. Her honesty was perplexing…her attitude toward him unwavering in an uncommon way.

He tries to block the feelings that Misty evokes, but the more she says, the harder it gets. Her comforting squeeze to his hand pushes him over the edge.

Carson withdraws his hand and turns his head away from Misty to hide his face as his eyes fill with tears he hasn’t felt since he was a kid. He’d hit rock bottom, and it didn’t feel good. Misty’s kindness, for some reason, turned everything upside down to confuse him even more, and he fights not to let those tears overflow. “Dang it, Misty.”

Jason sits down across from Nate and gives a short sorry laugh. “Yeah…I know…I was thinking this whole thing was ridiculous, then I saw Carson and wow…I can’t help but feel sorry for him. I know he’s a bad dude…but I guess if he went this far he’s got to have some remorse somewhere…”

He shakes his head. “I honestly don’t know what to do. We’ve got to find out if he talked to the Agency. If we can’t get that much out of him, then Reese has to make a judgment call on security. I know Carson’s in bad shape, but…we’re talking life and death here, and though he needs rest, we’ve got to get him to say something.”

Jason taps his finger on the table. “Yeah…I guess you’re right about the second chance thing…I mean…I guess I still don’t like him, especially after finding out he was the one to bash my knee in…but I don’t know… I can’t help but agree with you.” He pauses in thought. “As for now...” He shrugs. “I think it might be a good idea to talk to Reese about Misty…I know he doesn’t want those two together, but you’re right – she does something to Carson. If anyone could drag the truth from him, I think it would be her. I know you and I both don’t trust him enough to be around him…but he hasn’t hurt her yet.”


*As Misty listens to Carson talk many thoughts run through her mind. He went to the Agency, if someone had been at the base would he have told them all he knew. They would all be in great danger right now just walking outside the doors. Misty wondered what made Carson change he mind about tell but thinks its best not to ask. As Misty watches Carson hands fidget she walks over to him, placing her hands on tops of his.*

"You need to keep your hands still or your gonna wrip you wounds opens again, and I dont feel like runing another pare of clothing with your blood."

*Misty cant help but let a smile cross her face to let Carson know she wasent mad. And in all truth She wasent mad. She was scaired but not for herself she was scaired for Carson. She dident want him to try anything alse. So quickly He had become impotant to Misty for so long Misty had closed herself off hident who she was from the world but since meeting Carson she felt like her old self and dident care who saw her. After Carson had run off she hide herself again away and now he was back and she felt her self once again. The flucawaiting emotions were like a bad rollercoaster than Misty dident understand. What was it about Carson that made these feeling happen, what was it about him that drew Misty in without stoping to think of what she was doing. Misty search Carson eyes for a long moment. There had to be sometime in him she could cling to and help pull him out of this black hole.*

"Carson you keep saying everyone wants you dead. No one wants you dead. If we did, you would be dead already you wouldent have stay alive or here as long as you have. Personaly if it came down to geting my cloths covered in your blood to save you again I would. But let hope that dosent happen. I dont want to see you hurt.

What kind of person you are, your a normal person Carson who is lost and scaired. Living in the past, with pain for so long you dont know anything alse. Your scaired to feel to let your true emotions out. But there are there, banging on the door of your heart beging to be free. The fool you said died long ago Carson banks, if still alive just lost and closed off. But when I look in your eyes I see him looking back at me. And when he makes a simple smart comment, I hear him. The light will stay shinning for him so he can find his way out of the darkness...."

*Misty's hand gives Carson's a gental squeeze.*

*As Nate watches Jason turn to go to his office Nate calls after him.*

"Hotshot come here..."

*Nate makes his way into the room next to the infermary siting down at the small table.*

"I want your imput on this too. We are a team and I wanna try and make desitions together on this one. I am lost and confused by this whole thing myself."

*Nate lets out a long drawn out sigh and shakes his head.*

"I was angry with Carson this morning and now looking at him laying in that bed something changed. There is something pulling at my heart telling me he is differnt and I am not sure what to do about it. I know we need to find out if he went to the Agency or not. after that is just seems a blurr. Evenone gets a second chanse right? Even someone like Carson? My mind always goes back to the people we have met all over who have turned good and helped us in the end and now live married or whatever happy. I just feel so dizzy like in a fog on this one."

