

*Misty's eyes shoot open as she jumps out of bed at the sound for a loud pound on her window. Hearing the voice Carson's voice Misty cant help but get a grain on her face. Still in her black pants, and white tanktop she turns to the door swinging it open to step on the pourch. Seeing Carson slowly disapear she yall after.*


*Misty turns and heads back inside. What a way to wake, most people would think it rude and disrespectful but Misty loved it. Heading into the shower Misty takes only a few moment before jumping out and geting dressed in her bluejeans and light green tank top. Misty braids her hair today and puts on alittle bit of makeup. Heading back into the living room Misty feed and waters Romieo and Juliet. Grabing a banana Misty heads out the door again hoping into her car and racing down the road to try and get to TJY before Carson.*

*Kaite looks up from her desk as Wyatt approches.*

"Morning Wyatt."

*Katie is about to answer Wyatt when Scott walks by with his greeting. Grinning Katie gives a wave back to Scott.*

"Morning Scott."

* Katie watches as Scott walks past He was dressed as "himself" again today. It made Katie smile. Katie goes back to her work. Remembering Wyatt had asked her a question she looks up.*

"I'm feeling good. I hope this works and Jason will be able to come home. I've missed him along with the others missing him too. Jason dosent belong there and its doing him no good. The sooner we can get him out the better. And how are you this morning Wyatt?"

*Lockheart lets out some air in her lips pushing herself up from the chair to look at the file Reese put down. Skimming through it Lockheart looks up at Reese.*

"As long as we can get Sheriff Brown to believe us I am 100% sure we can pull this off. I can build a pritty solid case with everything you guys have collected and we should be good at golden.I cant promise TJY wont be shut down but I can Do everything to keep everyone out of jail. I think we have a chanse at this. I really do.*

*Damien comes in from the barn and pick up the phone after being told he had a car.*

"Oh Hey Mick."

*Damien thinks for a long moment on Mick's question. It was a hard question to answer but Damien new what he had to do and he prayed on it for a long while. It couldent let BJ suffer. Damien lets out a long sigh a hint of sadness in his voice.*

" Its a hard desistion to make Mick and I hope you dont think low of me but, I think the best option would be to find BJ an addiquit home other than with me. Put his up for adoption. The time I have spent with my son I have loved, and I have grown very font of him. But I am still tryiung to find my own path in life, and I am not stable enough to take care of a child. I couldent let BJ suffer. If he was with a more stable family with people who new where there path in life was leading BJ would have a chanse at a good life and thats whats important to me for my son."

*Damien lets out a long sigh. As a silent tear ran down his face. Over the last months he had spend much time with BJ, and loved everymoment of it. He had spend much time catching up with his son and now he was going to lose him again. It hurt but Damien new it was the right thing to do.*

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