
One Condition

*Katie rolls on her back and keeps her eyes shut mumbaling.*

"If I stay sleeping you wont leave."

*Slowly Katie wraps her arms around Scott's neck and slowly opens her eyes to see Scott's face.*

"I guess it dosen't work that way huh?"

*Katie pull Scott into a tight hug, a feeling of dread looming over her. She new this was good for Scott and he couldent turn it down but still it was hard. Katie keeps Scott in a tight hug for a long moment before pulling away.*

"How about some breakfest? We still have to ask Domino if she wants to come stay with be for a bit."

*Nate cant help the smile the quirks at the courner of his mouth. This wasent a time for joking but he found humor in what Carson said anyways.

Nate nods and follows on the other side of Carson. Listing to everything he has to say. Some of it he found amusing, some disturbing. Some of it frankly Nate though Carson and Misty were stupid for doing, but Carson did have good intent.

Coming back to the cars Nate looks between Carson and Misty and lets out a sigh bringing a hand to his forhead for a moment.*

"Well as much as I dont want to agree with what you did, I cant say I would act any differntly if it was my own sister. Whether right or wrong you acted with good intent on her behalf. I cant turn away because I wouldent want you to turn away if I needed you."

*Nate looks off to the harizon of the rising sun for a moment. Something about it today was differnt though. The darkness loomed as if warning nothing would come of the day.*

"I'll help you on one condition. After this is over and your sister is safe you both come back to Nevada with me and turn yourselfs in."

*As Misty listens to Nate she squeeze Carson's hand. She new what ment. They both could spend time in prison. The might not see eachother again for a long time. Misty wasent sure if she wanted that. But what alse could they do. There was no other option.*

Time to go

Carson quirks an eyebrow at Nate’s odd tone, but relents to not be defensive. He knew Nate would want the right thing done just as much as anyone else.

“Trouble?” Carson hooks his hands in his jeans pockets, giving Nate a casual look that conflicted his own inner battle. “Taking part in illegal fights, then breaking out of jail will get me in trouble?”

Knowing this really wasn’t the time for humor, let alone sarcasm, Carson lowers his eyes for just as moment, giving a sigh. “Yeah, okay…I’m sorry I lied on the phone, but I didn’t want Reese to call in the troops yet. I didn’t think you’d believe me, but I knew he’d be worried enough about Misty that he’d relent.”

Glancing around in the dark, Carson is pretty sure there are no eyes at the moment. It was the middle of the night…they’d been immobile for hours. Most likely this was a rare moment they’d be alone. “Let’s take a nice quiet walk, shall we?”

He gestures with his head for Nate to follow, and puts an arm around Misty to walk. Strolling down the side of the dim street, Carson starts telling Nate all about what was happening, starting back to Zane’s phone calls, to the fighting, the breaking jail, to coming here. He explains why they want Nate, and he relays his game plan to him, as he had Misty.

By the time he’s come to the present, they’ve walked full circle back to the vehicles. Carson leans on the hood of Misty’s car and crosses his arms. “So…that’s it. Maybe there was a better way to do this…but I feel I did what I had to do. And…right now, my only focus is my sister. So…” He glances at his watch by the light of the now gray sky. Five o’clock was coming up fast. “You can stay and help us or you can blow the whistle on us and risk my sister’s life. I have to leave it up to you because there’s nothing else I can do.”

Scott zips his suitcase shut and sets it by the door with his other bags, and squats down to give Domino some loving. The dog seemed to sense something strange was going on, and she looked at Scott as though worried, sticking close to his heels wherever he went.

Scott finally rises and walks slowly back into the living room. He would be leaving in just a little while…and he didn’t want to say goodbye. It shouldn’t be this hard…he’d be back over the weekend. But for some reason, it felt more final than that. The logic in his mind continues to hound him, reminding him that this could very well be ending something he treasured. But had to hope…he had to hope that things would be just fine…that he and Katie were strong enough for this.

Easing down on the edge of the couch, Scott reaches out and brushes Katie’s hair from her face, just taking in the way she shone with beauty. “Hey…” He whispers, not wanting to wake her too suddenly, and gently rubs her arm. “Katie…time to wake up, babe.”

I new

*Once during the night Katie stirs. Not quite sure for a moment where she is a panic sets in. Feeling an arm around and a form next to her, and a lump on her feet she remembers where she is. She must of fallen asleep on Scott. Stairing into the dark for a long moment Katie runs her fingers on Scotts arm. Turning just alittle Katie looks at Scott as her eyes get use to the dark. Morning was coming fast and soon Scott would be gone. Just watching Scott sleep Katie studys his face imprinting it in her mind. Giving him a gentil kiss Kaite leans her head back down again and finally difts off to sleep again.*

*As Carson leans ove and gives Misty a kiss her hand goes to his arm as she returns it. Than pulls away her tone sturn.*

"Don't you say that Carson. There will be many more kiss after this is over. Got it."

