
2 Min ago

*Katie lets out a long tired sigh. For some reason Jason's words hurt. Katie trys to think past it though not helping but flinching as a few of Jason's emotions find there way though.

Katie keeps her gaze to the ground. She was tired and dident have the energy to fight. She had so many things running in her head it wasent funny she was having her own hard time keeping everything strate.

As Rick asks Katie if she can controll this new development Katie cant help but let out a dry laugh.*

"Rick how can I controll something i dident even know I had till 2 minutes ago? I dont think I even know how I could start to contoll it."

*Katie brings her hands to her head as she leans back on the bed a headach setting in.*

*Aerith smiles to Carson.*

"Will do, see you tomarrow."


Jason keeps his eyes focused on the far wall instead of meeting anyone else’s gaze. Katie’s touch to his arm sends a shock through his system, and he almost flinches. It’s not a painful shock…it’s more of a sensation like pulling the plug in a bathtub full of water. All of his emotional energy seems to collect and flow in her direction instead of bouncing around inside of him. Now he knew why her presence had affected him the night before.

As Katie draws away, the sensation stops. Jason still refuses to look at anyone. Katie might not be scared…but he was. He wasn’t getting used to this. He hated it more every day.

“I’m sorry the meds didn’t work too,” he mutters. “There’s got to be something else. There has to be a way to stop this.”

Rick sighs and crosses his arms, looking between Katie and Jason. “What if there isn’t, Hotshot? What if anything you do will make you sick?”

“Then let me get sick. I don’t care.”

“Oh, come on.” Rick frowns at him. “Stop with the attitude. This isn’t the end of the world.”

“No?” Jason pulls himself up to sit, one arm wrapped around his stomach as it threatens to revolt again. “What if you were in my shoes? What if you had a bizarre connection and a need to be with a woman who wasn’t your wife?”

Rick quirks an eyebrow.

Jason nods. “Yeah, see? Not so great, is it? You fall down, taken over by flashback, Janet comes rushing in and can’t do a thing – all she can do is watch you as you die a slow and painful death. Then some other woman shows up and you’re good to go. How does that feel? And how would that make Janet feel?” His gaze turns into a glare. “I have a life that I am bound and determined to pursue, and I’ll be hanged if this gets in the way. Katie has a life too and she deserves to live it without running to my rescue all the time. It’s not fair.” All of a sudden, unexpected tears pool behind Jason’s eyes and he fights for control. “It’s just not fair.”

Sliding off the bed, Jason heads for the door.

Rick lets out a sigh. “Jason, wait. Stay here and rest a while.”

“Why?” Jason spins back around, blocking his anger from Katie, but it’s evident in his eyes. “You’re not willing to help me find something to fix this.”

“I want to help!” Rick states emphatically. “I just don’t think this thing can be ‘fixed.’ Now I’d appreciate it if you’d stay in here at least until we know there won’t be any more ill effects from those meds. Maybe there’s another formula we can try – I just don’t like the risk.”

Jason shakes his head, not even knowing what to do anymore. “Fine.” He slumps down in a chair instead of the bed.

Rick purses his lips in thought, satisfied that Jason is still within sight, but now he wants to know more about Katie. Turning to her, he offers her a reassuring smile. “Apparently you can draw out emotions of other people too… Have you tried doing it on purpose? It would be good if that can be controlled…otherwise when you’re upset, everyone in your path is going to be affected.” He gives a little chuckle. “It might be kind of funny to an outsider to watch, but…my guess is that you can control it just like Jason can control what his emotions do.”

Carson isn’t sure how to respond…Herb liked him? That was new and…unexpected. But he couldn’t complain. He might feel like an idiot, but it was a job. Even if it didn’t last longer than a week, that was one more week of pay to put towards his rent.

Finishing off his soda pop, he stands up and gives a nod to Mabel. “Thanks…for everything. I’ll be in in the morning then I guess.” He glances to Aerith. “Tell Wyatt hi when you see him…been a while since I got over to the office.”


