

Not even bothing to open her eyes Katie new who was drawing close, than feeling Jason's hand confirmed it. It had always been like that, and she liked it, but soon she wouldn't have it anymore. Soon, it would be like when she was taken. It would be quiet, lonly and not the same.

Katie still felt a bit strange with what her and Jason had talked about early was still lingering but now it was replaced with a new worry.

Its Jeff, he's sick again and I am really worried about him. He didnt look good at all.

Starting to walk the way Gage had pointed out Sapphire takes in everything around them. It had turned out to be a nice day after all. Keeping her arm linked lightly with Gage Sapphire was enjoying there time.

Walking a few more steps Sapphire thinks about Gage's question. Continuing to walk she looks at him from the courner of her eye.

"Yes, here we have men and women who work together. We actully are able to do many things together. It a good way to interact and many things there are things a woman cant do than a man can, and things a man cant and a woman can, so it helps when those problems come up."

Continuing to walka little ways more Sapphire finally sees a place to stop and grab something to drink.

"Would you like something cold to drink? Lemonaid?"

Men and women

Jason looks up from his desk, feeling a strange sensation. It was one her recognized, but one that he always dreaded.

Getting up quickly, he exits into the hall, looking both ways, he sees Katie. The last they'd spoken, she had walked away. No words had been exchanged since earlier when they'd argued about their connection. But that didn't mean he wouldn't go to her now.

Approaching cautiously and with worry, Jason places his hands on Katie's shoulders, looking her in the eye. "What's wrong? What happened?"

As Sapphire links arms with Gage, he almost flinches. He wasn't used to being touched unless he was being grabbed to throw somewhere. "Um..." He looks left and right, not knowing which way would be better. "I guess... this way?" He points to the path that would lead around the pond.

As they walk slowly, he glances down to Sapphire. "In the Agency, a lot of times, they wouldn't let men and women work together. It's... different here?"

This or that

Smiling as Gage takes her hand, Sapphire takes note to how his own hands felt slightly soft. "Thank you."

As Gage turns, Sapphire can feel his awkwardness. Coming up alongside him, she links arms with him. "We can go this way or that way."


Gage squints at Sapphire's hand for a moment, almost as if he was confused about the gesture. "Free." The word felt so foreign. He hesitates, but finally comes around the car and takes Sapphire's hand. He hadn't realized how cold his own hands were until he felt her warmth. He flinches, then looks up to see her eyes. "Sorry. You're just... soft." His face reddens and he turns, putting his hands in his pockets. "Um... this way?"

Hole with water

Standing again, Sapphire thinks for a moment. "It feels like free." She didn't know how else to describe it. "Come on, lets walk so you can see how it feels." She holds her hand out to Gage.

Thirteen thinks for a long moment before looking at Ryder as she quirks an eyebrow. "Swimming pool... that's the hole with water in it, right?"

Standing over Jeff, Katie tries her best to stay calm. "I'm here, it's okay. It's gonna be okay." Stepping back to let Misty in, Katie can't help but be scared. Looking around the room, she knows it's time to go. Stepping outside of the room, she leans against the wall and closes her eyes, a few tears forming. She needed to call her aunt, but she needed to calm down first.

Can't beat

Jeff is still shaking, and tries to bring Katie's face into focus. "You're... you're okay..." He winces as more pain shoots through him.

Rick tries to hold him down, but struggles to examine him. "Misty, get over here, please. I think he's going into shock."

Jeff continues to writhe. "Katie... they took... took you."

"Easy," Rick soothes. "Calm down, Jeff. Everyone is fine."

Feeling the sting of a shot, Jeff's muscles start to relax. But his hand finds Katie's, wrapping his cold fingers around hers. "They're coming," he whispers. "They'll... they'll come..."

Rick pauses his work, hearing Jeff's words. "Who? Who's coming?"

Jeff's eyes roll back.

"No...no..." Rick moves more quickly. "Katie, hon, go wait outside. You might want to call your aunt - this doesn't look good."

Ryder laughs as he tastes some ice cream too. "It's supposed to be cold - that's half the fun. On a hot summer day, when all you want is something sweet to cool ya down... mmm." He sucks on a spoonful of peach ice cream. "You can't beat ice cream... unless it's a swimming pool."

Gage stands on the other side of the car and looks around the park. The sun was warm today. One would think from his expression that he wasn't paying any attention. But he was. "What's it like to... walk, just to walk?" His eyes roam towards the path that goes around the pond.


