

As Misty draws near to Carson, a part of him wanted to back away. Being this close to her was a form of torture for him. But he stays... his feet don't want to move.

Misty's hand running down his arm, then taking his own hand seems to send a shock through him, and his pulse quickens. As her other hand reaches his face, he blinks, unsure of what he intentions were. Swallowing hard, he listens to her words, not wanting that hope to rise within him again. He didn't want to crash and burn again. He didn't want to feel that tearing of his heart once hope had been reborn. What was Misty doing?

But as she nears and her lips touch his own, all intentions, all fears, all questions... none seem to matter. For in a single instant, the fire that had all but died... that had been snuffed out with pride... that had lost all light... burst into flames.

Carson takes in Misty’s kiss, gradually returning it with increasing passion. Her hand running through his hair sends chills down his spine, just like it used to do.

Taking his one hand out of his pocket, he wraps it around Misty’s waist, bringing her closer to him. His other, he lets go of her hand to slide to her back, unwilling for there to be space between them.

As he withdraws to tilt his head the other way, the brim of his hat bumps Misty’s forehead, sending the hat to the floor. But too enveloped in the kiss, it goes ignored.

Scott looks up from the bed, his eyes widening slightly at the scene. Now that, he hadn’t expected. Glancing over to the counter, Rick has the same astonished look on his face. Neither want to stare, but neither can help it.

Warmth washes over Carson like a forgotten summer breeze. He had missed Misty so very much, and for a moment, he was lost in time, almost forgetting that it had passed at all, and he was here, with her, for the first time, all over again.

Drawing away slightly, Carson’s lips brush against hers lightly, moving to her cheek, then back to her lips again. He didn’t want to leave. He didn’t want to let go.

Rick’s hand slides from the counter without him realizing it, and all too late, he feels the tray that he took with it. It crashes to the floor, spilling its contents in a loud avalanche, and he’s instantly on his knees picking it up.

The noise shocks Carson back to reality and suddenly he realizes just what has happened. Stunned, he takes a step back, his hands sliding forward to Misty’s arms. His eyes lock with hers. No… this couldn’t be happening… could it? What did it mean? Where did it put them now? Was this real? Was it not?

His pulse still racing, he swallows hard, slowly letting go of Misty, and backing up another step. “Misty, I…” But words escaped him. She was with someone else… so was he… they couldn’t... they shouldn’t… But the fire… oh, the fire was so bright and warm.

His eyes search hers for a moment, before he suddenly spins on his heel. Aiming for the door, he doesn’t say goodbye to Scott like planned, but gets to the hall, his strides lengthening. He couldn’t stay… he’d made a mistake… he was confused… He wanted to stay… but… no… yes…

Making his way across the main floor, he hits the exit, sucking in a breath of fresh air. But his energy was spent, and instead of walking home, he leans up against the brick wall, just staying… trying to figure out what had just happened.