A rat

Carson grits his teeth as Misty cleans his writs and puts on new bandages, though he doesn’t flinch or wince. Feeling the pain meant that he was alive, and he wasn’t so sure if that was something he liked or not.

He slips a glance back in her direction, taken aback by the tears he saw there. Everything was so confusing. Her words that she was glad they’d found him, struck harder than he would have liked, and his emotional barrier was pushed to the limit. No one had ever cared if he lived or died. Not for many many years anyway. He was so used to being wanted only for his expertise, that for someone to simply care was mind-boggling. He was the scum of the earth, and Misty cared. It created a strange and unwanted pang in Carson’s heart that he tried to ignore.

As Misty goes back to her desk, Carson resumes his stare at the ceiling. Part of him wanted to fight this position – to roll out of bed and stalk right out of this room. But his body resisted, reminding him he was too weak to do much of anything at the moment.

Carson’s eyes drift shut, but open suddenly again as his ears pick up Misty’s soft singing. The words held a strange meaning to him, as if they were trying to draw something out of him…luring him into the open, scared and vulnerable. When the silence returns, Carson is almost sorry.

It doesn’t last long though, as Nate and Jason enter the room. He shifts his head to see them, his face void of anything. He stiffens a little as Nate approaches, wondering what will happen now. But once again, he’s taken totally off guard by Nate’s tone, and almost flinches under his hand. Where did these people come from? This just didn’t make sense! Why on earth should they care? For all they knew, he’d gone to talk to the Agency, yet they apparently felt compassion. Why?

Carson doesn’t verbalize anything, but searches Nate’s face, then Jason’s in turn, trying to figure them out, but coming up empty. He watches as they leave, then shifts his focus back to the ceiling. Maybe he really had been stupid.

Jason lets out a low whistle when he and Nate are clear of the room. “He doesn’t look so hot, does he?” He shakes his head. “I just can’t believe this turn of events. It’s so bizarre.”

He sighs. “We’ve gotta find out somehow if he talked to the Agency though…we all could be in a lot of danger. In all my years here, I’ve never experienced a lockdown…it only happened once a long time ago when security was breached. I’d hate to see it happen again if the Agency is on the prowl.”

Jason aims for his own office. “I guess I’ll get caught up on some other work for now…let me know if and when you want to go talk to Carson again, or if you make any other plans.”

Carson works his jaw muscles. A nervousness takes over him as he contemplates his next move. He hadn’t planned on saying anything. Of course, he hadn’t planned on even being around anymore. But this kindness…this mercy…it evoked more than he wanted to admit.

Without looking down, he knows Misty is still standing at her desk. “I left to go back to the Agency, you know…” Why he was talking, he didn’t even know. But something pushed him…something prodded him to the point of irritation if he didn’t. His gaze remains fixed on the light fixture above his head.

“I got scared…figured they’d know eventually that I wasn’t dead, and start hunting for me. Figured if I went to them I could tell them everything I knew about TJY in exchange for my life.”

He pauses, wondering if that prospect would change any attitudes towards him. “Got all the way across the border to one of our stations. No one was there, so I gathered up a few of my things and walked out the door, ready to go to headquarters.”

Carson purses his lips, not knowing if Misty was listening or not, but at this point, not really caring. “Someone had taken my car so I aimed for the bus stop. I got all the way there, and was in line. And dang it…” He shakes his head, rolling his eyes at himself. “I just couldn’t do it. I’d run away to be a double-crosser and for the first time, I couldn’t even follow through. I don’t even know why, but I turned around and waited for a bus that was going the opposite direction…back here.”

He sighs deeply, a dullness to his words. “Got in town, and chickened out again. Now I was stuck because if I came back, I knew everyone here would want to kill me because they’d assume just where I’d been…and I couldn’t go back to the Agency…I’d already tucked tail and run from there. I spotted a bar, stashed my bag somewhere, and decided that if I couldn’t make up a mind, I might as well forget about everything. So…I did.”

Carson fidgets with his fingers, the biting soreness of his wrist not preventing him. “And I don’t remember a thing after that until this morning. Got a treatment from Nate and Jason, and when they were gone, I figured it was about time I gave everyone what they wanted. I was such a coward that I couldn’t even decide which path was the best anymore, and I was no good to anyone. This place…you people…you make me know what kind of person I am. You remind me what people are really supposed to be living like and all it does is drive home the guilt. I’m a rat and I figured the best option was to just end it all and get it over with.”

