

Wondering around and waiting Faith didn't feel awkward looking at everything and getting her bearings but she couldn't help feel maybe she got her time or places wrong on meeting Sparky. Seeing Jim, and getting a bit of direction from him was nice, and helped Faith just a little in finding her way around.

Once inside and finding Annie Faith sits next to her as a conversation about her Dr. apts are talked about and working out car for Faith to use so she could come and go when she pleased having her own freedom here.

Looking up at Jim as he makes his way over Angel's smile fades a little by the look on Jim's face.

"Jim...whats wrong?"

Hearing Sparky was sick Angel is up from the table with minutes. It could be a simple cold but it was always better to be safe than sorry.

Over hearing Jim and Angel Faith can't help but be a little worryed about her friend. Wondering if she could do anything herself she stands and heads out the door and to the bunk house. It would be a little bit before Angel got there seeing as she had to go to her office first. Faith could go in check on Sparky and than leave not being in anyone way.

Crossing the grass and getting to Sparky's bunk Faith knocks a little before cracking open the door.

"Sparky...its me Faith."

Her words come out soft knowing his head might be hurting. Entering farther in Faith goes over to the bed and sits down on the edge for a moment feeling his for head.

"Hey, sorry to bother you I was just worried. I didn't know if there was anything I could do. Angel is on her way."

Feeling he had a fever Faith stands just wanting bring a little comfort to Sparky while he waited for Angel. Pulling the blankets to up under his chin, Faith disapears into the bathroom. A few moments later she comes back out with a wet washcloth.

"Here, this will help lay on your back for me."

Waiting for Sparky to roll on his back Faith sits on the bed again and leans over him a little placing the cool on his for head.

"There, that should help you so you dont feel to warm. Can I do anything else Spark?"

Not seeing Jade in the barn that morning had been add seeing as she hadnt missed a morning of helping him since she came to the ranch. Maybe just today she was busy and he would see her at breakfest. But now scanning the dinning hall and still not seeing her Dan was a bit worryed.

Exiting and heading down the steps Dan makes his way to Jade's bunk and gives a light tap on the door. Not getting an answer Dan checks the door and seeing it open he cracks it just a little looking into the room.

"Jade, Jade its just me. I was worried about you."

Seeing the body laying in the bed but getting no answer Dan's worry increases even more. Entering all the way he slowly makes his way to the bed. Seeing Jade was breathing was a re leaf but seeing the sweat and feeling her forehead she was sick and burning up.

Heading into the tiny bathroom Dan wets a washcloth and brings it back out. Wrapping the coolness around the back of Jade's neck was easy since she was sleeping on her stomach. Taking the covers and bringing them up her Dan sits on the edge of the bed.

"Need to keep these on you to break your fever ok. "

Just sitting on the bed Dan rubs Jade's back not sure if she was awake or not but trying to bring her the comfort he can.

Giving a nod and a smile to her brother Ryan throws her arms around him.

"Ok I owe you, and we are into all that manly stuff just...something different I guess."

Shaking her head and just slapping her brother's arm for the fun of it Ryan turns to head into the hallway with the phone.

"I'll call Leo and let him know we are going."

Pulling into the hospital Bree's eyes open a little. Everything was blurry but there was no way she could mistake that sign. Her heart beat started to race but she couldn't move from the straight jacket she was in.

"Please...let me go. I don't belong here...Don't do this."

The Dr's open the van door alone with the two others close. Reaching in to get Bree out they do there best to try and keep her calm.

"Shhh....Bree just calm down. You know from last time its better to do as we say."

Entering the hospetil Bree's eyes move wildly around the room. The smells, the sounds...it was what Bree had feared the most coming true again.

Another Dr was up to them and just studys Bree for a long moment. There was no mistaking who this mad was with his twisted smile.

"So you have come back Bree."

His accent like nails on a chalk bored to her. He was the worst of men, and enjoyed every moment of it.

Put her in her old room from now. In a few hours we will start where we left off with her shock treatment.

Bree couldnt help the screams that came from her again as she is lead down the hall. All over again it was happening and no one was there. her voice echoed through the hospetial as she could hear other screams from down the hall. This was an all to real nightmare.


Startled by Faith's touch to his arm, Sparky hadn't even heard her come up behind him. He jumps a little, stopping, then picking up his slow pace again, a gentle smile creasing his lips. "Yeah, you can come help in the barn. Can't say no to that."

A low chuckle comes out and Sparky stops walking near his bunkhouse. "If you show up about seven, seven-thirty in the barn, we can put you to work before breakfast."

He puts a foot on the steps, ready to ascend the porch when he pauses, turning to look at Faith again. "Eat light. Full stomach in the saddle isn't very comfortable." Tossing her a wink, he nods. He didn't mean to be so brief, but exhaustion was suddenly upon him, as was a bit of a headache.

"Goodnight, Faith." His eyes meet hers for a final moment, the moonlight shimmering between them before he blinks and turns to his bunk.

