
Tied up and Helpless

*Nate lets out a sigh as he listens to Reese. Conflict rages inside of him. Misty dident have time for this, and she dident have time for people to sit around and not take action. Nate's frustration grows. Back in the old days he never would of been questioned but not since TJY had turned to the Elite things had. Nate dident want to see them before, but they were there in the back of his mind. Things just wernt the same. Finally when Reese is done talking Nate reply. His voice calm and collected no anger hinted in his voice.*

"We found documents on Misty's dresser, She's dieing Reese if she dosent get help fast. There is no time to stop and think. I've worked as one of your Agenct at TJY for years and you've never second guessed me before. You use to trust me, you just are going to have to again. I first started at TJY to protect and serve, thats what I am doing now. This is what I was trained to do at TJY and since the Elite started thats been taken away from us. Most of us sit behind desks now."

*Nate shakes his head knowing he was going off topic.*

"I'm not siding with Carson I am doing my job. And if your going to fire me for doing my job, so be it but do it after we find Misty. She dosent have time for me to get fired now. See if Wyatt can get anymore information out of Aerith for us. We need all we can get on Frankie. Once I know more I'll call you."

*Nate hangs up his phone and lets out a sigh. What was he doing, why was he defying everything now. Nate runs a wery hand over his face.*

*Misty shakes her head as she still smiles back at Morgan*

"Under thirty and your doing this crap, I'd say your more of a kid than you addmit."

*Misty still moves her wrists around behind her back trying to free them. She could feel the ropes geting looser and looser finally Misty can feel her hand slip free. Still grinning at Morgan as he drew Misty looks down at herself than back up at Morgin tilting her head.*

"You like seeing me like this? Tied up and helpless huh?"

*Misty cant help but keep her charm turned on welcoming Morgan. As he gets even closer to her she draws her leg up so her knee is to her chesk as if trying to sit up do she can drink the water.*

"There is one thing you should know though..."

*Misty exstents her leg again kicking Morgan right in the knee hard.*

"I'm not that helpless."

*Misty gives Morgan a shove away from her and trys to stand quickly though gets very duzzy. Hurrying but staggering Misty makes her way to the small door, squinting to see past the fuzzyness.*

Is that clear?

“I’ve already thought things through,” Carson growls as he gets back into his car. Throwing into gear, he holds his glare. “Don’t worry. I won’t kill him…right away. He’ll talk first. Believe me…he’ll talk.”

“No, but, Dad, I, no, wait, listen, but…” Wyatt sighs and closes his phone, leaning on the counter at Mom and Pop’s. He looks at Aerith with apology. “I’m sorry…I’ll be on call now. I should stick around. Can I get a rain check on the lake?”

Halfway to Aerith’s grandmother’s house, Nate’s phone rings. Before he can even say anything, Reese can be heard. “Nathan Driers, you stop right where you are and don’t go any further, do you understand me?!” Reese’s voice is loud and commanding. “Carson is not, I repeat, NOT on this case. I will have you, Wyatt and a couple of Brown’s men on this, but I do not want Carson involved. Is that clear?” He pauses, but still doesn’t give enough time for an answer. “Disobey this, and you’re jeopardizing your job, Nate. Mark my words, you side with Carson one more time, and so help me, you’re off the force. DON'T push me.”

Morgan shakes his head with a roll of his eyes. "You know...I might be more willing to make you more comfortable if you cut out the "kid" crap. Just because I'm under thirty, it does not make me a juvenile, you got that?"

He stands up with a sigh, walking to the corner of the room. "I don't know why I should give you anything. I'd rather you passed out so you shut up. But Frankie would probably go after me then, and I'd be the one with that crazy loon on MY hands."

He turns back around with a bottle of Advil in his hand and moves to fill a small glass with water. "And if crazy runs in the family, wait to tell me later." He gives Misty a once over. "I like seeing you the way you are."

Not to late...

*Charlotte smiles back at Bret her fingers locking wish his. She felt her pulse race and she was filled with a happy feeling. It felt like life just started again.*

*As Carson walks away Nate looks back to Wyatt. He was stuck between a rock and a hard place. He had to do what was right though to keep everyone safe and ok. *

"Sorry Wyatt, but I think your date has come to an end. Let your dad knows whats going on and let him know I'm with Carson. See if you guys can track any information down and let him know I said I want Carson on this case with me."

