

*Katie giggles at the thought of Domino waking Scott up. Growing alittle more serouse as Scott asks how she is feeling but trying to smile.*

"I'm doing great.."

* Katie stops herself for a moment knowing that was a lie. But she dident want Scott worrying about her. A feeling rushes over Katie of Jason and how he was hiding his feeling from her. She dident like how it felt and it caused her great pain, though it was intensified for her she could probley bet Scott would probley be hurt as well for her not being honnest with him. Katie wanted her and Scott to have a chanse, she wanted them to start on the write foot and if she started hiding her feeling before they even had a start than there never would be one.

Leting out a long sigh Katie looks down and than looks back up at Scott.*

"No, I'm not great. I'm not horrable, but not great eather. I'm still having a hard time feeling Jason shuting me out. I'm trying to teach myself how to block it out and its not working. It take alot of energy to do it. I mean once I get better at it, it will come nateraly and it will be ok. But till then my nights are going to be restless, and it just hurts."

*Katie looks down for a moment thinking long and hard and than looks back up at Scott.*

"Hey Scott, mmm...once everything is worked out and we starts our relationship together, let be completly honnest with eachother. I mean I wouldent exspect anything less from you Scott but I guess I am conferming for myself. I've seen what lies and hiding does. How much damage it can do, more than telling the truth. I just want us to have a fair chanse with eachother, and....ya...I'm not sure what alse I am trying to say."

*Katie gives a nervouse little laugh.*

*As Carson steps infront of Misty stoping her from opening the door she looks up at him raising one of her eyes brows trying her best not to smile but failing.*

"Oh promises promises Carson, its actions that speak louder. Now if you dont mind moving Mr. Banks I wont have to use force. Than again you might like that soo....We could always continue that conversation if you like."

*Misty steps closer to Carson again grinning.*

*Lockheart listens to Sheriff Brown and Reese talk throwing in comment here and there. Filling in holes where should could. As the conversation comes to an end and Sheriff Brown turns a question to her Lockheart is silent for a moment than starts speaking with confadence.*

" I will stand by these people till the end. Till this is over and if they need me after I will there. I will protect and help every single person that works for TJY. I also think...."

*Lockheart looks to Sheriff Brown and than Reese.*

"...that before we go saying with will join "The Elite" we need to once again talk it over with out staff. Alot of things would be changing from this weather its great or small but I think they should be filled in than have a desition made."

*As Rosetta chanses BJ she looks up to see Mick looking at her. His eyes showed he had alot to think about. Stoping BJ she smiles and tells him to go wash up and they would ride in alittle bit. As BJ trots off to the bathroom Rosetta follows Mick outside.*

"Hey Hun. Is everything ok? You looks like something is wrong."


Scott takes the files from Katie and shrugs. “Yeah, I had a great night sleep until Domino woke me up licking my feet.” He rolls his eyes, shaking his head. “What about you?” He searches Katie’s face. “How you holding up?”

Carson raises his eyebrows as Misty grows serious and tries to figure out where she’s going with her statement. As she nears and finishes her comment, Carson’s eyes grow even wider, but he can’t say anything as she’s already embracing him in a kiss.

Unable to resist, he lets his arms fall around her, bringing her even closer to him as he returns the kiss with passion.

Still breathing heavily from his run across the parking lot, Misty’s kiss leaves him even more breathless and he just stands lamely as she walks away.

Finally spinning around, he yells after her. “Hey, that’s no conversation! I wasn’t done talking yet!”

Hearing her ‘complaint’ of being woken up, he jogs after her, catching up just in time to block the door. He looks at her slyly for a moment, still trying to catch his breath. “And if that’s how you react to a wakeup call, I might just have to do it again, so don’t tempt me.”

“So…what can I do for you?” Sheriff Brown leans back in his chair and looks at Reese and Lockheart from across his desk.

Reese tries to remain collected, exchanging a glance with Lockheart to make sure they were really ready. “Well…we have a long story to tell you, Sheriff, and we’re both just hoping that you’ll hear us through to the end.”

Brown lifts an eyebrow in curiosity. “Alright…you have the floor and I’ve got the time.”

Reese clears his throat. “I’m sure you recall a case over six months ago regarding a young man by the name of Jason Stevenson. We…”

“Oh yes,” Brown cuts him off. “It was that rushed murder case. Never did set right with me how that all happened.”

Reese raises his eyebrows. This was a positive start. “Well…it never set with us right either. And that’s why we’re here.”

“Oh? I had the understanding that plea was already stated and he was still found guilty.”

“This is true, but…” Reese hesitates, then jumps right in again. “I think we have some evidence now that would back up our case and present the opportunity for a retrial.”