*Falling silent as they pull across the street Misty's mind races and her tummy does flip flops. When the car comes to a stop Misty gets out and joins Carson walking along side him staying silent.

Nate turns as he hears Carson's voice. Steping away from the car and twords him he looks to Misty and than back to Carson. He cant help leting out a chuckle but the irratation in his eyes.*

"I new you wouldent hurt her. You relize you both are in alot of trouble right?"

*Stoping and folding his arms across his chest shaking his head.*

" So how about you both tell me whats going on and what your both doing before I change me mind on helping you at all or for that matter not turning you in."


Laughing and giggling bounces through the dim hall at TJY, coming from the infirmary. Camryn looks at Jason with fake shock. "Would you behave yourself?"

"What?" Jason tries to look innocent, but his smile slips out as he throws another piece of popcorn at her. "You look good in corn."

Camryn holds up her hand in defense and laughs again. "Stop!"

"Shhh....you're interrupting the movie."

Camryn shifts in her chair to use the edge of Jason's bed as an armrest as she looks up at the tv. "Like you care about watching it."

"Well what else is there to watch?"

Camryn's eyes widen, giving him a look.

Jason grins. "Mm...you're right. There's more than one thing to look at in here."

"Alright, you two...." Rick comes into the infirmary, a slight smile on his face. "Quit making so much noise. Jason, you're supposed to be resting."

"What does it look like I'm doing?!"

"Having way too much fun." Rick comes over to look at Jason's knee. "Still hurting?"

"Some. Whatever you gave me though really helped."

Camryn rolls her eyes. "Yeah, it helped alright. Didn't do much for your mind though."

Jason swings his head back over to look at her again. "Don't kid yourself. You know you like me even more when I'm loopy."

Camryn giggles. "Maybe."

Rick chuckles and shakes his head. "Okay, I'm going home for the night. Jason, call me if anything happens. Camryn, make sure he gets to bed at a decent hour."

"Of course!"

"Tada!" Scott presents two plates with a mexican dish on them, the aromas filling his house. Setting the plates down on the kitchen table, he gets him and Katie something to drink and finally sits down. "I pulled it off without spilling or breaking one thing - I think that's a record."

He grins sheepishly. "Must be the company."

After a prayer for the food, Scott takes a bite and nods with satisfaction. "Turned out alright." He glances around the kitchen. "Well, I'm leaving a lot here for now...as long as I can afford it, I'll keep this place here for the weekends. So tomorrow I won't have to take anything but a couple bags of personal stuff."

The evening together is warm and fun. After supper, Katie and Scott settle down in his living room for some movies, Scott holding Katie close as they soak in the last few hours they have together. Evening becomes night, and soon Scott can feel Katie is asleep, but doesn't bother waking her. It was getting towards the early morning hours, but he was too comfortable...he wanted too badly to savor this time with her.

Dani tries to settle in at Lockheart's though is still a bit on edge, waiting to hear from Carson. She does enjoy Angelica and her company - she was so caring and nice. But all she wanted was for morning to come.
At three in the morning, her eyes are open as she stares into the dark guest room. She knew this was about the time things were starting to happen, and she could only pray they went the way Carson wanted them to.

As a new set of headlights appears and pulls into the parking lot across the street, Carson straightens in his seat. "Hello...I do believe that's Nate's car." He glances at the clock that read three a.m. "And right on time too. Punctual bloke."

Carson glances all around, a bit leery. "I don't see anyone else...he looks like he's alone...I would think he'd do as asked." He takes a deep breath. "Nothing like finding out though." Turning the engine on, he leans over and gives Misty and unexpected kiss. "In case I don't get another chance." He throws her a wink, then focuses on driving.

Pulling into the lot, he shuts off the lights and parks several spaces away from Nate. Getting out of the car, his eyes roam the area still, and sill finding no one else. Approaching Nate, he holds out his hand in a manner of a truce. "Thanks, mate. We need you."


*Katie looks up at Jason and offers a smile shaking her head.*

"J, you can stop saying sorry. I hurd you the first time."

*Katie cant help but smile even bigger. Weather this thing was a pain or not there were moments when Katie liked it and would trade it for anything.

Giving a sigh at Jason's request Katie knows Rick dident have a pleased look on his face when she last saw him talking to Reese. That could only mean bad news. Katie can feel Jason's worry and know he does have a right to know.*

"When I see Rick again I'll ask, but I cant make any promises ok!"