*Nate turns and looks back at Aerith his face full of worry but soft as well.*

"Aerith, please where does your grandmother live?"

*Aerith lets out a sigh and looks down at the table than back up at Nate.*

"A few blocks from here turn down First St, and than on Spooner St. its number 15."

*Nate nods to Aerith.*

"Thank you. Wyatt have you dad call me if you need to."

*Nate jogs to the door and out to catch up with Carson.*

"Carson I have the address but you need to listen to me. We need to think this through we can go to the house and see if Frankie is there, but we cant do anything rash. We could be puting Misty in even more danger if we do. If Frankie is there we can question him but it ends there for Misty's sake. 15 Spooner St. is where we need to go."

*Frankie enters the house and heads up the steps to the spair bedroom. Rummaging around and throwing stuff into a bag an heading down the steps again he heads into the kitchen. Filling a bag with food.*

"Martha, I'm just gonna take some of this food with me. I'll buy you more later ok."

*Hearing a reply Frankie throws the bags onto the table and heads back up the steps. Before heading out again.*

*Misty slowly opens her eyes squinting alittle across the dim lit room as her eyes fall on Morgan. Misty's head felt like is was going to explode. Sometimes being a dr. had its disadvantges before you new just how much time you had what signs to look for. In a low horse voice Misty calls to Morgan.*

"Hey kid, my head is killing me. You seem like a good kid and all. Its not to late for me. You need...."

* Misty squints as a serge of pain staps at her head.*

"...need to let me go or I am going to die right here. Than it will be to late for you."

*Misty leans her head back closing her eyes again. Everything hurt! Surly someone new she was gone by now there was no way Carson hadent tryed to contact her at all. Or did he just think she was busy? Would this be the end? Would Morgan listen to her?

As Misty leans her head back she moves her hands a bit and can feel the ropes are loose. Maybe if she moved her hands enough she could slip out of them. Looking back up at Morgan again Misty gives a small smile the one she could turn off at anytime. Though her head corsed with pain she tryed to hold it.*

"If you want let me go do you at least have some Advil and water?"


Bret reaches across the edge of the table, his heart beating a little faster as he takes Charlotte’s hand. “Well…I guess fate has given us Saturday then.”

Carson moves a little closer to Aerith. “Where is your grandmother’s house?”

Wyatt stands from his seat, a little put off by this intrusion, and he can see that it’s upsetting Aerith. “Hey, settle down, take it easy.”

“Don’t tell me to take it easy,” Carson snaps. “We don’t have much time.”

“Better to step back and take a good look around than barge in guns blazing before you know what’s really going on.”

“You want to tell me how to do this?” Carson straightens, looking Wyatt in the eye.

“Look, if Misty got taken by Frankie, then I’m as mad as heck, but it’s best we keep our cool.”

“Who’s we?”

“Well you can’t go it alone,” Wyatt reasons. “Let’s get a hold of Reese and…”

“Don’t you dare,” Carson hisses, his eyes ablaze. “Reese gets a hold on this, he won’t let me help out. Or have you forgotten I’m not a part of the team anymore?” He defies Wyatt with his stare, challenging him. “But you are. So you’ve got the right to stop me right here if you want. Cuff me and take me in.” Carson holds out his wrists. “Go ahead.”

Wyatt rolls his eyes. “Look, Carson, I know you’re worried, but use your head, will you? The more help there is, the better.”

“Fine.” Carson backs off. “Don’t tell me where her grandmother’s house is. I’ll find it myself.” Spinning around, he stalks angrily towards the exit.

Mac Truck

*Nate holds the gun in his hand for a moment deep in thought. He couldent let Carson do this, not make a rash desition and just throw his life in the line again. Nate had to think of something and he had to think of something fast. Geting out of the car at Mom and Pop's Nate follows close behind Carson.*

*Aerith looks up as Carson and Nate make there way over to her fast. The tone in Carson's voice made her jump alittle. Not sure what was going on and the suddin interuption. Looking to Wyatt and than to Carson again she can feel a bit of panic crawl up her neck.*

"I'm not sure...where he is staying why would I know?"

*Nate looks over Carson's shoulder trying to offer a smile but knows it comes out as a pretty lame one leting his own worry show though.*

"Aerith if you have any idea at all it would help."