The night is long, but eventually the sun has to rise again. The ranch begins to stir as the light of dawn touches the tips of the trees. Ranch hands start to wake and rise, heading towards the barns for chores. In the dining hall, a few people mingle and dishes rattle as breakfast is prepared.

Six-thirty... Seven... Seven-thirty... Eight. The breakfast bell rings. It wasn't too abnormal that Sparky hadn't been heavily involved in the chores. Sometimes he held back. But when he didn't even show up for breakfast, some of the men began to wonder. Jim wanders down the line of stalls, catching sight of Faith, and he realizes that she's been looking around and waiting.

Thinking, he finally heads to the dining hall, making sure Faith came with and that she felt welcome to join everyone. He casually mentions Sparky and that he's sure he's around here somewhere, knowing that she'd been waiting for him. Once inside the dining hall, he scans the faces and realizes that Sparky is nowhere to be found. Reconsidering his options, he leaves Faith in Annie's capable hands, then heads back outside to the bunkhouses.

Ten minutes later, Jim returns. Breakfast has just started, but he doesn't find a seat at a table. Instead, he bypasses his normal places, going straight to Angel who was sitting near the other woman. He leans down to her and speaks low. "I just found Sparky in his bunk - he's got a high fever and is complaining of being sore. Looks like flu to me, but I think you better check him out to be sure. He didn't want me getting you, the stubborn mule, but I think he's been sick all night and he's gonna need a bit of help whether he likes it or not."

"Ow!" Eli recoils away from Ryan, though still laughs. "Aw, not the eyes... don't give me that look, aww...." He cringes, squinting one eye shut as he looks at his sister. "A musical? I thought Leo was into muscle cars and rock, not.... not sissy stage performances."

Unable to help but give in to Ryan's pleading though, he finally sighs. "Alright... if it will make you happy, or him or whatever, I'll go. But you owe me."

Gunner's body hits the ground hard as he tumbles into the alley, banging into some garbage cans. He didn't feel it though, still unconscious from the blow to the head.

Bryant makes sure he's where no one will find him right away before signaling the driver to keep going. "Alright, he's out of our hair. If he complains to anyone, it's obvious this girl went crazy. The cop tried to stop us with force and we simply defended ourselves. End of story."

He looks to Roger with a sneer. "Not a bad day's work for ten grand. We get this girl dropped off and I'm out of here."

Its at least a half an hour before Gunner's eyes flick open again. He tenses and sits up too quickly, making his world spin as he bumps into spilled garbage. Realizing he was outside, he has no idea where he is. A cloud cover prevented him from guessing how long he'd been there or what direction he was going. He didn't recognize the alley he was in, and he did not know if he was alone or not.

Panic sends his heart racing. "Bree!" he shouts. His words echo against cold brick walls. "Bree!" No answer. Pulling himself to his feet, he staggers before finally getting his balance back. Heading to the street, he looks both ways, squinting at a street sign. Hawthorn. It ran north and south. He must be at the south end of town. Reaching for his pocket, he finds his phone gone. He had no money in his wallet either. But somehow he had to get a hold of someone who could help. Bree had been taken, but there was a dirty cop involved, warning Gunner not to dial the police just yet. Tucking his badge under his hoodie, he sprints into a run, heading down the sidewalk. The nearest place would be the hospital. And JT was working days again.


As the conversation around them becomes lite Annie was righ, Faith felt like she fit right in and this was her family. The air was nice, and it was comfortable. All the fears she had before were gone, and felt like she had know these people for years, not just hours.

Seeing movement by the window Faith just looks for a moment thinking she saw Sparky. Looking back around the room quickly and not seeing Sparky it was confirmation she had seen him. Still not sure how everything worked here and if she would see him again before bed or not she wanted to ask about riding again.

Excusing herself and standing Faith makes her way out of the dinning hall. Seeing Sparky walking slowly across the grass Faith steps off the porch and walks quickly to catch up with Sparky. Gently brushing his arm with her hand to let him know she was there Faith gave a smile slowing her pace down now she was caught up with him.

"Hey, you left before I could talk to you again, and well I am still not sure everyones schedule here so I wanted to catch up with you before you went to bed."

Letting her hand slide down from his arm Faith puts them in her pockets still walking along side Sparky. Now that it was even a little later the night was crisp, and the small breeze felt good.

"I was just wondering what time you wake in the morning and if I could help out in the barn again."

Looking at her brother and raising her eyebrow Ryan did her best to contain her own giggles but not at the tickets but her brothers reaction. She new he probley would react like this but in a way was happy poor Leo wasn't around.

Giving a smirk and moving quickly Ryan gives her brother a few backward hand slaps to Eli's arm as she lets out her own laughs.

"Eli, come on...its for Leo and he REALLY wanted us to go. He always comes to see my races, the least we can do is go with him. Who knows maybe the big hard McKade's have a soft spot. So will you come? PLEASEEEEEEEE???"