Brown leans forward, intrigued. “And this evidence wasn’t presented before, because…?”

“Because the livelihoods of many people are at stake, and we needed to find the right person to present it to.” Reese locks eyes with Brown. “What we’re about to tell you is something we’ve told no one before…please have an open mind.”

…Brown is leaning back casually in his chair, his sleeves rolled up, a pause in the conversation that had lasted over an hour. He closes his eyes for a moment, trying to get a handle on everything he’d just been told. “So…let me get this straight…there’s a group of outlaws…the Agency, you say… that was established years ago, starting out as an adoption agency. They got out of hand…they have a guy who’s a sadistic doctor who likes to torture people…he particularly targeted a group who’s in Texas…” He pauses, counting off events on his fingers. “One of them turned around, double-crossed them and started his own organization to try and take them down…and that organization is underground here in Nevada. In the meantime, the folks in Texas are still getting bothered, your men here in Nevada are being bothered and…the law doesn’t have a clue that all this is going on.”

Reese sighs a little and nods with a shrug. “In a really small nutshell.”

“And…you believe that it’s the Agency’s doing that Jason is in prison now.”


“So…you’re telling me that the Agency has been involved with lawlessness for years and no law enforcement has ever discovered them?”

Reese isn’t sure if Brown is starting to disbelieve them or not. He reaches to Lockheart for some of their case files. “We’ve got case after case here where there have been ‘unexplainable’ lawlessness, unfound murderers, etcetera. There’s ample proof of dirty cops, judges and more. Of course the ‘Agency’ is never mentioned specifically because no one knows about it, or ignores it because of its power.”

Brown reaches out to take the files and sifts through them. “And I could call these departments and have verification on all of these?”

“Yes. It’s all fact.”

“Hmm…and so there’s this ghost Agency…and then there’s TJY who not only combats the Agency, but also helps out in situations where the law isn’t doing a good enough job?”

Reese hands over more files. “Here’s instances where you can see anonymous help, evidence coming to light and more, all credited to no one, because the law didn’t know who was helping.”

“And you’re saying that it was TJY.”


“Mmm.” Brown continues to look through the files, not showing much emotion or opinion. “There’s been many times I’ve been involved in cases that I thought there was a gang or group or something that was stirring up trouble, but I could never prove it… And it was just recently we got help on a case where evidence came up out of nowhere...I thought it was a mistake from our department…”

He tosses down the file. “So what really happened with Jason that day, hmm? You had quite a story in court, but I’m guessing now there was more to it.”

“You’re right.” Reese isn’t going to hold anything back now. They were in too far. “There was a young girl that had been kidnapped by the Agency. Jason was part of the group that went to get her out. They couldn’t call the police – one, because they never believed them, and two, because the Agency would have retaliated. One of the Agency thugs was going to kill Katie and this other woman. Jason had no choice and shot him.”

“Wow.” Brown raises his eyebrows.

Shifting the conversation just a little, he swivels his chair in thought. “So…tell me more about TJY…if you’re underground, where do you get funding? How do you pay your employees?”

“We get funding from many sources,” Reese explains. “Some just from individuals who believe in our cause. Some from employees who have their own PI offices. And we receive a large percentage of our income from the business above the basement where we’re located. Amazingly enough, from those sources we’ve been able to keep people employed for many years.”

“And you have your own medical station?”

“An infirmary, yes. We have a doctor on staff, and recently hired on an assistant for him. In most cases we can take care of our own, though sometimes it’s serious enough we do go to the hospital. When that happens, we have protocol to follow when explaining to the doctors what happened.”

Brown shakes his head a little, his eyes showing a strange intrigue. “And you have all this computer equipment…you’ve been hacking into systems?”

Reese looks at his watch, then points to Brown’s computer.

Brown turns around and wakes up the monitor, his eyes widening. A message has appeared on the screen. “Hello, Doug, Brown! From the friendly desk of TJY.” He snaps his attention back to Reese. “Who did this?”

“That would be our tech guy, Scott. Computer whiz. He does most of our technical stuff.”

Brown starts to mull over everything in his mind and is silent for a long while. He sifts through the papers, asks some more questions, and finally just sits, shaking his head. “I can’t believe it…” He looks up at Reese and Lockheart. “You’re the Elite.”

Reese furrows his brow. “Pardon?”

A smile starts to spread across Brown’s face. “The Elite.” He stands up, starting to pace in a circle. “For years, I’ve been trying to get a group together to form an elite branch of the law, but no one would back me up. It would cost too much, there were too many hoops to jump through…there weren’t enough people to man a new department.”

He twirls around and leans his hands on his desk, looking down at Lockheart and Reese. “What if I could turn TJY into a state-funded law enforcing department?”