*Nate looks back to Wyatt.*

"It looks to be Misty was kiddnaped. Theer wasent a pretty sight when Carson showed up there this afternoon. Misty seems to be hurt there was blood on her pillow, and on top of that..."

*Nate gives a sidelong glance to Carson cringing in having to say it all over again.*

"If Misty dosent get help fast she is going to die. We found some medicle records on her dresser. Its not good Wyatt."

*Nate eyes showed worry, but not only for Misty he was worryed about Carson too. Nate understood where he was coming from but he was also acting without thinking and Nate was worryed that he might not be able to stop him. Than Carson would do something he would later regreat.*

*Once again Aerith look between Wyatt than Carson. She could tell the ergency of the matter and she new that if it was Frankie what he was capable of doing. Not to mention she was always fond of Misty herself. In a timid voice she finally speaks again.*

"Last time...I was at my grandmother house it looked like someone had been staying in the spair room. She always liked Frankie so its possable he's there, but I dont know for sure. If you cant find him there check the local bars he could be there as well."

*Aerith's eyes fill with worry. As she can feel her heart pound in her chest.*

"I bet making Con mad is like going head on with a mac truck. Its just plane stupid to even attempt."

*Charlotte continues to listen to Bret talks. Her facual expressions showing she was enojoying the conversationa and liked hearing what Bret had to say.*

"They are going to make it into a tourist site huh. I guess that can be a good thing. Maybe I should get a job there when it opens."

*Charlotte giggles at the though not being able to actully see herself doing that.
Taking a sip of her iced tea Charlotte gazes back at Bret. A look passing in her eyes, a soft almost calming looked that longed for something, something Bret had offered her that weekend. The comfort, the joy, the gentil hand, that had showed her what it felt like to be really be treated as a person.*

"I'd really like to do that again too. My calander is free on Saterday as long as yours it too."

*Charlotte's mouth turns up in a grin and though she can feel a bit of heat on the back of her neck she dosent break her eyes from Bret's. They were like a night sky, dark and comforting, something you could look at for hours and get lost in and not mind at all*


Carson seems to not even hear Nate as he gets into the car and turns on the engine. Not even bothering to buckle himself in, he squeals out of the driveway, aiming toward downtown.

Finally he answers Nate. "Wyatt had a date with Aerith tonight. She knows Frankie. If I can catch them at Mom and Pop's before they leave, I can ask her where he's been staying."

As they speed down the road, Carson reaches under his seat and pulls out a pistol to hand to Nate. "Check to see if this is loaded, will you?"

His thumb taps his steering wheel nervously as his mind works overtime. Frankie....anyone else? Was he alone? Did he have more thugs with him? Was Misty even still alive? How badly had she been hurt? Where would Frankie take her? And why? Was it for his own gain? Was someone trying to get to him through Misty?

Mom and Pop's comes into view and Carson spots Wyatt's jeep. "Good. They're still here."

Getting out quickly, Carson stuffs his keys in his pocket and walks quickly to the door. The bell jingles as he enters, announcing his arrival.

Wyatt grins. "What do you think happens to a twelve year old who just took off for the afternoon without asking permission. I couldn't even hide where I'd been- by the time I got home I was covered in head to toe with mud and..." His voice trails off as he hears the bell and looks to see Carson enter the restaurant with Nate on his heels. He starts to smile, but quickly grows concerned. Something was wrong. His childhood story was forgotten.

Carson completely bypasses Wyatt, going straight for Aerith. "I need to know where Frankie's been staying."

Wyatt's eyes widen. "Frankie, but..."

Carson shoots him a glare to shut up, and looks back to Aerith. "And I need to know now."

Bret forces a smile and nods at Charlotte, glad for her efforts to cheer him up. "Yeah, Con's a real good guy. Once you're friends with him, you got a friend for life. He's a real softy, but I've seen him mad and I certainly wouldn't want to cross him." His eyes widen for a moment as he imagines Con's size.

He chuckles. "Jamie's sweet and loves Con to death. It's always fun seeing them together."

Shrugging, Bret answers about the caves. "Titan Inc. lost the contract on the housing division because of the caves, but someone else turned right around and hired us back to do some excavation and prep for a tourist site. We've been blasting to remove the earth, and most of the caves are accessible now - it's just a matter of making them safe. Then we're to put up the buildings they want. So..Titan didn't lose much over the whole thing, thankfully."