*Katie looks at Misty and than Rick confused. What was Rick going on about? What had she done? Katie's mind wonders a million miles a minute as Rick goes back to Jason. Katie still sits on the edge of the bed. She wasent sure what to think. Not even relizing it Katie reachs out and lays a hand on Jason's arm.*

"I'm not scaired. I'm kind of getting use to it."

*Katie thinks for a moment before removing her hand from Jason's arm.*

"I'm sorry the meds dident work for you J. I hate seeing you like this."

*Katie lets out a long tired sigh as she rubs her one eye.*

*Herb gives a nod to Carson before turning back to disapear into the kitchen again.*

"I'll see you tomarrow than."

*After Herb dissapears Mable turns and smiles at Carson.*

"He likes you. Thats a good thing its not just anyone he lets in the kitchen. Glad you have you on the staff Carson. Come in alittle but early tomarrow to feel out some paper work."

*Mabel turns and Aerith smiles.*

Danged curse

Rick is slightly taken aback by Misty leaving the infirmary, and gives a little sigh. He didn’t agree with Jason a hundred percent either, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t willing to try something new. Under normal circumstances, he’d probably refuse Jason, but Jason was desperate…and if Rick didn’t help him, he’d go somewhere else…

…Jason can’t believe that it’s happened all over again as Katie finds him. He’d tried so hard…he’d found one thing that could help, and what happened? Katie had to come running…again.

He wanted to apologize…or yell…or something. But instead he just remains silent, being helped back to the infirmary. He doesn’t even try explaining what had happened.

As Rick sees Katie coming, his heart skips a beat. “Jason…what happened?”

Jason curls up on the bed, fighting the urge to cry like a child. It had failed. That’s what had happened.

Distracted by Misty, Rick leaves Jason alone for a moment, now doubly confused. What on earth was she doing? And why on earth was he so irritated with her? He was…he was extremely irritated.

As Katie’s fear rises, Rick almost becomes angry. At what, he wasn’t even sure, but it didn’t feel good. It wasn’t like him to feel this way… he was just….very…upset.

But as Katie calms and Misty questions him, suddenly he realizes that he’s fine. What…how…. He furrows his brow. How bizarre was that?

“I think…I felt…something.” He looks to Katie. “Did you…” He furrows his brow, trying to figure it out. “Upset…emotions…you draw from Jason…he throws them you draw them…out.” Rick’s eyes widen and he looks back at Misty. “That’s it, isn’t it?” His head swings back to Katie. “You draw them out. But it’s not just Jason.” He almost laughs as another puzzle piece is discovered. “You draw them out, but….” He squints, trying to figure more of it out. Katie’s own expressions had implied she didn’t know what was happening. “But…you don’t know it? You don’t feel it?” He fishes for the answer. “You don’t…need it. You don’t…absorb them.”

Rick snaps his fingers. “That’s it… Katie… do you know what you can do with this?” Suddenly he realizes that he’s forgotten all about Jason, and quickly shifts gears, going to his young friend. “What happened, Hotshot?”

Jason is almost too upset to even answer him. “It didn’t work.”

“How…what happened?”

Jason shrugs, remaining curled up on his side. “It came back up. With everything else.”

“Mm.” Rick purses his lips. “Made you sick, huh?”


“So…your emotions won’t allow anything to suppress them, will they….” Rick sighs. “I was afraid of that.”

“You just keep on being afraid,” Jason mutters. “Nothing is going to work. It’s one danged curse to have, and I’ll testify to that.”


*Misty just shakes her head and stands. Something dident feel right she dident know what it was, but this was just...wrong.*

"If only it were that simple. Low dosage or not medicine wont solve anything its only going to make it worse. I don't agree and I wont sit here and watch this."