Reese’s eyes widen in disbelief. “Are you kidding me?”

“Would I kid about a thing like that?” Brown holds up one of the files. “This is amazing. Utterly amazing. You guys have done things and accomplished tasks I’ve been wanting to do for years! Taking down the dirty cops has never been easy, but you guys are pulling them of one by one – at least you’ve got record of them which is more than I’ve got.”

Reese’s mouth has been hanging open, and he shuts it. “I…” He glances to Lockheart then back to the Sheriff. “Well…that sounds…amazing, but… Well first of all, we’re here for one purpose this morning.”

“To get Jason out.” Brown nods. “I see now why you couldn’t come out with all this before. But I have no doubt with all of this, we can have a retrial quick and dirty and get him out of there before you can blink.”

Reese’s pulse quickens. “Really?”

Brown nods. “But there’s a catch.”

“What’s that?”

“I want you to say yes to being the Elite.”

Reese swallows hard, thinking. “Well Sheriff…you do realize that…when all this evidence is brought up in court, almost all of TJY will be under arrest for the things we’ve been doing.” He pauses with an idea. “Unless we have a sharpshooter lawyer to plead for pardons for everyone on staff, and everyone in Texas.”

Brown straightens and folds his arms across his chest, contemplating. “You said you’ve got people on TJY staff who have been criminals, even worked for that Agency.”

“This is true. But they’re on our side now, and they’ve turned around. And isn’t that what prison is for? Turning someone around? So if they’ve already learned their lesson, why put them behind bars?” Reese can feel a bargaining chip forming. “You help us get Jason out, and you let Lockheart plea for total pardons, and you got yourself a deal.”

Brown quirks an eyebrow, turning to Lockheart. “What do you have to say about all this?”

Mick watches as Rosetta and BJ interact, a small smile forming. BJ had it good here…if only it was a real family…

Mick slaps his cowboy hat on his head and aims for the door. Looking back one last time, he catches Rosetta’s eye. He conveys a look to her that his mind is full…there is something troubling his heart…something he hasn’t quite figured out yet…perhaps something he needs to tell her.

Turning, he heads outside.

Fun and Games

*Katie smiles at Wyatt and gives a wave going back to work work. Moments later Katie's ears perk up at a strange sound that was growing louder. Now sure what it is Katie turns and just listens. It sounded like it was coming right for her cubicle. Suddany seeing Scott go flying by Katie quirks an eyebrow. As Scott comes slinking back Katie cant help but let out a laugh as she picks up some papers and hands them to Scott.*

"Well you seem in a good mood this morning Scotty."

*Katie cant help but grin at him now seeing him up close and personal he looked better than ever. *

"Sleep well last night?"

*Misty grins as Carson slids across her hood and opens her door. Geting out of the car she gives a sassy smile.*

"Huh...what to me so long looks like your the one out of breath."

*Misty throws her keys in her purse and looks at Carson a serus look crossing her eyes. Misty lets out a sigh. For a moment Misty looks down at the ground.*

"Carson...I was hoping I could hold and push this away for at least one day but I cant. We need to talk. Its pritty searouse."

*Misty looks back up at Carson dead in the eyes.*

"I hurd something the other day from some people. They told me....."

*A small smile breaks forth on Misty's face as she steps closer to Carson.*

"....kissing is the langue of Love. So would you like to indulge in a lil conversation...?"

*Wraping her arms around Carson's neck Misty press her lips aganst Carson's in a passinot kiss that linger for a long while. Till finally Misty breaks away the biggest sassyest grin of all on her face as her eyes burn like never before. Misty brushes by Carson and heads for the door of TJY, calling for her shoulder.*

"Oh did I tell you I dont play nice when someone wakes me up out of a dead sleep?"

*Rosetta comes out of the back room and checks on BJ siting down next to him resting her elbows on the table.*

"Tast good?"

*BJ gives a toothy grin to Rosetta.*


*Rosetta leans over and ruffles his hair.*

"Wanna ride alittle on the pony after lunch?"

*BJ nods enthoseasticly.*

"Tan I ride the big one?"

* Rosetta cant help but laugh.*

"Compaired to you the pony is a big one."

"Nut uh. I tan ride like da big people. Like you and Micks."

*Rosetta brings her fingers to BJ's side as she tickles him.*

"How about we stick with the pony."

*BJ squeels with laughter as he squerms away from Rosetta and jumps up running around the kitchen table Rosetta close behind him.*

For the best

Wyatt quirks an eyebrow at Katie, but drops any questions he might have. “Glad you’re doing okay.” He pauses in thought. “I’m doing alright. I’ll be glad when this is all over.”