*Katie offers Jason the best smile she can.*

*Misty gives alittle nod as she listens to Carson. Watching across the street at the same time. The wait would be long but it was ok. The time to take Zane down was coming up fast and Misty couldent help but be alittle nervouse. A thousand and one things could go wrong and she new it.*

*Angelica smiles pack at hang up the phone after ordering a pizza.*

"Taking with strangers really isent anything new to be. I do it everyday being a lawyer and all. So I guess I have a knack for it."

*Aneglica contunues to chat with Danielle alittle bit about everything. Till finally dinner is over and they are settled watching a movie.*

*As the day drags on Katie contunes to work, keeping her off everything till finally its time to go. Geting her stuff together she checks on Jason one last time before leaving for the night and heading over to Scotts.*

As the night moves on all seems quiet. People spending there last waking hours with the people they love they will be gone soon, some just snuggaling enjoying the night and others wating to see if everything will work out.

*As Nate pulls into the motel parking lot he looks around. This is as far as he new to go. Where Carson was or wanted him from here he was clueless. Geting out of the car she shuts the door and just scans the area. Looking down at his watch he had arrived earlyer than planed. It was only 11:30pm. Not making many stops along the way had given him more time. All he could do was wait and let his mind wander.*


Jason gives a slight chuckle and shakes his head, receiving the orange. "Theme music, huh? Yeah, I think you deserve it."

He slowly chews a slice of the fruit, even though his stomach doesn't want anything. He's quiet for several minutes, keeping his thoughts to himself. "Katie..." His eyes remain down. "I...I'm sorry about earlier. I didn't want to make you feel bad. I just...didn't..." He sighs, not sure what he's trying to say or how he's trying to say it. "I didn't want...either of us to be held back by this thing...unable to do what we want. I know there's got to be some good in it somewhere, I just..."

Jason gives up. "Listen, if you get a chance to talk to Rick...would you mind getting the scoop on my knee?" He pauses, knowing that Katie would feel his worry. "I don't think he's telling me everything."

Scott puts the last of his personal belongings into his box and sits back in his chair, scanning his cubicle. It felt so...empty. Someone would come along soon enough though and it would be full again.

Putting is hands behind his head, his mind continues to pull him back to the subject of tomorrow, and his leaving. The new job was perfect for him. The station was awaiting his arrival and were excited about him coming. The pay would be good...he already had someone to room with until he found his own place. But there was something that cast a shadow on it all. He was going alone.

Shaking his head, Scott tries to return to work, turning on his computer. He hoped that this would change nothing between him and Katie. Maybe it would actually make them stronger. He hoped that his weekend visits would keep them going, and constant contact through other means would help as well. They both could get used to it quickly.

But...logic knocked at the back door of his mind. Time apart like that wasn't always good. He hoped he could afford to commute on weekends, but most likely he wouldn't be able to as often as he'd like. Other communication was great, but it was a far cry from seeing each other face-to-face. Would they really last? For the first time, Scott had his doubts.

Carson reaches down to tilt back the seat a little in the car, keeping one eye on the motel parking lot across the street. He and Misty had a good view of it from across the street in a different lot, behind a row of bushes. It was a good vantage point, and one would have to look hard from the motel to see them. Nevertheless, it was going to be a long day and night waiting for Nate to show up. There was nothing else to do though...moving around would only create suspicion with Zane.

With the window rolled down, Carson lights up a smoke in an attempt to calm his nerves. His thoughts going a hundred miles an hour, he goes through his plan aloud to bounce it off Misty. "I figure...we're supposed to put the bag under the bench in the park. If we station Nate at the other end of the bench casually, Zane should suspect nothing. My guess is that he'll come, sit down, act like he's taking a rest, then when he gets up, he'll grab the bag. But I want Nate to have a concealed gun on him, and just talk to him quietly to warn him. Nate will instruct him to come to us...we'll be waiting closeby to tie him up and throw him in the backseat...or trunk, if he doesn't behave."

He pauses, letting the smoke slowly out of this mouth. He grimaces, mad that he'd let himself get back in the habit, and flicks the remainder of the cigarette out the window. "After that, we have to act fast so his goons don't go after Dani. We have to find out who they are and where. Once we get him to talk, then we call the cops. They can come arrest him, take out the goons, and...Dani is home free. " Carson knew that his sister would be free...but his own future, and even Misty's, was unknown.

Dani musters up a small smile. "You're so kind...a total stranger taking me in like this. Carson didn't want me to say anything about all this because he didn't want you to get in any trouble for knowingly being involved but...I didn't think it was fair to leave you in the dark."

Her eyes shift downward. "I guess someone wants a lot of money from him, so that's why they threatened to hurt me and...he got in a little bit of trouble trying to take care of it all by himself."

She sighs and looks up at Lockheart again. "Until yesterday, it had been well over ten years since I'd seen my brother...I just don't want to lose him again so quickly, ya know?"

Unexpected tears threaten to spring into her eyes, and Dani looks away. "Please...don't change any plans because of me. I don't want to be any more of an imposition than I already am."