A smile spreads on Bret's face. "A coin flip day, huh? Maybe we should flip a coin to decide when that will be." Chuckling, he shakes his head. "I don't have off until Saturday. But..." His eyes catch Charlotte's for a moment, suddenly certain seriousness settling over the table as searches the depth of her eyes. "I'd like to do that again."

Coin flip day

*Nate glances over the reports that were handed to him. Misty was indeed in bad shape. Nate puts the files back into the envalope bringing it with him.He wanted to bring them to Rick to ask him how long Misty had and if anythere was anything when they found her he could do.

Quickly Nate follows after Carson. He new he was upset and he had every right to be, but Nate also new Carson dident think clearly when he was upset or mad.*

"Carson where are you going and I am coming with you. I'm going to help you with this and we are going to find her ok."

*Nate climbs into Carson's car seeming to forget about his own at the moment.*

*Frankie heads out of the small building. Geting on his motercicle he revs the engin and heads across town back to Aerith's grandmothers house where he had been staying. He needed to grab a few things and get some food before heading back to keep everyone happy and to stop Morgan from whining.*

*Aerith's laughter fills Mom and Pop's as she listen to Wyatt's story. Once again her break was spend like so many people having a conversation and eating something with him. Left seemed to be going pretty good right now and having Wyatt to spend endless day with was even better. She never tired of his storys, or hearing about his day. Sometimes just shairing insprational storys about there relationship with God was nice too.

Leaning her elbows on the table she looks intently back at Wyatt waiting for the rest of the story.*

"So...what happen than?"

*Charlotte listens to Bret intently hearing the meloncoly in his voice when he mentions Brandon. He had only been a week and it still must of been hard. She new losing someone you are close to was never fun.*

"Hey, at least you have your good times to remember right? Brandon would want that. I bet he would want to live on in your heart still so you can still make you laugh."

*Charlotte gives Bret's hand a small pat.*

"Oh, I still have yet to meet Con personaly. I saw him and his girl that once but other than that I dont know a lick about him. From what you have said though he seems like a real good guy."

*Charlotte gives a laught.*

"And that girlfriend of his sounds like she is really a peace of work to have around keeping things livly. Whats with those caves anyways? Do they have anyone coming in to check them out? They made a big fuss over to not see whats going on with them."

*Charlotte rolls her eyes but the grin remains on her face.*

"Oh I wanted to ask when your next day off is too, i wanted to plane a coin flip day."

Some excitement

"It's a medical report." Carson hands Nate the letter. "Misty is dying." The words catch in his throat and he turns his face from Nate, suddenly slamming his fist on the top of the dresser. "I wasn't here...the one night...and I wasn't here."

Gritting his teeth, he spins back around to head out of the bedroom. An anger boiled in his veins - one of a deeper ire than he'd ever known. Someone would pay. "Frankie's dead meat."

Aiming for the door, he knows exactly where he's headed. He'd heard about Frankie from Wyatt before, and knew that Wyatt's girlfriend might very well know where Frankie had been staying.

Morgan gives a little nod. "Yeah, I won't let her keep yapping." As Frankie leaves the room, Morgan flops down into a folding chair, heaving a sigh, and mumbles to himself about being hungry with nothing to eat around here.

Looking to Misty again, he quirks an eyebrow. "Interesting fellow, your brother. Though please don't put me in the same looney category as him, eh? I may be taking a risk here, but I ain't one to do flipflops like he does." He gives a chuckle. "I do feel sorry for you though. Being his sister must suck. 'Course he means well, so I'd just relax if I were you. The less you fight him, the less painful it will be for you."

Bret quirks a wry grin. "My work?" He shrugs, playing with his food for a moment, his gaze resting on a sprig of parsley. "Oh...it's going. Not too easy being back there..." His eyes get a far away look in them as memories fill his mind. "Not the same without Brandon around. But..." He sighs, forcing a smile and looking back up at Charlotte. "Con's coming back, so that will liven things up. And we're doing some blasting around those caves so there's been some excitement."

Gag her or something

*Nate leans up in his chair listine to Carson and relized this was more than a call to say hey. His confustion grows as he trys to make out what Carson was telling him. Hearing Carson's words that Misty could die he automaticly stands shuting off his computer.*

"Ok, sit tight I'll be on my way over to see whats going on before we decied what to do. We might have to call more people in on this but I'll check it out first. Give me ten minutes."