His voice trails off, ending hard and cold as he fights once again.

What next

*Misty smiles back at Carson*

"I'm not one who it known to give up. I dont even think I know what the word means."

*Misty stratens back up as the light in Carson's eyes goes out again. Her heart saddened. It hurt to know he was hurting so much and not be able to help him. She was helpless. All she could do was show him comfort, friendship and that strange feeling that welled inside her. Mitsy felt like she wanted to let the tears come all over again. She aked but not for herself, but for Carson. His pain was hers. Leaning off the bed and standing up Misty goes to the cabnet and grabs some more iodine and clean bandges. Unwrping Carson's wrists Misty takes a closer look at the cuts to make sure they are healing ok, and not geting infected. In a soft tone she replys.*

"Brace yourself this is gonna hurt."

*Misty places a cloth under Carson's wrists than dumps some of the iodine onto both his wrists. Gently she pats the extras off and rewraps them with clean bandges. Misty linger for a moment holding one of Carson's hands in her.*

" You wont be going back to that cell for a while. For what its worth, I'm glad we found you and your ok."

*Misty gently puts Carson's hand down next to him. Quickly Misty turns trying to hide the tear in her eyes. Slowly she walks back to the desk siting down to start writing up another report. Misty softly starts a hum a toon speaking the words.*

"And I'd give up forever to touch you'Cause I know that you feel me somehow. You're the closest to heaven that I'll ever be, And I don't want to go home right now
And all I can taste is this moment. And all I can breathe is your life'Cause sooner or later it's over. I just don't want to miss you tonight
And I don't want the world to see me'Cause I don't think that they'd understand, When everything's made to be broken I just want you to know who I am
And you can't fight the tears that ain't coming Or the moment of truth in your lies. When everything feels like the movies And you bleed just to know you're alive
And I don't want the world to see me'Cause I don't think that they'd understand. When everything's made to be broken. I just want you to know who I am."

*Silence enter the room as Misty voice goes quiet.*

*As Nate makes his way down the elavatore his mind is going a million directions at once. Wyatt had called him to let him know what happend to Carson and that his dad was leaving it up to him on what to next. Nate had been put in this position many times before and never had such a problem deal with an enemy and elimanating him if he needed too. But someone about this Carson situation was differnt. Something pulled at Nate's heart telling him not to do anything rash.

As Nate steps out of the elavator he spots Jason and throws a nod at him. Walking over to him he lets out a sigh.*

"I'm guessing they filled you in on everything that happend huh? I guess we should go see how he is doing."

*Nate makes his way to the infermary knocking lightly on the door than enters. Looking around the room he see Misty at her desk and Carson laying in the bed. Nate turns to Misty.*

"How is he?"

*Misty looks up from her report and stands.*

"He's gonna make it. I'm gonna have to keep a close on him now though and he is gonna need to be on the IV for a while. He lost a bit of blood not enough to be in danger but enough that he needs to rest and get it replenished. He hasent said much though."

*Nate nods at Misty and walks over to Carson bedside, lookin down at him for a while comapastion replacing the anger that was there hours before.*

"Well I dont think you need to worry about me making your life a living nightmare anymore. I think you did that enough for youself and by the look in your eye your still beating yourself up."

*Nate places a hand on Carson's shoulder.*

"Life gets rough for us all, but that dosent mean we should take our own life. Its good to see your ok."

*Nate looks to Jason and than nods relaying for now they would let Carson get the rest he needs, and they needed to talk about what should happend next.*

"Keep a good eye on him Misty. If you need anything yell I'll be right next door."


Carson doesn’t resist as Misty leans down, and he automatically returns the kiss, his hand rising to touch the side of her face. As she withdraws, he stares her in the eye, a spark ignited. “You’re a stubborn thing, aren’t you?” His eyes narrow slightly. “I threaten you, I run away, I try to leave this world completely, and you still insist on reaping the consequences of letting me near. …You just can’t give up, can you?”

A moment passes, and Carson is sucked back to reality and his surroundings. The spark slowly goes out again, and his hand drops back down. He was so confused…so torn. A few weeks ago, he’d had his life figured out and now, nothing made sense anymore. He was pulled between two totally opposite worlds, cowardice ruling his decisions. Yet he could not turn one way or the other, for that same cowardice prevented him from committing. And along with that realization came the guilt. He’d never felt guilty in his life. And now it was all he felt.

