

Reese's eyes narrow. "What were you doing out of your room anyway? You know you're not supposed to-"

"Cool it," Ryder snaps. "Can't you see she's scared?"

"I'd be scared too!" He looks to Thirteen, still upset. "And I don't take to lying. You had no reason to be snooping around, so don't try to pull that crap with me. No one else was here. No one else could have let him out but you."

"Stop!" Ryder intervenes once more, his fists balling at his sides. "She said she didn't do it!"

"And you believe her? Just like that?"

Ryder's eyes pierce Reese's. "Yes."

"Then you're the fool, not me." Reese takes a step towards Thirteen. "You're coming with me to the interrogation room."

Ryder grabs his arm. "There's no need for-"

"Grab me like that one more time and you'll find out what it's like to be out of a job," Reese hisses. "She's coming with me. I'm through with the games."


Suddenly, Trooper appears out of nowhere, Hal's voice yelling at him from down the hall. The huge dog leaps into the room and skids to a halt in between Thirteen and the two men. His teeth come out and his hair rises. He gives a menacing bark and growl, saliva dripping as he stares down Reese and Ryder, warning them to back off.

Reese jumps and puts his arms up. "Trooper, get out of here!"

Trooper barks again, threatening him.

"Back off!"

Not even Ryder can get the dog to calm down. Reaching for the caller, he quickly retreats as his hand almost gets caught in Trooper's teeth.

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