He lingers for just a moment, then grins as he walks away. “Catch you later, Hero.”

Scott is finally able to get back to his own computer after helping Susanne. He turns it on and heaves a sigh, sifting through all the printouts and notes he and Katie had collected on Saturday. But it doesn’t look like he’s got everything from Katie, and he needed to make copies for Reese.

Scooting out of his cubicle, he looks left and right. Seeing the coast clear, he turns around and shoves off, riding his chair across the floor past the row of cubicles.

Misjudging the distance, he flies past the opening of Katie’s cubicle before dragging his sneakers as brakes, spinning around and pushing himself back to her doorway.

Acting as though nothing was out of the ordinary, he tosses Katie a quirky grin. “Hey, you got those printouts you had from Saturday?”

Carson takes the stairs of the apartment from two floors up, sliding down the railing the last few steps. Skipping down off the concrete porch, he heads at a walk towards TJY.

As he gets about a block away from the entrance, he hears as car and turns to see Misty coming down the road at a fast clip.

Knowing the competition was on, Carson breaks into a run, sprinting for the driveway. He’s no match for a car though, and makes it behind the vehicle, barely stopping to show his ID.

Racing through the parking lot he sees Misty park in her normal spot. Coming up from the passenger side he takes a jump and slides across the hood, landing by her door to open it. Trying not to show he’s winded, he stands to the side and looks at her with mock annoyance. “What took you so long?”

Reese nods with satisfaction. “Alright then. Lets get our things together and head out.”

A while later, Reese and Lockheart are on their way out of town, and soon arrive at the police station in the next county.

Mick’s shoulders drop a little at Damien’s decision, but he knows that it’s probably the best choice. Damien had been dealt a hard hand, and now was trying to make the right decision for himself and his son. Mick couldn’t blame him.

“I understand, Damien, and I don’t think low of you at all. It’s a hard call, but…in the long run, it’s probably best.” He pauses, thinking. “If you want to stop by here sometime soon, we can talk about what agency to contact, and how we can handle the details without giving the law too much to worry about.”

Finishing up the call with just a bit of small talk, Mick hangs up. He glances around the mess hall at the people filtering out, and spots BJ finishing up his breakfast. He was such a sweet little boy…he deserved a good home…a good family.

Mick couldn’t help the twinge of sadness. He’d gotten used to the little tyke being around… BJ had reminded him of Dylan, and in a way had given him a taste of having a second chance. But his nephew needed a family…he needed a mom and dad, not just a bunch of people trying to all pretend that a group was a sufficient replacement for two parents.

Sighing, Mick rises from his chair. A thought had lodged itself in his heart, and he just wasn’t convinced it was worth contemplating.


*Misty's eyes shoot open as she jumps out of bed at the sound for a loud pound on her window. Hearing the voice Carson's voice Misty cant help but get a grain on her face. Still in her black pants, and white tanktop she turns to the door swinging it open to step on the pourch. Seeing Carson slowly disapear she yall after.*


*Misty turns and heads back inside. What a way to wake, most people would think it rude and disrespectful but Misty loved it. Heading into the shower Misty takes only a few moment before jumping out and geting dressed in her bluejeans and light green tank top. Misty braids her hair today and puts on alittle bit of makeup. Heading back into the living room Misty feed and waters Romieo and Juliet. Grabing a banana Misty heads out the door again hoping into her car and racing down the road to try and get to TJY before Carson.*

*Kaite looks up from her desk as Wyatt approches.*

"Morning Wyatt."

*Katie is about to answer Wyatt when Scott walks by with his greeting. Grinning Katie gives a wave back to Scott.*

"Morning Scott."

* Katie watches as Scott walks past He was dressed as "himself" again today. It made Katie smile. Katie goes back to her work. Remembering Wyatt had asked her a question she looks up.*

"I'm feeling good. I hope this works and Jason will be able to come home. I've missed him along with the others missing him too. Jason dosent belong there and its doing him no good. The sooner we can get him out the better. And how are you this morning Wyatt?"

*Lockheart lets out some air in her lips pushing herself up from the chair to look at the file Reese put down. Skimming through it Lockheart looks up at Reese.*

"As long as we can get Sheriff Brown to believe us I am 100% sure we can pull this off. I can build a pritty solid case with everything you guys have collected and we should be good at golden.I cant promise TJY wont be shut down but I can Do everything to keep everyone out of jail. I think we have a chanse at this. I really do.*

*Damien comes in from the barn and pick up the phone after being told he had a car.*

"Oh Hey Mick."

