
It Starts

Scott eats supper with Katie and soon resumes work for just another hour or two. Saying goodnight, his eyes linger on her for just a moment before he heads out.

Stretched out on his couch with Domino curled up beside him, Scott flips through the tv channels until finding a science show. But his mind is elsewhere. What had happened in the last few days? It felt like everything had changed. One minute he was the same old bumbling idiot just holding down his job, and the next he was stealing someone else's girlfriend and enjoying it to boot. Was he wrong?

He was twenty-five and had never had anyone he'd call a girlfriend. He would have thought he'd feel awkward now...but it felt so natural with Katie. When he was around her, she did something to him...she drew him out of the mold he'd been stuck in, whether she realized it or not. He'd liked her since he'd met her, but now...it was different. Actually spending time with her had put a whole new spin on things...but it was one he liked.

Scott wondered for a moment if Katie truly returned feelings for him. Did she, or was she just trying to find anybody to fill the hole that Jason was leaving? It was an awfully hard hole to fill, and Scott knew it. But something told him that Katie's reactions to him were genuine...she was just as willing to try out this new adventure as he was. She was lonely...she was hurt...and he just happened to be at the right place at the right time...it seemed coincidental, but Scott wasn't convinced there wasn't a master plan here somewhere.

He did feel a little guilty that Jason was still in prison, waiting for Katie when this was going on. But...if Katie hadn't wanted it, she would have withdrawn. And she hadn't. She'd actually encouraged Scott to pursue something more...he couldn't blame her for drifting from Jason. He'd heard Jason had been changing...and that change couldn't be healthy for his relationship with Katie.

Sighing, Scott rubs Domino's head in thought. "Lord, what am I doing?" he prays silently. "Was this Your idea or just mine that got carried away?" Scott can't help but feel a small amount of peace. He knew his answer. Katie needed someone right now...and to feel needed was something Scott had never experienced. He was there for a reason, and could only hope that the future held good things for both of them, whether they stayed together or not. Right now....today...he was needed, had feelings for Katie...and he would live in the moment God had given.


Wyatt chuckles at Aerith. "I was here first - wouldn't that mean you were following me?" Knowing that she probably knew no one else here, he nods toward the next room where everyone was gathering for that morning's worship service. "Come on. You can find your own seat or sit with me - I'm not with anyone this morning." He glances towards her purse. "And you know I'll behave when you've got that thing around."

Church brings encouragement, peace, and the refreshing start to the week that is needed. Once people start filing back outside, Wyatt catches Aerith by the door. "Good to see you, Aerith. At this rate, our paths are bound to cross again, so I think it's safe to say that I'll see you around."

After church, Scott stays home, opting not to put in extra hours at TJY. He was getting burned out the way it was, and knew he needed the rest. Taking his phone off the hook and shutting off his cell phone, he provides himself with peace and quiet, turning on some music, and taking a much needed break. If there was a dire emergency, people knew where to find him.
Domino seems to enjoy him being home all day too, and in between naps, insists on games of fetch in the living room.


Carson hits the sidewalk running. The sun wasn't quiet up yet, and the early morning sky was gray. Wearing his black sweatpants and hoodie he paces himself at a fast jog, taking route down ally ways and across the park to make quick time of looping across town. His sneakers pound the concrete, not missing a beat. Resuming his morning routine felt good.

A familiar sight comes into view and Carson grins, his mischievous eyes hidden under his baseball cap. Sprinting up to Misty's, he knows which window is hers, and barely pauses to bang his palm on the frame and raise his voice. "Rise and shine! It's butt kickin' time!"

Not even stopping, he goes back the way he came, aiming for the sidewalk again. He knew once he got back to his apartment, he could shower and walk the few blocks to TJY.

"Monin', Katie." Wyatt pauses at Katie's cubicle and gives her a smile. He studies her eyes for several moments as if questions are on the tip of his tongue but something holds him back. "So...we might be one step closer to bringing Jason home...how ya feeling?"

Laura gives Nate a little smile and returns his hug. Slowly...slowly the awkwardness was fading. It took a conscious effort to keep fear pushed out of the way, but gradually, she was learning how. And it felt good. Enjoying Nate instead of fearing him felt good.

