

*Katie hugs Wyatt back tightly. His actions showed and proved what was undsaid. Katie new the futrue was still dark with storm clouds but the sun would shine and keep Katie warm. To be there when she would need it the most.

Taking her place in the other chair Katie rolls it closer to Scott and the food. Katie cant help but giggle as she watchs Scott squint at the food and everything around him.

Before starting to eat and answering Scott's question KAtie reaches down and runs a hand over her ankle.*

"Its swallen and it hurts but its not broken. I'm just going to have to see if I can get an act bandage from the infermary and wrap it. Once the swelling goes down I'll be fine."

*Katie smiles at Scott and starts to eat the meal she made feeling content for the moment.*

~*~ Sunday Morning~*~

*As Wyatt makes his way over Aerith smiles grows. She was happy that she at least new ones person who she could chat with. Even though this was a new church Aerith new it wouldent take her long to warm up. She would always say chruch was the one place no matter where she was would feel comfortable.*

"Morning. Yes it would seem I am finding my way slowly. I'm sure by next week I should be ok with know where a few things are. Its a plesent saprise to see this is your church0. But if you dont watch it I might start thinking your following me."

*Aerith lets out a small laugh and smiles her eyes beaming this morning proving she was happy to be here.*

~*~Monday Morning~*~

*Lockheart wakes leting out a yawn. It was 7:00 and she just dident want to get up. Her body was tired and her mind was worn but the battle was still being faught and she couldent surender now. She would have plenty of time to catch up once Jason was home. Starting a pot of coffee Lockheart gathers her things today Reese and herself were going to see Sheriff Brown. When the coffee is done and Lockheart is dressed she heads out the door and to TJY. Once there she heads right for Reese office.*

*Jamie enter the main floor giving a yawn and rubbing her eyes. Her weekend had been pretty good and she got to spend some time with Con yesterday morning that made it even better. In the morning they went to church and than they had lunch afterwords before Con had to head in.

As Jamie sits at her desk her mind starts to wonder. Jamie new what it was like to be away from a loved one. To get someone you care away taken away. She dident want that to happen to Katie and Jason. They had both been through enough they shouldent have to suffer more. See Katie on saterday and seeing how distraught she looked drove Jamie to want to work even harder to help Jason.

Jamie starts on her paper work for the day than sifts to a bunch of files Susanne and herself had been looking though trying to find anything they might of missed.*

*As Nate makes his way across the floor with his trusty coffee mug his first stop is Laura's desk. Giving her a kiss on the head and a smile.*

"Morning Beautiful."

*Nate takes Laura in a strong but soft embrace. Today seemed like it was going to be a good day. After finishing greeting Laura for the morning Nate makes his way to Reese office to find out what was on the list for today.*

*Katie is the next to enter TJY. She was exsausted this morning but was feeling pretty good. Last night she had a bad ebisode with Jason and his feeling but Katie sit and tryed to block them outherself. She failed at doing so but she held the wall up for alittle bit. If she keeped working on it she would sure to master it. Walking across the floor Katie stops at Scott's desk but see he is not in yet finishing her walk to her own. Turning on her computer she jumps right into the files Scott and herself were looking at on Saterday.*

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