Following close, Katie tries her best to keep her eyes on her Uncle. Keeping quiet all the way, she opens the doors then falls behind once again.

Finally getting into the infirmary, Katie's worry grows. Hearing Jeff ask for her, she goes to him, making sure it was her good side, keeping her scarred side away from him. "I'm here, Uncle Jeff. I'm okay."

Looking at the little cups, Thirteen tries to decide. They all looked so good. Taking one of the little spoons, she tries some of the sherbet. Making a strange face, she didn't like the sour taste. Taking a few more flavors, she lands on one she likes. "I like the strawberry one. It's very cold though. My tongue feels numb."

Opening the car door, Sapphire motions for Gage to get out of the car. "Well, I like to go for walks. I read, spend time with people I know, go to fairs... Pretty much anything that is fun."

Leaning on the hood of the car, Sapphire looks up at the sky before looking back at Gage. "We can do anything you want."

There's more?

"Well what..." Gage looks out the window around the park. "I mean... what do you do when you're not working? Like... I mean..." He felt stupid. He felt so far out of his element. "All I know is going out... doing what I'm told... getting up at five and eating cereal for breakfast." He scoffs. "There's more, isn't there? There's more that I was never allowed to do, isn't there?"

Okay, here we go." Ryder gestures across the spread of ice cream flavor samples. He and Thirteen sat at the little table in the mall shop. It had taken some doing, but he'd finally convinced someone to give them all the little cups. "We got strawberry, chocolate chip, mint, peach, caramel, sherbet... and I forgot what these others are." Ryder laughs. "Take your pick. I'm partial to peach."

Jeff doubles over in the passenger seat, his eyes glazed as he continues to shake. "K...Katie... careful.. they'll... they'll come." His eyes start to roll back in his head.

Reese's eyes go wide as he listens on the phone. "Katie? Jeff? What.. um... okay... right." Hanging up, he immediately calls Rick.

By the time Katie can reach TJY, both Rick and Reese are outside waiting. Getting the passenger door open, Rick has to catch Jeff before he falls out of the car. "My word... Jeff? Jeff can you hear me?"

Jeff seems to mumble something, but that's it.

Rick moves quickly. "Reese, take his other side. Katie, got the door for us."

Within minutes, they're in TJY, headed for the infirmary. Jeff's feet drag and he continues to mumble. "Katie... make sure she's... okay... Katie..." He collapses on the infirmary bed, trying to focus on the lights, Misty, and the other faces. "Katie???"

Something is wrong

Starting the car and pulling out of the parking lot, Sapphire heads down the road and is quiet for a long moment before answering. "Yep, we come, work, go home and then repeat. now you get to as well, when someone is with you."

Pulling into the park, she stops the car. "When you're ready, you will get to go alone, too."

Hearing something at the door, Katie goes to check. Opening it, her eyes widen. "Uncle Jeff!" Stepping outside the door, she bends down to him, checking him over. Seeing he was not okay, she runs back inside and grabs her phone and keys. Getting back outside, Katie struggles a little getting Jeff in the car and then drives off.

Dialing on her phone, she waits until she hears someone on the other end. "Reese, it's Katie. I got Jeff. Something is wrong with him. Have someone meet me outside."

Come and go

"I..." Gage watches Sapphire leave, then follows lamely. Walking after her, he makes it outside and to the car, squinting in the light. Only once they're headed down the road does he speak again. "So... like... you can come and go as you please?"

Ryder slings an arm around Thirteen's shoulders and aims her for the ice cream. "Alright, melady. What flavor shall it be today?"

Pain shoots through Jeff's body and he doubles over, stumbling onto the porch. Sweat pours down, soaking his shirt as he shakes with the cold chill of a raging fever.

Gasping for breath, he crawls to the door on all fours, his arms and legs shaking. Barely making it, he can just reach the doorbell before collapsing into a heap. Closing his eyes, he whispers, "Katie..."

Sounds great

"Yes, a drive with me." Sapphire gives a smile. "Maybe we will go to the park or get some ice cream."

Walking out the door, she figures Gage will follow. "Come on. I am not a bad driver."

Getting a little excited by all the hustle, Thirteen takes Ryder's hand and smiles at him. "Ice cream sounds great."


"A drive? With you?" Gage's eyes hold hope, but hesitation. "Why?"