Ryan cocks her head to the side and gives her brother big puppy dog eyes.

As Gunner's head hits Roger's jaw with a sicking smack he lets out a cry crashing to the van floor, not even being able to recover before another shot of pain ran through him. Giving a painful growl Roger yells.

"Bryant, get him off of me."

As Bryant pulls Gunner Roger unmercifully kicked Gunner at the same time sending him off of him. Groaning and slipping back into the side of the van Roger glairs at Gunner.

"Yeah well, his head is as hard as a rock."

Swelling had already started in his jaw as he rubs it slightly, shooting a look at Bryant again before looking to the driver of the van.

"Yeah, yeah I'll live I had worse. CAN YOU MOVE THIS THING ANY FASTER?"

Roger was being coming frustrated and just wanted to dump Gunner. Knowing they were a good ways out of town by now they might as well just do it. Than they could get Bree to the hospital and go get his own money.

"Stop the van, just dump him here Bryant. He wont be feeling anything for a while."

Holding her glass on win the diamonds around Ms. Conner wrist give a sparkle in the light. Taking a sip and having up the phone she walks behind the desk running her hand along her husbands shoulders before taking the paper.

"This should work nicely and if any other problems come up its not like it will be hard for you to get it fixed."

Her own tone matched her husbands thought it was obvious where Bree got her pretty features from.

"She brought this on herself really I feel no pity."

Taking the last sip of her wine Ms. Conner lets out a tired bored sigh as she lays the paper down on the desk again. Brushing the wrinkles out of her expensive dress

"Lunch sounds good. I hope Ronnie and Stacy are on the yacht today to show off my new diamonds."


Sparky wanders out to the porch of the dining hall and leans on the railing, scanning the ranch yard. All was quiet. Peaceful. A chill was in the air and he pulls his jacket a little tighter. Another day gone... another twenty-four hours dispersed into memory.

Turning to head down the steps, he happens to glance inside the window once more. His eye catches sight of Annie and Faith, chatting with Jim and Becky at the table. Friends and family were two of the greatest blessings in life.

Stuffing his hands in his pockets, he trudges down the steps and wanders to the bunkhouse, his stride slow.

"Seriously?" The corners of Eli's mouth twitch as he stands in Ryan's kitchen, looking at the tickets Leo had given her. He transforms a laugh into a cough, though it's obvious from his eyes that he's holding back the humor he sees in this.

"A musical, huh?" He clears his throat, letting her keep the tickets. "I, um... think that sounds like just the thing for you and Leo. As a matter of fact, I think I'd probably just be in the way, so you can go then tell me all about it when you come back."

Locking eyes with his sister, something finally comes out, sounding like a combination of a snicker and a choke. "But you'll have to be sure and sing all the songs for me."

Gunner is jolted as the van hits a pothole. Barely opening his eyes, his police instincts kick in and he remains quiet and still, trying to figure out what was going on. They were in a moving vehicle. Going at a pretty fast pace - must be a back street or outskirts of town. Keeping his eyes closed to narrow slits, he sees the police officer Bryant, and the thug Roger. In the front of the van were the two doctors and Bree slumped over unconscious. Where were they being taken?

Bree's confession of her past echos in Gunner's mind. Was this connected? It had to be. But why had they taken him too? Just because he'd gotten in the way? But if they both were held, there would be no hope of escape.

Adrenaline builds in his veins, his heartrate quickening. He could feel the cuffs tight on his wrists - he was virtually helpless. But any dent would weaken a structure and if he made enough dents, there might be some hope.

Shooting up from the floor, he lunges for Roger with a loud growl. Plowing into him head first, he takes him to the floor, giving him a hard headbutt to the mouth and a knee right where it hurts.

Taken totally by surprise, Bryant's eyes widen. He'd thought Gunner was still unconscious. "Why you..." On top of him quickly, he grabs his nightstick and in one blow, Gunner was motionless once again. Grumbling, Bryant drags Gunner off Roger and back to the corner. "This guy weighs a ton. Roger, you alright?"

Mr. Conner sits behind his large oak desk, his hands folded in front of him, his face expressionless. He turns his head to look at his wife as she hangs up the phone. "It's for the best," he reasons, his voice cold compared to the temperature of the room. "She never was right."

A whirring behind him causes him to turn as a fax comes through. Taking the paper, he scans it quickly then hands it to his wife. It was a signed document from Crescentview Mental Facility, agreeing upon the suggested terms for Bree's stay. Radical treatment was required. Outside visitors would be strictly prohibited indefinitely, until mental stability could be proven. Under no circumstances was Jack Timble to be allowed on the premises. The legal documents signed by the judge had been received, and they bound any family member to these terms. Only Mr. or Mrs. Conner could take legal action in having the agreement modified. In case of their death, the case would be turned over to the state, not extended family.

"I think that should cover it." Mr. Conner stands and smooths out his suit, tightening his tie. "Shall we go have lunch now?"