Carson shifts his eyes from Misty to the ceiling, his head sinking farther into his pillow. She didn’t know why he’d done this today…no one did. No one could understand…he was utterly and hopelessly stuck, unable to see past the “what ifs” of his immediate future.

His next words prove he is still contemplating his recent choice, a strange depression hanging in his tone…one that was masked by a fake layer of confidence that simply covered up the insecurities beneath. “Why don’t you just take me back to my cell and throw away the key? The world would be better off.”

Jason makes his way across the main floor, stopped by Susanne.

“Hey, Hotshot. Wyatt’s been trying to get a hold of you.”

“Oops.” Jason goes for his cell phone and flips it open, seeing several messages waiting. “Huh…my phone got turned off. Wonder how that happened.”

Susanne throws him an annoyed yet amused look. “Well, Carson’s in the infirmary, just so you know. We’ve been waiting for Nate to get back too so you both can decide your next move. Reese is leaving it up to Nate.”

Jason raises an eyebrow. “The infirmary? What happened? Did Con come back or what?”

“No.” Susanne shakes her head. “I guess he tried to kill himself. Ty found him and Misty worked at patching him up.”

“Oh, great.” Jason rolls his eyes. “Now not only do we have an enemy on our hands, but he’s suicidal.” He sighs deeply. “Thanks, Susanne. I’ll head over there.”

On his way, he glances to Nate’s desk, wondering if he’s back yet.


*Katie sinks in the moment of being wraped in Jason's strong arms. So safe she felt being there with him. Katie smiles up at Jason as he draws away. She takes his other hand in her. Katie dident want the moment to end but knowing for now it needs to.*

"Ok Hun. I'll talk to you again soon. Be safe."

*Katie walks with Jason to the door seeing him out. Giving him one last quick kiss before he leaves.*

"Let Reese know I will be in tomarrow."

*Katie waves as Jason leaves and enters the house locking the door behind her. Heading into the living room she lays on the coutch turning the TV on. Henry jumps up with her and lays down by her face purring. With in moments Katie falls asleep.*

*Misty cant help but meet Carson eyes this time. Replying to his statment.*

"And when you will see that I'm not like everyone alse and dont mind at all if you lean on me."

*Misty looks away to start checking Carson's wrists to make sure they arnt bleeding again. As Carson's statment hits Misty's ears she looks up into Carson's eyes again. What was it about him. Only yesterday Misty had been hoping mad at Carson and now, it felt like nothing had changed. His eyes were cold, but deep down there was a light waiting to shine again. Misty couldent help herself. Before even relizing it her lips were pressed aganst Carson's her arms bracing herself one on each side of Carson. Pulling herself away from Carson a grin creaps across her face as she bits her lip alittle nervousely stairing into those blue eyes that had captured her the first time she met him.*


Jason watches Katie’s eyes, never tired of looking into them and seeing her heart. He doesn’t move as she approaches, her touch on his face and lips feeling like an electrical current, causing him to be lost in the moment.

As she draws closer, he returns the kiss passionately, a tingle running down his spine as Katie’s hand moves through his hair. He wraps his arms around her and pulls her to himself, unwilling to let the moment die before expressing his feelings through the strong embrace.

Finally though, he pulls away, reaching up to run the back of his hand over Katie’s cheek. “I gotta go,” he whispers.

Carson’s eyes follow Misty’s every move. Her words aren’t surprising, and they seep through a crack in the unstable wall around his heart. “When will you learn that no one likes someone like me leaning on them…” He takes a deep breath, letting it out slowly. Despite is own words and defiant battle not to recall what he’d been told days before, it comes back anyway, ringing in his ears. “Maybe all you need is that one person to put faith in you, to trust you and show you hope. Well guess what, Carson, that one person is me.” If there was anyone who would argue with him about his worth, it would be Misty.

He grits his teeth against the rising emotions, but they’re to a point almost uncontrollable. He’d thought hours earlier that he would never have to feel this again…it would have been over…forever…but he’d been brought back. What was there here for him? He was but a cowardly rat.

As Misty checks his pulse and glances at him, he catches her eye. His own seem dull and lacking fire, but somewhere…somehow…in the very depths of his gaze lies a dying ember, just waiting for a chance to catch fire once more.