"I like that one," Ryder agrees. "How about jeans? You need more of them too, right?" His eyes catch a nearby store. "Ooh, how about some ice cream?"

A drive

Shaking her head, Thirteen refuses the shirt. "I think a garbage bag would cover more than that thing." Looking through another rack, she finds a red tanktop with a few flowers on it. "This one is nice." She was having a nice time trying not to think about the other people around her and keeping Ryder close.

"Yes, go somewhere with you." Sapphire sits down at the table and takes a bite of her food. "I think he would..."

...Finishing up and leaving for a moment, Sapphire finally comes back, a smile on her face. "how about we go for a drive? She holds up her keys.

Skimpy top

"How 'bout this one?" Ryder teases Thirteen in the mall by pointing out a shirt that she should definitely not wear. He knew she was uncomfortable being in public - and in a busy place too. He tried to lighten the mood, wanting her to have a good time shopping for her own clothes for the first time. The topic of her parents had been avoided.

"Out... somewhere... with me?" Gage appears confused, maybe a little amused. "Why would... I mean..." He shrugs, giving up. "Do you think Reese would let us?"


Turning a little and looking up at Ryder, Thirteen still held the picture in her hand. "Okay. That might be fun."

Standing, Sapphire smiles and motions for Gage to follow her. "Come on, let's get something to eat."

Leading Gage to the break room, she points to the vending machine. "Pick what you want. I am gonna get a tuna sandwich." Grabbing some plates and putting them down, she speaks again. "I was thinking about asking Reese to let me go out somewhere with you. If you want."


Ryder watches Katie leave, and can't help another sigh. Ambling into the living room, he leans over the back of the couch to look over Thirteen's shoulder. "Hey... I'm gonna take the rest of the day off. thought we might go shopping... for you."

Gage manages something close to a smile. "Um... I guess I am sorta hungry. Don't know what to do with myself... Alec's still locked up - guess he's still fighting." He pauses, appearing to be very awkward. "Um... yeah."

Something to eat

Katie gives a nod and returns the smile to Ryder. "I won't tell her, for now." Finishing up her cookie, she walks past Ryder, then stops. "Don't wait too long, okay? It will only make it harder."

Finishing what she was typing, Sapphire looks up. Seeing Gage, a smile spreads on her face. "Well, hello there. It's not a problem. I like the company. Want something to eat?"


Ryder watches Thirteen leave, his shoulders dropping a little. He's about to leave the room too, when Katie stops him. Looking into her eyes as she speaks, he suddenly knows that she knows the truth. She had figured it out.

"Please don't say anything," he requests quietly. "I was asked not to, and I intend to honor that, at least for now." He gives her half a smile. "I know she has a right, and I agree... but the timing isn't right."

Gage wanders down the hall, his hands in his pockets and feeling in the way when someone passed. His head and eyes down, he trudges to the main floor. Looking around, his stomach growls. Without the normal routine, lunch had been forgotten. Not catching anyone's eyes, he finally finds Sapphire's cubicle. Stopping in the doorway, he hesitates. "Um... hi." He bites his lip. "I didn't know... where else to go."

She knew.

Looking back at Ryder, Thirteen's eyes form more tears. She hurt inside and this was a whole new thing to add to the hurt. "Maybe for a day or two I will, but I am going to find him. You need to understand that."

Taking the picture with her, thirteen goes into the other room.

Katie looks to Thirteen and then to Ryder as she takes a bite of cookie. Waiting until Thirteen was out of the room, she murmurs. "She has a right to know, you know. To know she had a great family out there like mine. To know she is not rejected by them." Katie just looks at Ryder.

She knew.

Let it rest

Ryder can't help a little sigh. He'd learned a lot from Trent today, but he'd also been asked to say no more. "Thirteen..." He gives her a look of sympathy. "Trent was right. Don't dig up the past, especially now. I know you have a sudden urge to find your father but... that isn't always best. Can you understand that?" He brushes her cheek softly. "At least let it rest for a while?"

Will you?

Gazing down at the picture, Thirteen runs her finger over the face as a small smile forms on her own. An ever-so-small sadness was still there. "She was so pretty."

Looking up at Ryder, tears glaze her eyes. "I've got to find him, Ryder. I know you're going ot tell me to move on too, but for me, I can't till I know. Will you help me?"

Grace Chapmann

Trent's shoulders drop just a little, and he takes a step closer to Thirteen. "Don't spend your life chasing shadows. It isn't worth it."

