
No Hope

Slowly continuing to keep soak in Ryder's wormth and comfort. She wanted to believe him but it was so hard as Alec's words rang in her ears. Not Ryder Alec had to be wrong about Ryder.

Slowly she turns and walks back the way they came with Ryder though she a few times she stops and took a few steps backwards considering she continued to walk on with Ryder.

Entering the room Thirteen keeps her eyes down as to not look at Reese. Taking her place on the floor she just sat and as the two talking she pulled her legs up to her chest and held on to them just listing.

Though Reese and Ryder were whispering Thirteen had amazing hearing and could hear every word, ever whisper that was said and couldnt help but feel lower about herself.

As Reese leaves and Ryder turns to her Thirteen looks up at him for a long moment as her mind darted from so many things. She was hopless and Ryder was on the verge of losing his job because of her.

Looking up at Ryder Thirteen closes her eyes tight before looking at Ryder again.

"I...I dont think you can help me Ryder. You've tryed its no use, there is no hope for me."

Holding her knees and looking down at the ground rocking gently she didnt know what else could be done for her. She was just a lost cause.

Tell me how

"I know, I know, shhh." Ryder keeps his arms around Thirteen and rocks her a little.

Loosening his grip so she can turn, he looks down into her eyes, his own clouded with strange, troubled feelings. "I believe you." He nods and reaches up to wipe away some of her tears with his rough palm. "I'm not going to let them hurt you, okay? You're fine, and everything is fine." His voice is soft and reassuring, but it has a firmness as he tried to calm her down.

"Take a deep breath. They're not going to hurt Trooper, alright. Look, he's okay, see?" He turns a little so Thirteen can see back down the hall.

Though he still had a belt around his muzzle, Trooper was back on his feet, being held firmly by Reese while Hal disappeared into the infirmary with a bleeding arm. Reese is pulling Trooper towards Jason's office to lock him in for the time being.

"See, look." Ryder still holds Thirteen. "He'll be fine. And you'll be fine. Okay?" He rubs her arms a little, still talking. "I know you didn't do anything wrong. I know you're telling the truth and I'll make sure Reese understands. He's just trying to protect his own friends, ya know? Come on."

He starts slowly for the spare room again, keeping a strong arm around her shoulders. There was something he wanted... needed to say. But it would have to wait. For now, he just needed to get Thirteen back in a safe place and get Reese off her back.

By the time they reach the room, Reese has successfully locked up the dog and is returning with quite the unhappy look on his face.

Ryder eases Thirteen inside the room, knowing good and well that they had just experienced a huge setback, and most likely she wouldn't even be comfortable here any more. But he had to talk to Reese without him yelling at her.

Turning to his boss, he keeps Thirteen behind him. "Now look, just cool it a minute. She didn't-"

"Ryder, so help me, I'll-"

"Aw, bite ya bum!" Ryder knew he was risking his job by talking to Reese like this, but he had to get his attention. "She didn't do anything wrong."

"But the tape."

"Cods wallop!" Ryder folds his arms across his chest. "She said she didn't let Alec out, then she didn't let Alec out."

"She's Agency," Reese hisses. "You've had a month with her, Ryder, and she can't even go outside yet. All you're doing is stalling the inevitable."

The words sting in a new way, and Ryder recalls Thirteen's own words just minutes before. He'd rather not say some things in front of Thirteen, but he doesn't have a choice. He lowers his voice, looking at Reese with earnest. "Look at her... for just a moment, really look at her." His tone begs him. "She's not a trap and she's not an agent out to get us. She's someone's daughter, Reese. She was someone's little girl. Can't you see that? Can't you think one moment, as if she were yours? She's innocent. And she deserves to be shown she's worth more than answering questions. She's worth the effort to see her through this and help her. ...Please."

Reese takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly. "You've been disrespectful, you've gone against direct orders, and you've been unwilling to stick to protocol. But..." he shrugs lamely. "I'll give you one day... one day to prove she didn't have anything to do with Alec's disappearance. If you can't prove anything... she gets turned over to me, then removed from TJY."

Ryder swallows hard, but nods. It was the only open window now. He'd struck a cord somewhere, and it had bought him some time. Seeing Reese spin around and walk away, Ryder slowly turns to face Thirteen again. His eyes tell it all. He was so sorry. "Tell me how to help you, Thirteen."

Protect me

Hearing Reese voice, and than Ryder the fear is still with in her as she just to run. Hearing the dog's yelp behind her make her cring and stop for a moment before going to the sapply closet looking back at her friend behind held down.

