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Continuing with dinner Rosetta laughs with Mick and BJ both enjoying there meal. A few times laughter just rolls as BJ couldn't manage to keep a carrot on his spoon. But for the most part he was doing well learning very fast.

Finally dinner is done, and several games of checkers had been played Rosetta and Mick swaping in and out as on lost to BJ. His skills in seeing steps a head before anything was played were amazing and growing so fast. The last game played, and a story was read, kiss, water and hugs were dished out BJ was tucked in bed heading to dream land fast.

Slowly shutting the door behind her Rosetta makes her way down the hall shutting off the kitchen light as she went and aiming for the couch. Sinking down Rosetta was so tired, but this talk was coming, it was something that needed to be. So first she would listen and than talk.

Listing to everything about Dylan Rosetta had already been informed but still just hearing it from Mick and hearing the sad tone it hit Rosetta hard. She couldnt imagen how hard it must be to have your child taken and no know where he was.

"You should of let someone know Mick and not just gone off the handle like that. I know you just wanted to find Dylan, but you have a family here that needs you too."

Letting out a long sigh Rosetta leans a little more into Mick. She didnt want to sound heartless she was worryed for Dylan just like Mick was but this all should of been handled differently. Turning a little on her back so she could look up at Mick Rosetta gave a little smile.

"Now its time to start at square one. Its gone to be long its going to be hard, but the beginning is where you starts the only difference is we have a child in the house now so you need to stay in control."

Sitting up again Rosetta puts her arm around Mick to let him just nuzzle into her for the comfort she new this was hard for him, and she new this road would be long again but she would never let him to deal with it alone.

"Right now I think the best thing you can do it call Reese at TJY and let him know whats going on. Katie is going back to Nevada tomorrow and maybe Jason and Katie can look into it."


Mick's fingers tighten around Rosetta's as BJ prays, silently communicating his love. He felt lower than the floor... but he had to keep going.

Once supper starts, Mick tries to keep up conversation with BJ, hearing about the day, and forcing himself to smile and keep his tone light. Afterward, the missed checkers game is played until finally it's BJ's bed time.

After Mick has the little boy tucked in bed and on his way to sleep, he resumes his place in the living room, sinking down on the couch next to Rosetta. Leaning back, he just stares at the ceiling for a while, remaining silent.

Eventually, he puts his arm around Rosetta, pulling her sideways into his lap so he can hug her close.

"I lost control," he finally admit quietly. "I just... completely lost control." He sighs deeply, resting his head against hers as he tries to form the words. "Dylan is missing... and Jill has innocently been convinced by the authorities to keep me out of it. When I went to the station, they wouldn't give me any information at all until one guy finally talked a little. They're pretty sure Dylan's been taken - that he didn't just run off like he's done before."

Mick stops to swallow hard, his eyes closed now. "I can feel it in my gut that it's the Agency. I don't know why or how but... I feel it. And the police wouldn't listen. I pressed my luck and they threw me out of the station. On my way out of town I... I just wanted..." He sighs again. "I don't know what I wanted. But the bar was right there and... I gave in."

Nuzzling his head into Rosetta's shoulder, he's quiet again for several moments. "It's all come back... all of it. I've been dry for almost a year... and I just ruined it in one fell swoop."

Lifting his head, he looks her in the eye, just studying her gaze. "I already want to go back... but I had Wes hide my keys earlier. I just... I just want to fix things... and I don't know how, and I don't know how to cope. I've got to find Dylan... and now I can't even think straight, this beast has such a tight hold on me."

\m/ - . - \m/

Bree can't help the small smile the was behind her eyes knowing Gunner wasn't meant to had Cat but did anyways. Though she could see how attached Gunner had become to the little fuzzball.

"Why don't you fine a new place than? One that lets you have cats since you so fond of her! Would be shame to throw away a good thing right?"

Looking up and seeing Mick was upset BJ gave a smile as he wrapped his tiny arms around might giving him and even tighter hug.

"We still love you dad! I know you dust were shad."

Once put on the bed BJ waits as Mick turns around and he climbs onto his dad's back wrapping his arms lose but firmly around his neck. Letting out a shriek of laughter as they came down the hall.

Looking up at BJ's laughs Rosetta smiles as BJ and Mick come down the hall. She always liked watching Mick and BJ together they were just so cute. Giving a nod to Mick as she sat next to him on one side and BJ on the other Rosetta folds her head.

"BJ, you can pray now."

As BJ starts his prayer Rosetta unfolds her hands and reachs over taking Mick's in her own and interlocking her fingers with his.

"Dear Jesus, thank you fhor this food and for bring Dad home ok. Thank you fhor everything you have given us. Ahmen."

Misty gives a little laugh as she goes to wash her hands and than comes back to her desk once again sitting down.

"I want you to call me as much as you want. I'm quite differnt from other Dr's I want you to know as little or as more as you want. This it about you after all."

Going into her desk and pulling out a folder Misty takes her pad and a pen looking over what she had planned for the next few days.

"Well if everything works out with the tests on your blood I would like to do the small surgey next week so I can jump into doing more tests, and research. It might take a little while after that but all together I would like to have everything taken care of before christmas for you."

Two sons

Gunner remains on his back, putting his hands up behind his head. "Ooh, a tarantula and a rat. That's cool." He lifts his eyebrows slightly. "Yeah... I bet Cat would like you. 'Course... you can't tell anybody about her. I'm..." His mouth turns up into a sheepish smile. "...not supposed to have pets. I've kept her hidden for a while now but... I either gotta find her a new home or me a new home."

He tried not to let any disappointment through in his voice. He'd kinda gotten attached to the little critter, and by now, he really didn't want to have to get rid of her.

Mick doesn't hear BJ's initial call to him, but when he feels the bed move, he knows it's him. His mind was so clouded right now... somehow, he had to focus.

BJ's request for him to come so they could pray sent an undeserved warmth through him. He had it too good here... after the mistakes he'd made.

Lifting his head, puts an arm around BJ and pulls him into his lap, giving him a bear hug and a kiss on the head. Still holding him close, he speaks quietly in his ear. "I'm sorry for what happened last night, Kiddo. Dad was wrong." It was hard to apologize to an adult - even harder to a child... a child he was trying to be a good example for.

Taking a deep breath, he lets it out slowly and straightens up so he can see BJ's freckled face. He was worried sick about Dylan... but he had another son who needed his attention too. He manages to smile for BJ. "Okay... let's go so we can pray and eat."

Standing up, he sets BJ on the bed and turns around so BJ can ride on his back down the hall and into the kitchen. Arriving at the table, he slides the boy down into his seat before taking his own chair and folding his hands. His eyes meet Rosetta's. He had a lot of explaining to do... and he would talk to her after BJ was put to bed later.

Axel pays close attention to what Misty does and says, nodding at her explanation, even though he might not understand every term. "Sounds like you got it under control." He grins a little. "Makes sense to me... for someone who isn't a doctor. So... when do you think you'll want to do that initial surgery? Or is this a 'don't call me, I'll call you' sort of thing?"