Taking one last long look at her, he finally turns to leave. "Goodbye, Jasmine. Bye, Katie. I'll be in touch."

When he is gone, the house is quiet. Ryder lays a hand on Thirteen's shoulder. "Here." He holds out a photo of a beautiful, smiling young woman. Handwritten at the bottom is: Grace Chapmann. "This was your mom." He pauses, letting Thirteen take it. "You okay?"

I will

Looking at Trent, Thirteen eyes sadden to hear of her mother's death. It was sad, but from what Trent said, her dad was still alive.

"You say to let go and not dig. But until I find my father and look him in the face myself, I won't be able to let go. Thank you, Trent, for coming here." Her eyes held a hope in them to finding her father. "I will look for my dad. I don't know how, but I will find him."

Would have

Trent stops his route, looking into Thirteen's eyes. He glances to Ryder, then back again. "One of the things that people who have been in the Agency have to learn, is to let go. It's not always fair."

He shifts his weight a bit uncomfortably, but remains strong. "But I know this is important to you, so I'll tell you what I know." His eyes stare into Thirteen's, as if reading her soul. "Your mother died in an Agency-instigated car accident not long after you were born. She wasn't married. Your father..." He broke his gaze for a moment before finding her face again. "That's one of those things that has to be let go. He was a man who never deserved a daughter like you, and I will warn you not to try and dig things up. You've got too good of a life ahead of you - don't spoil it by chasing a past that will only disappoint you." He swallows hard and straightens just a little, again prepared to leave. "I've always known this information, but I only just learned about you yesterday. Otherwise, I would have come sooner."


Sitting alone at the table now, Thirteen just looks down at it. Trent didn't even answer her question. Were her parents alive or not?

Seeing Thirteen and the look on her face, Katie feels compassion for her. She knew all too well how it felt to lose parents. "You're gonna be okay, Thirteen. We all are you family now." She gives a small smile.

When Ryder and Trent return, Thirteen stands, taking note that Trent was leaving. "Wait... please... What about my parents? Where are they?" Her eyes begged. She knew her name, but now she had a new goal to find the ones who brought her into this world and let them know she was alive.

Nice to meet you

Trent looks at Thirteen with compassion. "When someone grows up in the Agency, often their past becomes foggy. The important thing now is that you're no longer with them - you're free to grow and... and live." She was alive. It took all of Trent's power not to let the tears surface. "So that's... what I wanted to tell you. Stick close to the Elite and you'll make it." He offers a warm smile. "You've grown up into a lovely young woman." His gaze then turns to Ryder. "I'd like to speak to you a moment in private if I may."

Ryder is is surprised, but agrees. "Sure." He looks to Thirteen. "Be right back." Leaving with Trent, it's a good ten minutes before both men return, and when they do, Trent doesn't resume his seat. He simply finishes his coffee, prepared to leave.

"I have to go now, but I'll be back sometime. Katie, it was good to see you, and Jasmine... keep Ryder in line." He throws her a wink. "It was nice to meet you."


Taking hold of Ryder's hand, Thirteen walks into the kitchen. Sitting down at the table, she continues to look across at Trent. Her face holds a little emotion as she listens to him. She didn't know what to think right now.

"W... How... Jasmine." Thirteen lets the name roll off her tongue, not sure if she liked it or not. "Where are my real parents? Why did they leave me?"

Your name

Ryder slips his hand down to find Thirteen's. "I'm not going anywhere." He nods to Trent. "You can come sit in the kitchen with us."

Following the other three, Trent walks a bit nervously, throwing Katie a glance that is not easily understood. He smiles though. "Coffee sounds great."

Once he's sitting down, he looks across the table to Thirteen then Ryder. "Reese tells me you're acting as her guardian?"

Ryder nods. "That's right."

"I'm glad you're here too then. I, um... I've got some information..." He turns his attention back to Thirteen. "...about you." Pausing, he swallows hard as if trying to stay composed. "See... a long time ago, I was part of the Agency too... but I'm on the right side now. I know a lot about the past... including information about you." A small smile comes to his lips as he studies her face. "You, um... were raised by the Agency. But the people who raised you weren't your real parents. They were going to use you for some bad things, but fortunately, they changed their minds after trying to start you in that direction."

Trent pauses, clearing his throat. "Your um... your name is Jasmine."