Watching Nate leave, Laura sighs with content. No matter what happened after this...no matter what happened with TJY...she had no regrets.

As she sits back down, she notices the door open again and Scott enters. Laura's eyebrows rise. Last week he'd come in once without having had time to look like his usual self after Domino had given him a run for his money. Today he had almost the same look...except this time it appeared to be intentional.

Laura gives him a once over, seeing his bluejeans, plain navy tee, lack of glasses and... she stops. Did Scott actually have is hair roughed up on purpose? "Where is Scott and what did you do with him?!" she asks, almost laughing.

Scott's eyes narrow as he tries to keep the blood from rushing to his face. "Got a problem?"

"Oh, no." Laura's eyes twinkle. "You ah...just..."

Scott stops at her cubicle and quirks one eyebrow, bracing himself for the teasing he knew was going to come. "Just what?"

"Surprised me?"

Scott smirks. "Yeah, yeah, I know. A guy can't look different around here without everybody taking note of it."

Laura opens her mouth to tease, but suddenly sees something in Scott's eye that she hadn't before. He didn't like the teasing. For years, he'd taken the ribbing about his looks, and had even thrown a few jabs at himself, creating the impression that he was confident enough to take it without caring, and finding amusement in himself. But today...Laura realizes that something has either changed, or Scott was finally letting his true feelings be known, which was that he didn't appreciate that kind of attention.

Switching gears, Laura gives him an approving nod. "I like it," she compliments. "You should be yourself more often."

Scott wasn't quite expecting that, and finally grows red in the face. Turning, he heads for his own desk. "Catch you later."

Laura watches him go, and immediately swivels around to her computer, sending an instant message to Susanne.

Scott passes by Katie's cubicle, seeing Wyatt there. He simply gives a little wave and keeps going. "Morning, Katie...Wyatt."

Wyatt turns for just a moment, unable to help but notice a difference in Scott. He looks back at Katie, those same unvoiced questions lingering.


He rolls his eyes at Susanne's desperate tone as he tosses his backpack under his desk. "Coming, coming!" He heads off the main floor into her office. "Please tell me your computer blew up so we can just get you a new one."

Susanne chuckles and shakes her head. "Sorry. I can't get the thing to stop freezing every time I open my program."

"Alright." Scott sighs and shoos her out of her chair so he can sit at her desk and figure out what was wrong.

As he works, Susanne quirks a little smile. "Nice look."

Scott glances up at her briefly, finding her statement actually genuine. Maybe this wasn't so bad after all. He turns back to his work. "Thanks."

"Alright..." Reese throws down a file on his desk, concentrating on discussing the day with Lockheart. "I called the station over in the next county, and we have an appointment with Sheriff Brown at ten o'clock this morning."

He leans back in his chair, thinking. "Here's what I think we should do...I think it's only fair that we state why we're there...that we think Jason was treated unfairly, etc. Then if we're given the opportunity, we can start explaining about the Agency, and in turn, we know all of that because of TJY..."

Reese shakes his head. "It's an awful lot for anyone to swallow, but I think our only choice is to simply lay it all out. The only thing we can keep hidden is a threat to go to the media...that could really screw up the department if the media thinks there's an innocent man in jail, or if the cops around here aren't doing their jobs, or anything like that."

"I've got records here..." He taps his folder. "Of cases that TJY has helped with over the years. The ones here are just ones that I know the law will have records of strange occurrences, or of outside help by unknown people. Obviously, TJY was involved in those, and so we can give Sheriff Brown examples of how we've helped the law. I've also got records here of unsolved cases, that can only imply there was someone outside at work - which would be the Agency. I've got names of some bad cops too, to build that case."

Reese sighs deeply. "I'm going to have Scott back here ready to give an example of our capabilities if we have to.... If we can just convince Brown that first, we're real, and second, that we're on his side...we might have a chance of him believing Jason's innocence. ....What do you think?"

"Damien...it's Mick." Mick holds his phone up to his ear as he sits in the corner of the mess hall. "Look, some of us have been talking here...Austin told us that things might start getting ugly if things over at TJY don't go as planned. And...I'm worried about BJ. I don't what to push you, but have you made any decisions? I don't want him to be lost and alone if something goes down. If the law gets involved and he doesn't have a family...well, I don't know where he'd end up."

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