

Jason keeps his eyes focused on the far wall instead of meeting anyone else’s gaze. Katie’s touch to his arm sends a shock through his system, and he almost flinches. It’s not a painful shock…it’s more of a sensation like pulling the plug in a bathtub full of water. All of his emotional energy seems to collect and flow in her direction instead of bouncing around inside of him. Now he knew why her presence had affected him the night before.

As Katie draws away, the sensation stops. Jason still refuses to look at anyone. Katie might not be scared…but he was. He wasn’t getting used to this. He hated it more every day.

“I’m sorry the meds didn’t work too,” he mutters. “There’s got to be something else. There has to be a way to stop this.”

Rick sighs and crosses his arms, looking between Katie and Jason. “What if there isn’t, Hotshot? What if anything you do will make you sick?”

“Then let me get sick. I don’t care.”

“Oh, come on.” Rick frowns at him. “Stop with the attitude. This isn’t the end of the world.”

“No?” Jason pulls himself up to sit, one arm wrapped around his stomach as it threatens to revolt again. “What if you were in my shoes? What if you had a bizarre connection and a need to be with a woman who wasn’t your wife?”

Rick quirks an eyebrow.

Jason nods. “Yeah, see? Not so great, is it? You fall down, taken over by flashback, Janet comes rushing in and can’t do a thing – all she can do is watch you as you die a slow and painful death. Then some other woman shows up and you’re good to go. How does that feel? And how would that make Janet feel?” His gaze turns into a glare. “I have a life that I am bound and determined to pursue, and I’ll be hanged if this gets in the way. Katie has a life too and she deserves to live it without running to my rescue all the time. It’s not fair.” All of a sudden, unexpected tears pool behind Jason’s eyes and he fights for control. “It’s just not fair.”

Sliding off the bed, Jason heads for the door.

Rick lets out a sigh. “Jason, wait. Stay here and rest a while.”

“Why?” Jason spins back around, blocking his anger from Katie, but it’s evident in his eyes. “You’re not willing to help me find something to fix this.”

“I want to help!” Rick states emphatically. “I just don’t think this thing can be ‘fixed.’ Now I’d appreciate it if you’d stay in here at least until we know there won’t be any more ill effects from those meds. Maybe there’s another formula we can try – I just don’t like the risk.”

Jason shakes his head, not even knowing what to do anymore. “Fine.” He slumps down in a chair instead of the bed.

Rick purses his lips in thought, satisfied that Jason is still within sight, but now he wants to know more about Katie. Turning to her, he offers her a reassuring smile. “Apparently you can draw out emotions of other people too… Have you tried doing it on purpose? It would be good if that can be controlled…otherwise when you’re upset, everyone in your path is going to be affected.” He gives a little chuckle. “It might be kind of funny to an outsider to watch, but…my guess is that you can control it just like Jason can control what his emotions do.”

Carson isn’t sure how to respond…Herb liked him? That was new and…unexpected. But he couldn’t complain. He might feel like an idiot, but it was a job. Even if it didn’t last longer than a week, that was one more week of pay to put towards his rent.

Finishing off his soda pop, he stands up and gives a nod to Mabel. “Thanks…for everything. I’ll be in in the morning then I guess.” He glances to Aerith. “Tell Wyatt hi when you see him…been a while since I got over to the office.”

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