Confused, Thirteen looks at Ryder, Katie, then back to Trent. "Why... why do you want to talk to me?" Her voice comes out as a whisper. "Ryder, will you stay with me?"

Seeing the tension in her uncle's eyes, Katie could tell something was up. Taking a few steps towards the kitchen, she talks over her shoulder. "I'll put some coffee on."

If it's okay

Ryder tries to relax, trusting Katie. He puts his gun away and extends his hand to Trent instead. "Sorry 'bout that. Just a bit jumpy. I'm Ryder."

"I know." Trent exchanges the handshake and nods. Stepping inside, he offers Katie a smile and hug. "Hey there, kiddo."

Ryder winks at Thirteen, letting her know it was okay, then turns back to Trent. "What brings you here?"

Trent glances at Thirteen again, catching her eye. "Um, well... I always like seeing my nice." He smiles at Katie again. "And... I just came from TJY and wanted to talk to Thirteen, if it's okay." He cocks his head at the young woman, gaining enough strength not to let his emotions overflow.


Coming up behind Ryder, Thirteen stands on her tiptoes to look over his shoulder. Now knowing he would keep her safe, she was interested in who this man was.

Going to the other side of Ryder, Katie stands on her tiptoes. A small smile spreads on Katie's face as she sees it's Trent. "Hi, Uncle Trent." She gives a little wave and pats Ryder's arm. "It's okay, Killer. I know him."

Katie's uncle

Ryder is confused, but he relaxes a little bit. he stays on guard though, in case this was an unwanted visitor. He pats Thirteen's shoulder. "It's okay. Let's find out who it is." Reaching to his back, he pulls out his handgun.

Hearing Katie, he smirks. "We know. Hang on." Cautiously, he goes to the door, opening it just a little. "Can I help you?"

Trent knows from the accent that this must be Ryder. "Yes, hi, um, I'm sorry I scared Thirteen. My name is Trent... I'm Katie's uncle." Scanning past Ryder, he spots his niece. "Katie!"

Ryder takes a step back. "Kat, you know him?"

At the door

Thirteen looks at Ryder, her eyes wide, going to him. "There is a man at the door that I don't know, but he knows my name." She shook a little. Her eyes go past Ryder as Katie appears. "I'm sorry I made a scene."

"Is everything okay?" Katie had followed after Ryder, wanting to make sure Thirteen was okay too. Hearing the doorbell, Katie raises an eyebrow. "Someone is at the door."

First Impressions

Ryder sighs and shakes his head. "I don't know. He might not realize that it bothers you that much - about the Agency, I mean. I guess... that was the first time you were forcibly disconnected from him, ay? For that long of a time?" He knew it's true, and gives her arm another pat. "It'll be okay. I know he loves you to death and-" He's cut off by Thirteen's yell. Not hesitating, he jumps up, sprinting out the door and down the hall, his eyes wide. "What?!" He reaches her, his heart thumping. 'What's wrong?!"

Trent blinks at the closed door, and can hear the shout for Ryder. He'd scared her. Great. So much for first impressions. Surely Ryder would let him in, and was Katie around? He rings the doorbell again.

Shut door

Katie swipes her eyes, hating to have Ryder see her like this, but at the same time, it was nice to have someone there to comfort her.

"I don't think there is anything you can do, unless you can get Jason to change his mind."

Letting out a sigh, Katie looks down at her hands. So many of her emotions were going crazy at the moment. She wasn't sure what ones were hers and what ones weren't. "Why can't he understand, Ryder? It's not just about the connection. It's about how I don't want to remember the Agency, too."

Staring back at the man at the door, Thirteen could feel her tension rising. She didn't know who this man was, but he made her feel strange ,staring back at him. Hearing this stranger call her by name, she could feel herself jump. Reflexes kicked in and she shut the door in his face. "Ryder?!"


Ryder looks back at Katie, sorry to hear about her fight with Jason. Though he knew he really shouldn't, he enters her room anyway. Approaching slowly, he sits on the edge of the bed and puts a hand to her arm. "I'm sorry. I know your connection with Jason is important to you... Is there anything I can do?"

Trent's eyes lock with Thirteen's for a long, awkward moment. He almost does a double-take, having expected Katie to answer the door, but he realizes that this is not her.

"Um... hi..." He swallows hard, a strange look in his eyes. "Is this... I mean... are you Ja.. er... Thirteen?"