*Katie can't help the small grin that cross her face. Even the best of frinds had fights, falling outs, and down right tossed mean words to eachother, and heavn knows Katie and Jason had many. But it was the bouncing back, the forgivness, and the willingness to learn and try hard next time to not make the mistake again that made there friendship stronger.*

"Oh ok. I guess I can be your hero one more time."

*Katie takes the orange over to the garbagecan and starts to peal the skin off. Grabing some papertowles she hands the orange to Jason.*

" You realize one of these days I exspect you to write me my own theme music."

*Angelica just looks at Danielle for a long moment. A bit shocked by what she said. Carson running from the law? And his name was just cleared in court. That seemed odd.*

"No, he seemed to have left that part out. Oh well, your here, your safe..."

*Lockheart felt a bit upset that Carson had tricked her. But the feeling pass. What was done was done and she couldent change it. There was no way she was going to turn Dani out eather.*

"...we will just have to order in and have a movie night."

*Lockheart smiles.*

Don't tell

Dani tries to show her gratefulness with a smile towards Angelica. She walks through the apartment with her, not minding the mess at all, simply trying to fit in or at least act at ease, despite the odd circumstances.

At Angelica’s offer to go out with her, Dani hesitates. “Um…I…” She swallows hard. “Carson didn’t….exactly…tell you why I needed a place to stay, did he?”

Dani lowers her eyes, and leans against the wall, her face reddening slightly. “I don’t like secrets…Carson hasn’t told me much either, just that you were a friend I could trust.” She looks back up at Angelica. “Someone may be trying to kill me, and my brother is trying to stop it from happening. Unfortunately….” She hesitates again. “He’s also running from the law a the moment.”

When Jason sees the orange, he can’t help a grin. “How did I ever survive without a personal hero?” He reaches over and picks up the fruit, but trying to dig a thumbnail into the rind proves he simply doesn’t have any strength yet after coming out of surgery.

Glancing to Katie, he hands it back to her. “I’ll let you stay…if you help me out here and not tell anybody about it.”


*As Angelica moves from the bedroom to the kitchen she hears a knock on the door. Very caually dressed in sweat pants and an over size sweat shirt she answers the door a smile on her face. Danielle looked just as Carson had described her. Exspending her hand she greets Danielle.*

"You must be Danielle Banks. I'm Angelica please come on in."

*Showing Danielle in she shows here where she can put her stuff for the night and than gives her a small ture of the apartment.*

"You'll have to excuse all the boxs. I'm just in the middle of packing. If your hungry at all from the drive I have some stuff in the fridge. Or if you want I have to go into town to do a few things we can stop and get something to eat."

*Angelica continues to smile knowing Danielle must be feeling really out of place and only hoped she could make her feel comfortable.*

"There is a tv in the other room and shelfs of boxs if you want to watch anything and I'll be leaving in about an hour if you want to come alone."

*Katie cant help but smile alittle as she pushs the door open slowly and step inside shuting the door behind her again. Making her way over to Jason slowly she lets out alittle sigh. Holding the orange out to him she speaks.*

"You need to eat so your sugar dosent drop. With all the painkillers your on it could fast without warning so eat that up."

*Katie sets the orange down on the table before looking at Jason again.*

"I thought you might want some company too. If not...I..I can just go."


Jason stares ahead, caught between the desire to sleep and the desire to stay awake. Neither were appealing.

Bored and exhausted, he leans his head back into his pillow, just wishing all of this was over. He’d simply displayed earlier that he was mad he had to be here…but it really was depressing. Especially now, with his knee the way it was, and Rick hadn’t even told him anything yet. Jason had a bad feeling sitting in the pit of his stomach, but he suppressed it the best he could while blocking his physical pain.

Hearing the knock at the door, Jason quirks an eyebrow. Thinking for a moment, he knows who is there, and the corner of his mouth upturns. “If you can’t push open a door that’s not locked, you got a problem,” he calls a bit hoarsely.

Carson gives a little nod as he gets the OK from Lockheart. “Thanks, Lockheart. If my sister agrees, she might be down. I appreciate it.” Ending the call, Carson lets out a long sigh and glances to Misty, growing a bit tired. “Okay…one more call…”

Several hours later…
Dani pulls up in front of the apartment and checks the numbers again to make sure she’s at the right place. She hadn’t really wanted to come, but Carson had asked her, for her own safety, to leave for just the night, while doing it discreetly so as to arouse no suspicion around her. Though that in itself had born a bit of fear inside of her of this whole situation, she had obeyed.

Leaving her backpack in her car, Dani gets out and walks up the steps to knock on the door. She felt horribly intrusive, and horribly out of place. But it was just once….for one night…she could do this, right?

Hoping she’d done the right thing, she waits.