

Ryder leans over the back of the couch beside Thirteen, cocking his head so he can see her face. "Yeah... if you want it to be. It's the only thing I can think of, unless you want to go back to the spare room at TJY. Pretty soon Laura will be gone and you'll get a room all yours too. What do you think about that?"

Gage turns to look over his shoulder as Hal pushes him along towards the exit. His eyes catch Sapphire's for a moment until he has to look where he's going.

Getting outside, he breathes in the cool evening air. The rain had stopped and the air was damp. But it felt oh-so good. Closing his eyes, he leans back against the building, ignoring the fact that his hands were cuffed and Hal was right there.

Being outside of the building had never felt so relieving before. With hardly any contact with anyone at all, he had feared losing his mind. At least he'd started to make one friend... kind of. Losing hope that anyone from the Agency would come and rescue him, a small light had started to glimmer. Whenever Sapphire had been allowed to bring him his meals, or if she'd been staying late, he at least had someone other than Hal or Reese talk to him. He never said much in return... he mostly just listened. She laughed and he didn't. But he liked the way she smiled and the way she didn't seem to think badly of him. A few chats were all they had, but it was more than he had with anyone else at this point. He wondered if he would get to continue seeing Sapphire, if they moved him somewhere else.


Gage opens his eyes back up to look at Hal, giving a sigh. No, he wasn't. He wanted to stay out here all night if just to be outside the building. His tired gaze proved it, but he nods anyway. Beggars couldn't be choosers.

Walking back inside, it was back down through the line of cubicles. This time he dares to look around a little more, though his head was low, trying to avoid much attention. He knew that around here, he was an outcast. He was the enemy.

Nearing the corner, a woman comes out of nowhere. Her arms were full of papers. No one has time to stop, and the three-person collision sends papers all over the floor.

Susanne gives a little cry as she stumbles backward, all of her files going every which-way. Hal trips and lands against a cubicle, trying not to hit Susanne. Gage tries not to fall, but his foot slides on a piece of paper over the tiled floor. With his hands cuffed behind his back, he has no way to keep his balance or to catch himself.

Going down hard, he falls backward, his head taking the brunt of it. Wincing, he feels a wave of pain and dizziness roll through his skull. He blinks and realizes that he's partway into Sapphire's cubicle, disturbing her as well, and his face reddens slightly, still remaining silent.

Jason looks over to Katie in the passenger seat of his pickup and gives her a smile before they pull out of the hospital parking lot. "Alright, Hero, you ready to get out of here?" It was starting to get dark, but he'd left it up to her if she felt up to going somewhere to grab something to eat first, or if she just wanted to head home.

New Face

Giving a small smile Hope walks back to her desk and sits down.

"You to, I'll be waiting."

Hanging up the phone Hope holds it in her hands for a long moment before putting it back down with a small sigh.

Sifting through her paperwork she stops on a manila envilope that caught her eye as she raised her eyebrow. Strange her was getting something from the state. She'd reading in a few seconds after she looked at the rest of the mail.

Looking at the couch and than Ryder Thirteen almost felt like crying. After Brown had said she deserved her chance she didn't expect to let her stay at his place on the couch.

Walking over she just looks at the couch and than at Ryder before sitting down on it. Never had she felt something so soft and comfortable.

Turning and looking up at Ryder Thirteen gives a smile.

"This is really going to be...my my home?"

Hearing the door open Sapphire looks up from her paper work and see Gage. Giving a small soft smile as Gage pass by Sapphire ofers a small nod knowing she would probley see him again, and couldnt wait.


Silence on the line. Scott just looks at the ceiling, so wishing that things were different. His hand stops on Domino's head as he spots movement in the doorway. It was Gunner, eating a sandwich.

Gunner points to his watch. "Time's up. They'll track it."

Scott sighs as he walks away. "I gotta go," he mentions softly. "Thanks for calling, Hope... it was good to hear from you."

Rolling out of bed, he ambles to the window to look out. "I'll see you soon." He wasn't at all confident, but he had to say it... he had to keep praying he would be released soon. "Take care of yourself."

Ryder busies himself with a couple blankets and pillows, setting up the couch. Finished, he gestures Thirteen towards it. "You're not going back to TJY," he states flatly. 'They'll have to come and drag me out before that so... make yourself at home. This is your home now too."

