

Hope listens to Scott enjoying being able to hear his voice again that had a tiny bit of glimmer in it. Even when he became more serous there was still something in his voice that Hope could pick up on.

"I am sure Carson is doing his best and it will be over soon. He's good, and he knows where to look. It wont be long before he finds out your innocent I just know it."

Continuing to look out the window Hope lets out a small sigh. She wasn't Scott councler anymore but she was his friend and liked listing to him, and as a friend she liked to still offer help.

"Always keep a little Hope, a little faith. God will never leave you high and dry..."

Hope pauses for a moment before speaking again.

"..nether will I. No matter what I will be here for you."

Leaning her head aganst the glass for a moment Hope hears a knock at the door. Turning to look she saw her secritary holding the mail. Motioning for her to put it on the desk Hope turned back to the window.

"I miss you too very much Scott."

And she did. He sounded ok, everyone said he was doing ok but to see it with her own eyes would be a whole nother thing. Maybe on the way home from work she would get "lost" and see if maybe just maybe she could catch a glance.

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