She wanted to help him, they were hurting him. But the bref moment of stopping was enough for Ryder to get to her. Feeling herself being pulled to him for a moment she struggles still trying to get away her words coming from her mouth.

"No...I dont want to go back, I dont like it there anymore please..dont let him get me I didnt do anything I didnt let him out."

She struggaling starts to slow as the warmth of Ryder's arms breaks through the cold fear she had, and his words are receaved.

Tears formed in her eyes now as she let them flow freely. She was still so scaired.

"I was just following Trooper, and I saw Alec and he talked to me. Than I got scaired and Trooper and I went back...I didnt let him out, please dont let him hurt me again."

Finally Thirteen has stoped struggaling...Ryder wouldnt let anything happen to her, he'd keep her safe like Trooper did.

Bringing her hands up to his musciler arms she leans her head into his chest a few tears still coming from her eyes. Closing them tight she whispers.

"Please dont let them hurt Trooper eather he was just trying to protect me like you told him too."

Trust me

Though Trooper was barking and the room was in chaos, Ryder hears Thirteen's words. Catching what she says about wanting to be brave and not embarrassing him, something inside of him breaks. Halting the fight for just a moment, he looks at her with a stare that was beyond emotional. In the heat of the moment, did he feel he hot sting behind his eyes?

Thirteen bolts. Reese whips around to go after her, but Trooper is right there, still snarling and snapping. "Thirteen, get back here!" he shouts angrily.

Ryder dodges to the door, but takes one moment to spin around with a look that could kill. "You have no idea the setback you've just caused," he hisses. He sprints out into the hall, but Trooper is on his heels, almost getting a mouthful of denim as he goes for Ryder's legs.

Hal has heard the commotion and was in another room. Stepping out at just the right moment, he takes the dog by surprise and grabs him by the collar. Trooper is choked to a halt and whips his head back, teeth barred.

Hal cries out as the dog's teeth sink into his arm. Before Trooper can fight any more though, Reese is on top of him, using his belt as a quick muzzle and tightening it around the dog's mouth to clamp it shut. Trooper whines and shakes his head, trying to struggle out of his predicament, but unable to bite, and having two men on top of him, he winds up on the floor, whining as he watches down the hall.

Ryder doesn't stop. "Thirteen, wait!" His tennis shoes hit the tiled floor and his strides lengthen behind her. He reaches her just as she's about to duck into one of the supply rooms. He doesn't want to scare her further, but he had to use some force to get this whole thing to stop. One hand goes for her arm, the other goes around her front, well under her chin to bring her back against himself in a tight hold.

"Calm down." His own heart is pounding, and he has to try and catch his breath. Thirteen's strength is surprising and he struggles to hold her back. "You're okay, you're okay," he tries to comfort. "I'm not going to hurt you. Please... just calm down."

His arms around her are warm and strong and he tries to be gentle. The strange pain is still in his eyes. "Please," he begs. If she didn't calm down, she'd be taken away, and his chances to restore her would be over. "Trust me." His words are spoken softly in her ear. "I'm not going to let anything happen to you."


Thirteen's eyes go from Ryder to Reese to Ryder than back to Reese as his questions are thrown at her left and right. Fear coursing through her still she didnt like it in this room anymore, the peace had been broken.

Her own voice is straned as she talking to Reese trying to tell him, trying to explain.

"I..wasnt snooping. Trooper and I hurd a noise he barked, he followed the noise and I followed him."

Tears filled Thirteen's eyes...as she continues her emotions ran high at the moment that maybe she didnt even know she was saying so much.

"I was just trying to be brave and step out of my room so when I went out for a walk with Ryder today I didnt embarrass him again."

Thirteen's eyes burned with fear as Reese started to take a step twords her telling her she had to go back to the intaragation room.


Feeling so scaired and on the verge of breaking down Thirteen dosnt jump as Trooper comes bolting into the room. She could feel almost a releaf as he tryed to protect her from Reese showing his teeth. But still she was so scaired.

Taking a few steps to the right as the other where busy with Trooper Thirteen looks to the door and the space around the men. Pushing off the wall she makes a run for it getting outside the door a few noises of chairs, copyers scair her even more as her panic takes over and she just keep running.

Going down the way they had lastnight Thirteen trys a few differnt doors to see what was open...she needed to find someplace and the panic she felt was great, the walls closed in around her, fear, hate, words she needed to find someplace.


Reese's eyes narrow. "What were you doing out of your room anyway? You know you're not supposed to-"

"Cool it," Ryder snaps. "Can't you see she's scared?"