*Grabing his jacket he heads to the door. Geting into his car and heading over to Misty's Nate keeps him mind cleared. Arriving He makes his way inside.*


*Heading to the bedroom Nate scans the room. Going over the the bed and seeing the blood he lets out a heavy sigh running a hand over it.*

"Oh, Misty what have you gotten yourself into."

*Turning he see Carson nad walks over to him.*

"What do you got there?"

*Frankie snaps his head to Morgan giving him a cold stair.*

"I am not crazy thank you very much. I am just a conserned brother for his sisters well being. She was being brain washed there man. "

*Frankie shakes his head as he listens to his young protajas. He like his spirite and the way he though.*

"I have no problem with that at all. At least with Carson out of the way there wont be any reason for Misty to stay around here."

*Hearing his sisters voice he goes over behind Morgan and looks down at her a smile curling on his mouth.*

"Hey Little Sis, I told you I'd get you one way or another. If you just come with me when I first said something this wouldent have happend, but that stupid boyfriend of yours got in the way. Its ok though soon you will see if our way and you'll agree."

*Misty looks to Morgen her eyes glazes, but cold and hard. She dident feel scaired when she new she should be.*

"I happen to like the right side of the law stuff. Its safer. And your just as crazy as my brother."

*Misty turns her gaze to him her eyes still almost lifless as her head throbs.*

"Where is the brother that use to love and protect me?"

"I still do love you Misty, its you who stopped loving me. This I am doing this for your own protection from yourself. Don't worry you'll understand soon enough."

"No I wont, and they will find you Frank and they will take you down like everyother criminal. Its hard to think someone who was once my hero is now...this."

*As Misty's words come out Frankie's own emotions battle inside of him. Between good and bad, The good slaming fists on the door in his mind that kept him locked away pleeding to not do this, But the bad part was to strong and won this battle. Scoffing Frankie starts to walk to the door.*

"If she dosent shut up gag her or something. I'll be back."

*Misty's tryed to wrap itseld about Frankie's actions again. He was cold, hard, and just not the brother she had see when he first showed up. What had happend. Where did her brother go.*

*Charlotte hadent been able to stop grinning all night. Siting across from Bret again braught back good memories of the week spent out here the first time. Mixing her salad up alittle bit she finally replys to him.*

"Well, I'll probley be working from an office I set up in our new place and have Jake send me files when he needs me. Other than that I cant really help Ang with The Elite cases because they needed her and not just me. So I am going to at least have to find a part time job or something for extra money and so I dont go crazy. I'll figure something out maybe work a few days down town doing paper work or something."

*Charlotte takes a bit of her salad before speaking again.*

"How about you? Hows work going now that your back?"


"Nate, I need your help." Carson's voice is strained with an emotional panic. "Misty's gone. I don't know who took her, I don't know where, but she's hurt. You gotta help me...I can't go to Reese, not now. "

His eyes drift over the letter as he talks, and words pop out at him. "...headaches....rapidly growing worse...brain damage...death."

Carson feels as though he's going to be sick. "I'm over at her place Nate..." A truth hits him hard. "She's going to die if we can't find her."

"Hey, don't go blaming me." Morgan leans up against the wall and crosses his arms. "A guy like me's got to find money where he can. "You're the one crazy enough to go snatching your own sister."

He thinks for several minutes about the go-ahead to call Carson. "I wanna wait just a bit...let him really panic." He grins. "Seeing him panic would be nice for once." His eyes light up. "Then, when he's right where I want him...bam! No more Carson Banks to worry about!"

Glancing down at Misty as she speaks, Morgan goes to the corner and squats down by her. "You're in your brother's hands now, that's what's happening. Aren't you glad? No more of that right side of the law stuff, no more of those stupid rules to follow... You may not appreciate it now...but you will...you will."

"So..." Bret twirls his water glass in his hand as he looks across the table at Charlotte. The restaurant was fairly quiet...it was a casual atmosphere, but nicer than a fast food joint. "You're here to stay." A grin tweaks the corner of his mouth. "Still helping out with your sister's practice?"