Moving just a little on her bed, Katie looks up to see Ryder. Her eyes were streaked with tears. "Oh, yeah, just great. Jason wants us both to take medicine to get rid of our powers after I just got them back. And we had a fight over it." Katie knew she looked miserable, but right now she didn't care.

Hearing the doorbell ring, Thirteen looks up from her plate. "Ryder?" Not getting a reply, she slowly makes her way to the door. Looking out the window and not knowing the man, she calls again. "Ryder, there is a man at the door."

Still not getting a reply, she opens it just enough to see out. "Hello. Can I help you?"


Ryder is worried too, and shakes his head at Thirteen. "Don't know. Sit tight."

Leaving the kitchen, he ambles down the hall to Katie's room. "Katie?" He knocks on the door, making it open enough for him to see inside. "You okay?"

While Ryder is away from the kitchen, the doorbell rings. Trent stands awkwardly, not really knowing what to expect. He'd talked to Reese after the tests with Rick, and now he needed to face the music.

Jason stalks back into TJY, ignoring the waves tossed in his direction. Slamming his office door shut, he slumps down at his desk, burying his head in his arms.


Looking at Ryder and Thirteen as she enters the house, Katie feels every emotion from Jason and it makes her stop with a gasp for air.

Feeling even sicker now, Katie makes a beeline for the bathroom. What little she had to eat was now out of her system.

Coming out of the bathroom and looking into the kitchen, Katie shakes her head. "No, thank you." She felt tired now and didn't want to scare Thirteen. Heading to her bedroom, she wanted to lock herself away.

Seeing Katie run into the bathroom, thirteen looks to Ryder, worried. "What's wrong? Is she okay?"


Left alone at the table, Jason's fist clenches. His water glass begins to wobble, warning him to stay in control. Finally, he gets up too, leaving payment on the table. A quick drive takes him to the far corner of an empty lot. Parking, he gets out and finds a pile of dirt and rocks. He lets his emotions go, rocks exploding into the air. Glaring at an abandoned car, the windshield bursts. Sending a surge of anger towards a dead tree, it's hit as if by a lightning bolt.

After several more targets, Jason sinks to his knees, exhausted. He knew Katie would have felt all of this, but at least his negative emotions weren't aimed directly at her.

Home for lunch with Thirteen, Ryder looks up from the kitchen table as the door opens. "Oh, hey, Kat. Thought you'd be out longer. If you haven't had lunch, we got an extra sandwich here."

Upset and sick

Katie knows Jason was just trying to make things better but the damage was done and she was upset. "I love you, too. I am going home now."

Giving Jason a quick smile, Katie stands. She couldn't stay here any longer. She was upset and felt sick.


Jason knew good and well that Katie was upset. Reaching across the table, he takes her hand again, feeding her all the warm emotions he could muster.

"I love you, Katie. Please understand that this has nothing to do with that." He tries to smooth out the bumps he'd caused. "I'll let you know... rick is still perfecting the formula."


Katie's own irritation tried to come forth. Why couldn't Jason see what she was saying? She had just got out of the situation with the Agency and now Jason wanted her to do it again when she knew it would make memories surface, not to mention she was still jumpy and scared though she never said it. It was nice to have Jason near if she needed him.

Letting out a sigh, Katie could feel a headache forming. She did not want to talk about this anymore. "Fine, take the medicine. And let me know when to take mine." She felt upset and almost defeated.

At least?

Why can't you try to understand where I'm coming from?

Jason gave up on trying to speak aloud. The restaurant was busy anyway.

I don't want to force you here. I don't want to just take the medication and watch you take it too or die. That's not my point.

He tries to suppress the irritation that tried to surface. He didn't want this to be upsetting. He loved Katie so much - he just wanted to try this.

Please? Can't you do this for me? Or at least think about it?

Try to understand

"Jason... it's been how long now? You should know there is." Katie leans back, her eyes scanning the room. "I don't want to take the medicine, J. I have gotten used to our powers and I don't like how it feels without them. But if you take the medicine then I guess I have no choice."

Katie knew it would make her miserable. Just thinking about it brought back memories of the Agency.

Please try to understand where I am coming from.


Jason looks away for a moment, his emotions heightening. "I'm sorry."

Please don't be upset.

"Can't we just see how it goes? I mean... shouldn't we be able to survive without it? You and me, I mean. I... I need to know there's more to us than just our connection."

High strung

"Pain? Worry? I have neither of those anymore."

