

Startled by Faith's touch to his arm, Sparky hadn't even heard her come up behind him. He jumps a little, stopping, then picking up his slow pace again, a gentle smile creasing his lips. "Yeah, you can come help in the barn. Can't say no to that."

A low chuckle comes out and Sparky stops walking near his bunkhouse. "If you show up about seven, seven-thirty in the barn, we can put you to work before breakfast."

He puts a foot on the steps, ready to ascend the porch when he pauses, turning to look at Faith again. "Eat light. Full stomach in the saddle isn't very comfortable." Tossing her a wink, he nods. He didn't mean to be so brief, but exhaustion was suddenly upon him, as was a bit of a headache.

"Goodnight, Faith." His eyes meet hers for a final moment, the moonlight shimmering between them before he blinks and turns to his bunk.

The night is long, but eventually the sun has to rise again. The ranch begins to stir as the light of dawn touches the tips of the trees. Ranch hands start to wake and rise, heading towards the barns for chores. In the dining hall, a few people mingle and dishes rattle as breakfast is prepared.

Six-thirty... Seven... Seven-thirty... Eight. The breakfast bell rings. It wasn't too abnormal that Sparky hadn't been heavily involved in the chores. Sometimes he held back. But when he didn't even show up for breakfast, some of the men began to wonder. Jim wanders down the line of stalls, catching sight of Faith, and he realizes that she's been looking around and waiting.

Thinking, he finally heads to the dining hall, making sure Faith came with and that she felt welcome to join everyone. He casually mentions Sparky and that he's sure he's around here somewhere, knowing that she'd been waiting for him. Once inside the dining hall, he scans the faces and realizes that Sparky is nowhere to be found. Reconsidering his options, he leaves Faith in Annie's capable hands, then heads back outside to the bunkhouses.

Ten minutes later, Jim returns. Breakfast has just started, but he doesn't find a seat at a table. Instead, he bypasses his normal places, going straight to Angel who was sitting near the other woman. He leans down to her and speaks low. "I just found Sparky in his bunk - he's got a high fever and is complaining of being sore. Looks like flu to me, but I think you better check him out to be sure. He didn't want me getting you, the stubborn mule, but I think he's been sick all night and he's gonna need a bit of help whether he likes it or not."

"Ow!" Eli recoils away from Ryan, though still laughs. "Aw, not the eyes... don't give me that look, aww...." He cringes, squinting one eye shut as he looks at his sister. "A musical? I thought Leo was into muscle cars and rock, not.... not sissy stage performances."

Unable to help but give in to Ryan's pleading though, he finally sighs. "Alright... if it will make you happy, or him or whatever, I'll go. But you owe me."

Gunner's body hits the ground hard as he tumbles into the alley, banging into some garbage cans. He didn't feel it though, still unconscious from the blow to the head.

Bryant makes sure he's where no one will find him right away before signaling the driver to keep going. "Alright, he's out of our hair. If he complains to anyone, it's obvious this girl went crazy. The cop tried to stop us with force and we simply defended ourselves. End of story."

He looks to Roger with a sneer. "Not a bad day's work for ten grand. We get this girl dropped off and I'm out of here."

Its at least a half an hour before Gunner's eyes flick open again. He tenses and sits up too quickly, making his world spin as he bumps into spilled garbage. Realizing he was outside, he has no idea where he is. A cloud cover prevented him from guessing how long he'd been there or what direction he was going. He didn't recognize the alley he was in, and he did not know if he was alone or not.

Panic sends his heart racing. "Bree!" he shouts. His words echo against cold brick walls. "Bree!" No answer. Pulling himself to his feet, he staggers before finally getting his balance back. Heading to the street, he looks both ways, squinting at a street sign. Hawthorn. It ran north and south. He must be at the south end of town. Reaching for his pocket, he finds his phone gone. He had no money in his wallet either. But somehow he had to get a hold of someone who could help. Bree had been taken, but there was a dirty cop involved, warning Gunner not to dial the police just yet. Tucking his badge under his hoodie, he sprints into a run, heading down the sidewalk. The nearest place would be the hospital. And JT was working days again.

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