"I'd be scared too!" He looks to Thirteen, still upset. "And I don't take to lying. You had no reason to be snooping around, so don't try to pull that crap with me. No one else was here. No one else could have let him out but you."

"Stop!" Ryder intervenes once more, his fists balling at his sides. "She said she didn't do it!"

"And you believe her? Just like that?"

Ryder's eyes pierce Reese's. "Yes."

"Then you're the fool, not me." Reese takes a step towards Thirteen. "You're coming with me to the interrogation room."

Ryder grabs his arm. "There's no need for-"

"Grab me like that one more time and you'll find out what it's like to be out of a job," Reese hisses. "She's coming with me. I'm through with the games."


Suddenly, Trooper appears out of nowhere, Hal's voice yelling at him from down the hall. The huge dog leaps into the room and skids to a halt in between Thirteen and the two men. His teeth come out and his hair rises. He gives a menacing bark and growl, saliva dripping as he stares down Reese and Ryder, warning them to back off.

Reese jumps and puts his arms up. "Trooper, get out of here!"

Trooper barks again, threatening him.

"Back off!"

Not even Ryder can get the dog to calm down. Reaching for the caller, he quickly retreats as his hand almost gets caught in Trooper's teeth.


As the door is flung open and Reese orders Trooper to come Thirteen jumps up scaired half to death by the commotion and intrustion. She had been somewhere between sleep, and almost awake. Her heart pounded and her blood raced what was going on and why did they take Trooper.

Reese's harsh words sting at Thirteen just sits there and stairs at Reese her eyes wide with fear. What was happing.

The second time voices are hurt a little bit later Thirteen can tell one way Reese and the other was Ryder. What they were fighting about could only be guess and maybe it was even about her again.

Hearing the knock and than seeing Ryder enter Thirteen gets a smile on her face. It was always good to see him, and she had decied this morning she would go out with Ryder.

Thirteen's smile soon fades as she see the look in Ryder's eyes and new it couldnt be good. Standing she felt valnarable without Trooper than. Hearing Reese had more questions Thirteen backs up holding her wrists from where they had been hurt last time Reese had asked questions.

Backing up again as Reese steps forwared Thirteen's hear races as she back up once more and his the wall with a jolt. Her eyes going from Reese to Ryder as her hands feel the wall behind her. There was no where to go, no where to hide...Alec's words from last night ring in her ears as she trys to close her eyes tight tears forming in them but not letting them out yet.She didnt want to be locked up like Alec had said would Ryder help her? Alec said not to trust him, Thirteen didnt know what to do.

"I didnt leave him out. I...."

Thirteen studders a little letting her fear show through. Could she run for it? Where would she go? Lock herself in another room?

"..I was down there just looking...and I...I dont know where he is going, I didnt leave him out though he scaired me."

Thirteen's eyes scan the room but dont meet the two men. She was scaired oh so scaired.


Alec gives a slight nod as Thirteen walks away, then retreats to his own cot. Strange. He felt like he'd seen her somewhere before. But not here. She didn't seem to be the brightest crayon in the box, that was for sure. And why she was with that dog of Jason's, he didn't know. He shrugs. It wasn't his concern.

Flopping down on the cot, he begins to count. Twelve steps to the door, six down the hall, thirty to go up. The girl ought to be back up stairs right about... now. He glances at the watch, newly affixed to his wrist and he grins.

Trooper senses Thirteen's fear, and bravely leads the way back to the main level, leaving behind the scent he'd been following. Once upstairs, the sound of a shutting door makes him tense, and he growls again, but his priority is to get Thirteen back to her room.

Back again, the dog seems to be dropping her off as he pauses at the room's door, then takes off at a trot down the hall to the main floor. The door at the far end that led to the elevator to go up to the exit was just closing. He gives a little woof and sniffs the air. Whoever had been there was gone now. Heaving a sigh, he goes back to join Thirteen at the room again.

After turning a couple circles, he settles down on his normal spot, but his eyes stay open and his ears alert.

The tray of breakfast food clatters to the floor. The intercom is pressed and Hal's concerned voice comes over Reese's phone. "Alec's gone."

"What?!" Reese stands from his desk where he'd just sat down for the morning. "What do you mean?"

"I mean he's gone. The cell was open and its empty."

"He can't have gone far. Sweep the building."

Rapid footsteps come towards the spare room and the door is flung open without a knock. Reese's jaw is tight and he stares down at Thirteen and Trooper, the light from the hall shining in. "Trooper, come."

The dog gives something like a groan and doesn't move from Thirteens' side where she'd laid on the floor.

"Trooper!" Reese orders. "Come!"