*Damien thinks for a long moment on Mick's question. It was a hard question to answer but Damien new what he had to do and he prayed on it for a long while. It couldent let BJ suffer. Damien lets out a long sigh a hint of sadness in his voice.*

" Its a hard desistion to make Mick and I hope you dont think low of me but, I think the best option would be to find BJ an addiquit home other than with me. Put his up for adoption. The time I have spent with my son I have loved, and I have grown very font of him. But I am still tryiung to find my own path in life, and I am not stable enough to take care of a child. I couldent let BJ suffer. If he was with a more stable family with people who new where there path in life was leading BJ would have a chanse at a good life and thats whats important to me for my son."

*Damien lets out a long sigh. As a silent tear ran down his face. Over the last months he had spend much time with BJ, and loved everymoment of it. He had spend much time catching up with his son and now he was going to lose him again. It hurt but Damien new it was the right thing to do.*

It Starts

Scott eats supper with Katie and soon resumes work for just another hour or two. Saying goodnight, his eyes linger on her for just a moment before he heads out.

Stretched out on his couch with Domino curled up beside him, Scott flips through the tv channels until finding a science show. But his mind is elsewhere. What had happened in the last few days? It felt like everything had changed. One minute he was the same old bumbling idiot just holding down his job, and the next he was stealing someone else's girlfriend and enjoying it to boot. Was he wrong?

He was twenty-five and had never had anyone he'd call a girlfriend. He would have thought he'd feel awkward now...but it felt so natural with Katie. When he was around her, she did something to him...she drew him out of the mold he'd been stuck in, whether she realized it or not. He'd liked her since he'd met her, but now...it was different. Actually spending time with her had put a whole new spin on things...but it was one he liked.

Scott wondered for a moment if Katie truly returned feelings for him. Did she, or was she just trying to find anybody to fill the hole that Jason was leaving? It was an awfully hard hole to fill, and Scott knew it. But something told him that Katie's reactions to him were genuine...she was just as willing to try out this new adventure as he was. She was lonely...she was hurt...and he just happened to be at the right place at the right time...it seemed coincidental, but Scott wasn't convinced there wasn't a master plan here somewhere.

He did feel a little guilty that Jason was still in prison, waiting for Katie when this was going on. But...if Katie hadn't wanted it, she would have withdrawn. And she hadn't. She'd actually encouraged Scott to pursue something more...he couldn't blame her for drifting from Jason. He'd heard Jason had been changing...and that change couldn't be healthy for his relationship with Katie.

Sighing, Scott rubs Domino's head in thought. "Lord, what am I doing?" he prays silently. "Was this Your idea or just mine that got carried away?" Scott can't help but feel a small amount of peace. He knew his answer. Katie needed someone right now...and to feel needed was something Scott had never experienced. He was there for a reason, and could only hope that the future held good things for both of them, whether they stayed together or not. Right now....today...he was needed, had feelings for Katie...and he would live in the moment God had given.


Wyatt chuckles at Aerith. "I was here first - wouldn't that mean you were following me?" Knowing that she probably knew no one else here, he nods toward the next room where everyone was gathering for that morning's worship service. "Come on. You can find your own seat or sit with me - I'm not with anyone this morning." He glances towards her purse. "And you know I'll behave when you've got that thing around."

Church brings encouragement, peace, and the refreshing start to the week that is needed. Once people start filing back outside, Wyatt catches Aerith by the door. "Good to see you, Aerith. At this rate, our paths are bound to cross again, so I think it's safe to say that I'll see you around."

After church, Scott stays home, opting not to put in extra hours at TJY. He was getting burned out the way it was, and knew he needed the rest. Taking his phone off the hook and shutting off his cell phone, he provides himself with peace and quiet, turning on some music, and taking a much needed break. If there was a dire emergency, people knew where to find him.
Domino seems to enjoy him being home all day too, and in between naps, insists on games of fetch in the living room.


Carson hits the sidewalk running. The sun wasn't quiet up yet, and the early morning sky was gray. Wearing his black sweatpants and hoodie he paces himself at a fast jog, taking route down ally ways and across the park to make quick time of looping across town. His sneakers pound the concrete, not missing a beat. Resuming his morning routine felt good.

A familiar sight comes into view and Carson grins, his mischievous eyes hidden under his baseball cap. Sprinting up to Misty's, he knows which window is hers, and barely pauses to bang his palm on the frame and raise his voice. "Rise and shine! It's butt kickin' time!"

Not even stopping, he goes back the way he came, aiming for the sidewalk again. He knew once he got back to his apartment, he could shower and walk the few blocks to TJY.

"Monin', Katie." Wyatt pauses at Katie's cubicle and gives her a smile. He studies her eyes for several moments as if questions are on the tip of his tongue but something holds him back. "So...we might be one step closer to bringing Jason home...how ya feeling?"