Katie can feel Jason was disappointed but she couldn't help how she felt. She was still high strung from everything that happened to her, and this just seemed to hit a chord.

"I just got our connection back, J. I don't want to give it a try."

Garbled emotions

It's not about anything. I just... ijmdaxvjadmv...

Jason closes his eyes tight for a moment, calming his emotions.


"I know it seems we wouldn't want anything different, but it might solve some things. No more pain and we wouldn't have to worry so much anymore."

His shoulders drop a little, showing he was a bit disappointed in Katie's initial reaction. "You know I've been trying for a long time to find a solution and... well I thought we could give this as try."

Don't want to

Confusion ran through Katie's eyes as she didn't understand why Jason was bringing this up.

"Yes, I know Rick did and I thank him for that. But now we don't need it and I don't really want to consider it."

Did Jason really still hate their connection that much?

What's this about, J?

An option

"I... I didn't say I wanted that. I mean..." Jason's palm goes sweaty. He sits back in his chair.

Don't jump to any conclusions, okay?

"Rick kept me alive, ya know? I mean... it's possible and... and I just thought it's an option to consider."

You don't?

Katie blinks at Jason as he asks about their powers. Her heart seems to quicken. Looking at Jason's hand for a long moment, Katie finally looks up at him.

"I'd ask why on earth you would want that. I love our connection. You don't?"


"Work's... okay." Jason totally skips over the other topic. He's suddenly not hungry and he can feel resistance in the flow of emotions. He'd upset Katie. He hadn't meant to.

"Hard getting back in the swing of things, I guess."

Pausing, he finally reaches across the table to take Katie's hand, running his fingers over hers. "Katie... I wasn't going to bring this up so soon after everything happened, but... well, if we had a chance to not have to worry about our connection anymore... what would you think?"

Just forget

Taking a sip of water, Katie runs her fork through her food. Her own emotions felt like they were on a rampage.

"If you love me, why are you having such a hard time with..." Her words trail off. "Okay. Just forget I asked then."

How's work?

Let it rest

"I don't know." Jason bites his lip.

I'm so glad I have you back... and I love you... and I wouldn't know what to do without you... you know that.

"Just... can you let it rest for a while? I just got you back and..."

He sighs and stuffs another bite in his mouth. He didn't know what he was trying to say.


Looking down at her food for a moment, Katie feels strange.

What do you mean?

Glancing back up at Jason, she tries to contain some of her own emotions. "How do you figure?"

Playing fair

Jason's emotions give a little lurch, though it wasn't clear if it was negative or positive.

How can I even answer that now?

He takes another bite of food. "You're not playing fair."

Every day

"I told you I was going to ask you every day till I got an answer."

Katie takes a bite of her grab rangoon before giving Jason a smile.

Gonna quit?

Jason gives her a smirk. "Yes, I heard you. Do I have to tell you to quit asking me, or are you gonna quit on your own?"

I believe

Giving a laugh, Katie's eyes show she was sorry for making Jason choke.

"I believe I asked you to marry me!"


After prayer, Jason takes a bite of his sweet and sour chicken, but almost chokes as he receives Katie's question once again. "Dang." He clears his throat and takes a sip of water, his eyes watering. "You're gonna kill me if you don't cut that out. Now where were we?"

Marry me?

Smiling at Jason, Katie gives a light nod. "I do. It was too quiet without you and I like being different."

Looking up as the waitress brings the food, Katie thanks her. Waiting till she was out of earshot, she looks at Jason before eating. "Are you happy we can again too?"

Giving a grin, Katie cocks her head, catching Jason's eye.

Will you marry me?

Looking up from her drawing pad, Thirteen gives a smile to Ryder. "I'm doing good. Just trying to keep myself busy."

Setting the pad down, she stands, giving a stretch. "I'll be right back. Just need to run to the potty."


"...So..." Jason looks at Katie from across the table after joining her for lunch. Waiting for their Chinese food, he plays with an empty straw wrapper. "...you, uh... feel good we can talk again, eh?" A small grin quirks the corner of his mouth.

A weary traveler enters TJY, his bag still slung over his shoulder. Making his way between the cubicles, his eyes roam the main floor, his face tired and a bit pale. After meeting up with Reese, he's sent down the hall to the infirmary.

Ryder looks up from his desk, seeing the newcomer and wondering who he was, but he didn't catch his eye. Trying to get back to work, he glances to Thirteen in the extra chair. "How ya doing?"