*Taking her files Misty's exit the infermary and heads for an empty cubicle to finish her work. She'd never left Rick before when he was diegnosing someone, but this was just a feeling she had that felt very strong she only hoped it was just that. A feeling.*

*Katie leans back in her cubicle she felt tired and in almost an instine extramly nervouse but why. Her mind had been on Scott all morning and her situation but now it was blank and the only thing there was her nerves almost sky rocketing. Standing Katie walks past a few cubicles till she gets close to Misty. Leaning in alittle Katie talks to her seemingly pretty fast.*

"Hey Misty, Strange to see you out here not a bad thing just strange."

*As Misty sits doing her paper work she smiles a sudden feel of anxcusness comes over her grownig alittle bit stronger by the minute. Misty gives a jump at Katie's voice not relizing she was there. Cocking her head alittle she eyes Katie. She was speaking rather fast and looks as though she was shaking a bit.*

*Katie nevouseness continues she felt so strange like a light switch nervouse, than nothing than nervouse again it was causing her own emotions to just go wake.*

"I need to get something to drink I'll see ya later."

*Katie makes her way away from Misty and to the break room.*

*Misty watchs as Katie walks away, and her anxusness slowly fades. Till finally its gone. Misty looks back down to Her papers and feels a bit confused. That was odd why had she been so anxus.*

*As Katie stands in the breakroom sipping some water a suddan burts of emotions, fear, anger hits Katie causing her to drop her glass sending water everywhere. Katie instinly knows its Jason. Exiting the breakroom in a hast Katie stops for a moment trying to register where he was. As She searches she comes up with nothing, it was almost like Jason with a invisable wall in from of him. It causing Katie to only feel more panic. Making her way back to the one person she know might know where Jason was.*

"Misty something is wrong with Jason I can feel it but I cant find him. Something is impairing him from seeing him...Misty where is her?"

*Katie's voice strain.*

*Suddanly and almost instintly a feeling of fear rushes over once again Katie apearing. Misty looks up at her as she breaks out into a sweat. What was going on.*

"Last time...I saw Jason he was in the infermary."

*As if a crack in the wall is seen Katie knows where Jason is she can feel where he is at. Wasting no time Katie turns and heads for the bathroom.*

"I found him."

*Misty watches Katie go and instintly the fear is gone. Misty was confused and dident understand. She'd felt fine, Katie came she got Anxus, Katie left, she was fine. Katie came again she felt fear, Katie left she was fine. A suddan thought hits Misty as Ricks works come back about how Katie and Jason were differnt. Jason could break things, what if...this was only geting stranger but Misty had to know. Standing she makes her way to the infermary where she was sure Katie would head with Jason.*

*Katie makes her way to the bathroom and opens the door not caring much about it. Seeing Jason on the floor Katie bends down and gently rubs his back. Jason looks a mess and Katie felt bad though knowing he was ok was a good thing.*

"Hey J, what are you doing down there? Come on lets get you to the infermarty to rest."

*Kaite puts Jason's arm over her shoulder and pulls him up heading slowly to the infermary. Once there Katie lays him down on the bed and looks to Misty and Rick.*

"I'm not sure what happend but it was differnt this time, I could find him till finally it broke through. I dont know what happend."

*Misty sits watching Katie for a moment. She had to think of a way to get Katie to get upset to see if ther thery is right or not. There was only a few things Misty new would do that to Katie and she new it would be slightly pain full.*

"Katie for what I am to say next its probley going to hurt alot and I am sorry but I have to say it to see if something I think is happening is or not."

*Misty is silent again for a moment before speaking than leting out a sigh she does.*

"Katie how would you feel if you new something was wrong with Jason but you couldent get to him. You could slowly feel him slipping away, dieing?"

*As Misty asks the question Katie's emotions sky rocket looking to her friend she becomes nervouse, scaired and helpless. Jason....dieing...the feeling wasent good the picture in her had wasent good eather Katie felt almost sick.*

*Misty watches Katie and a suddan wave of nervouseness, and anxeusness flows over her. Causing her to gives a chill as the sweat runs down her face. Again Misty speaks.*

"Kaite, its ok. Jason is fine he's not dieing and your the Hero you will always be able to get to him come heck or high water right?"