Reese sits in his office, sifting through papers until he finally finds the one he's looking for. He'd written it up about two weeks ago, and had just been sitting on it. But it was time he did something about it. He needed to talk with Hope Garrison. In the meantime...

He picks up his phone. "Yeah, Hal? Go ahead with Gage, alright? Yeah. Just keep him close."

Gage lifts his head from his spot on the floor. He had no idea what day of the week it was, or even the date. Every day just ran together into one big muddled mess. But he didn't think it was mealtime.

Hal takes some cuffs off his belt. "Come on, Kid. Let's get you some fresh air."

"Fresh... air?"

"Yeah." Hal makes him stand up, and puts his cuffs on before taking him from the room. "You know... outside."

Gage hadn't been outside in almost two months. He hadn't even been near a window. "Wh... why?"

"Because... it's time."

Gage shuffles in front of Hal, looking around the hall nervously. Coming out on the main floor, his eyes are wide and nervous. There were a lot of people out here. The one desk closest holds a girl he's never seen before. The nameplate said Sapphire. His eyes catch hers for a moment before he's prompted towards the door.


Hope listens to Scott enjoying being able to hear his voice again that had a tiny bit of glimmer in it. Even when he became more serous there was still something in his voice that Hope could pick up on.

"I am sure Carson is doing his best and it will be over soon. He's good, and he knows where to look. It wont be long before he finds out your innocent I just know it."

Continuing to look out the window Hope lets out a small sigh. She wasn't Scott councler anymore but she was his friend and liked listing to him, and as a friend she liked to still offer help.

"Always keep a little Hope, a little faith. God will never leave you high and dry..."

Hope pauses for a moment before speaking again.

"..nether will I. No matter what I will be here for you."

Leaning her head aganst the glass for a moment Hope hears a knock at the door. Turning to look she saw her secritary holding the mail. Motioning for her to put it on the desk Hope turned back to the window.

"I miss you too very much Scott."

And she did. He sounded ok, everyone said he was doing ok but to see it with her own eyes would be a whole nother thing. Maybe on the way home from work she would get "lost" and see if maybe just maybe she could catch a glance.

Just want

Scott lifts his eyebrows at the mention of the pictures. "Naw... I don't mind. I think I've got some better ones here in the last month or so though, so I'll have to get you some new ones. I've got one of a rose that turned out really well."

Glancing down at Domino, he scratches her head. "Domino is doing fine, but she's bored out of her mind. All she wants in a romp in the park, but Gunner doesn't do dogs and I can't go anywhere so... she's stuck keeping me company here."

His eyes roam his room, then glance towards the sunlit window. "I wish I could go to the park too... it's been... lonely." His voice has returned to a more melancholy state, proving that though he was thrilled to be talking to Hope, there was still a serious matter here that was wearing on him.

"I just want this whole thing to be over... I just want to be... free again. But Carson's not finding anything and at this point... I'm running out of hope. I'd almost rather be told I'm going to prison, than to keep living in limbo like this."

Giving a sigh, he just lets silence rule for several moments, not minding the pause. "I miss you."

Little Ham

Hope cant help but laugh at Scott's comment happen to hear the humor in his voice and know just form the sound something had changed and maybe even been overcome.

"I guess that would be different huh? I don't like how I sound. Your voice it much more appealing than mine you know!"

Hope leans back in her chair and just looks up at the cealing for a long moment as the silence is turd on both ends. Finally talking again she humors Scott.

"Oh, thinks are going ok here. Business is kind of slow at the moment but I have a few regulers I have been seeing. I even hung a few of your pictures up in my office. One I like them and two I guess I wanted to have them so they could give other hope that they two could make it out of the darkness. I hope you dont mind to much. If you do I can take them down."

Giving another smile Hope stands and goes over to her windows to look out. It was nice out, the sun was shinning and she didnt have much to do. She wondered if Gunner would let her see Scott too.

"How is Domino doing? I miss the little ham."

Other way

Scott's eyes flash as he realizes just who is on the other end. Then a smile forms.

His cheeks grow just a little warm and he rolls over on his back to stare up at the ceiling. A light chuckle escapes.

"I'm doing... okay." He pauses, rerouting the start of their conversation. "What I want to know is what took you so long to try and call me."

Teasing, his smile could be heard in his voice. "How come I have to do the talking, hmm? Can we try to do it the other way around once?"