Go ahead

*Katie return Scott's kiss with inthuseasm she keeps her arms around him holding Scott close.*

"I think dinner sounds perfect. Of corse anything with you sounds perfect."

*Katie giggles as she rubs her nose aganst Scott's.*

"So hows the office coming along?"

*Charlotte smiles and nods*

"Six sounds good. I'll try to be ready."

*Charlotte heads for the moving truck and heads back to the hotel letting out a sigh. She was excited to be going out with Bret.*

*Nate lets his phone ring for a moment as he finishs up typing something on his computer. He'd stayed later tonight trying to get some work done. Finally picking up the phone and seeing its Carson he gives her smile.*

"Hey Carson...Good to hear from you. Whats going on?"

*Nate leans back in his chair slightly.*

*Frankie gives Morgan a side long glance and rolls his eyes*

"Ya well how did I know she slept with a knife under her pillow? If you had been helping me and not looking around for money this probley wouldent have happend."

*Frankie goes over to Misty and squats down next to her Lifting her head gently to see the slick on her neck. It was deep but not enough to kill she. She would probley have a scar and thats about it. Running a finger over her cheek Frankie turns to Morgan and toss' him Misty's phone.*

"Go ahead and call for a ransom. I got what I want, I just need to figure out how to have her see things my way and to get out of town."

*Frankie stands again.*

"Go ahead and rattle Carson's cage for all I care I dont like that guy or any of her friends for that matter. I might as well let you have some fun."

*Misty can hear voice but finds it hard to move. The last thing she remembers was going to bed not feeling well and than seeing her brother and...nothing. A cold chilling though pass her mind. Her brother. Opening her eyes slightly Misty can make out a form her dosent know than see her brother. What was he doing...Lifting her head slightly she trys to get her baring of where she is but cant tell.*

"What..whats going on?"


Scott smiles and turns around, Katie’s arms still around his neck. His own arms wrap around her waist as he pulls her close. “Nah…this is too much fun to be work.”

After enveloping her lips in a kiss, he draws back, his eyes twinkling. “Want to do supper tonight?”

Bret chuckles. “Alright. I’ll pick you up at the hotel. And…I don’t know of anybody with any open places off the top of my head, but I’ll think.”

Starting to split from Charlotte to head for his car, he turns back around for a moment, flashing her a smile. “See you at six.”

Con gives a little sigh. “Oh, I’m alright. Shoulder’s been bothering me a bit, but nothing major…”

After a few minutes of talking, his and Jamie’s conversation is wrapped up with the agreement that Con will pick her up tomorrow night at six-thirty.

Carson hangs up his phone again, this time, a little concerned. Misty still wasn’t answering her phone. It was getting to be evening…she wouldn’t have been out and about for this long, would she?

Something in Carson’s gut warns him…almost like a red flag. It just wasn’t like Misty not to answer her phone, whether she was home or not.

Finally deciding to check it out if only to appease his conscience, Carson grabs his keys and heads out.

Arriving at Misty’s, things seem quiet…too quiet almost. Something makes the hair on the back of Carson’s neck. Confused by these feelings, he takes his small handgun from his back and knocks on the door. Nothing.

Trying the handle, he finds it open and steps cautiously inside. “Misty?” he calls. Nothing. “Misty!” Still nothing. Carson hears the ferrets chattering…that was odd.

Carefully sweeping the living room and kitchen, he finds nothing, still calling out Misty’s name. Sidestepping down the hall, he nudges her bedroom door open.

Glancing around for a moment, he sucks in his breath and steps forward more quickly, reaching out to touch the blood-soaked pillow. “No…” One name crossed his mind: Frankie. And Carson hadn’t been here. Panic sets in.

“No, no no…” Carson racks his brain for an idea…something to do…he had to do something. What had happened here? Was Misty really taken? Was she hurt? Dead? Was it really Frankie? Where were they?

Grabbing his phone again, he flips it open and starts to dial, then stops, hesitating. Starting over, he dials a different number and waits for Nate to answer. As he waits, he scans the room and spots the envelope with x-rays. Curious, he scans them as he waits for Nate.

"Way to go, now she's hurt." Morgan rolls his eyes as he paces the small room. "Not that I care...I bet that blood will scare Carson good." His tone indicates his pride in this fact. He glances down to the corner where Misty lies in a heap. "What now? You gonna ask ransom or did I do this for nothing?"