Laura gives Nate a little smile and returns his hug. Slowly...slowly the awkwardness was fading. It took a conscious effort to keep fear pushed out of the way, but gradually, she was learning how. And it felt good. Enjoying Nate instead of fearing him felt good.

Watching Nate leave, Laura sighs with content. No matter what happened after this...no matter what happened with TJY...she had no regrets.

As she sits back down, she notices the door open again and Scott enters. Laura's eyebrows rise. Last week he'd come in once without having had time to look like his usual self after Domino had given him a run for his money. Today he had almost the same look...except this time it appeared to be intentional.

Laura gives him a once over, seeing his bluejeans, plain navy tee, lack of glasses and... she stops. Did Scott actually have is hair roughed up on purpose? "Where is Scott and what did you do with him?!" she asks, almost laughing.

Scott's eyes narrow as he tries to keep the blood from rushing to his face. "Got a problem?"

"Oh, no." Laura's eyes twinkle. "You ah...just..."

Scott stops at her cubicle and quirks one eyebrow, bracing himself for the teasing he knew was going to come. "Just what?"

"Surprised me?"

Scott smirks. "Yeah, yeah, I know. A guy can't look different around here without everybody taking note of it."

Laura opens her mouth to tease, but suddenly sees something in Scott's eye that she hadn't before. He didn't like the teasing. For years, he'd taken the ribbing about his looks, and had even thrown a few jabs at himself, creating the impression that he was confident enough to take it without caring, and finding amusement in himself. But today...Laura realizes that something has either changed, or Scott was finally letting his true feelings be known, which was that he didn't appreciate that kind of attention.

Switching gears, Laura gives him an approving nod. "I like it," she compliments. "You should be yourself more often."

Scott wasn't quite expecting that, and finally grows red in the face. Turning, he heads for his own desk. "Catch you later."

Laura watches him go, and immediately swivels around to her computer, sending an instant message to Susanne.

Scott passes by Katie's cubicle, seeing Wyatt there. He simply gives a little wave and keeps going. "Morning, Katie...Wyatt."

Wyatt turns for just a moment, unable to help but notice a difference in Scott. He looks back at Katie, those same unvoiced questions lingering.


He rolls his eyes at Susanne's desperate tone as he tosses his backpack under his desk. "Coming, coming!" He heads off the main floor into her office. "Please tell me your computer blew up so we can just get you a new one."

Susanne chuckles and shakes her head. "Sorry. I can't get the thing to stop freezing every time I open my program."

"Alright." Scott sighs and shoos her out of her chair so he can sit at her desk and figure out what was wrong.

As he works, Susanne quirks a little smile. "Nice look."

Scott glances up at her briefly, finding her statement actually genuine. Maybe this wasn't so bad after all. He turns back to his work. "Thanks."

"Alright..." Reese throws down a file on his desk, concentrating on discussing the day with Lockheart. "I called the station over in the next county, and we have an appointment with Sheriff Brown at ten o'clock this morning."

He leans back in his chair, thinking. "Here's what I think we should do...I think it's only fair that we state why we're there...that we think Jason was treated unfairly, etc. Then if we're given the opportunity, we can start explaining about the Agency, and in turn, we know all of that because of TJY..."

Reese shakes his head. "It's an awful lot for anyone to swallow, but I think our only choice is to simply lay it all out. The only thing we can keep hidden is a threat to go to the media...that could really screw up the department if the media thinks there's an innocent man in jail, or if the cops around here aren't doing their jobs, or anything like that."

"I've got records here..." He taps his folder. "Of cases that TJY has helped with over the years. The ones here are just ones that I know the law will have records of strange occurrences, or of outside help by unknown people. Obviously, TJY was involved in those, and so we can give Sheriff Brown examples of how we've helped the law. I've also got records here of unsolved cases, that can only imply there was someone outside at work - which would be the Agency. I've got names of some bad cops too, to build that case."

Reese sighs deeply. "I'm going to have Scott back here ready to give an example of our capabilities if we have to.... If we can just convince Brown that first, we're real, and second, that we're on his side...we might have a chance of him believing Jason's innocence. ....What do you think?"

"Damien...it's Mick." Mick holds his phone up to his ear as he sits in the corner of the mess hall. "Look, some of us have been talking here...Austin told us that things might start getting ugly if things over at TJY don't go as planned. And...I'm worried about BJ. I don't what to push you, but have you made any decisions? I don't want him to be lost and alone if something goes down. If the law gets involved and he doesn't have a family...well, I don't know where he'd end up."


*Katie hugs Wyatt back tightly. His actions showed and proved what was undsaid. Katie new the futrue was still dark with storm clouds but the sun would shine and keep Katie warm. To be there when she would need it the most.