Trooper looks to Thirteen then back to Reese again and sniffs the air.

"Dang dog," Reese mutters. "Should have been on duty, but you're babysitting instead. Get out here!" Still not receiving obedience, Reese steps into the room, half-ignoring Thirteen. "Sorry," he apologizes gruffly. "But the dog's got work to do."

Reaching for Trooper's collar, the dog suddenly gets to his feet and dares to show his teeth to Reese.

Reese retreats quickly and points to the door. "Move! Or you're fired!"

Giving a grunt of annoyance, Trooper finally trots out of the room. Reese follows after with no explanation, simply closing the door again. He points down the hall to Hal. "Go with him."

Yawning, Trooper lazily aims for Hal with no intention of paying head to the urgency in Reese's tone. Reese rolls his eyes. It would be faster for Hal to do the searching himself. Of all possibilities, why did they have to end up with a dog that would only take orders from one person? They needed Jason back. But he hadn't had the heart to tell him so.

Hal and Trooper head downstairs where the search begins. Reese aims back for the main floor, pausing only a moment at one of the offices. "Dalton, give me security camera feed from last night. Send it to my computer." Stalking to his office again, he kicks himself for allowing a window of time in the building. With Ty still on suspension with cut hours, there was a window of about half an hour between when most took off for the night, and when Hal and/or Ty showed up for janitorial work. But regardless, how had Alec gotten out of the cell?

Back at his desk, the footage is already there. Dalton was fast and efficient, and for that, Reese was grateful. He starts the tape and watches. It isn't long before he finds what makes his blood boil. He picks up the phone. Getting an answering machine makes him even madder. "Ryder!" he barks. "You better be on your way down here!"

...Ryder and Reese's arguing voices clutter the hall as they approach the spare room.

"There's no way!"

"You saw the tape!"

"I don't care, it's-"

"I told you that we couldn't have-"

"But it doesn't prove anyth-"

"It does so! I warned you about this!"

The doorknob is gripped, but Ryder pauses to knock and waits a couple seconds before entering. His eyes find Thirteen's, his gaze confused and apologetic. "Good morning, Thirteen," he greets softly. " He knew she probably hadn't been up very long at all and hated to intrude like this. "Reese has some questions -"

"That's putting it mildly," Reese snaps. His arms are folded and he looks sternly at Thirteen. "I want to know why you let Alec out and where he's planning on going. And don't try to deny it. The cameras caught you in the lower level last night."


Thirteen stops for a moment thinking. She had seen faces around here but she didnt know everyone name but taking a look at Alec closer she could match him to the one who was his brother. Confusion filled her for a moment not understanding why this would happen.

"I....don't understand..I...I'm sorry."

Hearing Trooper growl again it almost scaired Thirteen. Somewhere down the hall she hurd another noise that made her jump as her nerves were now on end again.

"I have to go...its safe in the room. I cant be here. I'm sorry Alec, It was nice meeting you."

Turning to Trooper the fear was in Thirteen's eyes as a few tears filled her eyes.

"Come on Trooper we have to go back."

Moving a little her nerves where high again but she waited for her friend to come. Looking back at Alec again.

Not even

Alec quirks an eyebrow. "Well don't listen to anybody, and don't kid yourself. One wrong move and you'll end up in here just like me."

Trooper whines and lets out another growl, showing his teeth. He was clearly not happy with this person.

Alec grins again. "I'm Alec. You might have met my brother? Carson? See... not even family matters around here."


Moving a little closer Thirteen felt bad for this man, why why would Ryder have lief to her? She was so nice, and said so many nice things about the people here and now...this person he seemed nice.

"I...I dont know my name but I'm called Thirteen."

Backing away from the door just a little Thirteen pats Trooper on his head making sure her friend was still close to her and than looks back to the door.

"There is this one guys, he seemed pretty nice. Someother guy wanted to lock me up but he wouldnt let him. I dont think they are all that bad or at least Ryder. Whats your name?"

Too bad

Alec gives a little chuckle. "That's what I'd like to know. See, the people here... they like locking outsiders up, but they all act like they're so good. Too bad they go around lying to everybody all the time. They say they want justice, but I've been in here over a month. I haven't seen daylight in that long, and you're the first person to talk to me."

He leans up against the door, only his face visible. "What's your name?"


Continuing to look back at the man behind the bars Thirteens looks down at Trooper for a moment as he was still growling and than back to the man.

"Thanks, He's a good dog."

Looking back quickly the way she came to see if anyone was coming she gives a small shiver before looking at the door again.

"I thought I hurd a noise, but I guess it was just you."