*Katie's pulse starts to slow, Jason wasent dieing that was a good thing. Katie emotions slowly return to normal. Misty's words soothing her.*

*And as Katie calms down like that Misty's anxiety starts to fade till finally it was gone. What she had though was right. It was Katie who had made Misty feel what she did, but what did this all mean now?

Slowly turning Misty looks to Rick a new question in her eyes.*

"Did you feel that too?"


Carson is taken completely off guard by Herb’s words. Looking at the older man, his eyes reflect his confusion. The words about his own actions were surprising…the words about God were confusing.

He didn’t want to come back to work here…he didn’t want to try again…he didn’t want to be the idiot all over again. But… despite the lousy job he’d done, Herb was still offering him the job. He was still finding something good and offering him work. If Carson didn’t accept it, he would be stupid.

Seeing Herb’s outstretched hand, Carson finally takes it in a firm grip. “Alright. Eleven tomorrow.” It was crazy, but he'd try one more time.

Jason doesn’t want to have to think about all that Misty is bringing up. He just wanted to be able to make his own decision without thinking of all the consequences that could follow. Couldn’t anything be simple?

Rick can see the inner battle and lets Jason think, while answering Misty. “No…Katie’s different than Jason. It’s…different. I’m not convinced we know everything about her yet though.”

Jason crosses his arms, gritting his teeth. This whole thing was just ridiculous. He interrupts, back to the subject at hand. “Look, if the meds will suppress reactions to emotions, then they’re not really suppressing the emotions themselves. Meds won’t block the emotions completely, they’ll just keep them under control, so Katie should still get what she needs.” His tone pleads for relief from this torture.

Rick gives a deep sigh and looks at Misty, then at Jason. Part of him was afraid that if he didn’t do something, Jason would look elsewhere for help, or try things on his own that could end up disastrous. “Okay…I’ll give you something, but it will be a low dosage, alright?”

Jason nods. Anything was better than nothing…anything.

Scott flops down in his chair in his office, staring at the pile of work that needed to get done. He didn’t have much motivation. What he really wanted to do was take a nap. He just plain hadn’t gotten enough sleep last night. But…after taking Katie home, swinging back to take a shower, then getting back over to TJY, he couldn’t quit now. Sighing, he starts to dig into his work.

Half an hour. Jason runs a hand over Trooper’s head, feeling rather lethargic. Rick had given him one pill to take as a test. One pill to help monitor his own emotions. He felt like he belonged in a mental hospital instead, but if this helped… if it worked… then he’d have it made.

Thinking for a moment, Jason realizes that he really doesn’t feel much at all right now. He’s not sad, he’s not happy, he’s just…kind of numb. Nothing was blocked. It was just…neutral. It was odd. He couldn’t remember a time he’d felt like this. He’d gotten so used to the bombardment of emotions constantly, that not feeling that barrage felt strange. But…it was working.

A bit of hope surfaces. Jason knew there were risks. He respected Misty’s point of view, and he’d never want to hurt Katie. But if this could work…if this could help solve his problem…even if he had to get used to feeling lethargic, he would do it, if only to stop disrupting lives.

A sudden lurch to Jason’s stomach brings his thoughts to a screeching halt. He holds his breath for a moment, and cringes at another one. Oh no… Just when he thought…

Jason barely makes it to the restroom down the hall. Sliding to the floor by the toilet, everything comes back up. A surge of emotions follows quickly as if being released from a dam, making him shake. Continuing to throw up until his stomach is empty, exhaustion sets in once again and Jason simply leans back against the wall. He wanted to hit something. He wanted to scream. He wanted to cry. He’d been so close…and his body had rejected the one thing that could have helped.