Taking her place in the other chair Katie rolls it closer to Scott and the food. Katie cant help but giggle as she watchs Scott squint at the food and everything around him.

Before starting to eat and answering Scott's question KAtie reaches down and runs a hand over her ankle.*

"Its swallen and it hurts but its not broken. I'm just going to have to see if I can get an act bandage from the infermary and wrap it. Once the swelling goes down I'll be fine."

*Katie smiles at Scott and starts to eat the meal she made feeling content for the moment.*

~*~ Sunday Morning~*~

*As Wyatt makes his way over Aerith smiles grows. She was happy that she at least new ones person who she could chat with. Even though this was a new church Aerith new it wouldent take her long to warm up. She would always say chruch was the one place no matter where she was would feel comfortable.*

"Morning. Yes it would seem I am finding my way slowly. I'm sure by next week I should be ok with know where a few things are. Its a plesent saprise to see this is your church0. But if you dont watch it I might start thinking your following me."

*Aerith lets out a small laugh and smiles her eyes beaming this morning proving she was happy to be here.*

~*~Monday Morning~*~

*Lockheart wakes leting out a yawn. It was 7:00 and she just dident want to get up. Her body was tired and her mind was worn but the battle was still being faught and she couldent surender now. She would have plenty of time to catch up once Jason was home. Starting a pot of coffee Lockheart gathers her things today Reese and herself were going to see Sheriff Brown. When the coffee is done and Lockheart is dressed she heads out the door and to TJY. Once there she heads right for Reese office.*

*Jamie enter the main floor giving a yawn and rubbing her eyes. Her weekend had been pretty good and she got to spend some time with Con yesterday morning that made it even better. In the morning they went to church and than they had lunch afterwords before Con had to head in.

As Jamie sits at her desk her mind starts to wonder. Jamie new what it was like to be away from a loved one. To get someone you care away taken away. She dident want that to happen to Katie and Jason. They had both been through enough they shouldent have to suffer more. See Katie on saterday and seeing how distraught she looked drove Jamie to want to work even harder to help Jason.

Jamie starts on her paper work for the day than sifts to a bunch of files Susanne and herself had been looking though trying to find anything they might of missed.*

*As Nate makes his way across the floor with his trusty coffee mug his first stop is Laura's desk. Giving her a kiss on the head and a smile.*

"Morning Beautiful."

*Nate takes Laura in a strong but soft embrace. Today seemed like it was going to be a good day. After finishing greeting Laura for the morning Nate makes his way to Reese office to find out what was on the list for today.*

*Katie is the next to enter TJY. She was exsausted this morning but was feeling pretty good. Last night she had a bad ebisode with Jason and his feeling but Katie sit and tryed to block them outherself. She failed at doing so but she held the wall up for alittle bit. If she keeped working on it she would sure to master it. Walking across the floor Katie stops at Scott's desk but see he is not in yet finishing her walk to her own. Turning on her computer she jumps right into the files Scott and herself were looking at on Saterday.*

Puzzle Piece

Scott can feel Katie’s raw emotions and understands that this is not easy for her. He can tell that she wants more with him, but feels torn. He feels awkward himself, knowing what he wants, but hurling himself into the path of an oncoming train like this wasn’t something he normally did. But this time…it was worth it.

Without further explanation, Scott knows what the near future held, and it was going to be none too easy on Katie. But he would be there for her…and all he had to do was wait. The look in her eye told him that he had her now…but until she was truly free from Jason, he would have to wait.

Reaching up, Scott runs his finger down the side of Katie’s face, feeling a compassion…a tenderness he’s never expressed before. “I like it too,” he replies quietly.

He pulls Katie into a strong hug, feeling as though the puzzle piece that’s been missing all his life has finally been found. And now…that piece would be set aside until he could put it in place. But he knew it was there.

Finally drawing away, Scott lets Katie slide off his lap and into the other chair, knowing that no more needed to be said now.

He takes his broken glasses and tosses them in the trash, then squints at the plates Katie brought in. “Mmm…that looks good.” Before digging in though, he glances down at Katie’s ankle. “Did you hurt yourself?”

…and an unseen witness stands to the side, a strange feeling settling over them for what they’d just seen…

Con sighs and just shakes his head. “You ARE too good to me, Jamie. I don’t know how I could ever ask for more.”

Though in a strange place for a picnic, it couldn’t have been more peaceful. Con thoroughly enjoyed Jamie’s surprise, and felt so blessed to have a woman who was willing to go out of her way to spend time with him, even when his job kept getting in the way.

Yes…it was a good night.

Wyatt carries on a conversation with several friends, looking up every once in a while as people came through the door, or as others greeted him.