Cocking her head for a moment Thirteen continues to look into the room as her brain moves. These cells seemed like the ones that the Agency had kept her in, but why would the people Ryder said were nice be keeping this guy here?

"How come your in there?"


Standing back a little to get a better view, Alec almost has to stand on his tiptoes. Seeing the girl, he cocks his head, his pulse slowing down.

He goes a bit closer to the window, spotting Trooper again too. "Nice dog you got," he comments casually but loudly enough for her to hear. "Seems a bit late for you to be up and about though."


Following Trooper Thirteen stays close knowing that the dog would keep her safe no matter what. She was bored anyways and think would be ok.

Her bearfeet make soft noises on the ground as she follows close to Trooper. Coming to the steps to the lower level she trys her best to look down the hall at what she can see.

It look scaired down there and she wasnt sure if she should go or retreat to her room again. Seeing Trooper was not going to stop Thirteen makes up her mind and comes along with him not wanting to leave her friend high and dry.

Seeing the movment behind the door herself Thirteen moves a little bit next to Trooper and looks into the room. Her heart pounding she wasnt sure what was going on. Seeing Alec he startles her and she jumps a little taking a few steps back but still looking at the man behind the door.

Midnight adventure

Trooper slips out into the hall as soon as there's enough room. He trots several paces down the dim hall but stops, looking over his shoulder to see if Thirteen was following him. Seeing that she was, he waits.

Putting his nose to the floor, he follows a new scent, giving another quiet woof. Padding down the hall, he walks quickly, but keeps Thirteen at his side, making sure he's between her and whoever it was that they were tracking.

The massive dog stops at the top of the stairs and looks down into the dark lower level. There were a few dim lights so it wasn't pitch black, but it was a little eerie. A rattling noise makes Troopers hair bristle and his tail stiffen. He lets out a loud bark this time, it's deep tone echoing through the hallway.

Glancing up at Thirteen, it seems he's weighing his options until he decides to proceed. Down the stairs he goes, his sense of guard duty winning out. He takes it slow though, obviously trained to avoid surprises of the unknown.

Arriving to the lower level, his nose is on the floor again as he sniffs his way down that hall to the left and down, stopping at the holding cell. He gives a little growl and looks around, then sniffs again. Without anyone to guide his moves, he was on his own to decide what to do.

Trooper sniffs in a circle, then looks up as movement in the little window of the door catches his eye. In an instant, he's on his two hind legs, his front paws on the door, giving several vicious barks to the face in the window.

Alec takes a quick step backward, his eyes wide. What on earth?

Trooper drops down again, still growling, and looks to Thirteen.

Run away

Leaning into Kyle Alice was happy he had to join her. His arms around her were warm and he was so comfortable he washes her fears away.

Bring her hands to his arm Alice gives them a soft rub listing to him before she finally said anything.

"You can't run away Kyle. Keep running and your gonna run the rest of your life."

Turning her head just a little Alice continues to lay on Kyle but leans her head back looks up at Kyle.

"You need to work things out with Hunter and leave on good terms if your going to go. When you feel backed up, and have a squabble with someone push back and stand your ground. Dont run away, your so much stronger than that Kyle I know you are and I know you know thats the wrong way to handle something."

Reaching her hand up she brushs it across Kyle's face just feeling his soft skin for a moment. She could see the sadness in his eyes.

"Your not alone anymore eather Kyle. I'm here for you too."

As Laura explains everything to Con Nate cant help the smile that was wide across his face as he held his sister.

"I think I can handle it, as long as that wife of yours keeps you in line eh?"

His face was lit that a million words could not describe. He felt so alive again.

"Nah your ok Con. Want some help with the car though? I could use the good air and Laura could stay with Maggie for me. Than maybe we can get Jamie and all go out to dinner, my treat."

Maggie claps her hands for joy again at all the excitment.

Curling up on the floor Thirteens mind wonders about what would happen tomarrow. If she went out with Ryder she might be able to try again not to panic but if she did she would just embarass him even more.

Drifting in and out of sleep Thirteen sits straght up as she hears the feet outside the door. As her pulse quickend she just watched Trooper as he sniffed under the door and gave a soft growl.

Getting up she reaches out with her trembaling hand to open the door slowly. Peering out into the dimly lit floor there are many shadows that cast all over. Feeling herself quiver Thirteen looks down at Trooper.

"Whats wrong boy? Dont, dont go to far from me ok..?"

Stepping outside of the room Thirteen was so scaired but she wanted to know what that noise was and she should be ok right? She was safe here and no one was around?

Looking back at Trooper she waits for him to lead the way.