
Go ahead

*Katie return Scott's kiss with inthuseasm she keeps her arms around him holding Scott close.*

"I think dinner sounds perfect. Of corse anything with you sounds perfect."

*Katie giggles as she rubs her nose aganst Scott's.*

"So hows the office coming along?"

*Charlotte smiles and nods*

"Six sounds good. I'll try to be ready."

*Charlotte heads for the moving truck and heads back to the hotel letting out a sigh. She was excited to be going out with Bret.*

*Nate lets his phone ring for a moment as he finishs up typing something on his computer. He'd stayed later tonight trying to get some work done. Finally picking up the phone and seeing its Carson he gives her smile.*

"Hey Carson...Good to hear from you. Whats going on?"

*Nate leans back in his chair slightly.*

*Frankie gives Morgan a side long glance and rolls his eyes*

"Ya well how did I know she slept with a knife under her pillow? If you had been helping me and not looking around for money this probley wouldent have happend."

*Frankie goes over to Misty and squats down next to her Lifting her head gently to see the slick on her neck. It was deep but not enough to kill she. She would probley have a scar and thats about it. Running a finger over her cheek Frankie turns to Morgan and toss' him Misty's phone.*

"Go ahead and call for a ransom. I got what I want, I just need to figure out how to have her see things my way and to get out of town."

*Frankie stands again.*

"Go ahead and rattle Carson's cage for all I care I dont like that guy or any of her friends for that matter. I might as well let you have some fun."

*Misty can hear voice but finds it hard to move. The last thing she remembers was going to bed not feeling well and than seeing her brother and...nothing. A cold chilling though pass her mind. Her brother. Opening her eyes slightly Misty can make out a form her dosent know than see her brother. What was he doing...Lifting her head slightly she trys to get her baring of where she is but cant tell.*

"What..whats going on?"

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