Seeing movement at the entrance again, he looks up, his eyebrows raising. Aerith. It was a pleasant surprise. Wyatt excuses himself from his friends and approaches her with a grin.

“Well good morning, sunshine. Looks like you’re finding your way around quite well.”

Change on the wind

*As Katie looks into Scott's eyes as he draws close she can see the emotions, the words unspoken. Katie's heart races and she could feel Scott's warmth. As Scott's lips brush hers it feel like an exlaption in her mind, than kissing her again an explotion in her heart of light.*

As Scott draws away Katie stairs into his eyes. Searching for her answers. She is confused, unsure but she knows she dident hate the feeling. The Light she saw when she was sick was there again, brighter chansing away the shadows to reveal her path. And standing on the paths was Scott. Katie's mind for a moment wonders to jason as she feels sad. Jason had changed and as much as she wanted to ignore it she new he did. She could tell by his letters, let left her feeling alone, scaired, and in darkness. Yes Katie still loved Jason. But was the the Jason she once new that was no longer present the one she loved? Yes Katie would still work to get Jason out, but after that the path was uncealr, other than she new Scott was something good in her life to help her thought this rough time.

Katie can feel a tear form in her eye. What she new was coming hurt. but she new it would come sooner or later. Still looking into Scott's eyes Katie speaks softly.*

"I'm...tired of feeling alone and I am tired of being in the darkness. Change is in the winds, the storm will roll in, but the sun will come out again."

*Katie's arms tighten alittle around Scott's neck.*

"When I am with you Scott I can see the sun feel its warmth, and I like it. I like it alot."

*Nate smiles at Laura and stands helping her with her coat and giving her a kiss on the head. As they make there way out of TJY Nate locks hands with Laura and heads for the car.

On the way to Nate's he and Laura try to decied where to go. and in the end decied mayeb Maggie should pick this time.*

*Jamie smiles as she receaves Nates kiss. Siting up she folds her legs up and hugs them feeling excited Con liked the saprise. Stanging and walking over to Con's car she starts to open containers.*

"We have steak with mushrooms, Corn, noodles, and cranberry sause. Than for desert we have apple pie."

*Jamie beams as she starts to dish everything out and pour some lemonaid.*

"I also have some ice/hot in my purse if you need a nice shoulder rub."

*Jamie cant help but smile more. She loved every moment she spend with Con even if it was in the strangest ways. If it was with Con it was perfect. And what would be more wonderful than eating dinner, under the stars with the one you love.*


Scott straightens up with a scoff. “Yeah, you win, contacts it is. I’m tired of spending money for new glasses.”

Katie’s stumble takes him off guard, and as she falls into his lap, he automatically catches her around her waist. He stares back into her eyes for a moment, not realizing that his pulse has quickened. Holding her this close sends his mind reeling and his heart racing.

Scott feels her warmth…her arms around his neck. His intentions from two nights prior to step back seem to fade away as he becomes lost in Katie’s gaze. He’d promised not to advance…he’d promised not to get in between he and Jason…she’d said it wasn’t the right time…

All sense flies out the window. Without even thinking, Scott leans in a little closer, his eyes not leaving Katie’s. They didn’t stop him…they didn’t tell him to back off… He wanted to relive the moment they’d shared two nights ago…

Before he knows it, his eyes are closed and his lips are brushing lightly against hers…then returning for a kiss. His hand is gentle on her back, holding her on his lap. His soft exchange proves an emotion that had been suppressed for longer than he’d care to admit.

Gradually drawing away, Scott swallows hard. He’d crossed the line a second time… He searches Katie’s eyes for something that would tell him if he’d been wrong.

As Nate lays his hands on Laura’s shoulders, she tenses for just a moment, taken a little by surprise. But the gentle neck rub felt too good, and she could feel her shoulders drop as she closes her eyes. Nate’s hands were warm…strong but gentle…

As he moves to wrap his arms around her, she leans her head back against him, and puts a hand up to run her fingers along his forearm. For once…she just felt good.

“I’d love to get out of here,” she responds. “I’m starving.”

Con clocks out and trudges wearily to the exit. It was getting dark…the load had taken an hour longer than anticipated.

Making his way across the parking lot, his eyes are to the ground until he nears, and he suddenly realizes that something is odd. Coming closer, a smile spreads on his face as he sees Jamie and the makeshift picnic.

Stopping at the bumper of her car, he looks at her for a moment and shakes his head. Leaning down, he braces himself with his arms, hovering over Jamie. “You’re too good to me, you know that?”

He plants a quick kiss on her lips, then straightens up again, rubbing his sore shoulder. “So what did you so graciously bring this big ol’ brute tonight, other than your sweet company?”