“And the untouchable heart is silenced. Not by sword or by dagger. But by the very sight of her, who has come to conquer. For she had waged the battle to end the war…the war that beats within the warrior’s soul.”


*Katie stands smiling at Jason. Grabing her cane she laughs as Henry goes shooting down the all. Slowly walking over to Jason, Katie gives a nod.*

"Ya I am gonna really miss them too. Its gonna kind of be lonly. Your welcome here anytime J and maybe if you ask Henry nice he can sleep with me and you can have the coutch a night or two..or something."

*Katie scrunches her face up as she trys to figure out what on earth she is trying to say. Leting a laugh escape from her lips.*

"Sometimes I dont even know what I am talking about."

*For a moment before Katie turns away the sun catches Jason's eyes making them dance as Katie's gaze gets lost in them. It was like a hole filled with light that had a no end. One Katie could get lost in for hours and not really care. Taking a step closer to Jason Katie keeps stairing Jason in the eyes a smile on her face and her own eyes dancing. As if being draw in Katie brings her hand to Jason's face for a moment her thumb running along his soft lips. As if calling to her Katie brings her head close to Jason closeing her eyes her lips touch his her hand now moving to the back oh his head and through his hair.*

*Misty looks up as she hears Carson speak. Standing she starts walking over twords him this being the fist time he is awake since he tryed to take his life Misty wanted to make sure everything was ok. In her own soft sassy tone she reply drawing closer.*

"Well...seeing as I dont see any scumbags around I guess not."

*Misty reaches out to check how much liqued was still in the IV Bag Noticing it was almost empty.*

"All I see is someone who was so depressed he though his only way out was to try and take his own life. Insted of leaning on those who cared."

*After Misty is finished changing the iv Misty takes two fingers and places them on Carson's throt checking his pulse. Misty trys her best not to look into Carson's blue eyes, but as if pulled by an unknown force she glances at them for a moment anyways. Quickly she looks away trying to finish up taking his pulse.*

You just couldn't...

Wyatt nods at Misty and puts a hand on her shoulder, knowing that this was probably the hardest on her. “Thanks, Misty. If you need help, you know where to find us, and don’t hesitate.”

Ty offers a small smile, though still feeling very shook up inside. Turning, he follows Wyatt out, glad to be able to get back to work, though he knows it’s his job to go clean up the holding cell. Once that was over, he could shift his mind to other things. He hadn’t foreseen having such an unpleasant experience here.

Jason nods. “Oh yeah, sure. I told Reese I’d be gone longer today to help you and he said that was fine.”

Lunch is fun, filled with light conversation and banter. Once finished, Jason pays and heads out with Katie. They go get the few things of Katie’s that were left at the hospital, then aim for the apartment.

Arriving, Jason helps Katie get moved in to her new room, bringing most of her stuff from the upstairs room and putting things wherever she tells him to.

It’s mid-afternoon by the time it’s finished, and Jason stands, leaning on the back of the living room couch, just a little tired. “Well…I guess that does it.” He glances down at the purring cat. “Henry, if she needs anything else moved, you’re gonna have to do it for her.”

Henry looks up at him and meows before dashing off down the hall, resembling a furball full of energy.

Jason laughs and shakes his head, returning his attention to Katie. “I gotta go pick up my own bag back at the hospital and get myself settled again over at Con’s, then finish out my day at work.” He pauses, feeling just a little strange. “I’m sure glad you’re out of the hospital…but I think I’m gonna miss our evenings, ya know that?” He gives a crooked grin. “I guess I got spoiled.”

Carson’s eyes crack open, taking in the light. He feels as though he’s been run over by a truck. Where was he…what was going on… He tries to bring his mind out of its fog, slowly beginning to remember. As far as today went, the last thing he remembered was being in a bit of pain before blacking out. What had happened since then? Obviously someone had found him.

Opening his eyes just a little wider, he figures out that he’s in a bed. He spies the bandages on his wrists and the IV. His efforts had been in vain. He was still stuck here…still miserable…still in pain.

Sweeping the room with a lethargic gaze, he spots Misty. For some reason, he’s not surprised. A shallow, weak laugh of sarcasm is forced, his voice not much more than a whisper. “Ya just couldn’t rid the world of another scumbag, could you.”